Sunday 7 September 2014

Fathers Day xx

Today is fathers day in Australia so sending out Love and Light to all the Daddies of the nation I hope you have had a great day, my daughter came up and had lunch with us they arrived around the same time as the campers. Jessica loves her daddy so much as all kids do, the love you have for your parents is unconditional the same as it is for your kids, no matter what they do. In your heart you still love them as life without them would not be the same even if they are in heaven they still reside in your soul centre and are a part of your being because of the love that connects you.

To all those that have a dad in heaven he still loves you and watches over you, he would be proud of you no matter what your achievements are. My dad is 68 and in remission from leukemia and he is still working hard he was too crook at Christmas to work but as soon as he could he was back in his beloved truck and earthmovers as he lives to work and doesn't know what to do with himself if he isn't working, drinking and smoking, he is hard man and doesn't show much emotion I guess a lot of men are that way but you know they still love you regardless as they work so hard to look after and provide for you, even when you leave home they will lend a hand and money if you find yourself in a bind.
We are all responsible for our own energy that gets released
from our words and actions so choose wisely and go with love
based energy.

Love is eternal and lasts in your souls memory and in your akashic
record even when the outer shell of your body has deceased to function
and you return to spirit the love and compassion you have for another
will always live on in your heart through many lifetimes.

No matter what my love is always unconditional if you receive it
and feel it in your own soul it's yours.

Another awesome song from City of Angels
Goo Goo dolls - Iris
Sending love and light
receive it from me and
your Angels

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