Thursday 30 July 2015

Messages for today - Open your 3rd eye and uplift your thoughts xx

Hi all I drew a couple of cards this morning and thought I would put the reading up on my blog of what the cards mean I was drawn to the flower Therapy deck this morning so it might mean you also need to go out into nature... The first card is "OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE" Echinacea is the plant that will help as nature and plants/flowers all have energy themselves so you can use those flowers to help lift your own energy.. "It's safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance. By doing so you'll see the truth."  To open your third eye you first need to have the intention of wanting to connect to the spirit energy that will come through you. Your mind and your heart both need to be open and you need to have the belief that you can see clairvoyantly so you may need to say affirmations like "I am profoundly clairvoyant" and call on the angels to help you unblock your pineal gland as all spirit communication does come through both your heart and your pineal gland which is located at the back of your head and it runs up through to your third eye there are meditations online that other people have done that may help you to open up all your portals to connect with your spirit energy. Nothing will happen as long as you still hold fears about being able to connect spiritually with the spirit world.. There is nothing to fear as you are always protected by spirit itself because you are allowing your soul to open fully to the light which is your true soul self so who you really are and the spirit energy that already consists of your soul makeup so you are simply just lifting the veil of the gifts or the natural way of our soul as our souls do have a remembrance of home when we come down to the denseness of the earth we just have to find it within ourselves which is what our soul knows to do while we are here as the soul truly does know what its purpose was on earth and if your soul set yourself a challenge to go in search of the true soul self and go on a spiritual path of discovery in this life time that is what your soul will do in order to be of service to others as well as being on a soul journey yourself.. So in spiritual truth every soul on earth is going through their own soul evolution but at its own pace so the souls not interested in any thing esoteric or metaphysical will not be interested in following that path let alone reading or having a curiosity and wanting to know more about who they are or where our soul comes from or any other metaphysical occurrence. Their life journey would simply be to come to earth to experience life and to catch up with their own karmic energy so just come down and learn the lessons older souls would of already been through so not be at the same spiritual stage as a more evolved soul, they are probably not also as energetically aware of other people if their soul is not evolved as a more spiritual person. So when your third eye starts to open you may not necessarily see images in your minds eye or colours as every soul is different in how you connect it might be you just get a thought of an image say from something that will resonate with you so it is like a puzzle you put together in your thoughts to bring in what messages you need for your own soul guidance or to help another soul on their journey with your advice, trust in the whole universal system and have the belief that what you are thinking or feeling is the message you are to relay for it will resonate with you or the other person you are helping for most time the message is meant for the other just as much it is for you if you are picking up on the energy of the other person you should sense what it is they need to hear or feel from you so they will use their own spiritual logic and messages to get what they need out of what was said.  Your own soul truth will also be found once you start looking at things differently through your third eye as a whole new world will open to you for your own consciousness level will have lifted to new heights so you will start to think multidimensional for old souls instinctively know there is more to life then who they are on earth. xx Love and light xx
The next card is "UPLIFT YOUR THOUGHTS" Orange Lily - in order to connect to spirit we need to be in a positive frame of mind  to raise our own energy levels. "Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you'll let go of depression, poor self-esteem and excess weight."  So to uplift our thoughts we need to start looking at things differently and seeing all the blessing in your life instead of what it is in life you think you are mission out on as you are sending your soul power energy into manifesting what you want in the wrong direction, so if your energy is focused on the worst happening that is what you are telling your soul or spirit that is what you wish to happen and so it does. When your mind starts going into negative territory you know it is time to start changing your thought pattern so you don't get caught up into being a victim of your own circumstance no matter what is happening in life either around you or directly involving you. it is okay to have negative feeling for a short while but don't dwell on them or it will send you on a downward spiral in life where everything you see will be from a pessimist point of view so nothing will ever work out for that is where your energy is focused on the things you perceive as being no good or bad, or that something bad is going to happen to you because you aren't holding up to others expectation of who they think you should be, so you actually are feeding off their fears and not your own as you are taking their expectations of you to heart so you see yours self at fault and no good which does affect your own self worth and cause doubts in your own abilities which when dwell upon by your ego (for all fears come from your ego) which does lead to depressive states.. So does focusing on what you don't have instead of what you do and feeling lucky or blessed because others may not have what you do but would love to be in your position so they will admire what you do in life.. So uplift your thoughts turn a negative into a positive and find a blessing in your situation as it will lead to more and a change in your own attitude.. love and light xx ..

Your life is a mind game between your ego and your heart - the heart will see good - the ego will see the negative - they both have there place as you can't have one without the other but you just need the ego to slide on past without the negative side of everyone's drama's getting stuck in your own head.. simply because everyone has their own path in life but you personally don't have to wear what is wrong in the world only take care of your own little world the one you created and look after your self and those you come across on your path.. xx love always is the key and to have compassion for all and don't be selective in who you show love to because it is your own internal light that always matters in the world.. xx
I will now leave you with a song that will lift your mood and some good advice from the Zac Brown Band if you are in a bad mood and need to lift your emotional body out of your blues go find your paradise so do the things that will relax and clear your mind of all your trouble going out in nature will surely do that if you are an outdoor type even if you are not an out door person it is good to get out from the four walls of your home away from the daily grind to clear your mind of your ego based thoughts .. Knee deep is the tune..
Sending love and light
So let go of fear open your heart
open your mind, let spirit help you
for it will turn your life in another direction
for your soul will know its own truth of why
you have chosen life  on earth at this time
of your soul evolution. Communicating to that
which is your spirit energy is the rest of
your soul that resides in the universal energy
system that belongs to the earth and the sky
for we are all one small part of the
whole of creation. There is more out
there then the universe lets us to know as our
3d Linear human  consciousness does not
hold all the wisdom of the  other dimensions as our
soul body hides behind a veil of remembrance of
exactly who we are as a whole soul on earth, so we chose to
forget of our origin in order for  our own soul to do the full circle
of creation so we are all working towards the age of ascension where
our soul will meet our spirit and we will once again feel like we are home
where love and time are eternal and  infinite as in spirit we are the light
so we are our true soul self which is  love all fear doesn't exist in our true
soul state, fear only exists on earth. As our soul awakens it will know the truth
of its origin as this new energy is opening up our Akashic record so we do know
we are all spirit and so connected to what is over the other side of the veil..
Love always

