Friday 4 December 2015

Raise Me Up and Power of Love xx

Hi all we are into the first week of December how this year has just flown by time is infinite and endless and goes by so fast last weekend we met up with family at Thurgoona for brunch at Kinross it was great to catch up and the meal was great as you can built your own breakfast starting at $2 with the basic eggs on toast you can have those eggs how you prefer them poached, scrambled or fried we all went poached I think I had mushrooms and fried onion with mine it was very filling and yummy..
Here are a couple of the little people we met up with... This is Katie my grand daughter she will have a brother or sister to play with next year in May I will be a Nan to two babies.. how exciting though I hardly get to see Kaitlen now she is growing up before our eyes she would be near 10 months old now...
 My great niece Jade she is 2 months older then Katie so will turn 1 next week.
They are both so sweet and growing like weeds..

I drew a card yesterday here is that message.. with the energy coming in at the moment we are being asked to let go of our old ways so this could just be old patterns and belief systems that you know in your heart that they no longer serve you or your higher good our souls always know on a subconscious level of what it no longer needs but our conscious and our ego do continually like to cling to these things as they give us comfort and security but there will always come a time you need to let go so you can bring in the new stuff so changes are always imminent whether they are brought on you by chance  or with fate for there are no accidents or coincidences in life as we are always working with our higher source and with spirit so we can get to the places we are supposed to be for our souls lessons or so we can meet up with the souls we said we would in spirit to bring in those lessons...
"Hello and Goodbye" so this is a message about changes in your life and saying goodbye to the old and welcoming in the new that the changes will bring you, you may not see why things are happening the way they are at the moment but down the track you will now why these changes had to happen in your life.. never look back at such changes for they are a part of your journey and change comes about because your soul has sort of gone off track or it has grown spiritually so you need to keep up with the energy of your own soul and stick to the plan you made while in spirit as to what it was you wanted to get lesson on or with the things that do turn up in your life.. nothing is ever lost or gained only learnt so look for the lessons always to know you are always right on track and listen to your heart and soul to know you are following the path you know you have to.. love and light xx
The cards I drew this morning are from the Numerology deck so at the end I have included the meanings of the numbers from Doreen Virtues "Angel numbers 101" book..
"Domestic Harmony" is the message this morning so if you are finding yourself in conflict with family, friends or colleagues it is time to step back from getting yourself involved in this drama and to self reflect and have a good look at yourself and see why these conflict are arising there is always a lesson in every conflict and a chance for you to grow from it internally for conflicts only arise when fears are being risen in yourself or within others this is so you can get those lessons and offer a peace pipe or just learn to let things go and move on as nothing in life is so important that it causes grievances with loved ones the sooner you can resolve the differences the sooner things will move along smoothly.. it could also be a lesson for you to know your soul no longer is in the same vibration as these other people you used to hang out with for as our soul awakens you will find you have less in common with those that fulfilled your needs in the past so the time will always come when you have to part ways for they no longer can provide your soul with what it needs.. "Time-out" was a second card so you may need some solitude as you work your way through the situation so self-reflection and growth will come from being alone and learning to live and love yourself for who you are as you go soul searching and to find your purpose if you are feeling alone because of conflicts in your life, everything happens for a reason so in your heart and mind you need to go searching for all the lessons that are left with your soul to deal with and to dispel all the fears so all you are left with is love and forgiveness for yourself and for those that are in conflict with you for whatever reason.. a lesson in knowing when to let go of things that are trivial and don't really matter in the scheme of life.. love and light xx .. love always xx
Number 46 in Angel Numbers means "The angels are saying to you: 'Keep your thoughts focused upon your spiritual self and your Divine Source for everything. Give any material worries to us."
Number 37 - "You are on the right path, and the ascended masters are encouraging and helping you along the way." (these meaning are from Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers 101 book)..
If you can't raise others up don't put them down as that only shows your own fears, weaknesses and insecurities..
 Here is another item I purchased in Melbourne along with other craft goods from the Kaisercraft outlet love that shop so much to look at and resist, I feed my inner child with adult colouring books I do love this one as I can use my Copic markers and then frame and put up the finished picture I haven't had a lot of time to do it though with family reunions, work and being so drained of energy this week so more energy must be coming into my soul and the negative energy of others was really getting to me yesterday so a need to hide and work my way through it all helps me to come back to a balance of soul energy Tuesday was rather strange though because when going for my walk my legs felt so weighted down it felt like when you walk in sand and have that resistance when walking I only managed two laps I think then when I come home I could of done with a Nanny nap but I had to go to work so struggled on for the rest of the day.. A lot also has been going through my mind about my own journey and life and where I am heading with out much direction in life as I follow the flow of the moment usually but my soul knows there is more and doesn't know how to get there, when or any details it just knows more of the plan it has to fulfil before going home, patience and letting things fall into place with divine intervention is always my lesson in life I think for everything has always come to me in life and made it what it is I still have the everyday struggles others have I just don't let it bother me and just live not to far ahead of myself and not hold expectations with others because I only ever expect them to be who they are and to give to me what it is they need and in turn I reciprocate or let them just continue with whatever it is they came here to do without their actions impacting on me and who I am or where it is I'm going for that always works itself out.
 I will put up the finished picture when done...

Music by Josh Groban with movie clips of Jesus and some of his words
Jesus is an Ascended Master as he lived as a human soul  to show our souls the way with his own life and journey he was the master teacher of love his spirit is still with us today helping all our souls cross over that threshold and consciousness between love and compassion so we can start to look after each other again with out the greed and showing us our own spiritual truths of the souls we are and always have the power to be.. your soul is more powerful then you think if you walk in the God energy of Love as Jesus did and he is guiding your souls now to do as all souls do awaken in this new energy.. Other Ascended masters and the angels that are very close to earth at this time as the earth and all souls ascend into another consciousness of awareness over what the human race is this is happening in every nation with what is happening in the world over, all this chaos and drama is a bridge between the old energy and the new energy so all souls are going through a process so your true intentions and fears or love energy will rise to the surface in order for you to go internal and reflect on your own belief and energy, and for your soul to get rid of all fears from this life but also from past incarnations for it was Jesus who taught us about our immortal and eternal soul by his own ascension and his returning from the dead so those closest to him could continue with the messages he brought to earth and to teach all souls of the one god that is the love energy that he carried through his life and his own spiritual growth because he was human and the son of god, his message is we are all the children of god so are no different then he was we all have the abilities to perform miracles and healings within ourselves if we could only awaken the inner seed of love that is the bridge between earth, spirit  and the Angelic realms that are here to love and support us as we go on our own soul seeking journey towards the light of home our beloved kingdom of heaven .. xx love and light xx
One more note or quote don't hold on to emotional baggage learn to let things go so you don't have chips or burdens on your shoulders and so you can move on to bigger and better things in life that will be seeking you.. the longer you hold onto emotional baggage the more it has power over you so does the person that left you with this baggage there will come a time when you just have to let go for your own soul good so you can be free again. To LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH again. xx

Gabrielle Aplin - The Power of LOVE 
Sending love and light
I'm so in love with you
make love your goal
as it is your true form
to scare away all fear
and negativity that comes
to your soul for
those feelings can dissolve
with your own soul power
the power of love and light
that is your own divinity
within your soul body.
Let it shine out
into the world so
they to can wake up
and take your lead.
Just be who you are
 for that is all you are
ever meant to be
in the world, your own
light will shine if
you come from a place
of love and integrity
for no-one in the world
matters more then who you
are then who you
believe your self to be.
I am that I am
that is all you ever need
to be for you will be loved
for being that person.
Love always for it is
unconditional and eternal
it is my soul.

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