Friday 1 August 2014

Choices xx

Some quotes:-  We all hold the magic inside us to make the changes we need to improve our lives, we are each responsible for the choices we make as God gives us freewill to make those choices, not everyone will make wise choices but that is a part of life and learning from those choices both good and bad as our life is a big lesson for our soul..
 I choose to be a giver of myself to please others and to spread love, sometimes to my own detriment but I will continue to do it as that is all I know and my choice.
 For every action there is a reaction and a consequence that is just the way of the universe.. If you make choices made on lies you only end up hurting yourself that is the consequence of lying to yourself and trying to justify your actions.. Maybe it is just a lesson your soul needs in order for you to re-evaluate who you are and why you are here in this life time.. We are all divinely guided if you listen to your heart and not your ego talking as your ego will lead you into temptations that will not turn out in the end to be good for you as your ego is usually based on a fear you have so you will justify your actions and talk yourself into thinking what you are doing is okay.
Today I received my certificate for a course I did to help me on my Spiritual path
here is my Logo.. This was a course to help me in reading people and to help them
though I'm not confident enough yet to do it for everyone.. It has given me great insight into
who others are and their life purpose based on looks and personality traits.. 
Music today - I've always loved
Elvis Presley who near the end of his life didn't make
 right choices but he did leave a great legacy
and lots of great music behind for us to enjoy..
Kentucky Rain
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart and receive it
from me and your Angels

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