Sunday 26 July 2015

Ascended Masters - Apollo & Aengus - Near Death Experience and fear.. xx

Hi all I drew this card on Monday -  Apollo from my Ascended Masters deck of Oracle cards and it was to "FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGHTS" so this is a card about building up your self confidence and not putting all your energy and focus on the things you can not do as it devalues your own self worth and makes it grow, so if you focus your energy on the things you excel at your confidence and your energy both grow because you are doing the things you love and have a passion for so you are fulfilling part of your life purpose so it could be you are strong in showing love, compassion and empathy so you would shine in helping people which in turn would help you because it makes you feel good to do those things so it will build your self confidence especially when others show their gratitude towards you, but it could be other things you are passionate about and do put a lot of your energy into like your hobbies, your work if it is something you love to do any thing that brings you joy was meant to be, if those things you used to love no longer give you joy or fulfil your passions it may be time for your soul to make changes so you find your spark again, sometimes in life though changes come that are out of our control so were meant to happen in order for your soul to move on to the next lessons or phase in your life journey for everything happens for a reason for life is always static so you are never the same person all your life, for in each stage of our soul growth changes and lessons are supposed to happen that is why you came to earth for. So focus your energy on the parts you want to bring out in you for others to see and be inspired by, not those parts of you that you have self doubts about for it will show the world you are not so confident in your-self and it will reflect back on to you when you interact with others as they will pick up on your vulnerable bits and if they want to hurt you in anyway your weaknesses will show.. love and light xx
I wanted to find out who Apollo was so I did google but he is mentioned in a book by Doreen Virtue who says he is a Sun God from Greek legend.. Ascended Masters are those human who have walked before us and walked their spiritual path so have Ascended to another realm that help us humans on Earth with our own soul growth and guidance when we need it.. Apollo oversees prophecy, light, music and healing.
Excerpt from book -
Apollo has always willingly offered his help to humans who need it, and he continues to intervene where needed today. He spent much time in ancient Delphi, helping oracles and prophets with their divinations. Today he helps psychics and spiritual mediums elevate their gifts to the highest of spiritual frequencies. In New Age circles, Apollo is know as an Elohim (which in Hebrew means "divinities"), who bestows Divine wisdom and spiritual understandings on Earth and her inhabitants.
Apollo heals physical and emotional wounds and awakens psychic gifts by helping to replace unforgiveness with compassion and understanding.
Get  the message out - I found this on Youtube earlier and wanted to share as it is very profound and most likely something my own Guides/Angels led me to after today calling on them to send me a message using numbers which they did I was seeing 444 and 44's all day but I watched something else and this caught my eye on the side of the youtube channel..
Earlier in the day I had also left this comment about my connection with God being direct...
I left this quote in the morning from the Dalai Lama.
"A quote from the 14th Dalai Lama this morning "It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practise the virtues of compassion and tolerance." Every one is a teacher and student in this soul lesson we call life, every person comes to you with something they leave you for your soul to grow, the ones that hurt you the most teach you the most about who you are. love always xx "
This was the bible verse left
Isaiah 40:31 NIV

