Friday, 18 April 2014

Kiss an Angel good morning - **My introduction to Angels**

I caught the tail end of this Charlie Pride song when getting in the car after doing the grocery shopping yesterday afternoon so had to find it on you tube..

Thank you angels

So how did I become aware of the Angel realm?
I was only introduced or noticed them on the 5th of October 2013 which would of been Phillips 21st birthday when waiting in my email inbox was a gift for me from my son a suggestion to go and read a book called "Saved by an Angel" by Doreen Virtue..  It got me reflecting on my own life and my experiences with what I believe have been Angel encounters. I have put the first one in the post on "Who I am" the beginning as soon as my mum told me that story I knew I must of been saved then, I have heard Angel whispers at age 17 when I saw the back of my now husbands head a voice said "that is the man you are going to marry", (it was a loud voice to me as if someone behind me spoke, but I turned around and no one was near me  I can still remember it as clear as day)  I was still in school then and we were down visiting my sister at her block of flats in a different State to ours so I had no idea who's back of the head it was, I didn't meet him until my sisters engagement party the following year but we didn't talk on that occasion just watched each other from across the room. We moved in together probably the year after that and we married 2 or 3 yrs later before baby #1 arrived..
Destiny as my life just seems to happen as if it has been set out I don't know the next chapter as this one is still playing out I have had a couple of snap shots into the future but I will have  to wait and see what destiny/fate has install and if I will get that Deja Vu feeling when it happens.. (*I haven't told anyone these things before your reading it here for the first time, I'll post whatever is in my thoughts at the time, my thoughts come from quotes I've read, music or what is going on around me)..
True Accounts of people who have had extraordinary experiences with Angels

Since reading that book I have read others of Doreen Virtues and I have a few on my Kobo to read yet.  I have just enrolled to do one of Doreens Online courses at the start of next month, it was my birthday treat as I have to buy my own most times, but that doesn't worry me as I would rather give gifts then receive them as it does embarrass me.. One of my grandmothers was like that we would take her up a present at Christmas and she would wait till we left before opening it but she had a heart of gold and would do anything for us her grand kids I probably spent a lot of time with her as when I moved back to my home town she lived across the road so I went with her to Bingo and done her shopping for her, she was very bent over with arthritis and she always told us girls to stand up straight.. I quite often think of my nan everytime I go past her house,  it is looking good at the moment as the person who brought it when she passed away has renovated it he has had it cladded,  the verandah is now fixed which needed doing badly when she lived in it . This is my dads mum she had a totally different personality then my other Nan who was the quiet soul.

Music I was listening to on my iPod this morning while working
I love Celine Dion she has the voice of an Angel and 
 a lot of soul goes into her lyrics..

It is Good Friday I started this post last night so sort of lost my track of thought so God bless and I will see if I can finish a few other posts I have in draft mode over the next few days..
Have a great weekend
 Love and Light Always
Hugs if you are feeling alone

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