Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas and Listening to your soul xx

G'day it is now Christmas day and I have spent the day with family now it is quiet time as everyone has gone their separate ways only one of my sisters joined us for lunch down my mum's place which is our tradition dad likes to keep his feet under his own table so some years my interstate sisters come up from Victoria this year they all stayed home, I think they went camping which is what they like to do with their own little families.. When I lived interstate we came home (to my hometown) for every Christmas so we are closer now as I moved back to where my roots lay in this my small country hometown. The whole town seems quiet their are no kids about on new bikes or outdoors how the years have changed when I just drove home from mum's place there was not a kid in site so they are either indoors or out camping as a lot of families do this time of year having Blowering dam so close by it is usually packed with campers. I was up to about 3am wrapping presents so it was a long day and then I woke up at 6am so the tiredness hasn't hit me as yet, give it time. Here is a card that came out on the 23rd of December about asking your inner self questions over what your purpose is in life I know this is and has been a part of my own journey inwards for a long time after having shut out all feelings after the loss of my son it wasn't until 2013 after my tears at the cemetery when I questioned myself and the purpose I was here as I knew in my heart there was always more then being here looking after my 3 boys maybe it was just my own inner knowing and questioning of life it self and why things happen the way they do, I have always felt protected and what I wished or prayed for usually turned up even though I had no idea what it was I was supposed to be doing so following my own heart and just doing what I had to most of my life in looking after my family and dealing with things as they came up without worrying about where I was going things just always seemed to turn out. I have never been a negative person maybe just an observant one of all that was going on around me and it has never affected me in the least because everything that has happened has been internalized with out placing blame on others for the position we were in, in any part of our lives.. Since 2013 I have learnt a lot about who I am and who others are that I have come into contact with over that time, you could say my heart opened again and it has been the reason for my awakening for I found my purpose and I am still learning and growing with spirit and my soul I do know there is more to come and it will come when it is the right time I'm sure you will read about it on my blog if and when any changes ever happen.. Spirit always likes us to live in the 'Now' time for in heaven time is non existent because it is always the now time because your past no longer exists, and your future you are making now with the choices you make everyday so your future is always created by you not some entity in the sky (some call God) because you are the creator of all that does happen to you from your conscious and subconscious mind which I have mentioned before. You are always working with your own soul to bring in the lessons your soul wanted or needed to complete its journey and to learn or pay back any karmic debt from previous incarnations, your soul is bigger in energy then you could ever imagine for only a small part of our soul fills this the earthbound body. Anyway onto the card always search within for your soul knows everything about why you are here and who you were going to meet that meeting takes place when your own soul is ready and not before because you may have lessons to undertake first or the other person may have lessons as well before any union takes place. So always search within follow your heart and instincts and most importantly trust in yourself.  love and light xx 

"Ask your inner self the answer to your question", so if you have any questions you want answered about your own soul you put it to yourself quiet your mind, spirit usually helps you by sending you messages so whatever the question the answer will appear it may come up with something you read online that is say on your FB wall or someone may pass the answer to you directly it will be along the line of your inquiry and it will usually make you stop in your tracks and think it will go over in your mind as you internalize and analyse and you will get that uh! ah! moment and just know with your own instincts that is what you have been seeking and there you have it your answer, you do have to discern and use spiritual logic but always trust in yourself and the message that was delivered as it will come from a higher source that will help you remember. It is like working out the mystery and solving a puzzle just like doing an investigation your soul puts together but trust in your own wisdom for the soul always remembers and knows the path and the mission you are to complete it all takes time to come together so never give up hope and be at peace with yourself as you have completed most of what you came here for you can now relax and just let things fall into place but using your inner guidance and following the steps to get you to where it is you should be.. xx love and light xx
When this message came out spirit was playing with me all day and leaving little signs and messages they are on my Facebook page when spirit/angels send messages they will come through your heart so you feel them and most of the messages where making me feel joy and playfulness as the thoughts were coming in so spirit does want you to have fun while you work on any questions you have of yourself, the more fun you are having the easier the messages will come in for your heart is wide open when you are enjoying yourself for fear has gone.

