Here is my little Katie I love her to bits
my cuddle time was too short she was
starving when she got here.
Here she is with her mummy she used to be that size once.
This mornings Angel message I left on MSN was:- I left it for Michael and Jason but it goes for everyone as well to be open and ready to receive your guidance of Claircognizance you need to open your heart, open your mind believe and have trust in yourself and in your angels for giving you the guidance you need for either you or someone that has come to you for help as you might be the deliverer of the message which will trigger the thought processes to get you where you need to go on your souls path.. everything and everyone that enters your life is either a coincidence or an accident as there are none because we are all divinely guided and if we follow that guidance and speak our mind you could be the divine messenger in someone's life.
Forgiveness is for your own peace of mind so you can let go of old emotions that no longer serve you once someone has hurt you.. let them go from your mind and your emotions so you can move on to better things.
How to stay centred and grounded so you aren't stuck in your own negativity from life events that may of hurt you, remember you can't change others actions, thoughts or what they feel you can only control all those things within yourself and react from how they treat you.
I found this quote online and this sounds like me I surround myself and others with unconditional love for life itself and to those that I interact with as I have never harmed anyone as to hurt some one else is to hurt me because I feel what others do as an empath and a very sensitive person to others emotions, I like to see people happy within themselves as it shows on the outside because our thoughts and emotions create our actions and to act out of fear is to use anger, hatred and negative energy and as a Crystal energy it is not in my psyche to do this. I would rather hurt myself then to hurt another human with my words or actions.. I will and do stick up for myself and others if I need to defend my truth and what I believe in and why I am here as I have a purpose in life as we all do and my life purpose is to Love and nurture any soul that crosses my path so I will only see the good in a person and ignore the human ego and fears when it shows up or when they direct it at me and recently I have copped it which does hurt me but not for too long as I can throw the negative energy back with out getting mean or nasty towards them, I do try to get them to look at their own behaviour and so far have used spirit to help me by seeing what it is they fear they probably don't take any notice as some people are just out to hurt and bully others because they don't understand life itself or why they act out in the first place it is because they have internal issues to deal with from their own personal life.
Open your heart and feel my love for you and all of humanity.
Song for tonight was on the radio as I drove home today.
I like Dreamin' - Kenny Nolan
Sending Love and Light
Only Love is real and eternal
When you find it you feel
like you are home
and whole again
because a part of your
soul was missing
you know when you
have found the other half
of your soul again as you can feel
them and their energy again in your
heart and soul..
This love is unconditional
Sweet dreams
Love you always
Clairsentience (clear feeling) and Claircognizance (clear knowing) are my 2 strongest clairs as there are 4 Clairaudience (clear hearing) I have experienced this once so I know it is there blocked, Clairvoyance (clear seeing so using your 3rd eye) which I would love to unblock and be able to bring you, your loved ones, we are all born with these but they may of become blocked out when we were kids as we were conditioned to ignore them.. So with my 2 strongest combined I can tell what others are feeling so know what they might say before they say it (it is just a form of reading energy which we all do anyway, as the mood of someone will change your mood when they are close). I always finish people's sentences I'm sure I drove my kids nuts when I done this unconsciously they were a bit shy though.
This is also why you need to open your mind and your heart so all channels are open as spirit is a frequency that comes through your thoughts, fear will also block these frequencies as when you live in fear you are in low vibration energy wise. xx