Monday 5 October 2015

Energy clearing and stepping into our true souls.. xx

It is now Sunday the 4th of October tomorrow would of been my Phillips 23rd birthday had he not been called home for his lessons were done on earth he came here to teach me about life and death and that it is a continuum so the love we have is eternal and infinite. We just change forms to get our lessons this is why we come to earth to teach and to learn and to follow our own spiritual journey where ever it takes us.  So souls are at different stages of evolvement  some come here more to teach then to learn for they are the older souls,  you may know some in your life they are wise beyond their years and not much in this life seems to bother them as they have been through many incarnations so come to teach younger souls a better way, a lot of ego's get in the way of the younger souls for they are more self centred and need all the attention focused on themselves and what they can get.  We all come in to bring messages for the souls that come into our lives for we communicate subconsciously with each other for all our soul doesn't come down to earth.  Each soul has its own journey and time frame for awakening as that is decided in spirit before you even come to earth  that is also a part of your souls lessons. Lessons involve pain but you also get joy as we are from a dual energy system they are LOVE and FEAR which is a human attribute so they go together.
Love is what pulls you out of the fear when it hits you in life  (it is all the negative stuff )  it will turn up on many occasions as you go on your journey of life.  After life in each incarnation those lessons you learnt never leave you for they are an imprint on your souls makeup this is what makes up our consciousness and why your feelings let you know if you have had that lesson before so you won't want to go and try that experiment again.. Some souls set themselves very tough challenges and if they don't learn the lesson from the first time it appears in their life again and again until they surrender to it and finally get what it was they came here for, it takes a lot for some souls to forgive so they hold on to those past lessons and let fear of those lessons repeating again so they have very deep doubts and very low self-confidence in who they actually are so may not want to attempt the lesson again after so much heartbreak so they close their heart to really trying out of fear.
This is why Jesus taught us about forgiveness it is a release of the old energy that has us stuck and our soul keep repeating those same lessons in life, forgiveness is about the energy of your own soul more then the other person you are to forgive yourself first then the other person or the situation as it serves 2 purposes one is forgiveness of your own soul but also forgiveness to release you from any karmic debt towards the other person so it is for your souls freedom..
Our soul and all of the religious teachings have been about the energy of the soul, spirit has always delivered messages in metaphors so behind each bible/religious text is a deeper meaning. I have not read the bible I am not sure what the versus are.
I am very spiritual so I go to the base of our creation which is our soul and the energy it contains as I am drawn to that subject for that is what my soul has known for all of its existence it is in my own soul makeup as I remember all I have been taught or learnt from my own incarnations, not everything is vivid or spelt out to me it is a part of my own journey to bring up the energy of what it is my soul knows for all lessons are in my Akashic record so I bring up the lessons as they are needed for it is a return of energy of what I know or knew through millions of incarnations, the angels and spirit help to remind us all of who our true soul is which will be revealed to you as you search within for it is only your soul that knows the truth.  You have a God seed within your soul that grows with your own curiosity over what life is and why you are here so on your own journey you will search for the "Who am I?" , "Why am I here?" so you search for your life purpose which will fulfil your souls need but you will keep searching to find the answers until the day you can say "I am who I am" and be happy with just being that person and live your life purpose with peace and the knowledge that everything in life is meant to be because every soul is going through their own journey and are in search of their own spiritual base..
This new energy that is here is really pushing us as souls into a different energy so we are in a transition stage  we are really very early into receiving what is rightfully our own soul energy that of the divine kind so a battle within your own soul is going on to reclaim the energy of love and light that is its true nature, fear and ego only exist on the dense plain of earth where your soul energy went through a veil so it would forget home and have you searching for the meaning of life and if there is a God.
My newborn with his sister not sure how old I wish we
 had digital camera's back in the 90's
Here is my boy Phillip again when you lose a child every so often you wonder to yourself what would he be doing at this age now so at 23 would he have a job, girlfriend or kids of his own yet, how tall would he be and every other milestone he missed out on you wonder about those things, but try not to dwell on them because you know he fulfilled his life plan and came down to teach me and the others he touched with his presence and smiley face and attitude to life, he knew he wasn't going to be here long for he did have some things to teach me.. I will draw a message from "Talking to Heaven" cards to see if he has a message for us all for I know he is still smiling and learning for his soul is and always will be a part of me for we are from the same soul group and family, next time around we will have different roles that will be in a future incarnations one we have not made yet for he may return before then as another teacher for he will be born into the new energy so know of his plan and of his past incarnations..
The 3 cards I just pulled from the deck are "As a soul, I can be in several places at once." so when our soul returns to spirit we are not limited by time or space as our soul is back to its true form and light energy so we can be beside all our loved ones at the same time sending them signs or messages however subtle they may be and if loved ones are thinking about them they will be right there with them holding their hands or touching their hair, the signs are there if you know what to look for as your own soul can sense them.  The second card was "We will be together again" I have mentioned that above so he is just confirming that and letting you know he is fine and will plan his next life in time but he will also greet me when it is my turn to return home for our souls will once again unite as they have done in other incarnations as we are always together some how in different roles what ever our souls choose for the lessons we need to evolve. The last card is "I am surrounded by loving animals" so all our past pets are with him or are known to him for animals have souls as well they are loving and will greet you if you were close to them we actually buried a dog out near his plaque out the bush so he may be mentioning him for he was a lovely dog by the name of Sooky for he was a very quiet and loyal dog that got attacked by a bigger dog it might of happened not long after losing Phillip I forget when probably the following year as that other dog also took off with a Rabbit that someone gave us  it was taken out of the hutch.
I have finished 3 pages of my colouring book the feeling of completion as you finish a picture is great but so is the tuning out each night just for a little bit as you slowly fill in the blank spaces with colour to bring the picture to life.. I am still going to attempt my own drawings as I do love to be creative and we all have our own talents even if no one appreciates your art you get satisfaction and you may have a hidden soul talent waiting to come out to share with the world - "You never know if you don't attempt it".  Being creative is actually your connection with spirit as it takes your soul to a different vibration so you are releasing soul energy in fulfilling your passion be it music, art, dancing, cooking what ever it is you love to do gets you in touch with your soul..
Here are some other posts I have done about the life of Phillip "My little matey"..

