Friday, 4 March 2016

Lessons and "Surrender to Unhealthy Relationships" xx

Hi all it is now Sunday so just chilling out today after a rough week and a few lessons about negative people in life and how you can draw them to you and get sucked into their drama's and it has nothing to do with you but what it  is you reveal they can't stop you, so they attack you and you get a bit of that negative energy attached so easily to you and your own ego will come out to protect you, the more you try to explain yourself the more they attack you with their ego, I am talking about bullies and trolls on the internet instead of ignoring them like I would normally I was sucked in which was a lesson for me in that the more you focus and feed negativity it will get you down to the level of those bullies and trolls, I even reverted to name calling which is not what I usually would of done... It put me out of sorts for most of the week but I really went down fast on Friday night and it has taken me quite a bit to come back up with a lot of help from spirit and Angels to put my soul back to a place of love and acceptance that I will never change others and others will never change me unless I let my ego come out to play the energy of the ego interrupts with my divine nature as it will yours when you play the game with a bully.. I really need to take lessons from myself as I give much guidance on this and being confident enough within your self that the bullies in the world will never affect you unless you let them - a free spirit doesn't need to fit in because we are all individual the only difference is some will never understand you as much as you understand where they come from and until they walk in your shoes or are a compassionate soul they will never understand you because compassion comes from understanding others because you have been through the experiences and lessons in life that have yet to get and by their behaviour and actions in life there lessons will come because "What goes around comes around back to you, until you get the same lesson in life when you hurt someone you will also experience that pain just to give your soul the same lesson in fear because when you intentionally hurt someone it comes from a place of fear and ego within you because of your own ignorance and bias to try and understand the other person or where it is they come from. If you don't come from the same place you are only releasing your own fears in order to drag that person down to your same energy level the one of ego."  this is called karma it is a balance of your own soul energy so all lessons have to go full circle this is also where "Law of attraction" comes in by your own energy and you drawing the same people to you that carry the same energy so I let myself be pulled down to their energy level a great  lesson in  energy sent  from spirit to teach me more about myself and how  easy it is to get down by something that would of not normally bothered me..

 A few lessons for my soul is that my soul and consciousness are rising the more I learn about myself and others and as I become enlightened of our true origins I am still human so do have an ego tightly tucked away in my dual energy system of love and fear, my past incarnations fears are coming to me so I can release them and learn that no one can or has the right to shut me down.This is a lesson for all of humanity at the moment with the chaos that is going on because of the new energy and all other souls going through their own enlightenment of course at their own pace, some souls just are not ready they will be the negative people that turn up in your life if you are walking on your spiritual path of discovering the I AM in the WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE.. I think my soul is still climbing out of this lesson it takes me so much internal work to release the fears of myself and others after I have been targeted I feel a bit wounded still.. I take comfort in my angels presence for they understand and love me unconditionally so does my big brother spirit that does protect me and has all my life even though I didn't know it but I have now awakened to what it was I always knew inside that is we are all connected to the same big brother spirit in all that is the universal energy that keeps our soul/spirit alive where ever we are, love is the connection that will never be broken for it is eternal and timeless.. Love you spirit xx
The basic human right is to be able to say what it is you think and feel if that is not happening in your life and you feel you are being pushed into things that your conscience says don't do respect yourself enough to change things  no matter what the situation is,  if you are not being your true soul and true to yourself by expressing your belief's in life what ever they may be, have the courage and change your life so you can become at peace with yourself and one with all that you are so you can follow your true path in life, always listen to your own heart and follow its lead for your soul always knows what it is you came here to do and what lessons it was to get in this or any other incarnations you have. Your guides and angels will always support you when any changes need to be made, sometimes the changes happen for us with divine intervention we then have to accept the change and see what other opportunities are opening up for us, you can create those opportunities with your dreams and what you want to manifest into your life but you do need to have faith and patience while those dreams become your reality and take the action steps you need to, to make it your reality and if offered help take it..

You don't have to fit in to what others want to feed their ego's you
only ever need to be an individual because that is what we all are
getting lessons in the school of life. 

