Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentines day messages xx

Happy Valentines day to everyone I hope you are spreading the love to light up someone's world today and tonight,  however you should spread love and light everyday of your life not just on this one special day of the year.. My grandmother was born on this day she is now in heaven though so I send her all my love and light she was just like me in nature very gentle and a great nanna that spoilt us, she loved her grandkids but did have a special place in her heart for her favourites me one of those as she wanted to make sure I got her rocking chair when she had to pass it on, my cousin did want it as well but because it was near the time I had one of my babies I was the lucky recipient it was a chair my pop mended and fixed and made it special it sits in the corner of our lounge room with the granny rug she made still on it..
Yesterday (Friday) we had a big storm with hail, thunder and lightning it wiped out our power for about 3 hours and it was also playing with the mobile phone reception as well for a little while.. I hope it hasn't damaged the local fruit crops.
I did draw some cards yesterday they are below. I worked this morning ad my cousin is having a wedding today for her son the one's I had to make the cards for which I will show you..
The 2 wedding cards I made for his grandmothers to give.

BLESSING IN DISGUISE - Some times in our lives things happen that are out of our control like loss of job, loss of relationship even the death of someone you may not think these things a blessing in disguise especially death but these things all happen to help our souls evolve and grow both emotionally and spiritually especially with the death of a loved one as the pain is so great we turn to god to help and give us guidance or the angels are just there to help protect and carry us through the bad times. When a death occurs it does change us depending on who passes away and how much we loved them some times we miss them so much we want to join them but that is never possible until our own time is up if it was a partner that dies we change in that we are now alone so have to depend on our self and look after our own needs without having the other half of you there your soul mate whom you did everything with you may end up being alone as you feel as if no-one could ever replace what is missing in your life.. If you were meant to find another partner it will happen as your lost soul mate will never be forgotten as the love you still have exists as it will always tie your souls together, but your partner on the other side only wants for you to be happy and loved again. If it is a loss of job/career it could just mean your soul was ready to move on to the next lesson in your life as you learnt all you needed to from that part of your life things like this can happen out of the blue so don't feel sad that it has happened or that your life is over, it just means in the divine order of things your souls needs to move on for when one door closes another one opens we will always end up where we are meant to be where ever we are in life, so try and keep a positive outlook don't put yourself down or fear change because what you have coming might be a blessing in disguise though you may not see it at the time something better is probably on its way always ask for Angel assistance to help pull you through the rough times as they will pass once your soul gets back to where it is taking you. Never let fear of the unknown get you down as that is when you are vulnerable and your ego will try and beat you down more with doubts. On the card "What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heaven's protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way."
CLEAR CLUTTER - If your life is in a bit of a mess it may be because you need to clear up and clean up the energy surrounding you which may be all the clutter you gather in your life wheather it be people that no longer serve you or are no longer on the same wavelength as you so instead of helping you they drain your energy with their demands there comes a time when you need to cut the ties that bind you or they will be forever taking advantage of your kind nature. Your house might need a spring clean to clear the energy that may be blocking other parts of your life, every now and again we need to clean the clutter up and refresh the place we need to do this with our emotions and other parts of our life as well clear the old energy to make way for the new.. on the card "Archangel Jophiel: Get rid of clutter clear the energy around you, and use feng shi" so call on Archangel Jophiel to help you clear that old energy as well after the clutter is gone.

Now some fresh cards I've just drawn for Valentine's day the day of Love.
LEAN ON GOD AND THE ANGELS FOR SUPPORT - If you are feeling alone and can't be with the one you love call on god and your angels to pull you through the emotions you may be feeling and know that you are loved as you are always connected to your beloved through your soul connection love it is eternal and can never be separated no matter how far you are apart.. You only have to think about that person and send your love to them and the energy of your souls will still connect whether they are still on earth or have joined spirit you are never really separated maybe only the physical touch is missing but the energy of love is so strong it can be sensed and felt within your own heart and you may even feel it opening up or fluttering in your chest.  Love is eternal like our souls and the two will always be as one. On the card "My Prayer: Dear God and Angels, I give you this [briefly describe the situation] now and completely. I step out of the way, and allow Divine miracles to shine through everyone and everything involved."
BECOME YOUR TRUE SELF - (Waratah) - It is time to take off the mask and reveal the real you to the world if you are of a spiritual nature it is time for you to shine the LOVE and the LIGHT that is within you as the world need your light and love to change the energy of the planet to a positive and more compassionate one to bring about peace and integrity to all of humanity, we have to change one person at a time to be the best they can be and take off all masks we use to hide the real soul that is behind the person you think others want to see. This card might come from the last one of coming out of the closet and letting the world know you, for you are awesome just the way you are we all are born as a child of god there fore we are perfect always in the eyes of god, angels and all of those in spirit they are proud of all we have gone through to learn our life lessons and all the emotional pain that has helped our souls grow and evolve into who we are today.. Love your self and those that can see the god in you will love you for being you, those who want to change you don't really know you and want to mask the soul that is you, so you are not really the person they thought you were or expected more from you than you could give them, for our true soul will eventually come out as we can't hide from it only mask it by pretending to be something we are not.
Michael Buble - Home
 Still one of favourites for I so want to come home
to you, home is where my heart and soul live.
I Love you always xx
Another RUMI poem to leave you with on Valentine's day
Sending extra love and light tonight
Remember to always look for
every situation and CLEAR your
life of everything that is CLUTTERING
up the new energy from entering your life
including any old emotions that still
burden your soul.
always when clearing that old energy.
and shine the love and light that is
within your soul for others
to be inspired by.
love you always

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