Monday, 26 September 2016

Energy Shift and Guidance xx

Hi all it is now Sunday the 25th of September I started this post at the beginning of the month so I am determined to finish it off now with the readings I just put up on my FB page .. .
I was a bit out of it at the beginning of the month  as I felt the energy shift that come in I went down  Saturday  (3 Sept) night about the time I drew a card (Let go of fear ... Now) earlier and sat on it for a while before I delivered the message .. I felt myself going this is when fear and ego usually take over so in comes the negative stuff, the tears and lots of emotion.. It is so draining on me when it happens as it takes my soul down to a lower energy and because I am an empath and a sensitive soul I feel energy most the time it doesn't affect the human me but internally it is like a storm going on inside so it is a very dark energy that comes to me in order to be released, other sensitive souls on earth feel this to as they are light workers as well so are vessels that take this energy and transmutes it for other souls, though not many would recognise this or know that this is what is happening..
On Tuesday the 7 September 2016 I was really struggling as it doesn't usually take that long with the angelic help to remove this energy from soul and it felt really different I did make a FB post about how I was feeling at the time while on my lunch break.. I felt that morning as if I had been in matrix so very much in slow motion as I got about my working day of cleaning and after my first job finished I go for a walk around the oval, so that is when the emotions hit and I was walking around with tears in my eyes trying to hold them back incase other people were around so my emotions were haywire, and it felt as if my legs were heavy and being dragged down by a magnetic pull which was the feeling of going in slow motion and also not being able to concentrate or think straight so when this happens I usually like to disappear into myself for a while and I really did feel like I wanted to crawl into my own little shell. (Growing up as very shy when I spoke up and warmed up to people someone would always comment that I was coming out of my shell like I was a turtle) so I surely did want to climb back into that shell on Tuesday..
Anyway these posts were coming on my Facebook wall about the 9-9-9 vortex and energy shift .. which I also linked on FB on my page for that then explained what was going on besides helping soul shift fear energy that it no longer needed it was something bigger then that which is why I had struggled to shift this energy the 9-9-9 shift was the gate way for your soul to shift the old energy that you no longer need so soul must of had a bit to release..  In that shift you may of been going over some of your life and doing some soul searching so any negative energy would of also come up for others in order to help shift this emotional baggage.. Dreams might of also been prevalent in this time as I had got earlier in the week to "pay attention to your dreams" from Archangel Michael who I work with closely most the time..
It was on Wednesday morning that I knew it was finally over because I was so drained on Tuesday after I went out to meet with my friends for craft I got in and went to bed fairly early about 10 or half past but I did wake up about 1am after a dream about going for a trek on a track like the Hume and Hovel in Australia it wasn't that track the name was often mentioned in my dream but on waking that name escaped me, so here I was trekking in the mountains and I was carrying this big bag of luggage so all my clothes and stuff that was my life but in order to trek down the hill I had to put down this heavy bag to lighten my load in which I did, when I reached the bottom of the hill I had a shower and what felt like a cleansing also a baby appeared in my dream along with family members at the base of the hill but I insisted on going back up to find my baggage but in the end that didn't happen. So the message in that dream was that the fear energy and the old emotional baggage that was being carried by soul had been left behind and the baby and the shower at the base was a message of cleansing and a new life after that baggage had been left behind from the old life which was contained in the bag which was left behind..
So after I woke up at 1am I drifted back off to sleep after checking my iPad and a blog and FB and when I woke from what felt like a very heavy sleep my heart felt like it had had a rewiring done as our heart is full of electric pulses that are our emotions and it is our soul centre so it is our energy centre that is what keeps us alive in more then one way so not just on a physical basis but it is also our spiritual centre so this is what keeps us alive fully in every way...
On the Thursday when I woke up I felt like I wasn't in alignment because the night before I just couldn't concentrate on anything so I felt the massive energy shift that happened a few weeks ago now.. When fear energy becomes a part of my soul it puts me out of action because it is like a dark cloud over me because I am a heart thinker it renders me useless so I sit it out in solitude if I can but if I have to go to work I have to hide behind all these emotions running through me that make me want to cry just to release because the thoughts that do come are usually negative in nature so the fear energy tries to take control over me, I usually call in the angels to come and release this energy from my soul because it just isn't me to be negative about myself or my situation in life, at the moment though with more energy shifts going on I am feeling a bit impatient for things to move along on my path but I know it involves other souls that may not be ready just yet to do what they have to, I was drawing cards though last night that said "In a few weeks" - "Change of Direction" and "Meditate on the answer" so interesting cards to draw about what may happen in the near future..