I have just drawn a card for today and it is time to "Surrender Unhealthy Relationships" just so you can find your true soul again you need to move away from those people that are drawing you down and draining your energy because their ego's are feeding off your soul in order to boost themselves up so you are giving them your power by always being there to be trampled on. Your soul energy and consciousness has been going through changes so you may no longer fit into their narrative so it is time for you to move away from those that are not letting you be your true self and are dragging you into their drama's or making you feel guilt because you are not paying them any attention. You may be feeling spent energy wise and not give them what they need any longer and their comes a time in their life they have to be set free just so they can get their soul lessons without depending on you to always pick them up from the drama's in life, some times they just come to you to give them reassurance their ego is on the right side so they can't see they are a drain on you because they are getting what they want from an outside force when they should be looking within themselves to see what lessons their own souls came here to learn.. So think about who in your life has become a drain on your own soul and are using you for their own self gratification without giving a thought of what you yourself are going through in life by them always using your energy to boost them up, they are using you to feed their ego... Call on Archangel Michael to help you cut the cords of energy attachment you have with the negative drama laden people that have entered you life, if it is family and you can't cut the cords completely Archangel Michael will just tidy them up so only the love attachment is left so your contact can be come minimal just so you can preserve your own soul energy.. With this energy also we are being pushed to change how we are being treated by others and to sever karmic ties so the next life time you are not bound to the same soul connections through the energy of karma but you are free to create another life with your new soul template, so all past lessons need not affect your next incarnation, so send all people in this life and from past incarnations love and forgiveness for any actions of pain between you so your soul is then free in the next life on earth you can choose what it is you wish to create with your new found knowledge from this lifetime, spiritually you will remember it all so your soul won't have to go through all the tough lessons with unhealthy relationships if you learn and know what your lessons are you chose this time, our life this time around is also connected to past incarnations when we had karmic energy to repay or release that affect who we are now.. When you release the toxic people in your life you make room for new positive people to come in because your energy is not tied up in helping those that can't emotionally help themselves because the lessons are not coming to them because they always ask others to bail them out on an emotional level.. xx love and light xx
"Let go of relationships that don't serve you, including unavailable or toxic people. You deserve to be treasured by others and to be surrounded by positive people."
The first person that comes to your mind you will know it the one stopping your soul from soaring and being independent because they are holding emotional power over you and making you feel guilt if in your heart you know who this is take the first step of self-discovery and see what lesson they have left you with so you can then easy move on to the people that will love you for just being yourself so you are not feeding someone's ego by putting a mask over your feelings, it is time to be you and staying true to who you are..
Also to rid yourself of the unhealthy relationship with yourself and rid your own soul of toxic behaviour so overindulging in the things you know are getting you down like alcohol, drugs, overeating or what it is that you are using to fill some void and stop masking your fears with substances, face your fears get your lessons and your soul will be free to open new opportunities .. xx Love always xx
 What to do when you are chilling out escaping from the world
here is what I do and I did cook some muffins as well this afternoon
the weather is so hot for the first week of Autumn I had trouble sleeping.
 I have been colouring in today/last night my sun sign horoscope Taurus..

I have drawn a couple of cards from the Ascended Masters deck "Peace Offering" was a card that flipped over so after the last card to surrender to unhealthy relationships it is now up to you to offer a peaceful resolution and to let the person down easy so show some compassion as you walk away from the situation that has your own soul being dragged down, so don't leave in an angry manner and say things you don't really mean, but rather try to understand where they are coming from and to let then work through their own problems without you trying to solve the situation, because it is not in your control and the other souls attached to this situation need to find their own lessons with what it is they have put you or others through, you cannot do their soul work for them because they did come to earth to get their own lessons this situation with you is one of them so look within your heart and you will come up with a solution where everyone is happy and you are not putting your own self worth at risk of upsetting them.. Try to see if they can find the solution to the problem themselves by asking "what would you do?" then leave it at that so their soul and spirit can do their work on their own with out draining your energy.. 
The next card that came out was Moses with "Take Charge of this Situation" so it is now left up to you to make the decisions and to become the leader that you are and to use your instincts to get you out of this situation into one you know you are meant to be in, maybe now is not the time to act because you still are undecided on the next course of action. The first place to start is setting out your goals and intentions in life and then work towards your dreams you have the power to manifest into your life what it is you need to move forward you can move mountains and part seas to get to the place you are meant to be have patience as what you need will come to you as you need it one step at a time with the guidance you are given so follow your heart and accept any help when offered to you along the way because in your heart your soul knows what it must do in order to heal it self and to open your heart once again and to receive the love it is being given but also to give love in return because what you feel is real and deserving of being able to be expressed in your passions in life and with the creativity you have hiding within your heart.. You will be support by the angels, spirit and ascended masters as you fulfil your dreams and to follow your souls path because within you lies all the answers of your mission and quest in this life also the Christ seed to your awakening and your ascension to the 5th dimension consciousness, it is love that will take you there when your heart and soul open the door to spirit you will be supported all the way and guided because you are never alone as your soul goes through the process of ascending.. love and light xx
Just be at peace with yourself, love your self again, release your
fears and go with the flow as you follow your dreams for you
are the creator of everything that comes into your life.
Sending Love and Light
In life only ever be
who you are,
express your feelings
and your thoughts
because they are
connected to you
through spirit and
what you say affects
others not only in real
life as a human being
but on an esoteric level
they linger because it creates
your karmic energy.
How you treat others will
come back to you.
Steer clear of others drama's
don't let them pull you in,
because it is never about you
but who they are no
matter what they say
for inside you lies the truth
of who you are and who
you have ever been or are
going to be so let your
expressions be and don't
cower to the ego of others
your soul is more powerful
than that love you
forever and eternally.
Just be your true self
and those that are
destined to love you
will unconditionally.
love you always.

