Tuesday 20 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Clear yourself xx

G'day all well work is done for today the same again tomorrow, early start and work till I stop about 2pm.. feeling a bit lethargic this afternoon.. Dirty kids broke into the school over the holidays and got into the kitchen and ate what food was in there and crapped on the floor, so I don't have to clean it up yet my boss is leaving it there (he did clean up some) as the cops were supposed to come back and get finger prints and the boss told the remaining staff to lock the door before they left before the school holidays and they didn't so he is showing them what happens when they were told to do it, as the cleaners are generally the last one's out we have to make sure the buildings are secure or we are in strife so if there is still staff in the rooms we are required to tell them to secure the building when they leave, they do not always do what they are told..
The cards today sorry I'm so late I've just been to craft with my crafty friends I've been making a Baby Album for my daughter I have done both pink and blue as I don't know what colour yet.. I will show you later because a friend borrowed it to show her daughter over the weekend.
CLEAR YOURSELF - Okay it seems we have to clear ourselves of all toxic lower vibration energies usually one's that come from our ego so like yesterday you need to release and let go of past hurts, forgive and forget actions from others and yourself. You need to do this at the current time to let all the new energy in as we are in receiving mode and an energy shift is taking place which may be draining you energetically and emotionally. You also need to clear your self of others negative energies that may of attached themselves to you so if you have been in any conflicts or arguments it is time to cut those cords we talked about last night because they are toxic to you and will drag you down.. Forgive, forget and let go of any emotions that no longer serve you make way for the new.. Your thought play a big part in how you are feeling so when those negative doubts come up don't give them any power to play with your mind.. Action to take from the guidebook get comfortable with back not touching any surface so lay on side or in a chair where you are forward so not leaning back and say this prayer "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please use your Divine healing magnet to lift any energies of fear, anger, or jealousy from my back, neck and shoulders. Please help me feel compassion for those who may have sent lower energies my way so that they may be healed by Divine love. Thank you for clearing away toxic, fear based energies from within and around me".
INNOCENCE - Instead of beating your self up over past emotions and toxic energies from others you need to start loving and excepting yourself for who you are a loving human being that is worthy of being loved and worthy of giving others love in return. Look at yourself as God and the Angels see you they do not judge you for your actions, choices or emotions they love you unconditionally which is the ultimate goal our soul is aiming for when we incarnate to see our selves as god does and to see our own self worth.. God made you in the perfect image of himself and that is to Love from the inside out.. For to love the God in you is to love the God you see in others .Namaste!!
 Prayer on the card " Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me see that all of your qualities of pure love and light are reflected within me and all others. Help me embrace my God-given innocence so that I may be at peace".
Some one linked to this article today so if you are feeling a bit lethargic or emotional or you have been lately it is because of a universal energy shift that is taking place as our body adjusts to it, I have been having a lot of dreams lately as well so this may all be a part of our awakening so we need to release all old energies that no longer serve us because with this change our Akash is also changing as you awaken or become enlightened our thoughts and emotions are being recorded, as you awaken and start to evolve your thoughts will be your reality.
With the cards we have been getting lately it sounds like we are to be working on our inner self to bring us into the new energy.. Because we are going into a new consciousness so our thought patterns will be changing into what is acceptable within our selves but also within society as a whole as some things will not be acceptable by the awakened soul things will start to come from a place of integrity, love, peace and joy..
I might leave it there this energy shift has been really taken it out of me over the last week or two as my emotions were all over the place and on Saturday I was so tired and I am feeling that way today so I might go to bed and hopefully remember my dreams as with this shift I have been also having a lot of dreams which I can't always recall on waking.. I'm not alone in feeling like this as the Earth Angel group I associate with a lot are feeling the same way so the new energy is coming in if you read the article it has been shifting since 2012 or even before that when lightworkers were starting to awaken this I  believe  because my own life has shifted so much since that time and the last 18 months have really taken off in the emotional and energy stakes because my heart opened again  and I've found out so much about who I am, who you and others are and how we are all connected life does amaze me sometimes especially the spiritual part in me, this spiritual part is in us all as we are souls living in a human body. Our souls have incarnated many lifetimes and parts of our soul are still in the universe so we can tap into it with our own energy vibration which needs to be clear and clean from any past emotions that you still might be holding onto.. let it go so the new energy can be released into you..
Music tonight is Brandy
Have you ever loved some one so much it makes you cry?
I have as it comes from deep within my soul
and it does hurt because Love is a powerful
energy it is the energy of the God within you.
Sending Love and Light to you
I will try and do the post tomorrow
a lot earlier than this.
Love you always..

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