"Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine"
The angel
message for today is much the same as yesterday but from a different
deck so trust in your own feelings and act on them without delay is the
message, trust you are getting divine guidance listen to your heart
speak and act accordingly. Your gut instincts and intuition has more
wisdom than you think and you will be led where you need to go.. Trust,
faith in yourself and what your own body is telling you is what the
angels want you to know.. Don't let your negative 'mind thinking' block
what your heart is telling you for we are always being guided by this
and the angels through our heart which is really our soul and higher
self telling us what we already know in our heart of hearts.. listen to
your heart and follow it open up and things will fall into place for
you, worrying will only delay what you already know to do, when you
always follow your heart you will go with the flow of life and what will
be will be and meant to of happened anyway, you can't control
everything only what is in your own life so don't clutter your mind with
the negatives, clear your mind and your heart will speak take note of
all your feeling and what your physical body is saying. Love and light
xx Have a great day I don't know who this is for or why but you need to trust in yourself and believe this is real and you are hearing your guidance correctly, it takes a while for you to trust your own intuition and to follow it but our senses are with us for life and none of us are any different then any other human for we are all souls in a human body having a lesson called life. Our souls are eternal and a lot wiser then you think you just need to learn how to listen to your heart and not your negative ego mind. You have been asking for signs so you are getting them "Trust" you and the angels guiding you..
Saturday message "ATHENA" with being safe in your own power and a link about personal power.. that we all have as long as we are in charge of our own emotions and not give them away to someone else that will use them against us.. We are always given warning signs in relationships when things aren't right but our ego sort of plays with our minds and emotions so we talk our self out of hearing or heeding the warnings our senses are telling us... You really need to watch your ego and know where it comes from in order to not give it power over you... which is also being able to hear your own intuition and acting on it for if something doesn't feel right you can trust that it isn't but when we listen to our ego we have to let things come to a head in order to learn the lesson which led us to the choice of not listening to our inner voice in the first place...
The angel message for this morning is "It is safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself".. So believe in yourself and don't be dragged into other people's negativity and drama for that will drain your own energy and drag you away from your true purpose in life, that is to be loved and loving to wards yourself and others no matter what situation comes up in your life, you have your own power you don't need others to bring you up for you are the creator of your own life and you have all the power you need to do what it is you need to do.. If you are being dragged into other people's drama set your boundaries so you don't get caught up in them call on Archangel Michael to cut the cords of attachment to that drama and negativity as it doesn't serve you.. It is time for new beginnings with the new energy that the universe is providing cut yourself loose from all drama and take back your own power and learn from your lessons in life whether they be good or bad for everything does happen for a reason and to assist with your soul growth so every choice you make is a lesson not a mistake so learn from it and walk away and feel safe in your own power and what you can create from your own dreams and desires of where it is you want to go in life.. never give up or give in keep striving for what it is you want out of life whether it be in relationships, career or just life in general always call on your angels for guidance and assistance for they will take you where you need to go listen to your heart and you will be led to where your soul needs to go.. Open your heart to love and your mind to hear that guidance don't close yourself off for you will block your true path and purpose .. love and light xx
Have a great weekend and set yourself free from others drama you don't deserve that look inside yourself to your soul for who you really are focusing on love especially for who you are so your own self worth xx love always xx
Sunday message this morning
GIFTS FROM GOD - Archangel Sandalphon "We angels bring you gifts from your creator.. Open your arms to receive"
Good morning xx I hope you have woken up refreshed and ready to start again as it is a beautiful day here it is the sun is out and you have another chance to find what it is you are looking for because the angel message for today is "Gifts from God" you are receiving them so open your arms to receive start by getting your own power back that is to clear your mind of any negative thoughts about yourself for all that you want will come to you by law of attraction so as long as others have your power by holding onto emotions that don't serve you, you are giving that person your power as they have a hold over you while you carry those emotions so let them go and let god carry you through it the other card was "Compassion" so have compassion for that person see things from their point of view and know you done all you could because they are responsible for their own predicament there is nothing more you could of done as you were there and served your purpose for what they needed, have compassion don't get angry for that is a self destructive and negative emotion that comes from your own fears which means your soul needs work to find that fear and to let it go so you can find your inner peace and be free from other people letting you down.. COMPASSION - from Archangel Zadkiel "Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself."