 I have just drawn the cards for today 18 Sept  the second card flipped in the deck as I was shuffling it..
The first message is from Archangel Jophiel and it is a message to clear the clutter out of your life now spring has come on in Australia it is time for a clean up of energy that is around you and surrounding you so a need to remove all the things that may be toxic for you and the energy that is around your soul, so removing what it is that is no longer working for you be it people, your job that you feel stuck in or just your work space may need a clearing and a freshen up so clearing away any clutter that makes you feel un organised at the moment those things you keep putting off for another day, now might be a time to tackle those tasks just to revitalize your souls energy and be able to create a new energy around your self so you don't feel like you are stuck in a rut or putting yourself through any negative emotions because you can't get motivated so a change of scenery may also motivate you into action and to help you clear away that which no longer seems to be working for you, with the energy shifts that have been going on we are shedding the old in order to make way for the new so it could also be you need to remove some of your past and the emotions from the past that you keep going back to that are holding you back from moving forward on your souls path.. So letting go of what is no longer serving your higher good but also clearing and cleaning up the energy around your soul body and auric field that will help you be more motivated and to help you with any changes that may occur in your life are with the things that have changed for you over the last 5 to 10 years as a lot of karmic debts have been paid so it may be time to also move on, within your own heart you will know what it is that is no longer working so it is then up to you to make the moves and take action with what it is you are heading for in your life and what it is you want to create going into the future, but clearing away your energy also makes way for the new to enter your life.. love and light xx
"Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you, and use feng shui"
The second message is from Archangel Michael with a message to have "Crystal Clear Intentions" about what it is you want to bring into your life and have faith that when the time is right for your soul that what you dream of and wish for your soul to be your reality in no time at all because it is your thoughts and emotions that create the energy around you that brings in what you need to fulfill your life purpose and this purpose and the lessons you intended to fulfill in this life time will come to you as you set them long ago before your soul entered the earth atmosphere but your soul and spirit are always connected so you are always working with your higher soul and your spirit guides and angels throughout your life so on a subconscious level your soul is always working with the higher source of your very being that of your life force to bring you  the lessons you need to move forward with each step you take, even when you are in times of pain and fear it is your internal work and your emotions that help your soul grow and evolve from the time you came here, every thing you go through or have gone through was a lesson to take you further on your soul journey so you are always where you are meant to be even if you don't know the reason why you are currently in the situation you are in, it is a matter of moving past all the emotions and knowing your lessons that eases your burdens and letting your higher soul know that it is time to move forward and then having the courage and faith to take the action steps and knowing what it is that will help you further with your life purpose so a need in trusting what it is you don't know as you take each step closer to where it is your soul is going, so you may need to study or go to a different job as a stepping stone to where you are going as with synchronicity you will always get to where it is you are going if you have a crystal clear intention and a lot of faith and trust in the divine to take you to those places you dream about.. Your soul has power, the power of thought and emotion that work with the spirit world that gets you to where it is you are going, so a need to also sometimes step back and let go of the control and expectations over how you think things should happen as that causes negative emotions and disappointments when you have your heart set on a plan that doesn't pan out as spirit and your higher soul may know of a better way to get you to where you are going on the timing may not be right for your soul or you may have another lesson to go through before your own soul energy is right for those dreams to become your reality.. Our soul is always going through lessons with every interaction and our actions in life as it is the energy we create around us that give us our experiences in life.. So being at peace and knowing what you want helps to get your soul ready for what it is you are trying to manifest in your life every second of the day, soul is working towards that ultimate desire and dream to come to you.. So plant your seeds of intentions and have faith that all is well as it is being manifested into your life as it involves other souls that may need to also be in the right energy to fulfill both your soul plans be it in business, learning a new skill, relationships or any aspect of the human and light xx
"Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith"..
So don't give up on yourself and give into your fears before your dreams are manifested have faith.