Here are the cards I drew on Tuesday I did start this post last Sunday but just restarted it above but I will leave this message on as it is a reminder from early in the week to help guide you when making decisions to always come from the heart and to do what it is your own soul needs for you are the one that has to live with your choices so others should not be the reason you decide something that will affect you, others can guide you or bring you messages which only makes your soul look further inside to come to a decision over what it is you are supposed to be doing with your life. One of the reasons god provided us with a dual energy system and free choice as your soul knows of the lessons in life it came here for even if you and your human mind doesn't know why at the time of indecisions for life is all about choices really and knowing which ones our soul should take..
A couple of messages from you Angels this morning (Tuesday)  is to make you decision, ask yourself, "which way brings me closer to my Divine purpose? which way takes me away from it?" this is a message about what you are willing to change that will bring you to where it is your soul needs to be so it is a question of do you want to get rid of the old ways to invite the new ways in so it may take your life in a different direction and you are not sure of so fear may be arising within you so it weighs in on your conscience, your fears need to be defeated so this is why it comes up that is choosing what we want or need to do in our life that will bring us closer to our souls plan, changes are hard on us but we fear the unknown so hold back and in come the doubts about if what we are doing is the right thing so we may make choices that do take us away from where we were supposed to go, at least it will for a while as you will be brought to your next lesson but eventually your heart will want to return to the direction you were first undecided about so those other choices you made will take you home still you just get there the long way by not listening to your heart and instincts in the first place, you should put more trust in yourself then that for the soul always knows the direction the ego doesn't so it does detours in life. .xx  I did draw 2 cards for more information the second one is a photo of a dark looking horse that is call Mystique and the message is to "Keep charging ahead and don't take 'No' for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear." so don't stop what your doing because of indecision about what direction in life you need to take continue what your heart tells you to do for it will get you there in the end, and you will reach your destination no matter what happens for what is meant to happen will anyway because everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know that reason now it will be clear to you later on.. love and light xx

Clearing energy
A message from this morning about the world chaos and dark forces that are upon us and why we need to clear the negative energy from within us but also surrounding us this is where you all the angels in to aid and assist in changing both your soul energy and that energy that surrounds your life so from outside forces you can also ask for angel assistance from any of the Archangels for the right one will come to do the job as there are legions of angelic help assisting us as the earth and our souls go through the transition of ascension of the planet and our souls with it for the energy changes with it so our souls have to go with the energy whether you believe in this esoteric stuff or not it is happening which is why there is chaos within societies systems..

