Friday, 13 January 2017

Happy New Year - Be Gentle with yourself - and let go of worry xx

Hi all wishing you all a Happy New Year sorry I've neglected my blog a bit my soul has been going through so many energy shifts after my last post I sort of took a break as when your soul is going through a transition and awakening you will go through all sorts of emotions as your soul is shedding and releasing what you don't need as the energy of your soul goes to a different frequency so your consciousness which is energy also has to lift so you have to shed the old patterns and ways of how you used to do things and you will not see things the same, you will still feel the same person you always were but the true you is coming out a bit like a caterpillar going through a process and turning into a butterfly but it is all internal soul work, so working through your emotions and just knowing when it is your dark shadow side (your ego and fears) that come in and then releasing and letting go of that energy so you can return back to the higher frequency that is you, but focusing on why your ego turned up so knowing your fears and the lesson that came with ego and letting your inner knowing come out to know it was only a soul process and transformation you are going through so all the negative and self pity thoughts are only an illusion of what is really going on but then diving in deep to your emotions and working out the puzzle and why that fear always shows up as it most likely comes from other incarnations of your soul that you carried with you so getting to the root cause of your fears and changing your mind set, most ego thoughts have to do with your self worth and self confidence issues and why you can't change things in your life so your ego will give you every excuse in the book not to bring about changes within your self or in any situation in your life that keeps resurfacing.. Our soul usually wants to  continue with the same old pattern because we are in new energy and it sort of gets lost in the confusion over why things may feel different for us but being creatures of habit we can get stuck in our old energy pattern ways.. which is probably why part of my life purpose is to get souls that seek my guidance to centre them back in their heart space, so not listening to guidance from outside but becoming focused on what it is that the soul is telling them through their emotions and standing up for themselves and what they want and need in life but always being true to who they are and having self confidence..

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year break here is one of my gifts the magpie was testing it out a cat also did through the week and the top bit ended up on the ground so we have got some liquid nails this morning to stick it on this time because before it was only sitting on top the weight of the cat must of been too much but all is well it didn't break just made the dog bark and the top bit fall.. 

I do know that focusing in on yourself and what you want is a hard task as my lessons came and I had to go through it and probably still do as an ongoing battle as I give so much of my energy to others sometimes I feel so drained at times that I need to go on that inner journey to re-energise my soul and find the divine within so I can keep giving .. I don't anger I don't think I ever have maybe a few times I let it get the better of me but I always end up in tears and have a lot more internal soul work to do to clear the energy from my soul so I feel like myself again though I never tell others of my pain I go it alone.. today I don't feel so great I know I am shifting energy again and it is my own maybe a few other souls as well I feel their fear energy mixed in with mine.. 

SPIRITUALITY and RELIGION there is a difference and it does get confused I just wrote this on my FB page so thought I would share on my blog for other souls as many are going through spiritual changes as we have come into the new energy so it is a transition and transformation of your souls energy as you search within for the true meaning of life and why you exist and maybe for your soul purpose and some sort of direction in your life at this time as our soul template is changing so our soul energy is lifting in vibration our souls energy is light and love when we are in embodied form but also when we are not it is the same energy only in a human body you forget all that you are until you go searching which is spirituality some souls go through religious channels to find the answers so there is nothing wrong with going to churches or that but that is only teaching about what your soul should already know so churches are not necessary if you don't feel comfortable in them, I know I didn't when I did have to go mainly for weddings and my grand daughters christening, I felt uncomfortable because I know we are always connected to soul, spirit  and the angelic realms 24/7 so we don't need to do rituals just be ourselves and to ask for help when we need it from the realms you can feel and may not see..

Spiritually is a search within yourself to find the true soul that you are and you will find you are more then the human mind and ego could ever comprehend your soul energy is a part of the multi dimensional universe and it is the love that helps reach new heights and frequencies of the light that is your divine soul that has a plan to evolve in each incarnation it is not an easy journey as it goes on your emotions as you release the fear in order to step fully in your light body which takes courage as it is not for the faint hearted who have not gone through many fear lessons because to know your own fears and darkness you only get to experience the full light of your soul as well.. You will have many days you feel alone as if no one loves you and you will become so sensitive you pick up the fear energy of others you will feel it as your own as you shift it from your soul and wash the fear away with soul tears until you can find your light within and re energise your soul.. Love is your soul power, fears will weaken and control you if you allow it or control others in the process as you set out to harm and hurt because of fears held within you, sometimes you may not even be aware of the pain you cause others but that fear becomes a part of your own karmic energy and you will feel it also..what goes around comes around because that is what your soul energy created.. Hurt me I will love you anyway that is unconditional and who I am as I shift that fear energy from soul in hope my pain heals you that is just life as an empath and compassionate soul. xx Love and light xx

Here is the Angel Card reading I did this morning on my FB page so if you are feeling a bit blue today take time out for yourself shut the world out as it can be a cruel place with so much negativity to soak into your souls energy if you are an empath or sensitive soul you may need time out to re-energise away from negative souls as the full moon energy may of brought some harsh energies out for other souls to release including your own..