 I will leave up those readings from the 18th September that are above and add the new readings from tonight as they may be still relevant to anyone that visits my blog at any time as we always need to clear away the new to bring in any changes as our soul is always moving and learning we never stay in the same place our energy is what is creating our choices every minute of the day we are doing something and interacting with others..
 "Open your Heart" to both give and receive love but also to heal and grow from any past hurts that still need healing it is now time to let it go, and let your soul grow so you can find the solutions in life that you seek to go into the future.. Time to lift your soul vibration to another level and it comes in with the love of the divine that is in you, a time to open to all that is you and to balance that energy that is inside of you so you can move forward with your own divine soul plan. A time to unite with the things that you are passionate about in life and to know of your soul purpose and to fully step into your soul power, so you can manifest into your life all that you desire a time of rebirth and regrowth of your soul energy and be all that you can be without hiding behind a mask of what you want others to think that you are but to let out your true belief system, just so you have freedom to walk in your own love and light and to unite with that you dream of.. So clear your heart chakra's and open yourself wide up and receive all the love that is sent to you from above but also from those in your life that you care about deeply..
The power and energy of the Red Rose means love and romance so open your heart to it and heal from the past hurts to do with any love interests you have had and been heartbroken now is a time of healing and forgiving of self and others so you are now in control totally of your emotional well being, time to let go and free soul from the past as it no longer matters you have grown and got your lessons from past affairs of the heart everything is as it should be.. move on from any other emotional attachments and be free within your self and at peace because you are now free to move on to the next step of your journey. xx love and light xx
On card - "Your potential for greater love rests in opening your heart. Blockages and wounds from your past will be healed, and you'll be met with the true passion you seek."

Another message from Archangel Michael "Positive thoughts create positive results" so with those seeds you have been planting with your dreams and manifestations that you wish to bring into your life, you need to water them with positive thoughts and then taking positive actions towards bringing them to your soul.. So a time to lose the fears and doubts that may be blocking you from making any changes that may help you move forward with your divine soul plan.. Its time to create a positive outlook for your self if you have been going through any challenges of late and know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and all you have been through was to help you prepare for what is coming and what it is you have been calling for.. You know if you need to make any changes in your life that will help you in mind, body and soul and to accept any of these challenges that have been created in order to give your soul the lessons it needs to evolve and to transcend into a new way of being for you and to lift your soul to that higher vibration of soul so you are connected fully with your higher soul and that of spirit and to be able to reach the heights of your soul that haven't been reached before a time to lift your soul vibration higher to go with the energy shifts of earth and to ascend into the I am presence that is you from all the incarnations you have had and to release your fears so you feel freedom and in total control of all that you are to bring in all that you could be with your full soul power and to be able to manifest the life you want to create as you are your own master and creator of what it is your soul wants to be while on the earth plane and you know within the things you seek you have found or you will find if you are to keep searching within as your soul knows all the answers as to your purpose on earth. You will be guided and sent messages to help with any transition you are going through when you step into your own light of your being the being of light and love that you are.. You are fully safe and protected and loved beyond measure with all your life choices every thing is always as it should be because you are the master and creator of your own creation that is your soul and your soul power you are fully in the drivers seat always by the energy you make yourself with your emotions, thoughts and actions..
Also to stay positive even in difficult situations as they will pass and your ideas and solutions will follow if you are going through any challenging times in your life.. xx love and light xx
On the card it says - "My prayer - Divine love and wisdom, I call upon you now. I know that my mind and emotions are eternally and continuously connected to you. I ask my Higher Self to be aware and conscious of the love and light that is within every person and situation"

 Sending love and light
You'll be in my heart 
for now and ever more,
We are eternally connected
through he power of love
let it set your soul free
to be who you are 
for who you are is 
who I am for we are 
one in the same
Your soul is my soul
we share this bond 
for all the time of our 
creation of the soul journey
we have been on.
There will come a time
when we can unite and 
become one again.
with patience, faith
and a belief in self to
make any changes necessary
for soul to be in the right energy
for all the dreams to manifest 
themselves and you taste 
freedom, love and protection
and you will be home again. 
love you always 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Happy fathers day and Clearing energy with Archangel Metatron .. xx

Hi all it is Friday night the Mercury retrograde energy has come in and I can tell you it seems to be impacting on many souls at the moment and has all week I have heard it that many times from those around me about "Having one of those days" I haven't had one myself though not yet so I just go with the flow most of the time and accept what is as I know everything does happen for a reason or a lesson for any souls involved in any changes going on in their lives because our souls are always connect to a higher power that being our own soul energy that is of a higher frequency so most souls reach that on a subconscious level so a lot of work done by your higher soul and spirit is done in your sleeping hours and may even happen through your dreams when your mind will down load information so your dreams are always a message of some sort but most don't remember their dreams once they wake up from slumber.. I did have a strange dream last night it was like a big hole in the sky and a projector was being placed in this hole but also there were some people like hanging off the big projector which looked like a big red box, but also in the frame was this big ball thing that had a few kids hanging off it working the projector but it looked like they were doing acrobat tricks, and I was standing in the school yard so a few school kids were around and lining up my son was one of those as well I was just looking up at how high this was and marveling at those people just hanging off it with no safety gear or anything as it was up in the sky very high ... Not sure what it meant but there was also a second part to the dream which came out in a message I left this morning about not giving it all away that is what it is you are working on or your feelings or emotions because you need to be able to trust those you give all your secrets away to as some things you may need to keep close to your heart for a while especially while you are trying to manifest this into your life..

