Sunday, 26 July 2015

Ascended Masters - Apollo & Aengus - Near Death Experience and fear.. xx

Hi all I drew this card on Monday -  Apollo from my Ascended Masters deck of Oracle cards and it was to "FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGHTS" so this is a card about building up your self confidence and not putting all your energy and focus on the things you can not do as it devalues your own self worth and makes it grow, so if you focus your energy on the things you excel at your confidence and your energy both grow because you are doing the things you love and have a passion for so you are fulfilling part of your life purpose so it could be you are strong in showing love, compassion and empathy so you would shine in helping people which in turn would help you because it makes you feel good to do those things so it will build your self confidence especially when others show their gratitude towards you, but it could be other things you are passionate about and do put a lot of your energy into like your hobbies, your work if it is something you love to do any thing that brings you joy was meant to be, if those things you used to love no longer give you joy or fulfil your passions it may be time for your soul to make changes so you find your spark again, sometimes in life though changes come that are out of our control so were meant to happen in order for your soul to move on to the next lessons or phase in your life journey for everything happens for a reason for life is always static so you are never the same person all your life, for in each stage of our soul growth changes and lessons are supposed to happen that is why you came to earth for. So focus your energy on the parts you want to bring out in you for others to see and be inspired by, not those parts of you that you have self doubts about for it will show the world you are not so confident in your-self and it will reflect back on to you when you interact with others as they will pick up on your vulnerable bits and if they want to hurt you in anyway your weaknesses will show.. love and light xx
I wanted to find out who Apollo was so I did google but he is mentioned in a book by Doreen Virtue who says he is a Sun God from Greek legend.. Ascended Masters are those human who have walked before us and walked their spiritual path so have Ascended to another realm that help us humans on Earth with our own soul growth and guidance when we need it.. Apollo oversees prophecy, light, music and healing.
Excerpt from book -
Apollo has always willingly offered his help to humans who need it, and he continues to intervene where needed today. He spent much time in ancient Delphi, helping oracles and prophets with their divinations. Today he helps psychics and spiritual mediums elevate their gifts to the highest of spiritual frequencies. In New Age circles, Apollo is know as an Elohim (which in Hebrew means "divinities"), who bestows Divine wisdom and spiritual understandings on Earth and her inhabitants.
Apollo heals physical and emotional wounds and awakens psychic gifts by helping to replace unforgiveness with compassion and understanding.
Get  the message out - I found this on Youtube earlier and wanted to share as it is very profound and most likely something my own Guides/Angels led me to after today calling on them to send me a message using numbers which they did I was seeing 444 and 44's all day but I watched something else and this caught my eye on the side of the youtube channel..
Earlier in the day I had also left this comment about my connection with God being direct...
I left this quote in the morning from the Dalai Lama.
"A quote from the 14th Dalai Lama this morning "It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practise the virtues of compassion and tolerance." Every one is a teacher and student in this soul lesson we call life, every person comes to you with something they leave you for your soul to grow, the ones that hurt you the most teach you the most about who you are. love always xx "
This was the bible verse left
Isaiah 40:31 NIV

