Saturday 29 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Forgive yourself xx

Good morning today looks to be another beautiful day with the sun shining I called on Archangel Michael for our daily guidance today I love to work with him.  Two of the boys went camping so I still have the big boy Michael (nearly 19) home playing with his vehicle which he seems to do a lot of.
Today and everyday we need to be gentle with our self as we are our own worse critic and a lot of our internal dialogue is to do with our own behaviour  or with how we have behaved in the past especially towards others. Well it is time to let the past go as those lessons were learnt and time heals all wounds so you don't need to carry around guilt, anger or any other negative vibe you put upon yourself. Take the lessons from those experiences and move on as your soul is crying out to live in the here and now not in your past. Reflect on how those experiences have helped you and your soul grow spiritually as that is what all our soul lessons are aiming for it is to have acceptance of our true self and for our soul to grow towards self-love, because to love yourself is to love others in a kind compassionate way. If you can harm your self you can also harm others whether it is using words, anger, physical, or psychological means so forgive your self first in order to forgive others that may of hurt you or who you may of hurt. Forgive others as well if they have hurt you as it will be for your own inner peace and it will help you move on emotionally.
A prayer on the card to Archangel Michael to help you to be kind to yourself.
Thank you Archangel Michael, God and all Angels love and light xx 

All compassionate hearts come from a place of unconditional
love it is not who you are but how you are feeling.
LOVE is the key to all our souls 
We are LOVE
God is LOVE
Spirit is LOVE
Angels are LOVE
Our Soul is LOVE
LOVE is a high vibrational energy
and we are all deserving of LOVE
unconditionally as to have conditions attached
is to have control over some one's emotions and life.
Rob Thomas - All that I am
When you love someone unconditionally you will give
them all that you are not an illusion of who they want
you to be.
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
Forgive yourself
for anything you may think
you have done in your life
in error as there are no
mistakes in life only lessons.
Have a great day

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