I have just drawn a card from the Archangel deck and Metatron has come out with a message to do a bit of "Chakra Clearing" as the energy might be a bit of harsh at the moment with a lot of things not seeming to work out to plan of late.. So a need to let go of trying to control things as all that is happening is to help you clear some of the old energy so it many come up as fear or negative energy if things do not seem to be working out and you are having a bad day or two.. A lot of changes energy wise is going on with all souls at the moment and with mother earth as she shifts and changes so now is not the time to get bogged down with any worries but to call on the Archangels to help you clear your lower energy chakras so you can be grounded as well as clear and connected to your higher soul and spirit.. But also a need for you to release all fears to make way for a new paradigm and a new way of being with any changes that may be going on in your life or some changes might be on the way once you clear all worry and negative energy away from your auric field as when you do the universe will bring synchronicity into your life once the energy is clear and your soul is in the right place to receive what it is you have been dreaming, praying or wishing for so don't give up hope and be patient as it takes time for spirit to work and also for the seed you planted to grow with the energy you give it so it is necessary for you to stay positive even when you are having a bad day, as it will not last as it is an event to help you with a search within and to bring you a lesson that you are not in control of all things but you are control of your thoughts, emotions which create your actions so a need to be optimistic even in challenging times is essential just so your soul doesn't go into a lower energy and so when the time is right your ideas, solutions and your manifestations can present themselves to you but only when your soul and your mind are in the right frame for you to appreciate and to accept what it is that has come to you, for if it comes when your soul is not ready it may not work out so spirit and your higher soul is always guiding you depending on your own soul energy and your thoughts at this time.. So a need to clear and clean your chakras may help with your soul energy and keeping it at a higher soul vibration so call on Archangel Metatron to come in and help you shift some energy if you are in the dumps with the world at the moment or that in your own life.. A need to clear your mind so you have more clarity, so meditation may help at this time a time to just chill out and self reflect also as your energy centres are cleared, take note of your emotions and release what is not serving you at this time so you can move on.. love and light xx
On card "Archangel Metatron - Call on me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes."

Talking about releasing the old and bringing in the new also synchronicity.. My daughter just messaged me a little while ago to show me her new car they were picking up it comes from Shellhaven but she didn't have to travel all the way up there but met half way in Goulburn to pick it up but it is simply amazing how synchronicity works as they also sold their Commodore which they haven't had for that long maybe a year or just over,  but she has been talking about getting a Prado for a while for her growing family she wanted some sort of family wagon and once she has her mind set on what she wants there is no swaying her so she has been hunting around for a while for the exact one she wants at a good price and she found it and at the same time sold her car to someone in Goulburn so what are the chances of that happening considering nothing is an accident or coincidence everything happens with synchronicity when the soul is ready to receive what it has been hoping and dreaming of.. love it xx 