31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint

Thanks ____ you know what I have never read the bible so know none of it's versus.. My connection is direct from my soul for my own veil has lifted I know what the Christ consciousness is it the thing we call LOVE as it is Gods word that will make us all soar like the Eagle in the verse you just shown me.. Know your soul and you will meet god directly as well, when you know your soul you will also know others and how their consciousness thinks.. Psychics and mediums are soul readers so they read the energy of the souls that need guidance - the same way the bible (or other religious texts) reaches those in religion to find the God that is within their souls so they will act out God's intent but they also have the human mind and the freewill and choices god has granted (god is actually your own soul and consciousness)..belief will always be the block that stops your own veil from lifting..
I've watched that video about 3 times to try and gather my thoughts over what Nathan has just said about when he died, since I uploaded that video I have watched one more of his video's on Youtube he does have some interesting stories over his life and death experience and the messages he has to rely about the Messiah and Kingdom building.. What I seen in that video from my perspective is what happens to our soul when we reach home, and also when we reach earth so our life in the middle of that depends on what it was we were led to believe about exactly what our soul is as a lot of it is based on what we were taught to believe from the religious texts so the bible as there are other religious belief's that have their own version of events written centuries ago. Me I'm not much into the religious texts or church as my only experiences with that was when I went to Sunday School and Scripture at school, I do own a bible as it was given as a gift one year in Sunday School I have no idea where it is floating about the place I suspect as I didn't throw it away as it has my name and the note from Sunday School in it, I'm sure it will turn up one day..
Any way back to the video and our soul as that is what interests me anything to do with the human soul as it is what controls us all and our actions and thoughts all come from within our own spirit energy (which I did a post on recently) so every single human that walks the earth and those in heaven that have not been in human form also exist as a part of the universal energy that is a mix of the spirit energy..  I might add later what my thoughts were  on the video as I think you should watch it first so I might do that in another post when I gather my thoughts together more.. Now I will go on to the messages and cards I drew for today the first one is PASSION - "Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career."
"Passion" from Archangel Haniel whom wants you to trust and follow that what makes your heart sing the thing you love and puts the fire in your belly (so it may also pee you off), for that is part of the purpose in your life to pursue what your heart desires and follow that road where ever it leads you.. if you are feeling a bit stuck in life raise your energy by doing those things you love, or expressing your feelings in a way that will help you release them by writing, singing, dancing or music what ever method helps you.. Call on Archangel Haniel to help guide you on your path if you have come to a stalemate or feel stuck in your life as she will reignite your passion and help you to open your heart which will lead you to your path, which will help you to come to a peace of mind as you go about your every day life, what you need will come to you in divine time, have faith and believe in you and your dreams for they will come with patience, until that time go with the flow and just follow where your heart leads you as your guidance will come of where it is you need to go next to help bring about what it is need that will continue to bring your soul where it needs to be, plus it will also put you in the place that was where you were meant to be at this time always listen to your intuition that is the first thought, feeling that comes to your heart then mind as one is a reflection of the other when you always come from the heart because your spirit energy comes through the heart chamber as it is your soul speaking so trust in it for it will never let you down it will only be your ego or negative thoughts in life that will have your energy focused on the negative, if this happens turn that negative into a positive as it will raise your energy and turn your thoughts around to the place that they should be to get you further along your life's path.. Our ego thoughts will become our reality if that is where our energy is focused so to use your own soul power you need to always stay positive even when you think you can't as there is always two sides to life as we live in a world of duality.. So to reignite your passion in life that thing that gives you a spark to keep on living call on Archangel Haniel  xx love and light xx
[Archangel Haniel name means "Glory of God." Haniel can help you give glory to God by living at your highest potential. She'll groom your hidden talents, and help you polish your skills. Then when you apply your masterful ways to your true passions, Divine Magic occurs!.]
I took the advice of the Passion card and done something I love to do today I finished off a card that I had started yesterday, I coloured the image a while ago but got some new die cuts (cuts the paper into shapes, patterns) so had a play with them as well. Colouring in would have to be my favourite thing to do as it brings out my inner child as I used to buy pencils, texta's and colour in books with my pocket money as a child so still love to do it as an adult as it is very relaxing and helps you get away from other things for a while as you use your mind to create which lifts your energy levels. I did work this weekend because my collegue went and done something he loves to do go fishing so I had to do his job on Saturday and Sunday..
