Sunday 3 August 2014

Kevin Hunter - A Warrior of Light xx

At the moment I am reading some of Kevin's work I love his work and he is a great guy I ask him lots of questions on his Facebook page about a lot of things and he is ever so generous with his time in answering my questions to help me learn about our human soul.. He is a Warrior of Light and can channel through to the other side and his books would be a great guide for anyone who is new to spirituality and wanting to learn how energy works in the metaphysical world to be able to do what he does.. I am new to this so I read and ask questions to those that will help me learn the first book I am currently reading of Kevin's is Soul Mates & Twin Flames ..
This is a smaller book it is contained in his bigger book which is pictured below I have ordered it as well but it had to be ordered in from the suppliers so I haven't received it as yet.. This book above is good if you want to see how relationships work and if you want to attract the right soul mate into your life.*(I have now finished reading it this afternoon).
If your are new to the spiritual world one of the first things you need to do is to let go of your past if you are holding on to anything as to your own behaviour of events that have happened in your lifetime up until now as everything does happen for a reason and all those from our past have come in to teach our soul a lesson and to pay back any karmic debt you both may of had with each other from a previous soul connection from a different lifetime it doesn't matter now in the present time in your life as it has made you who you are today, if you hold on to the old feelings though they will just block your own souls path of where it should be now in moving on to your life purpose or to where you are now on your souls journey.. So Let go and give all your past hurts or things you could of done better give all your worries to God and the Angels so you can make a clear path into your future..
I don't look to far into my own future as it will take care of itself and what is meant to happen will happen anyway just as long as we listen to our hearts we will be led to where we are supposed to be career/job wise, relationship wise or any other life matter..

I do love this Angel picture as in my dream when I visited the Angelic Realm this is the closest image I could find as to what it actually looked like as it was a place up amongst the clouds it was a clear white transparent light with a few different Angels than the one in the picture but I felt such a sense of love and peace in the dream but I also had that feeling when I woke up I didn't want to leave.. This must be what heaven feels like when you do return home and back to the spirit world.. *Your own messages from the spirit world can come in your dreams if you take notes and remember them, some will come in really vivid like my Angel dream they are ones you will remember as you felt them even on waking, your loved ones that have passed over will also come for visits in your dreams after one of my Nan's passed over she did come visit in my dreams we had a cup of tea and a chat I don't remember all the details now as it was quite a long time ago, I do remember how vivid it was at the time though so it stuck in my head as it was within a week or 2 after her passing..
Music today is one I have put up before that I made
John Farnham - Lifted up by Angels
Sending Love and Light to you
Open your heart and receive from me and our
own Angels that walk with us daily..

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