The youngest her dress showed the mud later in the afternoon
lucky it was on the farm these kids just love the outdoors and
are a bit wild I don't think they ever stopped the one inbetween
these two is a wild child he wasn't even in most the photo's because
he was always off..
This is the 3rd child she is a bit sweet she reminds me of her mum
the bride when she was little..
There is the wild child his name is Kane he is the 4th..
Thinking out loud - love you always, missing you xx
Yesterday I drew some cards the first one was from the Archangel Raphael deck he is the healing angel his angelic presence comes in when your soul needs healing from health issues but any sort of healing also as angelic and your Ascended Masters are one energy so it doesn't really matter who you invoke to come in and help you because your soul is a part of the same energy that you are asking to come in help you, they may have different frequencies but that is attuned to your own soul frequency a lot in the spiritual world have separated the angel presence as individual but it isn't because it is all tuned into your soul energy so you create the energy with the spiritual being that you are.. My soul is tuned into the frequency of the power of love because as a crystalline soul I bring the energy of peace with me I'm sure I've been through many incarnations since creation to get the lessons I have had in fear so have not made it a part of my energy in this life time as I didn't need those drama laden lessons, I probably have had a few and my heart just shuts down because I am and always have been a heart thinker but tended to hide behind my shyness in order to protect myself from any sort of drama, I have been tested many times and the choices I've always made were ones
of a peaceful nature so walking away from bullies instead of buying into their fears and in protecting my physical self ended up with swollen hands but still not feeling hatred against anyone it just isn't in me to feel that way as I guess I've always been aware of what that feeling does to me internally so have avoided it so no matter how in life I have been treated by others I still remain the same person I am as I am a bit stubborn and have not let the fears of others ever change who I was or who I am..
I guess also in life I have always been searching for what it is inside that makes life what it is and why things happen the way it does so I never stop asking questions of myself and searching within others and what makes them tick and grow.. I am feeling a bit lost today like my soul is missing its other half and this also is happening for a reason I'm sure the answers will come soon enough I'm patient and can ride through any emotions as I send loving and healing energy to soul so any answers will come when it is time..
Here is the first card I pulled yesterday "Jesus the Divine Healer" Jesus used the divine power of love to help heal others on an emotional level as well as a physical level so he used what we now term Reiki that is bringing your own life force energy to you to heal yourself so it is bringing your soul energy to you in order to heal you health or any other issues you may have so the message Jesus always brought with his healing power was to have faith and a belief in his father which is god but it is also the divine energy within yourself that lifts your soul to a higher consciousness so it is you working with your higher soul and spirit that is a meld of divine energy that comes from a higher dimension then the dense energy of earth.. So you have to call it in and be positive and use affirmative action so getting your guidance by listening to the whispers of your own heart and telling or willing your body to fight off any invaders to your health in mind, body and soul as it is all connected to the same energy of soul that creates the miracles of healing that is within your own life force energy.. Having an understanding of your own soul power and the energy that is stored within you, you can heal all of your ills and emotional baggage that has you going down the wrong path to self destruction because all emotions are tied into your overall health and if you are in low energy and are always worried or stressing about something it will show up in your physical body somewhere.. Your soul always knows and senses what it should be doing in order to heal itself it is just a matter of your mind, body and soul all working in harmony and taking note of all your senses so when feeling pain asking your soul what is wrong and being able to make the right choices for you, and not necessarily doing what works for others as they are always taking a soul journey and following their own path to get their life lessons which may include medical conditions, but also learning to value their own life with the challenges that come up for them.. Follow your own heart and emotions as your soul truly knows the way of your own divine mission and plan in life as to what you should be doing, you may get many wake up calls to change the way you have been doing things especially in this new energy as souls are having to release a lot of the old ways and belief systems that are no longer working for all souls on a consciousness level .. Love and light xx
Here are a few others cards I drew last night after the one above.. It was "Pray always" and "Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you." so with our soul we always need to ask our higher soul or spirit as it is a meld what it is we need in life to bring us our lessons but our freewill and choices we get we chose from either our low energy (out of fear for what ever reason) or from a higher energy of consciousness level (love so we consciously make better choices because soul is in a higher frequency) so following your heart which is your soul energy.. A lot of the time as a human we make choices out of fear just to please other humans that are using our emotions to have control over you so you will do things out of guilt or doing things just so it pleases others which is okay as long as you are happy to be of that sort of service but if you do things out of guilt or obligation you end up suppressing your own feelings as you didn't really want to do it in the first place so it is a matter of learning to say "no" if it is going against your own principles your emotions will always let you know.. but this is what sets up your karmic cycle where you don't set boundaries for yourself if you didn't really want to do something so that energy will come back at you but it will be then something you have to deal with internally especially if your kindness is being taken for granted by others that know how to get you by using guilt tripping.. Guilt tripping you can set up that energy within yourself also because of how you express your self to others who may not always like to see the truth of who they are as they will bring it out in the other souls they interact with.. So life is always really about your soul and learning lessons by taking in the emotions internally and processing that energy into your own life lessons.. It is learning how to balance this energy and being able to stand up for your self and protect your own soul when you need to and to be at peace within yourself that means walking away from conflict so you are not caught up in the fear energy of others.. but everything happens for a reason so it is then up to your soul to work through any emotions you are going through at anytime through the situations you create for yourself, as souls we are always being challenged one way or another so it is alway a battle between our heart and ego which is our negative mind speak usually about ourselves..this is what we have to free our soul from the fear within ourselves but also the fear in others that are trying to control us with our emotions. love and light xx
Love is our divine healer and it is the soul power held within you open your mind and your heart and receive this energy now from spirit and your higher soul to heal any health issues and also any emotional healing that you might need for experiences in life you have been through in your past that no longer needs to be a part of your future.As those lessons are now over so your soul evolution and growth could take place.
