Sunday 2 November 2014

Indigo Angel messages xx

Hi I'm back with the Indigo Angel messages sending lots of love to all Indigo souls that read this post. I use the same method of drawing the cards from the deck as with the Mother Mary cards I explained in the previous post below only this time I ask "Archangels Michael, Metatron, Indigo Angels and God  if there are any messages for any Indigo souls that visit my blog" then I type up the thoughts that come to me again listen to your own thoughts and feelings to get your own personal guidance after reading my post, trust in yourself and God that the messages you are getting are real and from a divine source remember you still get the freewill choice of what path you follow as you are only being guided if you listen to your heart and act on it.
The Cards are:-
FREEDOM - Indigo souls seek your personal freedom by letting go of those emotions or situations that no longer serve you  don't hold on to people or situations that will bring you down, seek people out that will raise your energy vibration in a positive way if you wish to bring change into your life. You will attract those like minded people to you if you stay on a positive pathway, if you hang out with those negative people that is how your life will be stuck in the doldrums with them. The Angels and God are working with you to bring about that change you desire or dream about you however need to work with the angels by listening to the guidance given to you. Ask yourself what does freedom mean to me and then act on the answer you come up with. As an Indigo you don't like being controlled or manipulated or others to be treated that way either you think we all should have the freedom of choice and liberty and not to be controlled by rules and regulations that no longer work for the human race, as an Indigo you also place tough rules and regulations on your own soul and on your dreams in trying to control them and the outcome of those dreams we can't always be in control of everything or the outcome so continue to dream big and let your Angels and guides work out how they will come to you, just continue to trust in yourself, God and have faith those big dreams will be your reality soon enough don't try and control how they will come about because they will at the right time in your life.
NATURE - It sounds like you have been working hard and stressing a bit lately to clear your mind and to become more grounded you need to get out in Nature to clear the decks of your mind and to solve the problems you might be facing and which are causing you a bit of stress. Nature has a way of calming your soul so if you like to hike, fish, camp see if you can find the time to get out even if it is just going for a walk or sitting quietly on the beach or out in the park/garden watching the birds and bees do their thing in this beautiful spring weather please do it so you can release and let go of anything that may be stressing you out, release and ask Archangel Michael to get rid of all negative energy around you.
SELF REFLECTION - You must be doing a bit of soul searching still and reflecting on your past and who has been in your life and what they taught you as everyone that does come into our life is to teach our soul some lesson, maybe you are reflecting on how you left others life's and if it was not always on a happy note if that is what you have been thinking about you need to learn to forgive  those that hurt you, you need to learn to forgive and forget that hurt and don't seek revenge as that is not what our soul needs to learn, you also need to forgive yourself if you think you have treated others badly because they didn't see your point of view as that is the hard part for an Indigo soul forgiving yourself for any past wrongs as you can get a bit hot headed with your opinions and can't always see others point of view so you get angry at them but you also get angry at yourself for losing your temper and maybe saying some hurtful things to others. "Forgive them and yourself" while you are doing your self evaluations to see where your life is at and where you are going. Indigo souls should remember they do have a warrior spirit so are bound to get a bit hot headed at others,  they still carry a lot of guilt for their behaviour when they are less then diplomatic that is why they need to forgive and forget and not carry negative emotions with them on their life path as they are here for a very important purpose. If you are still self reflecting and looking for your life purpose keep soul searching as all the answers you seek are written in your soul look for that warrior of light within.
My Daily Guidance Angel card was Don't Worry
That goes for all of us as Worry and Stress are negative energies so that energy blocks the positive energy if that is where  your thoughts are, try not to worry as we are all divinely guided and everything always turns out how it should as everything  happens for a reason even if we don't know what that reason is at the time the reasons usually make themselves known further down the track.
Don't worry it will be turn out okay.
Open your heart break down that emotional wall you built in order to protect
your heart from being broken again let the Angels speak to you again as they talk
to you through your soul centre the heart with all the love they can muster. 
Music Harry Connick Jr

 Every Man
Great Lyrics be who you are as every man is different
you all have your life purpose and path to walk 
every man should know they are never alone
they are loved so much.
Sending Love and Light to
all Indigo souls.

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