The reading from this morning before work using my new deck Archangel Gabriel I love the strength of this Archangel he will power you up if you take his guidance and ask for help on your path, open the doors and let the angels into your life you will be empowered by the love they make you feel, and they will send you signs from many different sources the ones you know you will pick up with your own intuition.. I love the angels and spirit that are in my life they hold me when I ride the waves of emotions that comes with the soul awakening for the emotional pain sometimes hurts so much until you call in the Archangels to help you change your energy sometimes it takes a little while other times it is quick depending on your own receptive nature and the belief in angels for if you don't believe that is your energy block so you will see/feel nothing as your mind will over analyse and your ego (fears) will step in and talk you out of what it was you are feeling or thinking for you to get in touch with the divine nature of your soul and spirit you need to transform your fears for love for that energy is what holds your power so you can connect to your higher soul and those in the higher realms of spirit how far you can open the doors is up to you and spirit for they won't do anything until you get your own lessons first so you need to trust as well as believe in your own abilities and be confident that you are connecting with that of your higher soul and spirit, you really need to be able to trust and read your own feelings for everything does come through your heart for that is where all the love is held it is your soul centre and from where the inner knowing will come from, from the lessons of past lives to the feelings you have when you meet those souls from your soul group so they could be your parents, siblings, friends and lovers past and present for all souls that have connected in other lives will know the feeling of having known each other before, but not all soul connections will be loving they may at first before those arranged lessons come in, this is where your freewill and choices take place in how you react to the situations that do come up in your life . The eyes and energy will always remain in all souls from every incarnation this is how we have that familiar feelings of having known this person before, the eyes are the windows to the soul for that is how we meet and recognise the soul and energy held within.. The universal energy system of all our souls and spirit is complicated but really simple if you were to understand and learn about it for the learning comes in from spirit and the other souls that work at revealing the truth of all souls so there are spiritual teachers and a lot of channels and light workers at this time on earth for they have come in to help souls with the evolvement process and the ascension of souls and the planet itself for it is creating a lot of chaos and dark forces to rise in the world which is what we see on the news and in media everyday.. The true soul has to arise from the depths of fear that has embodied the planet earth at this time so everything that you see happening always has a deeper soul, energy or metaphorical meaning to it though not everyone will see it like that for they still have soul work to do and to go through the soul awakening, enlightening process which the souls/teachers in the (New Age) have already been through or going through in order to teach of the process. I really don't like the term New Age as these souls boxed in this group are no different then any other human soul they only have a raised energy vibration and soul experience behind them so they can teach and guide other souls that may of lost their way in the human world for it is not always easy no matter who you are we all have feelings/emotions and struggle with the daily humdrum of being human.
I just drew 2 cards the first was "Retreat" so after the Christmas festivities it is time to take time out alone to re-energise your batteries for you are being very distracted with your thoughts for so much is going on inside of you at the moment you are restless and cannot settle in one particular routine this just means you need to sit quietly and contemplate where you have been and where it is you are going and start with a plan this might help you to relax and have something to work towards instead of having your focus in all direction it is a very turbulent time for all souls with the waves of energy and new portals opening for the soul to reach higher awareness and depths of understanding about who they are and their place in the world and the role they came here to play, you have been overthinking and getting yourself all stuck in the mire so not wanting to do anything. It is time to clear your mind, meditate and release all emotions again for the soul is working on clearing all fears so this is and can be a long emotional process ride through the waves like a surfer on the ocean and you will achieve all your life goals, if you are not captured by the amount of work you need to do to get you where you want to go. Start with the first step that is retreat step back and look at your self with loving eyes you are only one man you don't have to carry the weight of the world in your hands let the angels take the pressure off and let go of those thoughts, emotions that no longer serve your higher good for it is getting your soul stuck up against the wall all will work out if you just surrender your soul to it all and don't fight what it is you think you cannot do, for your soul is more powerful then you allow it to be. Go with the flow of energy and of life and things will always work out. "Allow yourself to receive" - Open your arms to receive the help and guidance given to you by God and the angels for they will carry the load and burdens for you that are holding you back and in return you will receive all the ideas, guidance, courage and strength as well as so much love that your soul could be free of worry about your next meal all you need will be provided for you with the help of the abundant flow you can manifest into your life you need never go with out and all your desires and dreams will be fulfilled. So open your arms to receive all that you deserve for all your hard work step by step you will get your guidance if you only open your heart and mind to receive all that is meant for you. Patience as it all falls into place as all involved need to listen to all guidance so synchronicity can take effect in all the world.. Let go, trust and have faith that you are stronger and are all that you ever need in the world to succeed don't doubt your own power for bringing in what it is you need at the right time. love and light and all the strength of god to you Love Archangel Gabriel xx love and light xx