I called on Archangel Raphael this morning if you are having health
issues and the message is "Avoid Allergens" so if you know of certain
foods or alcohol upsets your digestive track it might be best to avoid
these products as they come toxic to your mind, body and soul once you
start going on a down slide in a physical sense it effects all your
other cells and energy within your body so you may need to cut these
things out just so you can feel better within yourself and you are not
putting your life at risk at this time. With the energy changes on earth
at this time it is changing your whole metabolism so some things you
used to be able to eat and drink may now affect you but if you are
addicted to these foods because they have become a comfort to you, you
may need to look deeper within yourself in order to work on the real
problem so by first having courage to cut out certain things you eat or
drink may take some getting used to as it is also a mind game with ego
saying you need these products to survive.. In your heart you will
always know what these substances are so start slowly and cut them out
of your diet and ask for angelic assistance to cut any cords of
attachment to these products it could be sugar, salt, alcohol or many
herbs or spices that just don't agree with you so you may have to cut
them out one at a time and zone in on the target trigger that always has
your soul and body going down into a low vibration and also making sure
you get enough fresh air, sleep and slowing your mind down so your
mind, body and soul are all in harmony and alignment with the new energy
that is coming in at this time.. Also if you are having any relationship drama's invite the angels in to help guide your soul to love and that starts with self love and loving and nurturing all of who you are and watching your diet and exercise and not letting any of these issues interfere with your other relationships in life.. Learning to love yourself and take care of your own needs first without being selfish and feeling guilt can take some practice and getting used to but if you fill your own cup up with love and light you have plenty of love to give to others when you are at peace with yourself and your mind, body and soul are in harmony that is the energy you create around yourself and you can give to others as you can set your own boundaries over how you wish to be treated and walk away from the things that are not working as well as giving love to the relationships you are trying to grow with others be it your soul partner, lover, or family relationships.. Your karmic energy belongs to you in how you treat others but also in how you react to others in how they treat you.. So listening to your own inner guidance and being able to follow your heart no matter what life throws at you because some souls are here to bring you lessons through fear and others through love and unconditional love so no matter how you judge yourself you will still be loved no matter how the other person treats you.. So walking away from the ego of others just to save face and be at peace with who you are and with the mission in life you are on, even if at this time you may still be searching for that mission or service that your soul wished to complete in this life time.. Always call on the angelic realms to lift your soul energy to a high vibration with their divine healing love and light so you can be in harmony with your own life force energy of soul and to heal any rifts in any relationships you have with others.. love and light xx
This just came up on my Facebook wall and got me thinking how much we can change in a year or even in a shorter time then that, it is more about being changed on the internal side of us with each experience and challenge we have had in life as it changes your souls energy as a whole because it is what you chose life for to experience all kinds of emotions both in fear and in love as you can't have one without the other as that is what your soul is made up of the energy of the dark and the light at the moment all souls are going through a process of shedding the dark (fear) as it is so controlling on your soul and has you making choices from a low energy vibration but it is done to get your life lessons so it is a part of your karmic energy and why you come to earth to try and balance it within yourself so you have the confidence within your self to know and accept the true soul of love and light that you are as fear can only be felt on earth and it is what we created as a whole energy in the cosmos just to learn about who or what our true self is we are a part of creation that means we are the God energy that makes up the whole of our existence on earth.. We are a spiritual being in a human body having a lesson.. I am reading a few books at the moment so just read something interesting from one of Brian Weiss's clients as he took her back to the experience of dying in a past life so it was a death that happened over 100 years ago ..
The book is called "Same soul. Many Bodies" I brought it when I went to see Brian Weiss last year because he signed it for me. The question asked was this..
"Where does the soul go after it leaves the body?
I'm not sure; there may be no word for it. I call it another dimension, a higher level of consciousness or higher state of consciousness. The soul certainly exists outside of the physical body, and it makes connections not only to the other lifetimes of the person it just departed but to all other souls. We die physically; but this part of us is indestructible and immortal. The soul is timeless. Ultimately, there is probably just one soul, one energy. Many people call it God, while others call it love; again, the name doesn't matter.
I see the soul as a body of energy that blends with universal energy, then splits off again, intact, when it returns to a new life."
I had more to add to this but my soul is feeling a bit lost and alone at the moment so I may come back to it and finish it off tomorrow after I shift this fear energy that has just encroached my soul.. a bit of internal work to do with the angelic realm so I wish you a farewell and goodnight I hope that the angels or someone you love comes to visit you in your dreams tonight.. I will leave you with the soothing sound of this video and Archangel Michael who I will be calling to help shift this energy from soul so I can find my way again and work on where this energy is coming from..
Sending you love and light
No matter where you are
or what it is you have
done I love you
with all my
heart and soul
for you are my
twinflame for
all eternity
whether on earth
or in spirit there is
no separation of
the love that exists
even when ego and
fear takes a hold the
love will lift your
soul higher then
it has ever been in
any life time as
it is what soul has
always been searching for
love you always.
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