 I was also guided to draw a second card to add to my blog from the Ascended Masters for someone needs to hear about the TWINFLAME relationship which I have mentioned a few times in my posts.. The  Twinflame relationship is one of a very spiritual nature and is one of an intense and deep unconditional love as it is a soul connection of a divine nature and was created with the birth of creation itself when the two souls separated to come back together at a divine time when both souls had gone full circle so were ready to ascend together once the soul reunited with its mate or mirror as the soul have the same DNA and soul frequency so are the same but opposite so they mirror each other and also help each others souls to grow as they have been a part of the oversoul and each others guide throughout each incarnation they have each had so they are or were never separated since time began as they are an essence of each other the love felt when they find each other is intense and on a very deep level of true love so no matter what happens they will never be separated as they do have the soul connection even if they are not together physically they are bound together with love. At this time a lot of Twinflames are connecting to bring in this new energy and they are also here to anchor it for the mission is to be at peace with who you are as one soul so be comfortable in your own skin with no fears or ego be a pure light of love for what you feel with your twin just being around makes you feel whole and complete like you are home, so you should feel comfortable to be on your own so be happy with your own company which you may have to do because a lot of internal and emotional work comes once you find your twin and your soul will always know your twin when you come into contact with them for they will just feel like you've known them forever and with true love you will have them on your mind and in your heart all the time as they are a part of your own essence and the one that makes you who you are because you will also help each other to awaken to your own true soul and to who you really are. So it is a spiritual journey within before you both become the one soul again and be reunited in real time on earth if you have both come down at this time. Twinflame reunion won't take place unless you are both at the same place spiritually so follow your guidance and do what your intuition tells you for there may be other lessons or things that need to take place first, you also have to find your true soul self so a lot of reflection on your life in this lifecycle but also fears and other emotions have to be released out of your emotional body from past life experiences and fears that have stayed in your akashic record so a lot of work has to be done internally on your soul to be in the right place for synchronicity to have you meet then a whole different journey begins for you both as it will be like living with yourself and nothing can be hidden so your ego needs to be kept out of it for ego and soul will clash it is different then a romantic relationship of a 3d human kind it goes much deeper then that for your soul and template are both changing for you would of evolved as both souls are very highly evolved and have lived many human lives, your consciousness will also change and meld with the spirit energy as you are both one with God and working on his kingdom to change humanity with this new energy of love.. so you are love anchors and light but your soul is also coming into a time of ascension so your soul has done the full circle of life and is ready to evolve into the New Golden age which represents all other souls evolving and changing in humanity itself along with the new energy template which calls for love and integrity in all of human nature as each soul awaken to the truth of the spiritual being that they are and were born to be.. So if you have found your Twin know it is your mission in life as well as other missions that will bring you together in life as they are both the reasons you chose to be on earth this time.. hang in there for when the time is right and we have both done our soul work our worlds will collide and we will both be home again.. believe and have faith in the power of love that we will be led home if we continue to follow our hearts.. xx love and light always xx  Here is a page all about Aengus the Celtic God of soulmate and twinflame love that will help guide you together call on him to help with your relationships and to help bring you together with your true love..
You should be able to connect to your Twinflame in your subconscious mind or in your
dreams to send them the love energy that will keep you both feeling at home and not
standing alone in this spiritual journey you are going through together.
 I brought some new cards on Friday they are beautiful and have great messages on them about your own self worth and being at peace and loving your self as that is also a part of the Twinflame journey to know your own self worth and believing in the universal energy system that has us where we are in life every moment of the day.. "Believe" .. believe in yourself and the universal energy and your dreams as they will all come together in divine time, the biggest block between you and the spirit energy of our soul is belief as it puts a veil or a block on those very things you want or need in life from coming to you. So if you believe you are not worthy or that you won't get them your energy focus is on exactly that you not getting those things you desire. So focus your energy on what you desire and believe in miracles and they will come to you at the right time your soul needs it
Front of card
The back of the card with the message for you..
 Patience is a virtue for the best things in life are worth waiting for.
Impatience is your ego talking as you wish for things to happen faster
then the divine can deliver so may not work out if they come before you
soul is ready for that change in circumstances..
My music for tonight is Brooks and Dunn "You're my Angel"
Also some relaxing Angelic music if you need to soothe your soul
Sending love and light
Know I always love you
no matter what you are going
through I will always be there
to guide you through the rough
patches in life,
I will never desert you
for my heart or soul
would not let me as
what you feel I do also
our souls are so connected
in spirit it is always
the love that will
shine through those
stormy clouds in life
and pull you through
for only love is real
and our true soul self
for it holds all the power
in life to always bring
you what it is you need.
I believe in you and hope
you believe in me to always
be there and to bring you
those dreams and desires
that your soul craves for
for what you seek I do to.
LOVE of the divine
kind that will bring us
home where we belong as one.
Love you always

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