Thursday 30 July 2015

Messages for today - Open your 3rd eye and uplift your thoughts xx

Hi all I drew a couple of cards this morning and thought I would put the reading up on my blog of what the cards mean I was drawn to the flower Therapy deck this morning so it might mean you also need to go out into nature... The first card is "OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE" Echinacea is the plant that will help as nature and plants/flowers all have energy themselves so you can use those flowers to help lift your own energy.. "It's safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance. By doing so you'll see the truth."  To open your third eye you first need to have the intention of wanting to connect to the spirit energy that will come through you. Your mind and your heart both need to be open and you need to have the belief that you can see clairvoyantly so you may need to say affirmations like "I am profoundly clairvoyant" and call on the angels to help you unblock your pineal gland as all spirit communication does come through both your heart and your pineal gland which is located at the back of your head and it runs up through to your third eye there are meditations online that other people have done that may help you to open up all your portals to connect with your spirit energy. Nothing will happen as long as you still hold fears about being able to connect spiritually with the spirit world.. There is nothing to fear as you are always protected by spirit itself because you are allowing your soul to open fully to the light which is your true soul self so who you really are and the spirit energy that already consists of your soul makeup so you are simply just lifting the veil of the gifts or the natural way of our soul as our souls do have a remembrance of home when we come down to the denseness of the earth we just have to find it within ourselves which is what our soul knows to do while we are here as the soul truly does know what its purpose was on earth and if your soul set yourself a challenge to go in search of the true soul self and go on a spiritual path of discovery in this life time that is what your soul will do in order to be of service to others as well as being on a soul journey yourself.. So in spiritual truth every soul on earth is going through their own soul evolution but at its own pace so the souls not interested in any thing esoteric or metaphysical will not be interested in following that path let alone reading or having a curiosity and wanting to know more about who they are or where our soul comes from or any other metaphysical occurrence. Their life journey would simply be to come to earth to experience life and to catch up with their own karmic energy so just come down and learn the lessons older souls would of already been through so not be at the same spiritual stage as a more evolved soul, they are probably not also as energetically aware of other people if their soul is not evolved as a more spiritual person. So when your third eye starts to open you may not necessarily see images in your minds eye or colours as every soul is different in how you connect it might be you just get a thought of an image say from something that will resonate with you so it is like a puzzle you put together in your thoughts to bring in what messages you need for your own soul guidance or to help another soul on their journey with your advice, trust in the whole universal system and have the belief that what you are thinking or feeling is the message you are to relay for it will resonate with you or the other person you are helping for most time the message is meant for the other just as much it is for you if you are picking up on the energy of the other person you should sense what it is they need to hear or feel from you so they will use their own spiritual logic and messages to get what they need out of what was said.  Your own soul truth will also be found once you start looking at things differently through your third eye as a whole new world will open to you for your own consciousness level will have lifted to new heights so you will start to think multidimensional for old souls instinctively know there is more to life then who they are on earth. xx Love and light xx
The next card is "UPLIFT YOUR THOUGHTS" Orange Lily - in order to connect to spirit we need to be in a positive frame of mind  to raise our own energy levels. "Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you'll let go of depression, poor self-esteem and excess weight."  So to uplift our thoughts we need to start looking at things differently and seeing all the blessing in your life instead of what it is in life you think you are mission out on as you are sending your soul power energy into manifesting what you want in the wrong direction, so if your energy is focused on the worst happening that is what you are telling your soul or spirit that is what you wish to happen and so it does. When your mind starts going into negative territory you know it is time to start changing your thought pattern so you don't get caught up into being a victim of your own circumstance no matter what is happening in life either around you or directly involving you. it is okay to have negative feeling for a short while but don't dwell on them or it will send you on a downward spiral in life where everything you see will be from a pessimist point of view so nothing will ever work out for that is where your energy is focused on the things you perceive as being no good or bad, or that something bad is going to happen to you because you aren't holding up to others expectation of who they think you should be, so you actually are feeding off their fears and not your own as you are taking their expectations of you to heart so you see yours self at fault and no good which does affect your own self worth and cause doubts in your own abilities which when dwell upon by your ego (for all fears come from your ego) which does lead to depressive states.. So does focusing on what you don't have instead of what you do and feeling lucky or blessed because others may not have what you do but would love to be in your position so they will admire what you do in life.. So uplift your thoughts turn a negative into a positive and find a blessing in your situation as it will lead to more and a change in your own attitude.. love and light xx ..

Your life is a mind game between your ego and your heart - the heart will see good - the ego will see the negative - they both have there place as you can't have one without the other but you just need the ego to slide on past without the negative side of everyone's drama's getting stuck in your own head.. simply because everyone has their own path in life but you personally don't have to wear what is wrong in the world only take care of your own little world the one you created and look after your self and those you come across on your path.. xx love always is the key and to have compassion for all and don't be selective in who you show love to because it is your own internal light that always matters in the world.. xx
I will now leave you with a song that will lift your mood and some good advice from the Zac Brown Band if you are in a bad mood and need to lift your emotional body out of your blues go find your paradise so do the things that will relax and clear your mind of all your trouble going out in nature will surely do that if you are an outdoor type even if you are not an out door person it is good to get out from the four walls of your home away from the daily grind to clear your mind of your ego based thoughts .. Knee deep is the tune..
Sending love and light
So let go of fear open your heart
open your mind, let spirit help you
for it will turn your life in another direction
for your soul will know its own truth of why
you have chosen life  on earth at this time
of your soul evolution. Communicating to that
which is your spirit energy is the rest of
your soul that resides in the universal energy
system that belongs to the earth and the sky
for we are all one small part of the
whole of creation. There is more out
there then the universe lets us to know as our
3d Linear human  consciousness does not
hold all the wisdom of the  other dimensions as our
soul body hides behind a veil of remembrance of
exactly who we are as a whole soul on earth, so we chose to
forget of our origin in order for  our own soul to do the full circle
of creation so we are all working towards the age of ascension where
our soul will meet our spirit and we will once again feel like we are home
where love and time are eternal and  infinite as in spirit we are the light
so we are our true soul self which is  love all fear doesn't exist in our true
soul state, fear only exists on earth. As our soul awakens it will know the truth
of its origin as this new energy is opening up our Akashic record so we do know
we are all spirit and so connected to what is over the other side of the veil..
Love always

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