I was just pondering why this is all happening (ISIS, terrorism, corruption, religion, politics, economies and money markets, law the whole kit and caboodle of our societies world wide as everything is tied together in energy so connected) and the base of it goes back to our own belief systems so these dark forces are forcing us as souls to look at our own spirituality so we go back to our true soul which is why the lightworkers are here for, to help the souls with that transition for there is power in love as it returns you back to your God (true) self the one of you being the creator of your own life no matter what the chaos and dark forces are that present themselves in our lives which includes what is going on around the world at the current time with all dark forces coming out into the light, so all truths have to be found. The politicians and those of the left are causing an illusion of what it is that life stands for by their mere actions and trying to shut down debate for they have their own agenda which is also to kill the human spirit so they all use fear and your emotions to do it. So it is your job as a soul to always reveal the truth and to stand up for your own truths so not letting your ego bring you doubts over who you really are and why it is you come down to earth at this time.. We live in a world full of illusionists that would have you believe in a false society, political correctness and the shutting down of debate is part of that so is social inclusion for it goes to the heart of us being tolerant to those that wish to kill us but then that is also a soul lesson and the chance for you to use your power of love to prove them wrong, not by condemning them but by showing them your true self and that you won't back down because of what it is they believe, so not caving into fear because of their actions.. I'm sure there is more to this as I was just reading something in a book about Karma which I will go to on my blog later today as I am on my own the boys are going camping later as soon as they finish packing me I have to work in the morning of this long weekend, I hope you have all fixed your clocks if you have to for daylight savings. I will also bring your angel message later at the moment it is all about letting go of the past energy to live in the now so cleansing, cleaning and de-cluttering things in your life and within your soul body that you no longer need to make way for the new energy that is entering our soul, in doing that you also need to look after your health in order to store this powerful energy called love as your soul reaches up to connect to its higher self for your guidance, so you know what your own path is simply by turning or tuning into your own energy vibration (so internalizing everything and filtering it through your heart) .. a very esoteric and metaphysical shift is going on with all souls so the darker forces will continue to create chaos and fight for survival this is also a reason why you need to keep clearing away negative(fear)energy so your own soul can fight it and LOVE is the power to do that for no one can harm you when you are in that state of being and consciousness. LOVE fills the void where FEAR used to live if you look into your soul you will find it and learn to release what is no longer needed trust in spirit and the universe to look after you love and light xx
I have just drawn a card from the "Saints and Angels" deck and your Guardian Angel who has been with you through life has come out to support you and to speak some loving guiding words.
The message tonight is from your Guardian Angel  "Sweetness" so treat yourself with loving kindness and stop doubting yourself you will get where you are meant to be in divine time, just keep doing what you are doing and when the time is right what you are manifesting into your life will turn up and until then keep working on your soul and treat yourself like you would treat others with love and kindness, forgive yourself for any perceived wrongs you have done in your life for they were the lessons your soul came here for so nothing was wasted or was not meant to be for your soul planned all that has come into your life but also all those people that came in to help your soul grow they done their job now you must forgive them and yourself in order to move on to the next phase in your soul evolvement so letting go of all that does not serve you at this current time for the angels will support you, as you let go of all past emotions as you fill that void in your life with the love that is your true soul. Keep on reflecting and looking back but know you can never return to your past only if you keep holding on to the emotions will it still have power over you, so it is time to let go and let all the pieces of your destiny fall into place with love and synchronicity keep the faith and believe what is in your heart and soul will come to being when your soul is ready for that part of your life to start. Relax and take care of your mind, body and soul and remember to love yourself as you would another for you are never alone and loved beyond measure by those that are in your dreams for they are a part of your soul make up which is infinite and eternal as is the love that is carried through the history of your souls you are connected and love ties your souls together. Let go of negativity and keep positive that you will be together when the time is right. xx love and light xx

I've just received a lot of messages from the angels as I typed this up the numbers on my phone I have captured tell me the angels are near and watching over me as the numbers tell me so they are in my photo below with the book title that was being downloaded at 11:11 (Divine Magic) I took the screenshot of the time as I sometimes do when I receive angel support as I typed this post 44 of 44 more angel numbers to do with spiritual awakening as is the 11:11 earlier a screenshot of 11:01 as I picked up my phone to download the book I just purchased.

Here is the best website to check on Angel numbers that keep showing up in your life as numbers hold energy vibrations so Angels send you messages that way if you are attuned to it and trust in your own intuition for when it is a message all the information is on this blog anyway so catch up with it and watch for your own signs..
My song tonight from one of my favourite movies 'City of Angels'
Goo Goo Dolls and Iris
Sending love and light
You are never alone
you are loved and supported
as you go on your path
the destination will take
you home no matter
what road you take
if you follow your
heart you will end
up at the destination
you were meant to be
 at in the now moment in time
for life is not static it is
always moving so don't
look back you're not going
that way for they were
 detours as you reach the
destination called home.
Our true soul is love
that is what we live and die
for that feeling of peace
that we only get when we are
in the blissful state of
Divine Love which is
unconditional and what
we feel when we
return home.. 
love always

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