The angel message for Christmas Eve is from Mother Mary she would like us to look after ourselves and to nurture our inner souls so that we can grow and become the loving spiritual beings that we are Jesus led the way and now it is time for all souls to follow his path love is the power of your soul and the true being you are meant to be. Love is the power of god within you and what the life and journey of Jesus and the disciples showed you, for when their is only love there is no fear and peace comes to our fellow man and all that you are comes to being for we are but one as a human race and soul. Always look to love when in pain for it will chase away the fear that is bringing up the feelings of hopelessness and feelings of having no power. Your power is in love and only love will heal all that is within you. You must also love yourself for with that comes self respect and integrity which has a ripple affect on all of those you come into contact with you and in society for your soul always knows the right thing to do, so you do no harm to others in this world. Love is what all mothers teach you it is unconditional and real for no harm will ever come to you in your mothers arms for she loves you with all of her soul and is a part of who you are a mothers love feels like home where you are safe, protected and nurtured you as souls hold this love inside when no fear exists this is what your soul is left with love, compassion, hope, joy and peace for all of mankind.. love and light xx 
I will put this message on FB with the card for those who wish to see there is a picture of Mother Mary and she holds baby Jesus she is surrounded by little children angels.. so with that know your own mother loves you even if you struggle sometimes and you may argue mothers are always wanting to look after you the best way they know how, not all mums have the nurturing qualities but they do love you on  a soul level they just may have soul issues and are on a path of self destruction for they as a soul may of got lost along the way, know it is not you but struggles that mums some times go through in life in trying to do everything for everyone they then neglect their own needs so they turn to other things to fill any voids they may feel in their lives but always on a soul level they do love you. love and light xx That must of been a message for someone that is having relationship troubles with their mum and at Christmas a lot of the hurt feelings/resentment can come up when all the family gets together these things happen for a deeper soul reason and it is to awaken your own soul to being who you are and accepting others even your parents for who they are so there is always a lesson in any relationship, look for the lesson and the relationship will grow because of the understanding of the situation. xx
I did get some beautiful presents and lots of chocolate just what my waistline and stomach doesn't need. I received some car seat covers with pink butterflies on them love them, and the best present is two photo albums full of photo's of my Katie growing over the last year from when she was in my daughters belly and photo's my daughter has captured most day there must be at least 300/400 pictures for me to start scrapbooking and using all these pretty papers I have collected over the years.
I also got some Archangel Gabriel oracle cards and I  have broken them in and put my energy into them and have drawn the first card and have the message for Christmas day - Archangel Gabriel was the angel that told Mary and Zechariah of the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Archangel Gabriel is the supreme messenger of God. Gabriel's name means "The Strength of God"..
The message is "LISTEN ONLY TO LOVE" When fear surrounds you and all you can see is darkness always look to love for it will clear away any fear energy that comes up from within your soul body in this time of chaos it is important to always focus on love that is the love within your own life but also the love that is given to you by the angelic presence that is in your life open the doors to love and your soul changes energy like when you are sad and you can't see what your future holds just step back and let things unfold focus your attention on pulling through any hard times with the attitude of abundance and that you have all you need and be optimistic about where it is you are going for your thoughts are your soul plan so what you think is what becomes of your life so think happy and positive things and they will turn up in your life as soon as you have doubts that is when your fears start creeping in so your soul energy then changes as you have let fear take a hold of your soul body. So when in doubt release and let go of all feeling writing things down helps to release fears so write down pro's and cons and focus our energy on the cons side for your soul has manifesting powers so there is nothing you can not achieve with the help of universal energy and the divine intervention that you call into help you bring in what it is you need for everything on earth you seek you will find for your soul has  a pre-set plan it is up to you to remember for all these answers you will find in your heart as that is where your true guidance and angelic presence lies within you for your soul power is love and when you focus on this energy all you will feel is the light for you become the light and those things you wish for are drawn to you from a higher plane it is then up to you as a human to find what it is you have been looking for and remember all the lesson in which you came here for and with all the  souls you will meet and have met to help that plan unfold have either entered your life and left you with a message or they are coming into your life now so everything is always as it should be so hold on to your dreams and make your plans for the future without worry but faith that you will soon fulfil that desire and dream hang on for you are on the right path and you need to focus on the love inside and use that as your guide and light to where it is you are going for the plan was set a very long time ago, all is well and you are right on target not long to go now and all will fall into place focus on love that is all you need to do, let go of doubts for they hold you back and it is time to move on for the portals of divine love are opening for your souls to walk in and change your consciousness so you become one part of the two wholes you are diamonds in the grid of life so you are doing what you planed to help humanity and you will come together to fulfil the whole plan in time and at the right time of energy and more portals opening all is as it should be keep on keeping on and do the best you can and ask for more of what it is you need and those needs will be met listen to your own instincts and intuition and you will always be right on track. You are loved and never alone on this journey you are loved beyond measure for the duties you are performing on the energy level and in the universal dimension from whence you came.. Release, let go of all fear and write out all your intentions and step by step those things will come to you believe, trust and love is all your soul needs to succeed  on your path.. So it is .. Love and light xx
The power of love
Have a great night I am baby sitting my sisters baby English Bulldog (Isla) she got her puppy about 4 weeks ago my own dog is not impressed as the bulldog is a bit playful and keeps barking at her she is hiding behind me and the puppy just wants to play so I might have to keep them separate over the 4 days.. I might go colour in or chill out for a bit and catch up on some sleep tonight after the long day yesterday I know it will catch up to me.
Some Music today I believe
Jason Castro - I believe

Sending Love and Light
Missing you all night
but in our dreams you
will find what it is you
seek and why it is
you feel the way you
do for you will
remember everything
once it runs through
your heart and you
discern all information
about the spiritual truth
of your soul. Your
reason for being will
be heard once you
quiet your mind
of all ego based
thoughts and
distractions for you
see we are but one
soul in the universe
that has a mission to
unite when the time is
right don't give up
hope for with
patience you will
find and have that
which you seek for
spirit has your back
and you are never
alone and so loved
as you go on this
your soul journey.
Let love always be
your guiding light
for it will lead you home
Love you always

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