I have just drawn a card from the Ascended Masters deck the ascended masters have been through the life journey and have come back to help mankind through these turbulent years of changing of energy and helping souls with ascension into the next realm of the human consciousness so Moses came to us today to help with bringing you courage and to take the next step and become the leader of souls out of misery with revealing the truth so your soul also has the power to heal those past hurts and pain that still linger on your soul at this time you can push past that and assume your life purpose and role of being able to lead souls through the muck and mire of the fear based corrupted systems that are now part of a bigger system and a dark force that wishes to enslave the population to become worker bees for a utopia that does not exist or never will, you are here to shine the truth and be a beacon of light to those that are losing hope in their world that surrounds them for there is chaos and fear surrounding all souls at this time your strength is needed now more then ever. Do not get caught up in your own fear based thoughts to the things you believe are not achievable for I Moses done it with the strength of god and the angels by my side you can do this as well there is nothing stopping you only your own fears that can be healed if you listen to all guidance and take action as I done all those years ago, I had doubts myself but I pushed through them with my faith and belief in God and the manifesting powers that be of God so I could free the souls from misery that was my duty and purpose of life for I was chosen by God as you are to help others out of this bog and mire that is in the fear based souls of today you are required to fulfil the role you set for yourself you will be supported by God, Ascended masters and those of the angelic realm that are with you everyday helping, loving and guiding you to free those souls of the world and to help them evolve to the next stage of the universal realm with a heightened consciousness and an awareness of the truth. This truth is held within your own heart and soul from all the lives you have lived you hold wisdom and knowledge that other souls don't it is up to you to act and to save yourself first, come from a place of love for it is waiting for you it will raise your own awareness and bring in the knowledge you need to overcome all that comes in to your own life you have the manifesting powers that I had so there is nothing you can not achieve with the help of the universal powers that are at your disposal all you need do is ask and those things will turn up in your life how you expected or even better with patience the more you trust in yourself and the powers you hold the more you can manifest into your life you need never go without for you have all you need while more manifests into your life, you are always in control of your soul and what comes to it, no-one will ever take that power from your soul for you are stronger and have the courage to lead for this was your task and duty to the kingdom and what you set out to achieve in this life time, what you are going through now is only a soul process that all enlightened souls go through you can handle this challenge take the love that is given to you by the angels that exist in your life for they came to help you to evolve and grow into your true self the mighty powerful soul that you are. you are safe and protected and loved beyond measure reach for that love don't hold back for it will always be a part of you the part you will and have always looked for. release all past lessons they are no longer needed call on the angels to help you with this task and write down all that you feel for this is what is holding you back the suppression of emotions for you have been hurt many times on this journey it is time to let go for no more lessons of pain are needed , it is only a matter of claiming and creating what it is you want for your future it is up to no one else for your own soul knows the plan it always has so look within and all is revealed piece by piece with spiritual logic and discernment all you ever worked for will become apparent,, you are not alone and loved.. xx love and light xx
It is the end of 2015 so in the next post I will do a yearly reading so one card for each month and I have been thinking of doing a Solomon Star (David Star) spread as well as I don't do the big spreads nearly enough I usually only do the one or three card spreads.
I love you
Sending love and light
I wish I could show you
how much I love you
that is not possible at this time
for our souls are not
ready for this challenge
until we have lessons
with our divine nature
and that of spirit we
need to know our
own souls as if they
were a part of the
whole soul that we are.
You need to get in touch
with your higher soul and
that of spirit for it is the same
soul the same consciousness that
envelopes us both at the same
time this is the soul connections of
divine love that we were
created from in the place
we call home. Home is
found in each others souls
for that is the divine soul
that is us as one connection.
love you always