31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint

Thanks ____ you know what I have never read the bible so know none of it's versus.. My connection is direct from my soul for my own veil has lifted I know what the Christ consciousness is it the thing we call LOVE as it is Gods word that will make us all soar like the Eagle in the verse you just shown me.. Know your soul and you will meet god directly as well, when you know your soul you will also know others and how their consciousness thinks.. Psychics and mediums are soul readers so they read the energy of the souls that need guidance - the same way the bible (or other religious texts) reaches those in religion to find the God that is within their souls so they will act out God's intent but they also have the human mind and the freewill and choices god has granted (god is actually your own soul and consciousness)..belief will always be the block that stops your own veil from lifting..
I've watched that video about 3 times to try and gather my thoughts over what Nathan has just said about when he died, since I uploaded that video I have watched one more of his video's on Youtube he does have some interesting stories over his life and death experience and the messages he has to rely about the Messiah and Kingdom building.. What I seen in that video from my perspective is what happens to our soul when we reach home, and also when we reach earth so our life in the middle of that depends on what it was we were led to believe about exactly what our soul is as a lot of it is based on what we were taught to believe from the religious texts so the bible as there are other religious belief's that have their own version of events written centuries ago. Me I'm not much into the religious texts or church as my only experiences with that was when I went to Sunday School and Scripture at school, I do own a bible as it was given as a gift one year in Sunday School I have no idea where it is floating about the place I suspect as I didn't throw it away as it has my name and the note from Sunday School in it, I'm sure it will turn up one day..
Any way back to the video and our soul as that is what interests me anything to do with the human soul as it is what controls us all and our actions and thoughts all come from within our own spirit energy (which I did a post on recently) so every single human that walks the earth and those in heaven that have not been in human form also exist as a part of the universal energy that is a mix of the spirit energy..  I might add later what my thoughts were  on the video as I think you should watch it first so I might do that in another post when I gather my thoughts together more.. Now I will go on to the messages and cards I drew for today the first one is PASSION - "Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career."
"Passion" from Archangel Haniel whom wants you to trust and follow that what makes your heart sing the thing you love and puts the fire in your belly (so it may also pee you off), for that is part of the purpose in your life to pursue what your heart desires and follow that road where ever it leads you.. if you are feeling a bit stuck in life raise your energy by doing those things you love, or expressing your feelings in a way that will help you release them by writing, singing, dancing or music what ever method helps you.. Call on Archangel Haniel to help guide you on your path if you have come to a stalemate or feel stuck in your life as she will reignite your passion and help you to open your heart which will lead you to your path, which will help you to come to a peace of mind as you go about your every day life, what you need will come to you in divine time, have faith and believe in you and your dreams for they will come with patience, until that time go with the flow and just follow where your heart leads you as your guidance will come of where it is you need to go next to help bring about what it is need that will continue to bring your soul where it needs to be, plus it will also put you in the place that was where you were meant to be at this time always listen to your intuition that is the first thought, feeling that comes to your heart then mind as one is a reflection of the other when you always come from the heart because your spirit energy comes through the heart chamber as it is your soul speaking so trust in it for it will never let you down it will only be your ego or negative thoughts in life that will have your energy focused on the negative, if this happens turn that negative into a positive as it will raise your energy and turn your thoughts around to the place that they should be to get you further along your life's path.. Our ego thoughts will become our reality if that is where our energy is focused so to use your own soul power you need to always stay positive even when you think you can't as there is always two sides to life as we live in a world of duality.. So to reignite your passion in life that thing that gives you a spark to keep on living call on Archangel Haniel  xx love and light xx
[Archangel Haniel name means "Glory of God." Haniel can help you give glory to God by living at your highest potential. She'll groom your hidden talents, and help you polish your skills. Then when you apply your masterful ways to your true passions, Divine Magic occurs!.]
I took the advice of the Passion card and done something I love to do today I finished off a card that I had started yesterday, I coloured the image a while ago but got some new die cuts (cuts the paper into shapes, patterns) so had a play with them as well. Colouring in would have to be my favourite thing to do as it brings out my inner child as I used to buy pencils, texta's and colour in books with my pocket money as a child so still love to do it as an adult as it is very relaxing and helps you get away from other things for a while as you use your mind to create which lifts your energy levels. I did work this weekend because my collegue went and done something he loves to do go fishing so I had to do his job on Saturday and Sunday..
 I was also guided to draw a second card to add to my blog from the Ascended Masters for someone needs to hear about the TWINFLAME relationship which I have mentioned a few times in my posts.. The  Twinflame relationship is one of a very spiritual nature and is one of an intense and deep unconditional love as it is a soul connection of a divine nature and was created with the birth of creation itself when the two souls separated to come back together at a divine time when both souls had gone full circle so were ready to ascend together once the soul reunited with its mate or mirror as the soul have the same DNA and soul frequency so are the same but opposite so they mirror each other and also help each others souls to grow as they have been a part of the oversoul and each others guide throughout each incarnation they have each had so they are or were never separated since time began as they are an essence of each other the love felt when they find each other is intense and on a very deep level of true love so no matter what happens they will never be separated as they do have the soul connection even if they are not together physically they are bound together with love. At this time a lot of Twinflames are connecting to bring in this new energy and they are also here to anchor it for the mission is to be at peace with who you are as one soul so be comfortable in your own skin with no fears or ego be a pure light of love for what you feel with your twin just being around makes you feel whole and complete like you are home, so you should feel comfortable to be on your own so be happy with your own company which you may have to do because a lot of internal and emotional work comes once you find your twin and your soul will always know your twin when you come into contact with them for they will just feel like you've known them forever and with true love you will have them on your mind and in your heart all the time as they are a part of your own essence and the one that makes you who you are because you will also help each other to awaken to your own true soul and to who you really are. So it is a spiritual journey within before you both become the one soul again and be reunited in real time on earth if you have both come down at this time. Twinflame reunion won't take place unless you are both at the same place spiritually so follow your guidance and do what your intuition tells you for there may be other lessons or things that need to take place first, you also have to find your true soul self so a lot of reflection on your life in this lifecycle but also fears and other emotions have to be released out of your emotional body from past life experiences and fears that have stayed in your akashic record so a lot of work has to be done internally on your soul to be in the right place for synchronicity to have you meet then a whole different journey begins for you both as it will be like living with yourself and nothing can be hidden so your ego needs to be kept out of it for ego and soul will clash it is different then a romantic relationship of a 3d human kind it goes much deeper then that for your soul and template are both changing for you would of evolved as both souls are very highly evolved and have lived many human lives, your consciousness will also change and meld with the spirit energy as you are both one with God and working on his kingdom to change humanity with this new energy of love.. so you are love anchors and light but your soul is also coming into a time of ascension so your soul has done the full circle of life and is ready to evolve into the New Golden age which represents all other souls evolving and changing in humanity itself along with the new energy template which calls for love and integrity in all of human nature as each soul awaken to the truth of the spiritual being that they are and were born to be.. So if you have found your Twin know it is your mission in life as well as other missions that will bring you together in life as they are both the reasons you chose to be on earth this time.. hang in there for when the time is right and we have both done our soul work our worlds will collide and we will both be home again.. believe and have faith in the power of love that we will be led home if we continue to follow our hearts.. xx love and light always xx  Here is a page all about Aengus the Celtic God of soulmate and twinflame love that will help guide you together call on him to help with your relationships and to help bring you together with your true love..
You should be able to connect to your Twinflame in your subconscious mind or in your
dreams to send them the love energy that will keep you both feeling at home and not
standing alone in this spiritual journey you are going through together.
 I brought some new cards on Friday they are beautiful and have great messages on them about your own self worth and being at peace and loving your self as that is also a part of the Twinflame journey to know your own self worth and believing in the universal energy system that has us where we are in life every moment of the day.. "Believe" .. believe in yourself and the universal energy and your dreams as they will all come together in divine time, the biggest block between you and the spirit energy of our soul is belief as it puts a veil or a block on those very things you want or need in life from coming to you. So if you believe you are not worthy or that you won't get them your energy focus is on exactly that you not getting those things you desire. So focus your energy on what you desire and believe in miracles and they will come to you at the right time your soul needs it
Front of card
The back of the card with the message for you..
 Patience is a virtue for the best things in life are worth waiting for.
Impatience is your ego talking as you wish for things to happen faster
then the divine can deliver so may not work out if they come before you
soul is ready for that change in circumstances..
My music for tonight is Brooks and Dunn "You're my Angel"
Also some relaxing Angelic music if you need to soothe your soul
Sending love and light
Know I always love you
no matter what you are going
through I will always be there
to guide you through the rough
patches in life,
I will never desert you
for my heart or soul
would not let me as
what you feel I do also
our souls are so connected
in spirit it is always
the love that will
shine through those
stormy clouds in life
and pull you through
for only love is real
and our true soul self
for it holds all the power
in life to always bring
you what it is you need.
I believe in you and hope
you believe in me to always
be there and to bring you
those dreams and desires
that your soul craves for
for what you seek I do to.
LOVE of the divine
kind that will bring us
home where we belong as one.
Love you always

Saturday 18 July 2015

Spirit energy what is it? xx

Hi all I finally got over that psychic attack it cleared on the Sunday after my last post with a beautiful dream and some loving energy from the divine and angels plus a message from a psychic medium I met at the Tumut expo my spirit family which I will do a post on one day passed me a message which got to me on the Monday after my spirit family kept her awake until she passed on this urgent message "that it was okay for me to move on" by this my spirit family meant that I no longer have to take on others fears which was what I wrote about on one of my posts below so I was elated on Monday with both the dream and this message on top of that as it reassured me I am not alone or going to stand alone for other messages have come in since then that I am at home where ever I am loved by the divine and by those that do care for me, so home to me is where we feel loved and at peace so it can be on earth if we don't let our fears or that of others take us away from that place of peace that will always come from within our own soul, for no-one can ever take that away from you with anything they say or do, for our spirit family and angels are always connected to us with love as are the people we come into contact with on earth that are a part of our journey no matter how they treat you they are here to help your soul grow out of love for you (so not everything will be good all the time as they are here to help you expel your fears so all that is left is love)..
That is how I felt in my last post but I have since found out I am home
you just need to go within your own soul and know you are loved even when
you feel you stand alone in life for it is not until we stand alone we find our own
 soul and the wisdom and secrets it holds within our own spirit as our soul is
so full of energy we can't contain it all on earth as it is made up of all types of energy
that has us connected to the whole universe for we are all one and connected through
that same spirit energy.

