Saturday 3 January 2015

Knowledge of Who we are is power for us xx

Hi all I listened to Kryon again yesterday from his time in Munich in 2014 all his channellings can be found on this site , he suggested a book to read one of his early works. Oh! No another book to read as if I haven't got enough to read already but the more you learn the more you know this is a book about one man's journey home much like my own. It is a spiritual journey and he is learning things as he goes along it has hidden Kyron messages which I am picking up as I think about what is written I am up to chapter 6 already that was about 3.5 hrs reading as it is on my iPad in my Kobo app.
This book has plenty of hidden spiritual messages contained within.
Once you find out who your soul is there is no looking back as your can't change the hands of time on your past, you can never be that person again as your soul always knows where it is going from the blueprint of life you created for your soul it is already written in your Akash (book of life). What was in your past were your lessons on your path don't carry that extra baggage with you as you continue on your path with the new knowledge you have gained, you need to start living in your own truth of who you are.. We will come to forks in the road on our spiritual path our own intuition and listening to our heart will lead us in the right direction according to our blueprint of life there will always be dark shadow's behind us ready to take us off our path (that is our ego and fears). Our soul group and spiritual guides have equipped us with the tools we already need but you may have to go and seek them out to prepare your self for the rest of the Journey till you reach home.
Our thoughts do really create our own reality because of that dark shadow that is following us in our ego ready to leap out at you and stop your journey forth and the baggage from our past also weighs us down ready for the ego to attack you because your burdens are many.
We always need to ask for assistance from our Angels and God before they will intervene as they can't intervene or help until you do give them permission they do hear every thought and feel every feeling you do they are always there, don't be scared by that as they are the love and divinity that is within you so we are never separated. You can deny or push away those emotions but the knowledge you have gained about who you are will also be there they can't be ignored or pushed away as your soul won't let you do that once it has the knowledge of it's own mastery from all it's past life history contained in that blueprint of your DNA. In other posts recently I have told you Who I am now I know I can't go back on my spiritual journey I just have to keep going I am an Incarnated Angel this I know because of the knowledge I have gained over the last 18 months I still have much more knowledge to gain as we souls never stop learning as that is also a part of our DNA, I have found other souls from my soul group along my path I know they can't turn back now either as much as they might try the past is just that now all they have are the choices they want to make now as they come to each fork on their own spiritual path I can point the way but at the end of the day it is their path alone to endure I just hope the ego shadow is not to great for them to overcome because they are awesome as they are if only they know it. We are equipped to handle all the battles life throws at us we do need to ask for help to let go of the things that no longer serve us as we aren't the same person anymore. God is always with us he is the LOVE that is within our soul that is all there is only love all the ego FEARS are just our human aspect of who we really are. If you can separate the 2 you are well on your way to finding the God that is within you as the creation he made us to be. We all have God within us not outside of us I see the good and the God within each soul as I can separate the ego from the soul if you let me get a glimpse of the real you. I will never judge you for being who you are, I will tolerate you as I know you have your own Karmic path to follow it is not my path so I have had different choices to follow my heart tells me so.
 I will leave it there as I am being nagged to go I will see where my train of thought goes when I return. Love and Light I will always love you and be here for you no matter what my soul will have it no other way. xx missing you xx
3 January 2015
As a human race we are experiencing an energy shift where we can feel it and things that used to work for us no longer will (because we are waking up to those without integrity) which is why we see things around us as being chaotic especially with what the media puts into our minds, this is all an illusion of who we really are as that is only the dark side to life we are seeing on the news and in the media sites. These bad news stories are real but don't make them a part of your psyche because everything happens for a reason and all human freewill choices are not made by god but by our human nature. Every single human soul on the planet is being guided and each living soul has karmic life lessons to learn as an individual on your own path you have to detach yourself from others drama's don't make them a part of you as the energy you pick up from each negative situation will sit in the back of your mind and your soul wears it, that is why it is most important to focus on you and those around you and the love that you are getting from those that reside in your own soul that includes the Angels and guides that you can't see they love you more than words could describe which is why they need your permission before they can help you so what ever it is you need pray or just ask if the word pray scares you the unseen universal forces feel every thought you have and know you probably better then you know yourself.. If you really knew yourself you would see what an awesome human you really are. Our minds are our reality so keep your thoughts pure and of a loving intent because Love is the only thing that is real.
Follow your own truths that only your soul knows. Find out who you are from a soul level your life
will change for the better as you are led to your true life purpose written on your blueprint of life.
Everything you have ever been through over the centuries will be revealed to you as you wonder why you have certain personality traits. My biggest one was "Why am I so Shy" it was because of who I am and why I am here I had to be this way. Also it comes from things in my past incarnations I'm still learning about those I never stop learning none of us ever stop learning as Earth is our school and every experience we have ever had is our lesson to help our soul be where it is today as you walk the Earth on your own Spiritual path. We are never separated from our past incarnations as those lives make us a part of the whole of who we are and the experiences we have.
Now I will leave this post off where it is I have to go down load some more information from the books I am reading to bring me to certain conclusions of who we all are and why we are here, Knowledge of who your soul is - is power for you as once you find out there is no turning back you can't be the person you once were as things will not mean the same as they used to as your thought patterns and old belief systems are changing along with the energy you are getting from the new information you are receiving about your soul. Much love to Kyron for awakening my spiritual logic as I awaken to my own spiritual journey. Still a long way to go xx P.s we are all heading home however long it takes us as time is infinite. xx
One last message haha!! everyone that crosses your path while on your spiritual journey is pointing you in the direction of home whether they be good, bad or ugly they were or still are giving you the lessons and pointing your soul in the direction towards home. So it is important to forgive them and your self if any hurt occurred on either side of your souls. Forgive and Forget always because it is for your own soul more than anything it will give you that inner peace you desire, call on Archangel Michael to cut all cords of past emotions that no longer serve you and let them go to the keeper of creation.
Sending much Love and Light to anyone that reads this long post also sending much love to my guides and soul group as I know they are always there protecting me when I need it and they have always been there as my life has just happened with out much effort from me, the physical part of my life has been hard work not always easy but I've weathered my storms when they come. Focus on LOVE always to pull you out of the stormy lessons life brings. You can never run away from your souls path you can only be diverted by your ego and the fears it holds. Your soul plan is already written in your blueprint of who you are you can never escape it like God who created it, it will still be there what ever path you take one of LOVE or FEAR as they are the only 2 ways you can travel on your spiritual path one of fear only masks who the real you is. Your Soul will always be your Soul no matter what goes on around you.  We create our own drama's in life from our fears. God will always make sure we don't go with out the basics we will always have available to us food, water, shelter and Love, what more do we need? Never fear death as it is not the end of our soul we are only moving onto the next lesson on our soul evolution. Those that have died in your life are still with you they are only a loving thought away because they are a part of your soul group they are a part of the whole of you.
Eagles - Love will keep us alive
Sending Love and Light
Have a great day
I will be back later with
Mother Mary messages.
Love you always

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