I have drawn 3 cards and 2 are the same as last week so are you still stuck or have unresolved emotional issues. If so let it go give it to God and your Angels so you can move on..
You will get your own messages and guidance from above as you read my post listen to your heart and your thoughts to receive those messages then trust in yourself and in God that you are where you're meant to be at this current time, when it is time for change your heart will tell you.
DREAMS - Take notice of your dreams and daydreams as they are where you will find your guidance and your true Indigo soul and its meaning. If you have a dream you wish to manifest into being don't lose sight of it or worry about how it may come to you as it will in divine time when everything is where it should be worrying only delays that dream as worry causes blocking of energy as it is a negative energy. Your Angels have it under control you can't control how the Angels will make your dream happen just don't give up on that dream as it will happen Angels don't run by the clock as we do they are watching and waiting for that right time when you are ready to fulfil that dream as you may have a few more lessons to learn first.. So don't give up, hang in there and trust in your dreams and divine timing. Always have faith you are where you are meant to be at this time.
SEND LOVE - Okay we must be still stuck on this emotion are you holding back some emotions that are stuck in your heart blocking it from being opened, something must be going on to get this card again are you sending love to those in your heart you can do it by thought if you can't open up just imagine that person surrounded by a loving pink light you can also imagine yourself in this pink light if you are beating yourself up.. You need to replace any feelings of anger, frustration or any fear with love as it is a higher frequency emotion you need to let love in and out so don't build walls around that big heart in order to protect yourself from hurt you need to let love in, in order to hear your Angels I would give you some of the love I have in my heart as I have plenty to share but you need to be open to receive it the same with the Angels they are sending you love and support don't shut them out.
Some music Keith Urban - My heart is Open
Sending my Love and Light to all Indigo's
Open your heart in order to hear your Angels
and Spirit Guides to give you guidance
on this your life journey.
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