I purchased some new books and a deck of cards last week that seems like so long ago but here they are well at least the books.. I will give you all a message from the cards later..
I want to do a post on this as it is a term I use pretty often to describe what it is that runs through my soul as it is my soul and spirit melded as one for we are one with spirit,  this is all our souls for we are all a part of creation and at one with God our creator this is the spirit energy.. In the spiritual world we have all sort of psychics and mediums so they all have their own messages from spirit to pass on, spirit brings messages through me all the time but none of our souls are different it is all the same spirit energy it is our life force our soul it is what makes us walk on Earth as that is what we came here for it is our spirit that makes us who we are so all messages may be different but the right message for you will come from your own soul so no-one is right or wrong we are just guided by our own light depending on our very souls own incarnation story so don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't be feeling that for that is not what my soul or spirit told me was the message to come through, we are all students and teachers of the spiritual realm but we each have our own soul journey as I said before mine might be different then yours as we do have a soul history that only your own spirit energy knows is the truth you will feel that truth when you read it from any one of the messages that may come through the other mediums or psychics or those that channel messages from our Masters or Angels when or if you read this stuff your own soul will react with emotions for it will know the truth of who you are especially in this new energy when our own book of life is opening up for the veil between us and spirit is opening for a lot of souls are evolving at this time so this is an awakening of the Golden Age so love energy is replacing the fear energy as that is what has caused the denseness and darkness on earth as we had a blanket of energy protecting us and making a veil between us and spirit so when we were born we would forget our spiritual origin and live in the world of duality so fear and love, dark and light energy.. Once you lift that veil between you and the rest of your soul (the spirit energy that is you) you will walk in this new energy as you walk half or fully in it now the new energy is LOVE when you walk in this energy completely you will have integrity and compassion for all your fellow humans for you will know they all have their own path and journey in life so have made the choices in life they have for their own soul growth for we all come in with Karmic debt this is a balance of energy for your own soul that you worked on in each life cycle or incarnation you walked on earth, your soul never forgets these lives or the struggles you went through to get to where you are today and with what ever journey you are now on it can be changed in this love energy that is now coming in on earth as it is expelling all fear out of our souls and any system in Government, Business, Religion, media any system that will no longer work in the old energy which was about fear and survival. If your soul has evolved as I know mine has your whole consciousness and thought patterns will change once you walk in the new energy for you will be connected to spirit full time so you won't need to hold certain rituals to connect for you will always be the spirit that runs through you, you will meld as one soul with spirit for they have always been apart of your own soul only not so connected for we were separated by the veil that separates our soul from the rest of it that would be our higher self, angels, guides and spirit for it is all one energy that makes up our soul the part of creation that makes us who we are, who we have been in all incarnations, who we will be in the future as we are writing our own souls creation now every second of the day with our thoughts, actions and reactions we have with others that come across our paths for in life there are no accidents, coincidences for we are all led by the same spirit teams that help guide us as we have our lessons on earth in each life cycle the soul is eternal the body we have in each life cycle isn't so our spirit leaves our body when our lessons are done in each incarnation we have, we meet the souls we were meant to that help us with our life lessons for no-one will ever leave you with out some sort of feeling or emotions you have to deal with internally for this is what makes your soul evolve all the emotions we feel within our hearts for our heart is our soul centre and the  part of us that does connect us with the spirit energy that is us or the spirit energy of those we meet for it is the energy that guides us all in life even when we think we have made the wrong decision or failed in some way they are just the lessons your soul came here to learn and it takes others to bring them out in you, but it takes you alone to work through the emotions and how you should feel or the choices in how you react to all situations in life for none of it is ever a failure or a mistake as it was what your soul needed at that time to evolve a little bit more, the most painful experiences are the ones that bring on this soul growth and it helps you to search for the God that is within you, not outside of you or in a church (God is the spirit energy that is you and the love that is inside you) religion will bring you to the lessons if they are not preaching fear for God is the love, compassion and guidance in you that you either pass on to others to help them or most the time it is for you alone so your soul can search for the peace and compassion you should feel for yourself and the hard journey you may of been on for life is not all about pain but also the things that bring you joy and love for LOVE is the purpose of all our souls as that is our true souls nature when our soul leaves our body all that is left is love and peace for we have returned home.. Home is also where we feel the most loved so it can be found on earth when you find your soul mate or twinsoul as they are the mirror of each others soul so the one soul from the same place of creation with the same energy and blueprint so the same DNA that is your soul the twinsoul is that Love energy, for you are never separated from your twinsoul as they are a part of your soul makeup and whether you are together in spirit it is rare to find each other on the earth plain at the same time with this new wave of energy over the last 20 years the twinsouls are reuniting at least the ones that have come down to earth at the same time will find each other,  your souls are always together in spirit if one of the twinsouls is on the earth plain and the other is not, it is always the love that keeps your soul together so you are each others guides for our oversoul is part of the same soul one part of the energy that is us..
 Love is the bridge between your soul on earth and your soul left behind in spirit
and the other souls in your spirit family love is the bridge that connects all souls
to each other and the lifting of the veil between you and your spirit energy..
Opening your heart and soul searching is the opening portal to your whole soul
power in being all that you are and the I am in who I am..
I talk a lot about the "NEW ENERGY" is places I visit they probably think I'm nuts but I know this energy as I walk in it and it is what makes me who I am it is my soul makeup this energy is LOVE so we all have it only we don't completely harness the whole of our soul which is the love energy so all our fears will be expelled once we know from where our fears come from, so our soul power is to walk with love and to show compassion for all that is around us, I mentioned compassion in other posts on my blog so it is about showing understanding and helping others through difficult times by simply touching their souls by just being there if they need you without judgements just because we all do come to earth to help our souls evolve that is done by the freewill choices in life we make, so they may not always be wise choices and some of them end up causing us pain, but out of that pain comes our souls evolvement and the compassion within our souls for others that are going through a similar situation for your own soul knows what you went through.. All this pain remains within your own souls memory and in your akashic record so when your soul becomes highly evolved your soul will remember all you have been through so you will be empathic in nature and pick up on the energy of your own soul when you went through similar pain, but also pick up on the others souls that are around you simply because your own veil has been lifted by the energy of love that exists in your own soul being, not every soul is in this place because they have come to earth to evolve and a lot of those on earth carry so much fear still of the unknown, they may not always be willing to learn that there is more to live then what we see or perceive as a 3d lineal human, our soul is so much bigger then that and our own soul energy is immense