Friday 12 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Ask your Angels xx

Good morning today's message is what ever your situation is and you need some divine intervention you need to "Ask your Angels for permission to help you".. as they can't step in against your own freewill as it over rules everything unless you ask for help.
Whatever your situation is if you feel stuck where you are ask for some divine intervention to get you out of the situation you feel stuck in whether it is needing more money to pay your bills, finding work to help make ends meet, mending a broken relationship or any emotional turmoil you feel stuck in your Angels stand by with unconditional love so they are never judgemental of anything you do in your life. After you request help watch out for the signs and messages you are receiving so take notes of your thoughts, feelings any ideas that come to your mind, any song lyrics, conversations around you etc. the signs will be there you just need to have an open mind, heart and be receptive of that help always have faith and trust in the Angels and yourself that the guidance is coming through try not to worry as that will block that guidance being sent to you. Trust that the help is on the way and they are working in Angel time (so it will happen when the time is right for you) sometimes this may be immediate or other times a lot longer have faith always as it will happen, all calls for help do. Try not to hold  expectation on how it will happen as you can't control all outcomes some things may even turn out better than you imagined, you can't tell the Angels how you want it to happen you have to let them look at the situation and work out the solution that they will bring to you.
If you don't like where you currently are you always are in the control seat of your life as you create your own reality with the choices you make, so your mind will always set your destiny, your soul will always know when it needs change as it has pre-planned the intentions of the lessons it came to learn but you are always in control with the freewill granted to you so you can change those lessons, if you always come from a place of love and listen to your heart when making changes you will be going in the right direction your soul intended even though change is scary and may hurt emotionally at the time our ego's will play with our mind and make it much worse then it actually is as change comes to get rid of the old and make way for the new.. Everything always happen for a reason even if we can't see it at the time because later down the track when reflecting on our life the reason will be pretty obvious why that change needed to take place.. So if you are going through changes try not to focus on the pain it has caused if any try to focus on the new path you are taking and know in the end this pain will have been worth it, the more pain the life lesson has caused the more spiritual growth has taken place.  Take photo's along the way as your life is the journey you created with good and bad memories all a part of your spiritual growth.
Here are some snap shots of my Birthday boy (baby #3) Michael
Meeting his big sister and brother (Jess and Phillip)
he was 52cm born and he is now 19 and reached way over
192cm as I measured him in Jan this year and must do it again.
Christmas last year can't find a more recent shot
Jess, Mike and Sam.
I probably won't see Mikey again till Sunday I'm informed as he is spending his birthday with his mates in the next town they are probably going camping?  but he will be home Sunday for his birthday dinner he has ordered a lamb roast so I guess I will see him then and make a birthday cake for that day as well I will make a Choc Ripple cake they are the best and so easy to do and a favourite for birthdays around here.
The recipe is very easy all you need are Choc Ripple biscuits and whipped cream and what ever you want to decorate it with. You sandwich the biscuits and cream together and leave over night to soften the biscuits.
It is only 13 more days until Christmas I must say the Christmas spirit hasn't hit me yet so I will start playing some carols to get in the mood the first song I love is Alan Jackson and the Angels Cried..
Sending Love and Light
have a great day
Love you always Michael
unconditionally is the
only way I do it.

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