Have Confidence, Give and Receive and New Beginnings and fresh start xx

Hi everyone it is the last day of February in a leap year so Happy Birthday to all those born on the 29th and don't get to celebrate the right day every year.. Today is one of those days you sometimes have where you have a feeling and you just can't  put your finger on what it is if there is something not quite right or as if someone wants something from you and you just don't have it in you to give them what they need sort of feeling, so not sure what it is about I'm sure it will come to me later.. Also a day where I feel so alone in the world maybe because of that feeling I just described maybe my soul is going through energy changes again but don't know what, why or how also others expecting you to be like them and you know you're not so you feel like you are being picked on for being different.
I was fine when I woke up in the morning after I shed my fears/tears my  soul is just going through changes and feeling like some wanted to shut me down so I think this goes back to my souls history and still shedding those fears. 

The message from 1 March 2016
I have just drawn the angel messages for today and I have used two decks but got the same message in both so Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael are both saying have confidence whether it is in what you are creating for yourself or your future have confidence in what you do and your own abilities to manifest into your life what it is you want or need because you can have both creativity and experience in all matters that surround the soul path you have chosen for yourself in this life the divine plan you set eons ago will fall into place trust in yourself to achieve what it is your heart is telling you and have courage and optimism to see it through you don't need anyone in life but yourself to work out what it is your soul planed quiet your mind and listen to your heart what it is you are feeling is real and will lead you to the path destined for you at the right time in your life you may have things to finish on a soul level to connect to those you wish to bring into your life as you are already connected and love is always the connection you are never separated even when apart you are still as one soul in this life and every other trust and have confidence in what you are doing for all will be as you wish it to be and as you imagined.. Let go of doubt and move on your path with courage for you will be supported and loved so never alone as you complete what you must first, in your heart you will know what this is.. Don't worry about your work for those that seek the truth will seek it out and be drawn to it no matter what you do, it is okay to move forward if you feel stuck in your situation your soul will know the next step.. xx love and light xx 

The message for 2 March 2015

"Giving and Receiving" are you balanced in this energy so not only giving to others that will take advantage of your kindness so they will expect you to do certain tasks for them for nothing which will make you feel you are being taken for granted and are you allowing others to give you gifts in return or feeling guilt when they do if so stop it now and accept all that is given to you but in return make sure you also give so a kind word, a smile a lending hand to someone with out expectation of anything in return.. Learning to give and receive can take a lot for some souls as there are takers in the world that take the givers for a ride look at yourself and see if you have an equal balance of both with what you give and what you allow yourself to receive.. If you feel you are being taken advantage of stop giving so much to those that are using you let them carry their own load for a while this could also be emotionally so they use you as a battering ram and expecting you to always bail them out emotionally and not listening to your advice so they need to be let go of for your own emotional well being, plus it will benefit them to go it alone because they will get the lessons they came for with out relying on you for everything they suck your energy leaving you empty and exhausted from their drama's in life, let them go to make room so you can receive those good deeds in return let others do things for you.. If you feel you are being used trust that feeling and follow your heart out of the situation. xx love and light xx
Do you know people usually turn to you when they are full of fear from the drama's in their lives sometimes they only need a friendly ear so you don't need to do much but listen and understand so you then become a release valve of emotions for them so they quite often only need your shoulder and don't need you to fix things, use your instincts and you will always know what to do without over exerting your own energy reserves in trying to solve the worlds problems that is not always our task as a sensitive soul.xx