we are all born with psychic ability but on birth and with the belief's we are taught we put that veil in place so we no longer  connect  with our own spirit energy we do get glimpses of it with our thoughts and our own intuition as we go through life but never question where these thoughts come from it is with our subconscious mind that we connect to our own spirit energy so it is with our thoughts, dreams and intentions we form what it is we bring into our life from the higher dimensions of what it is we need, so we are always in control of our own life and what we draw into it for something were planned in spirit way before we were born, that would be our purpose in life and why we needed to enter earth at each given time we chose to come. So on a subconscious level we have planned for others to come into our lives to help with our own soul growth so not every meeting will be all love and kindness for the events that cause the most soul growth are very emotional and painful as they are the events that make us go inside ourselves to allay our fears and to search for the inner soul that we are, the death of a child done that for me but in everyone's life they will feel pain it could be from illnesses as sometimes with the stress and fears we hold we bring these things on ourselves also the challenge of illness will make us go internal about finding out who we are and what life is about especially our own, and we will think a lot about our family members and how they might be feeling knowing we are sick so compassion will show from all sides, so it is like a chain reaction of emotions that spur on the compassion so unconditional love for others that might be going through the same process but our biggest focus will be on our own soul and how we are going to handle the illness or other challenges we had set upon ourselves...
I'm still reading the book on the Essenes it is very interesting and it was a community that was based on the power of love energy back  two thousand years ago I will go more into that another day but here is a website about this community..  Your own soul could of been living there in one of your incarnations one day I will get past life regression sessions done as I'm pretty sure my soul was there or around Jesus at one time, and Plato as he came up early on in my soul searching about life, this new energy is bringing up our own soul's remembrance so our Akashic records will be opening up in order for your soul to remember exactly who you are but it won't come about if you block the door to spirit and your own veil doesn't get lifted, you will notice the new lot of kids coming in their soul is already in this energy so they will remember past lives maybe in their dreams but they will talk openly about it and be already in touch with the spiritual being that they are these new kids will be highly evolved souls..
I've just drawn 2 cards from one of my new decks of Oracle cards this deck is called "Chakra Insight Oracle" I really like this deck as our Chakra's are our souls energy systems that keep us balanced while on Earth our whole body is made up of energy this is why we need to sustain it with food, water but also our emotional body and internals systems give off energy this is how we intuitively know how others may be feeling when we interact with them as we read each others energy with our body language, voice tone and other methods..
The first card that came out is "CREATIVITY" (Become an active steward for the creative inspiration that is ready to come through you!) this comes in through our throat chakra which is blue so it is all about communication and expressing ourselves to the world in how we speak but also in the finer arts such as those hobbies that might bring out your inner passions such as music, painting, crafts, arts, dancing anything that uses your soul to go into deeper methods of thought that will bring out your creative side as when we are doing the things we love with a passion our spirit energy goes through that veil and you because a part of a higher vibration this is where the lyricists get their music and lyrics for their songs from a higher place that has been reached through their own souls experiences which may not necessarily be from this incarnation for when you search within other parts of your soul will be revealed and come out in your creations, the same with painters and other artists they are just pulling from them the artists they may of been in other lifetimes as that is what our passions are things our soul will remember it was good at and enjoyed it may take you a life time to discover your talents that hide within as they are buried deep within your soul. Our whole life is a canvas so we really create our own painting and our passion will keep us alive because we are fulfilling our souls dream and it may start with your imagination to express what lies within for it could just be the written word that you need to pass on to others in order to help them grow there is no limitation to our creativity in this world as it brings out our own individually in what it is we love to do with our spare time or even in our job as you can make a living out of living your own expression if you can communicate it to the world you are fulfilling your purpose as it will always bring you joy.. Live a little and create what it is you wish to express to the world about who you are.. do what brings you joy as it changes your own energy vibration that you send out to those that love you and those that enjoy your creativity in how you want to express it.. some one will get something from it in order to help their soul grow or just enjoyment over your creativity.. This is card number 35 which in Angel numbers means "A positive change is coming about for you, with the assistance and protection of the ascended masters."
The second card that came out was INSPIRATION (Become a conduit of Divine inspiration and give birth to the star you truly came her to be) which goes great with the creativity card as we draw inspirations from many places in order to create the things in our life that bring out our passions and joy. The inspiration card comes with our crown chakra it is located on the top of our heads it is where our thoughts and ideas come to us so we take our inspiration from many things from other people and their ideas which spark our own or from nature which will have us in a serene place as we go outdoors and see what mother nature has on display we forget about other things for a while as the energy of what surrounds us takes our thoughts in other places this is if our crown chakra is clear and not surround by the daily life and grind of things that weigh on our minds such as our finances and getting things done on time.. When we open our crown chakra we are in direct contact with the divine being we are so it will be our spirit energy that will come through to give us the ideas in life that will help us to keep moving forward with what it  is we came here to achieve and it will keep our dreams and desires alive so through our own inspirations we can bring into our life what it is we need if we act out on those dreams so using our crown chakra energy to help our life flow to the places we want to go or where our soul needs us to go to create the life we came here for our life is limited by our own imagination and opening up to our own potential and the soul power that we are to manifest into our life all the things we need. So doing on impulse because something inspired us to act on the ideas that formed in our mind at the time so not overthinking any ideas that come to us but rather acting out our imaginations if it fits in with the reality of where we are and the position in life we currently are in so balancing our dreams with our real situation and being able to achieve things to your full potential for it is infinite..  Card number 46 means in angel numbers "The angels are saying to you: Keep your thoughts focused upon your spiritual self and your Divine Source for everything. Give any material worries to us."
In my next post I will write about the two chakra centres on these cards from the guidebook as it has a great section on what might be happening with you when these centres are clear or blocked as we should have our energy centres all clear and be centred, grounded and balanced with every part of our lives and with the things that go on around us..
One last quote love is felt by those that have the infinite
connection through their souls so if both on earth you should
connect in this your life time you will meet at the right time
for both your souls..
A song to end off this beautiful song came on the radio yesterday
as I was driving home in the morning after doing errands.
Sending Love and Light
One sweet day we
will be together again
until then in my heart and soul
you will remain as love is
infinite and it will always
be the connection that
unites us in this
the Golden Age
as all souls awaken
to their true soul
power I hope that
when the time is right
we will never be parted
as your love is home to
me, my own Heaven on
Earth would be to hold
you once again and show
you the love I feel that has
never gone away.
love you always baby