The angel message for today is from Archangel Sandalphon call him in to help you clear any heavy energy you may be feeling and listen to soothing music or nurture your soul the only you way you know how by doing something just for you to re-energise your energy take time out in nature or go for a walk, just do something that gives back to your heart that may be a bit clouded with heavy energy, it may be from others so surround yourself with only positive situations and souls until your soul is back to itself and full of love and light, you may need to spend time alone just to review your life and look for answers and directions just for you over what in llife you should do, whatever that is you are always supported by the angels with all choices that you make as you are loved unconditionally as you create your own path in life sometimes you will feel alone when doing that but you are never alone your spirit guides, and angels are always with you and know of your situation so you only need ask for signs, messages and symbols to help you with the directions and also to ask why some situations have turned up in your life, search within and your inner knowing will give you the answers so you can move on and come to some sort of peace of mind so you can do as your soul guides you.. Clear your mind and answers will pop into your mind with clarity and lighten up and not take life so seriously at times as when you can do that your soul energy changes and you are lifted higher so your soul can hear the angel whispers and see the signs that you are never alone and loved beyond measure always no matter what you do as the love of angelics is what moves your soul energy so you can find yourself again when you get a bit lost in life especially with the new energy coming in as the old ways and patterns are breaking away, souls are completing many things but then get lost in the confusion of why they feel different and know there is more but not know how to get there so sort of lose direction as the soul energy lifts higher in frequency, the soul will start to look for the divine plan you set if we reached this marker in the new energy so it is time to create as you go and let any negative energy pass and know it is all a part of your soul process as your soul changes template and frequency.. So when you are feeling a bit lost and alone nurture your soul and come back to the centre of your being which is in the love that surrounds you, even though you may not always feel it, it is there for you and it starts with the love of self and who you are, and having self confidence to get through your struggles with the guidance of the angels and light beings that do surround you, some are in human form so will always be there for you when you need a boost in life to say you are valued and to just be yourself as you will be loved as you are by those that are meant to be a part of your soul journey.. So take time out for you today and boost your soul energy and call on the angels to take away the emotions you don't need if they are surrounded in negativity.. xx love and light xx
 I love this Cherokee Prayer - Amazing Grace
Hold onto what is good
Even if it's a handful of dirt
Hold onto what you believe
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself
Hold onto what you must do
Even if it's a long way from here
Hold onto your life
Even if it's easier to let go
Hold onto my hand
Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

One more card I have drawn is a message to "Surrender to Worry" - Make a commitment not to lead an anxiety driven life. When worries arise, breathe them out of your body, focus on the power of your heart, and have faith that spirit is guiding you always.. 
Our worries stem from our fears so they could be from this life and your experiences or they could stem from deep within your soul and be carried from other incarnations so they will always resurface when you come to some of your life lessons in this current life time which will halt you from moving forward on your souls path because worry is fear energy you are blocking any real solutions from coming into your energy so you may repeat and stay stuck in the energy your soul is creating so let go of worry about what, how and when changes will come to your situation and start by creating positive energy and being optimistic about your life and use your soul energy to create and manifest what you need as long as you have fears and worries that is what you are manifesting as the new energy moves quick be mindful of what it is you are wishing for or using your soul energy to create as you will get what you want in good time.. If you are worried about your financial situation as a lot of us do release the worry and you will see a flow of abundance come in or ideas that will help you save or pick up extra work the possibilities are endless as spirit will open the avenues for you if you ask and use your energy to create what you need not necessarily what you want if it is based on impossible dreams that are not within reality because we as humans still need to do the ground work once the opportunities come knocking on the door.. You might be worried about a relationship so be mindful of how  you are using your energy as if you are in fear you may push the ones you love away by trying to control them or because of your own fears about not being lovable or rejected, or it could be a family member you are worried about send them love, light and healing to help them find any solutions to any situation in life they come up against.. So let all worries go then use your soul energy to find the solutions as there is always one and a reason why you are in this situation in the first place search within and the answers will always appear at the right time when your soul energy is ready to receive what it is you need to know.. love and light xx 

 I will leave you with a song I only discovered at the end of 2016 
I may come back over the weekend with more angel card readings 
or a 2017 spread see how I feel and if I can shift this energy..
 Who you love .. John Mayer and Katy Perry 
 Sending Love and Light 
May 2017 be a year of
"New Beginnings" for you
and the changes not be to
hard on your soul because with 
new beginnings come some 
closings as well and changes.
So I hope they are kind and 
you can transition with ease
As our souls still have some way
to go before things get completed
and destiny falls into place.
So much more internal work 
and energy to lift on a weary
soul that has gone through 
so many trials and tribulations
in what we call life on earth
to only have our souls evolve 
and transition all in the name 
of love as it is eternal and 
forever unconditionally ..
May your dreams also 
fall into place at just the right 
time for your soul..
love you always 