 The message from today 3 March 2015
The message today is from Archangel Michael I drew two cards again because I wanted more information.. The first card was "New Beginnings and a Fresh Start" with all that your soul has been going through it might be time for you to start to break away from your old habits and to look for new opportunities that will come your way don't fear change if it comes to you it is only your soul knowing it has to move from its current situation in life as it no longer is working out for you, you know in your heart what you must do so call on the angelic presence in you life to help you make that change one step at a time and what you require will be sent to you after you manifest what it is you need to make the changes you need. You know in your heart things are not currently working as you expected so you are being pushed in to a negative position you can't feel you can get out of but that is just your ego talking you can and will make the break away when you have all the necessary things together and your soul will know the right time to act, don't let those negative thoughts about your future stop it from happening because it is your soul plan and destiny to do what it is in your heart and to keep following that and to fulfill that what you are most passionate about. Your soul always knows the way, the answers and what it was you planned for this life and others following for they are written in your book of life so it is in your souls memory over what it is you are to do you know when the time in right, to act you will have a strong urge in you heart and mind that you will not be able to get out of your system because it was destined to happen when your soul knew it time to act and that time is now have courage and don't fear change for it will put you on track for what it is you came for.. The second card is "It's time to leave this Unhealthy situation" so you know this is not working for you follow your heart cut out what is not healthy for you and leave behind your current behaviour and start fresh with a new vitality and change your soul has raised consciousness so it is time to move with it and leave the past behind from your lifestyle choices that are making you sick, to the belief systems you once had it is time to move forward with your plan your soul knows what to do and you are getting your guidance it is up to you to act and do what is best for your higher good so your body, soul and mind are all aligned to take you to the right place once you close the door on those other past pattern they will be filled with a new way and new opportunities that you will create and manifest into your life because your soul has its plan it is your ego that has you feeling in a stuck place because your soul blueprint is soaring only your mind is stopping you from catching up to where it is you should be.. you are loved and never alone as you go through any soul process have courage, faith and trust in yourself and the universal system that will take you there and home where you belong, home is where your soul becomes one with who you are your true self a spiritual being of love and light that can manifest and create any thing in their life it starts now claim your divinity and there will be no stopping you from fulfilling all your dreams.. love and light xx
Talking of 'New Beginnings' or maybe just more learning for my soul I just signed up for a 10 week course to learn how to read the Akashic record of other souls to help them release old patterns of behaviour that goes soul deep so in their souls DNA and memory banks this is an online course.

Also on the 19th March I decided to go to a workshop in Wagga on medium ship with Ross Spencer so more learning it is only a one day session.. I seen Ross Spencer before at a platform event at a Spiritual Expo last year.. So that should be an interesting and insightful event..

It is now Friday I have this morning off before work this afternoon so I will finish this post and start the yearly reading starting off with this month March I have already started it and written some of the information down so it is just a matter of typing it down and getting more messages as I do that..
 In this world not everyone is going to love you don't take it personally as they struggle in life themselves and come from a place that only they can change by looking at their own behaviour and how they treat others in the world because what they give gets returned to them we are but mirrors of others but we don't have to take on their fears because you can reflect them back for not taking responsibility for their hatred because it has nothing to do with you but with their own self worth..

I don't feel the best today going through more soul changes and sick and tired of people telling me how to be when all I want to be is who I am - a loving compassionate soul that doesn't wish to hurt anyone in life, but they feel it okay to hurt me because they don't understand or want to understand who I am and what I am passionate about in life that is to see everyone having their own power which comes with the energy of love you don't have to believe in god or any religion the only one you ever need to believe in is yourself and to not let yourself be treated like crap in the world from others that carry fear and hatred because those energy tie your soul down so you are easily controlled and manipulated to be like one of the crowd that you stand out from.. Those with hatred and fear in their souls really fear the truth of their own ignorance and need to find others to blame for their own failing because they can't face them themselves so their escape in life is to blame you for their choices because that way they don't have to face their own reality, until such a day that the very thing they fear most will be the lesson they came for.. be wary of how you treat others because it will always come back to you.. love and light xx
I will leave you with beautiful song by Guy Sebastian as I have found my Angel they just don't know it yet.. love you always xx
Sending love and light
Never be afraid of who 
you are and to show 
the world what you are
made of you never 
know when you will
be the Angel in someone's
life by just your presence
and your energy is all they
need around to give them 
comfort and to know someone
cares after all we are
all god's children and 
deliver his messages 
everyday and are 
here to teach and to be
students of each other 
as we go through the 
struggles in life because
the lessons we come for
are sometimes painful.
When all we want out of life
is to be loved and to love
one another because that 
is the purpose of every 
soul on earth and they
deserve to be in the
place of bliss where only
one perfect soul will understand
and protect you from the hurts 
in the world they may not be
able to fix you but they
will love and support you
while you fix yourself because
as souls we are the only ones that
can heal our own hearts so we can 
love again.
Love you always 