Friday 3 July 2015

Angel messages and Psychic Attacks xx

Hi all it is now lunch time (Thursday) I went for my walk this morning in the rain well it is a bit misty, wet and cold as snow is expected a bit higher up in the mountains so it won't reach us but we still get the cold weather associated with it.. I decided to call on the angels this morning and draw a card for anyone that might come to read my blog I hope it resonates with you.. I did call on Archangel Michael I've been doing that a lot over the last couple of days and he left me signs this morning while going on my walk still releasing this negative energy that has attached to my soul so tears were flowing and I asked for the pain to be taken away so the clouds opened up to let me see the sun so he let me know he was there as well as two big calling cards of blue feathers along my walk that weren't there before as I walked around about 6 times or more and didn't see them until after my pleas to take this pain away. Now I do feel much better I hope now all negativity has left my emotional body as I really  don't like to cry and feel my emotional body (my soul) weep.. All the beautiful birds were out they must love this weather I have 4 magpie friends as soon as my car pulls up they come and greet me as I give them something to eat today it was premium crackers that I got out of the cupboard I think they liked them.. I also saw 2 Kookaburra's and pretty green and red birds they might of been Rosella's (not sure) and a Galah..
Today's card along with those 2 big blue feathers I picked up which mean spiritual protection, communication and other things that are on the link above to me it signified Archangel Michael was around as I called him in to clear this energy about 3 times this morning and now the card to LET GO OF FEAR so that is any negative thoughts about your self or others as negative thoughts and other angry reactions are all fear based energy and come from your ego as your soul thoughts are based from love energy, your ego is your shadow self so it will be self doubting and stop you from achieving anything and will be a low frequency vibration so it is very heavy energy that drags your soul down and causes illness, stress, worry and anxiety as well as anger towards others.. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael please help me feel safe and deserving of your guidance. Thank you for clearing me of heavy, toxic or ego-based thoughts or feelings." This card was as much for me as anyone that is doubting I actually drew that card earlier and I put it back in the deck but then just came back and shuffled the deck again and asked for any messages for any blog reader that may come.. Maybe it is also a message because of my last post about my observations of others living sub consciously with fears for they do show in our reactions to others the fears come out so we ourselves can deal with the fear, because we are in this new energy and it is purging all fear from our spiritual body for the new evolved human template so our whole mind, body and spirit is changing form..
**A great article that just came up on my FB wall about empaths and taking on others emotions, this is not fun when it is all negative but  a good article in why there are many empaths around as they are the old souls and the new evolved  human template.. so you might make fun of us now but your soul will all feel it too maybe in your next incarnation... me personally I think I take on others fears as I can recognise them but then they become my own so a lot of internal work is done so I stay at peace with who I am especially after this last week of psychic attacks it is the energy I feel so the words don't matter much it is the energy behind those words that really effect me so you probably don't need to say anything but just have the intent energy behind so your thoughts are still energy that goes straight to my soul and it is big as is everyone else's only they shut the door to spirit as they hold fear of what it is they don't know and have a closed mind to even learning all about energy of spirit which is our soul**
I just put up a song on my Facebook page and in the process channelled a bit of a message as I climb my way out of this psychic attack that hit me Tuesday night no one is to blame as I take full responsibility for my feelings as every soul should as it aims to be a compassionate soul themselves as that is what all souls are aiming for in the end as Compassion is born through pain itself but it brings your soul to a place of unconditional love that is for all humanity so when you think with your heart you don't choose who to be compassionate for as all souls are the same as the compassionate soul has arrived at that place through its own evolvement so every pain possible from every situation in life has occurred over centuries of incarnations so this is where the understanding of human nature and the non-judgemental thoughts comes from once your soul is here you can't go back to holding fear or judgements of others so not many people may understand why you are compassionate that is because their souls are not there yet but their fears are being worked on by their souls with every situation that comes up in their life.. It is a hard thing though for those souls that have made it through every painful situation with every incarnation they have had as that pain never leaves you it is brought up through your heart when compassion kicks in for another soul.. Here is the song as I have seen better days then the last 3 and counting it felt like grief all over again I haven't slept much so I'm tired, my head and heart both ache and I haven't eaten much either and many tears so still climbing my way out of this cloud that has come over my soul..
I think I've been under some sort of psychic attack for the last 3 days so still coming out of it God they suck I wish people would keep their negative energy to themselves and not direct it at me as this is painful stuff that gets dragged up from your soul in trying to rid your emotional body of it but I was thinking this morning it must happen for a reason and that is to clear your own soul of your own fears as you expel the negative fears of others.. I'm still climbing my way out I hope to be rid of it soon so I can get back to being my peaceful self but it does take a lot of work from you and your angels that are holding your hand and protecting you in the process.. So here is a song to dedicate to anyone that has gone through or is currently going through a psychic attack as it happens to those with compassion and soul regularly as we are the ones that get fears directed at us simply for being the person that we are.. Not everybody walks in the love energy so the fear will get projected back at you with less understanding on who you are as you are most likely known as an over sensitive freak.. Compassionate souls are heart thinkers and are in the position every soul on earth is striving for though they are afraid of it unless of course they seek your loving comfort as you come without judgement as everybody else around you is judging you on your life choices so when the chips are down they will be seeking solace from someone.. Jesus was this compassionate soul that held no judgement of anyone he too came under psychic attack that is when he sought solitude and had to be on his own to reconnect with his soul, all religions aspire to be like Jesus and recite his words but not everyone listens as being in a place of duality our thoughts are either based on fear or love.. Our FEAR based thoughts come from our mind so are negative.. Our LOVE based thoughts come from our heart so straight from our soul and spirit.. We need fear in order to bring out love as you can't have one with out the other that is why we were born with duality as everything needs an opposite in order to work, it is what you do with the fear based thoughts that matter and where our freewill choices come in on which road to take, one where we show our own fears so the one that will cause conflict, or the choice of love and standing in your own soul power and walking away from conflict either way you are still left with your emotional body to deal with all fears that were brought up in any situation.. I do love what god has created in our souls in order for us to evolve but also to come to a state of peace within yourself for all emotions fear or love based are there to help with your growth.. love and light may you have better days and be grateful for all you do have in life for your soul is the master creator of all that it has brought you, no one else is ever responsible for how you feel as it is your emotional body that comes up for you to work on your own soul and a solution to peace within it.. love and light xx

Some soothing tones of the Angel Choir
Sending Love and Light
Missing you
love always

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Compassion who needs it xx

Hi all it is school holidays I have still been working in the mornings I have wanted to do a blog on Compassion as it is at the heart of my soul and every other spiritually based person. I had an interesting exchange on another forum based on compassion it got me thinking maybe that is why this exchange happened as everything is a lesson if you can look deeper into what happens in your life or actually if you dig deeper into your soul the lessons will come out to you. This exchange had me overly emotional again as when these attacks happen it hits me personally as others attack my very being my soul for being who I am the others may not see this as it is just opinions bantering about, I do love to hear what others have to say and the back and forth arguments as that is how you analyse and make up your own mind between what you perceive and analyse through your own mind from your own experiences, beliefs and biases.. You could say my way of thinking is independent as I usually base my thoughts on a higher realm so look for answers that may not fit the social norm not in all exchanges usually people based ones maybe because I see the soul not the ego that would be because I am an empath, compassionate and non-judgemental (this comes with being very spiritual in nature)  another thing is I don't hold anger inside me so no matter what someone says or does I don't get angry at them rather it goes internal back to me maybe this is because I have a "Crystal Soul" the easy going peacemakers of the earth that aren't here to harm others but to bring out the best in I never have been one to be angry at others it is more at me as I have never harmed anyone.
Anger comes from fear so I guess I don't hold fear, well at least not from other sources as this is what creates the world of disharmony that we are seeing at the moment..

(Copy and paste of what I wrote to explain it from that forum)
Just thinking about the differences between sympathy and compassion..
Sympathy is feeling sorry for them so having pity on them for their circumstances..
Compassion is more about understanding and being able to put yourself in that position from a deeper level then having pity on someone..
With Empathy you do put yourself in that position which brings about the compassion as you actually have the feelings of that person so you are picking up on that energy that you are seeing whether it be from film clips, photo's, the written word or spoken word in real life your mind/heart automatically goes to the body language or tone of the word whether in voice or written as you put yourself in the place of the writer/person this is done unconsciously so whatever they are feeling you will too..
Compassion doesn't automatically mean you accept the said behaviour it just means you have an understanding of the feelings they are going through so you can guide them or help them through it so the person still has personal responsibility for their actions and choices but they should also know they are never the victim of anyone for they have full control over all their feelings and how they react in life to all situations..
Compassion is always born out of your own fears you have had in your own life experiences whether they be in the present lifecycle or previous incarnations, you can't have compassion unless you've been through a lot of pain yourself this is where the understanding comes in..
So compassion is love, understanding and empathy.
Sympathy is feeling sorry and having pity..
Being angry or frustrated is just showing fear usually over things you can't change/control or things you expect or assume of others and in how you think they should behave to your standard, biases, beliefs and own fears..

