Sunday 21 December 2014

Mother Mary message of caring xx

Good morning all just a quick post this morning as I have to go wash the dog, carpet, clothes, myself and do some cleaning today I just never have a holiday or break from that task as it is one that my life has always revolved around most of it has been for love and caring for my family, it is good to get paid for it at work though because it is the same task (my mum was talking to a lady and she passed on a compliment of how clean the RSL is so that was awesome someone noticed the effort and energy I put into my work)besides someone has to do it otherwise the place would be in a right mess and very unhygienic. 
Today's message from Mother Mary is CARING.
I just left a message on my favourite blog to take care today and for the rest of the week as we only have 4 days until Christmas so the next 3 days will have people about traveling and Christmas shopping and everyone generally being in a rush to make the final preparations for their family and get togethers to celebrate the season. This is the season where a lot of love and caring is shown between our fellow man but the shops can be a crazy place as everyone grabs that perfect gift for the ones they love. As I was writing that comment on the blog I decided to see what message I got from the daily guidance I chose the Mother Mary deck and the caring card flipped so that was the message the same as mine for everyone to take care of themselves as God and heaven is looking after us as long as we keep  our hearts open the messages from heaven will come through, it will also shine your own light as you go about your day while you care for your fellow man  a lot of giving and receiving  is done this time of year. It is also a time when families that don't get along tend to fight or just get up each others noses because they put expectation on how someone should behave and when they don't behave in the matter expected get disappointed with them and that is when the fights start, alcohol probably is also in that mix as it can be a truth elixir and you say what you really mean but don't always remember what it was you said but the other person will remember especially if it was hurtful. So take care of you first so you can take care of the family over the next week especially the women folk as they seem to be the ones that hold it all together this time of year as they cook the meals, wrap the presents and make sure everyone else is happy within the family.

A couple of quotes if you care for others you will treat them with kindness as it is about you and your own values and not them. Treat others how you wish to be treated always.

LOVE is the only thing that is real treasure it when it is given to you.
Another one of my handmade creations I forgot to take photo's of most of my cards
before I posted/handed them out silly me.
A Christmas tune from Elvis Presley
 If everyday was like Christmas
Another song that is on my iPod at the moment
Rod Stewart - Forever Young
Awesome song may all my readers stay
forever young at heart and know that God
does take care of all his children if you seek
him out you will find God in your own
heart and soul.
Love and Light
I will be back later with the Indigo messages.
Love you always

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