You also need to have compassion for yourself and forgive your self as it was a soul growth lesson we all have to go through in life, the more emotional pain we feel means the soul growth is working once you reflect on the events and you know in your heart you done the best you could at the time with what you had then forgive and forget and walk away for your job is done.. you know when something ends it makes way for something new in your life to begin so all is not lost as we are always given gifts from god if you know what to look for we are surrounded by them and you won't even notice because even a message of love and support from those that matter are a message from the god within them.. If you look for god's miracles and believe you will see them all around you for you have the love of god within your own soul if you seek it out you will always know you are loved and supported with every event that happens in your life and the more grateful you are the more gifts you will see so that is also why you need to have an open heart and mind and all you ever need in life will be provided for you xx love and light xx
A couple of quotes that might help you see things in a different light..
Everything that has been apart of every choice we make in life comes with a consequence so it is wise to make our choices wisely but in life there are no mistakes only lessons to be learnt at the time they may seem a bit harsh as it is your emotions and your soul centre that wears the brunt of the lesson that is how our soul grows wiser so we don't let that lesson come to us again for if we don't learn that lesson the first time we will keep with the same pattern in life until our soul gets the message and learns what it came here for so our ego plays a big part in the freewill choices we make, follow your heart and your journey will be a bit easier on you, but just to add that our ego is also here to help us with our lessons it is just wise to know where our thoughts are coming from in order we learn the lessons our soul came to learn we are always in control of who we are by the choices we make so we should never blame others for the way we acted for our actions and reactions always come from our emotions or our thoughts so we have 'mind speak' our ego and our 'soul speak' so from love and our hearts the heart speak will keep you honest with yourself and your mind speak will try and justify your actions to make it palpable to you in how you behaved towards someone... Our senses and emotions play a big role in how we think 'heart thinking' is really our sixth sense and our gateway to the divine that is already within us as we are all god's creation and the angels and spirit as a collective are born with us but we have freewill choice if we are tuned in and willing to listen to the guidance given because we do it unconsciously whether you believe in God or not because you really only need to believe in yourself and be aware of where our thoughts are coming from. Nothing is ever an accident or coincidence for what is meant to be will be because we are all guided by the same force so we are all messengers of god really only some souls are caught up in their own drama and self importance and caught up in the material false world we created on earth... I did read once we are living in a century of 'fear' which I truly believe because everyone is more concerned about material wealth and their ego's have taken over the true meaning of life and why all our souls are here... It is great to strive for things in life like more money but we shouldn't let it rule our life for the effort we put into what we do will be returned to us in the way of material things because God does create for us all we need in life for the energy we put in will be returned to help keep us alive and with the basics of life a roof over our head, food in our belly and someone to share it with will also be provided at the right time in our lives for the souls we have chosen to be a part of our life have already pre-planned that life together before we decided to come to earth for soul lessons..
Never give up, or give in for you are the master of who and what you allow to enter your life
don't be a part of others drama and negative shit respect yourself enough to know when to walk away from it so others can learn their own lessons for that is what they came here for...
I will leave you with 2 songs today a couple of favourites from Joe Cocker who must
of went through some tough life lessons to write these lyrics...
of went through some tough life lessons to write these lyrics...
Let the Healing begin.
Have a little faith in me
Sending love and light
have a little faith in me for I will see things
from a different perspective as I know your soul
as well as I know my own I will pick you up
when you fall as I have been doing it through
every lifetime you have had whether it be from
spirit or from the earth plain while we had lessons together
I've always been there unbeknown to you for
you need to look into your soul to know who you really
are as you go through more soul lessons to bring yourself
to where it is you need to be
love you always
so keep smiling for I will not desert you
ever for one day you will see why and awaken to
who I am and why I stick around
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