First I will put up what started this exchange and it is linked here if you wish to look at it video of a woman in pain because her grandkids are stuck overseas in Syria because their parents took them over as well as they joined ISIS the father went over and joined first he used to hang out with the gangland underworld while in Australia the grandmother in the clip below helped her daughter move over there so seen them off in Malaysia all the stories are being bantered about in the media at the moment as one of the grandkids was photographed holding a mans head up for the ISIS propaganda so ISIS and the Islamic extremist have a media unit afoot to put fear into who ever watches them but also to help recruit more radicals so it serves two purposes.. The two different media perspectives on this is the grandmother whom is below helped and abetted to get the daughter and kids into Syria to join the fight but now the father is presumed dead (they still might not have confirmation) she wants to help her grandkids get out of the god forsaken place, one of the perspectives is this lady is lying and just putting on a media show for sympathy so the authorities can go in and help get the kids out so one minute she is talking to the AFP the next report she is not and on it goes... you can catch up on the saga through google if you please.

First I will tell you what I felt from this clip a woman in pain is my first reaction and being the empath that I am I put myself in her position of having her grandkids in harms way and she desperately wants them home, so an empath usually has those feelings and turns their mind and heart to her own kids and how it would feel if they were in this position to me the pain looks real but according to some of the media reports and links that were put up she is bunging it on and doesn't really feel sorrow she is just using the media to bring them home.  Me being the compassionate soul that I am see's the deeper soul inside so know she is going through internal pain that is deep in your soul regardless of what others think all souls feel the same human emotions so to me to have to cast on which side to have compassion is just wrong as compassion should cover all souls not be selective. It felt from the exchange above they wanted me to chose a side to be on and I'm afraid compassion when you have it for all human souls doesn't work that way to pit one person off over another for the choices in life they made, I know in my heart I could never do that because through my eyes I do see things differently to most I can tell you now it does make you feel alone. But from this exchange it told me more about the insight of  human behaviour and how fear is still a major factor and why they need to pit one human off against the other when my insight sees a different story altogether that is one of fear and how Islamic extremists are still working fear into everyone's psyche at a sub-conscious level, even in a story about a grandmother that wants to bring her grandkids out of the bloodbath it is still propaganda and the media being used to give everyone a certain perception about things but each person has their own perception but it looks like a collective based on fear still from the comments this video stirred up so Islam is winning in the fear stakes when you have to choose between the lives of kids and bringing them to a safe environment where they might have a chance of being brought out of the ISIS brainwashing if they are not surrounded by it, or they could go the other way and incite violence either way it is still a toll on the human soul so the damage has already been done to the kids through no fault of their own as it was the parents that brought this belief and ideology into their lives they really didn't have much of a say so now they are just another victim of ISIS or the extremist view of evil as are the souls that have all been taken by this belief on both sides of the equation so the ones that have been slaughtered by this regime are the true victims as the extremists had a conscious choice to join in the destruction.. There souls will go to a special place never to be released or reincarnated.. This evil is all happening for a reason as it is to bring all fear out in the open for cleansing and to bring about change in the world so any system that is based on fear is being shaken up that includes government, religion, education, businesses anything in society that is corrupt or based on fear needs to be addressed because the new energy is love based so all fears are being dispelled in all humans,  but also in every nation so a lot of chaos and fear is coming out from both what is happening around every nation from the economies collapsing and the evil being spread upon us by extremist groups like ISIS and others that are putting fear in the human race as a collective..
This is a part of why the Crystal Souls and Indigo Souls are here to both bring about both the public's attention to what is wrong the Indigo soul is the warrior that brings it all out and the Crystal soul is the peacemaker amongst all the chaos to try and bring about calm and to let others know that no matter what is going on around you with this chaos that you are the source of your own power so you don't have to buy into this fear and be a victim of that chaos that is either in your personal life or the fear being instilled on you by the threat of ISIS or any other evil group there is a bigger universal picture always as to why this stuff is happening.. Those that have been killed their souls still live on in spirit so they are helping  those on the earth to help bring about a solution this is why everybody should listen to their own intuition as that is the connection to spirit that does get us where we need to go..
As a crystal soul I hold no fear this is why I never show anger towards others, I don't like to be the centre of attention, observant of people, shy, introverted and reserved when meeting new people this is because they are also empathetic so pick up on everyone's energy so crowds can be overwhelming not in every situation, very loving, non-judgemental and will help others and  bring out the best in them because they are non-judgemental and easy going.. The new Crystal soul children are old souls that already have the spirit connection me I've had to awaken to find my soul so crystal souls are around and are of all ages Crystal Souls are soul readers so they will look through you and see the soul not the ego for they trust in their own intuition and just know when people are genuine or if they lie so they can read fear in people and will try to comfort them or reject them because they know the person has no integrity and can not be trusted it doesn't mean they will not still help them it just means they know better then to be sucked in by the manipulating ways (they may have to go through lessons themselves first it depends on what their own soul came down to do on their path as we all still have life lessons to accomplish) that is me other crystal souls should hold these characteristics as well maybe not all as each personality comes in with it's own akashic record.
I can also recognise fear in people so this is part of why I may be here to help others through it but in doing this I bring the fear out as I picked up with latest exchange it doesn't do much for my own self-worth as that fear from others is then transferred to my soul and reading those comments I touched them unconsciously which is why I felt their anger, guilt and frustration because I didn't fit in with the narrative of what they were all feeling which had me down like a lead balloon as of last night and and over emotional not so much with what was said but with the fears they all showed I wear that energy so I was in tears for a while as I worked through my own soul and mind to analyse what happened so I didn't visit the blog today I'm not sure when I'll go back as I need to release that energy and that only brought me pain so it helps me by writing this blog of what I observed,  that is fear from ISIS is still getting into people's psyche but not my own because I stand in the new love energy which is also why I'm here to help those in spirit that are coming down into this energy (so those new souls that are being born) by my observations the fear also shows in spiritual topics or what some put in a box and name New Age..
 I also felt so alone so the spiritual path is not easy as it is a lot of internal work on your soul and consciousness to stay at peace because you don't fit in with the way of thinking that society wants to box you into as an independent thinker that is probably why most my life I let others have a voice for when mine is exposed it gets shut down as it doesn't always fit in with others believe it will get easier I'm sure as other souls evolve but that won't happen until that soul is ready and their own consciousness evolves with it as that is what the new energy is about a new way of thinking as the true soul has been hidden in the density and the 3d world called earth where fear and survival have ruled since the beginning but our souls are so much more then that. Jesus did bring in the Christ consciousness in his time so the new energy is returning to that same energy that Jesus carried and still does but he is in spirit and working with us all as his works and words still give inspiration to the churches but they to have gone a bit off the true meaning of God so any fear based scripts need work or the thoughts behind them to evolve with this new energy which is why the spiritual community is on the rise as souls are truly waking up to the God that is inside of them so directly linking to our major life force energy of our creator which isn't separate from us but is our soul..