It is now Sunday and Fathers day in Australia here is a picture of my dad we were looking through old photo's before when my daughter came up to visit this is the only photo of my dad with his legs being seen in public he has always worn jeans, and a long sleeved shirt button up shirt like a flannelette or cotton work shirt with the sleeves rolled up and pockets for his smokes..  My dad is the hardest worker I know he always has been he wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't working, he works for himself so is always busy if no one has any jobs for him with his earth moving machinery.. He is now in his 70's and still works as hard but his health has slowed him down some in the last couple of years but he still works 7 days a week doing something. He is not that affectionate but we know he loves us by how hard he worked to provide for us and anything we ever needed it was provided for us, we never wanted for anything even though we didn't have much money as each family does these days all we needed really was love, safety and security this is what your parents provide for you or should, don't worry if your parents are not like this as they do love you regardless of their own soul journey and life struggles some parents do have to get their lessons from their kids as well so you may be here to help your parents through their struggles so don't give up on yourself but grow stronger from your experiences through any struggles.. we all come in to this world with the parents we chose while we are in spirit so we do it knowing we may have challenges of our own on earth as we are all here to have lessons but also to give them in return and it is done through all of our choices and the experiences we get from them.. xx love and light xx
 Here is a photo of a photo I just took it is my dad, my sister the bigger one, and me right next to daddy we are feeding seagulls so we must of been on one of those family holidays down the coast my mum's dad and mum used to be the glue that pulled all his clan together for special occasions and holidays usually at Easter and Christmas we would get together with Aunts, Uncles and cousins to celebrate and holiday together and making memories. My pop used to drive the school bus so all would hop on or some would go in their own vehicles either for a family picnic on the weekend or camping down the coast or at the dam they would always have most of the family close by this was in the 1960/70's before all families got so busy like they are now..
Happy fathers day to all you dads out there may you have a great day and enjoy your kids even if you don't see them or they are now in spirit know that they are still with you and the love will never die as long as you think of and send love they are right there with you always watching you live and grow out your own soul journey and they do wish for you to enjoy your life as when your time is up you will connect again on the spiritual plane soon enough so no more sadness but to enjoy life and every challenge you have on the way because all dads leave you with life lessons so you can gain knowledge from their experiences and the hard work they came to earth for as their energy was needed while they lived on earth and now it is your time to shine and to follow your heart and your passions and to work hard to provide for your own family so don't feel guilt if you don't spend as much time with them as you would like as their tender young souls knew of your own soul plan before they entered life themselves so continue to love them the way you know best and be a part of their lives and watch them grow into adults so they to can have the chances that you had and experience their own lessons on life's journey as they will have happy times, sad times and at times painful as their souls need to have soul growth and evolve as well that is also why they chose life and for you to be a part of it in whatever capacity that you have, so don't despair or feel guilt over what path your own life had as "all that is meant to be will be" because  it is a part of your own soul journey of life as a father, brother, uncle or husband as the male role model and the male energy that you bring to the earth at this time.. Be at peace with yourself and with those males in your life that helped shaped you into the man you are.. love and light xx 

I have just drawn 3 cards with a message from your dad that has gone to spirit and returned home the first card is to let you know that - "I am so much better now" when you last seen him or for the last part of his life you might of seen him suffer with a lot of pain he wants you to know that as soon as the soul leaves the body that no more pain is felt and that peace is once again restored to the soul as it takes back its natural form with out the human body and the diseases or illnesses that it suffered as part of the soul journey they were on as they had to get lessons from this experience but also a message to you to look after yourself and to not put yourself through torture because whatever happened "It is not your fault" you done the best that you could yourself for your own family and it wasn't meant to be because of your own soul path that you now are walking you are not doing it alone as I am right beside you every step of the way when you are in your loneliest hours I am right with you giving you courage and holding your hands like we used to do when you were a little boy and needed encouragement to go on another day. So don't feel guilt over any thing in your life that has happened as your dad did and does understand of the life struggles that one goes through as he had his own on the emotional front but also with having courage and finding inspiration when it was needed he to looked to his old man that showed him the wisdom to keep going in times of struggle..
We are so connected is the last card so even though you may not be with him on the physical plane he is always connected to you on the spiritual plane so when ever you need your dad just call on him as he is in your heart and a part of your soul so you only need think of him and he will be with you in presence and will sometimes leave you signs of your time together or to offer that little piece of inspiration you need to push yourself that little bit further as your dad showed strength of character that will always help you go on when you need it.. look for signs like music so his favorite tune or the smell of roses or smoke if he was a smoker he will leave you signs and your sixth sense will pick it up so thank him kindly for showing up and he will come and visit you at other times as well maybe even in your dreams just to say hello or pass on a message to you that will help you on this your soul journey.. So your dad is always with you whether you got along all the time or you were best of mates he still loved you even if he didn't always show it.. love and light xx 

 I thought I would show you some of my colouring in 
I did this one a few weeks ago from an Angel book by
Doreen Virtue and Norma J Brunell is the illustrator..
 It is now Monday morning I was going to draw a card last night and finish off this post but I felt so tired and drained instead I retired to shift more soul energy it usually ends in tears as it is how my soul washes away this fear energy as I do soul searching and releasing that which doesn't help me on my path I know it is my ego energy that comes in to try and move me off that path so I need to keep focused and call in the angelic realm to help me shift this energy that has me feeling so down and has me searching my own soul for answers and for the inner guidance of  soul, patience is always the answer as I bring my own dreams into reality I only have one but I keep that to myself as I know it is not time as I still have to finish off with where I am and to have faith in what I don't know yet and in the divine that things will move and change at the right time when soul is ready and in the right energy..  I did draw a card last night for my self it was my Guardian Angel with the word "Sweetness" this was about having balanced soul energy and treating myself as I give so much love away to other some times I am left feeling unwanted and taken for granted by those I give so much to also working so hard and not getting enough play or time to do the things I enjoy.. this seems to be a constant message I always get in life as I have always put others feelings before my own and make sure they are happy and whole because if they are that way I am as well because it is the energy that surrounds me.. Some times when the energy of the universe has a lot of fear or negativity in it I need to escape from that energy as it brings out the worst in souls and I just have to let them be that way as they need to release their fears as well this is when anger, sarcasm and all nastiness comes out when souls are not getting their own way or they feel that someone other soul should be walking the same path as they are so out come the judgements over how another's life should be it is based on the biases of the soul making judgements on another as their own fears are coming out that they live a perfect life and the moral issues seem to rise to the top of souls ego.. So in the end it doesn't really matter what others opinions of you are as you come into this world with a life purpose and your soul will make the choices on that purpose and to also pay back any karmic energy that you had from a previous incarnation so you always owe these karmic debts to your own soul in order to balance your previous life lessons so when these lessons are over in comes the emotional pain that was bound to happen in order for you to get your lesson so your soul can grow and evolve..
I have just home from work for my lunch break before I head to my second job in a few hours while at work I was thinking about the message and cards I keep getting for myself as I don't do it very often or I don't ask others for readings or help as I am pretty good at reading my own soul and can reach my higher soul but sometimes I do feel a bit lost and struggle with where I am as I know more is coming but it is not time yet as other souls involved are still going through lessons and are evolving so I am here for them always but sometimes feel torn with my own awakening process which does have me questioning myself all the time this is how I am so in touch with my own soul and knowing others in the process as most my life my soul journey has been an internal process so everything has always run through my heart and putting others first in my quietness, so when this message comes out I know when the guidance they give me is not to treat myself with material things as that really doesn't do much I discovered this when I had my aura photo done as I buy things for me all the time like my colouring in books and pencils, craft stuff, tarot cards, books etc.. So that was not the message for me as I feel I never go with out material things it was a message for my emotional well being and letting others know how I feel which I struggle with always as I don't like to draw attention to myself and feel embarrassed or guilty if I am the focus and have to share what I am feeling with others because I know this was a soul journey where I am to be of service to others but I do leave myself open of always giving to others but not always allowing myself to receive in return on an emotional level from others and have pushed that away, so I know this is my current lesson as well as patience and faith while my dreams are also being worked on.. So the message is you have to give yourself the love you would give to another so no bad words about yourself or your actions or choices in life to stay emotionally balanced as a soul you need to treat yourself with kindness and sweetness in order you can give that to others in the process.. xx love and light xx
On the blog I have no trouble in expressing my feelings as I need to teach others through my own experiences in life that I have had, in person it is different as I am more a listener then a talker I am much more interested in what you are about and I can offer what is needed some times it is just an ear someone needs and to get their feelings out where they won't be judged by another..

Some souls have many lessons and challenges in life to overcome as they set their soul lessons on a high mark so that they could grow from all their experiences but they can get stuck in the emotional roller coaster of life this is when you need to release and let go of all past lessons in order to evolve and to do that you need to forgive yourself first for all your actions and choices where it involves others and to forgive those who hurt you or who you may of hurt when lessons ended. To forgive is to cut the karmic ties that are still binding you emotionally to any lessons you had from the past so in order for your soul to move on you need to forgive all that happened in your past and to embrace all the lessons you learned so you can continue to walk further on your soul path and all that you dream of will come to you, as your soul will know you are ready to move on and that you are not a victim of your past experiences in life so you will not be emotionally controlled by your ego that keeps on living in the past.. love and light xx 
"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. 
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness." - Ian Thomas

Sending love and light 
Have a great afternoon 
I will start another post tonight 
for now I must go to work
I love you always
where ever you are
eternally and to infinity 
and beyond you are 
a part of my soul 
forever so let it be me
You turn to if only
in your thoughts 
and your heart as
your soul is a
mirror of mine 
so I know what it 
is you go through
we are one in the same
two peas in a pod
that compliment 
each other the 
yin/yang of life 
that makes a whole
One soul, two hearts
and a lot of divine love
where ever you go .. 
love and light 