I can tell you the function of what a "Crystal Soul" such as mine is we are here to help anchor the New Energy of Love in  so I don't know if you have heard of a crystal grid but they when made up bring in energy and hold it there well the crystal souls are like that dotted around the universe the twinflame connection also helps to bring this energy of unconditional love in as well even if the twinflames haven't united physically they still hold this deeply spiritual love connection that goes back to the start of creation when the Omega and Alpha see Omega Point and an interesting blog I will go back to this is about Teilhard a  French priest and scientist that worked on the Omega Point.
A crystal soul also holds no fear or is working on that as with this new energy souls are awakening so the ones that chose to reincarnate came for a bigger purpose though we all awaken at our own pace so when our soul is ready a curiosity will rise in you to find out more about who you are and what else is out there as your soul does have a knowing so you may feel like there is something more to your life that is supposed to happen or that there is more out there and you may of had little psychic hints through out your life depending on if you blocked them out of your mind as a youngster or like me never said anything but just knew there was more also most lightworkers have gone through very painful ordeals in this time but also in other incarnations every soul is different and has come to earth for different purposes but our human emotions are all the same no matter of what choices you have ever made.. So if you have to change how you think and how you feel to fit into society I guess you will be made to feel you stand on your own that is if you want to be your true soul self.. In this life spiritually I have chosen to do all the emotional work internally as I have never asked anyone for help or a thing as I constantly am a giver to try to help their souls I don't and never have placed my emotional baggage on others not even my mum growing up this also has been a part of what my soul came to do in order for me to help others walk through their fears and I did bring them out in some. So in ending that I still think I have more releasing of energy to do as I still feel not so good maybe it is more spiritual awakening I did start reading a great book so I will finish that and others until I'm myself again not that I am never not myself but this emotional internal work is hard work so I do need to call on the angels to help me through it as you should too if you are also feeling this energy upon you.. My heart and mind will always remain open and so I will be always connected to spirit as that is who I am that is an open invitation to let the love of the divine into your soul and the angels and spirit to enter your life but you do have to also have to have faith, trust and a belief if you want to see your little miracles and messages from spirit as they do come to you all the time if you are aware and use that intuition and follow your heart in life and not pay any attention to your ego which is what most humans display in order to fit into what the society wants or needs..
This is what I'm reading at the moment Dolores Cannon is a past life regression therapist so she has brought through the past life of Suddi who was around Jesus time and so she is bringing tales of the life of the Essenes which was a spiritual community that was pretty secretive in that century so not much was known about them  here is Dolores blog. 
This is like the angel I seen in my dreams once and sometimes I call to go back home to them if only for a visit in my sleep as when I woke up I felt so loved I didn't want to leave that is how angels make you feel as they are home that is where we are our true soul selves in spirit.
**Sorry to anyone on MSN that I might of offended or made to bring up feelings that you never intended to feel through my comments. The lesson I've learnt from this is to stop putting myself in other people's drama's especially if the topic is based on Islam and the extremists behaviour as it is my emotional body that pays the price as in this case it has brought on what I would call a psychic attack that is where negative energy is directed at me which has me feeling like crap as it has done before. I'm sorry for caring about the human aspect of every soul if the chips were down for you I would do the same and help walk you through the pain but it does come at a price on my own soul as I take on your energy in order for you to clear it I've helped to do that for some over these last couple of years as my soul has awakened to who it is and to what it has always done that is to help others as I did come here to teach others what I know about this new energy and I'm learning all the time more about it and my own soul in order to be all that I can be and to be of service to humanity that was my mission in this life cycle as I know my own soul so well and all it holds is love so it will never feel hatred towards anyone no matter how I am treated I know I've been bullied growing up and I always turned the other check for to hurt someone else is really hurting me more so I only like to see people happy and at peace with themselves and on the life path they have chosen all I ask of anybody is to always be yourself and to speak and follow your heart as it is your soul GPS that will have you on the right track in life and it will take you to where your soul choose to be every second of your life.. What do I think the outcome will be for the lady in tears above and her grandkids that will be up to their own souls and the prayers they are putting in to God so their lives are in their own hands as their souls did chose this path and where they focus the energy will be where their soul takes them into the future, so their outcome is in the hands of the universe but also the laws of the land at the moment no-one can get into the war torn land of Syria so the media reports say so fate rests in the hands of the souls themselves and the outside determining factors so it is not in their control to some degree so the outcome will be they are where they are meant to be for now time will tell if they can get out so no amount of opinions on the subject going about in the media will be the decider of any body's fate as the media is used to help others have a perception of how things are meant to be to fit into the society the human soul at the base of any story is in the end their own destiny decider as we do have pre-birth soul plans that have been made into the future but on earth we know none of that as it is written in our souls book of life which is now opening up in this new energy so you can always change course of  your souls path anytime you like it all depends on your attitude to life and the things you are willing to change internally so get in touch with your soul and where you focus your energy will be your direction in life for you are your own God and creator in that which is your reality.. ** More thoughts on what I think, that is that Karen the grandmother above has done the wrong thing by using the media (it could of been the other way around) because it has brought the wrong sort of attention to her daughter and grandkids plight she should of kept it private within the Government departments that deal with this sort of thing as she has created more drama around the situation because most media outlets are only after reporting on fear based drama's almost every story is about negativity because face it love, compassion and those topics are boring and probably a bit mushy for selling of any news.. negativity will always breed more negativity.. Reading about the daughter she did have a co-dependency problem that is she depends on others to protect her this is why she left to go to Syria as she believed in her other half (soulmate) now he has left she has turned to her mother and her mum doesn't know how to help her get out, but seen as the daughters soul chose this path she is going to have to start be independent on herself and to work her own way out of this mess she has got herself into, as the soul putting myself in her place she is petrified to be in that territory alone with the kids without the male protector as with this ideology the female is classed as a non entity so they are always kept in their place it would be like living in a domestic violence situation where your own soul has been taken over by years of being degraded so her own self-worth and that of the kids would all be very low but they are all to frightened to speak up amongst the population of like minded souls so they have no voice in that ideology for both the heart and mind gets taken over thinking about it to me it would be like living in a black hole (this is your soul) and not being able to climb out alone as you have always depended on someone else all your life.. this will be a hard lesson for all their souls but it is one they chose so have to bear the consequences of that path as we all do ... xx love and light  xx Love to you always forever in my heart xx .. **
On that note I will leave you with this song as I really want to go home..
Michael Buble - Home
Sending Love and Light
I also hear there is a full moon
so it might be playing with
your emotional body at
this time this could
be a factor of what is
going on with me that
and a psychic attack and
taking on others fear based
energy so I will be fine in
a few days when I internally
work my way out of this
negativity created in my
Love you always
my light is always
shining for others to be
guided home if they need
it as no-one should have to
feel pain alone..
Until next time
love always