Hi all I'm still here after my last post the new energy is making a lot of lightworkers and others a bit emotional, sleepy and other things as well it is doing something to all humans but some may feel it more then others if you are sensitive or an empathic person which I am you will be feeling the energy shift of the universe, if you follow some of the astrologists (I like
David Palmer the Leo King and
Elisabeth Peru she is in Qld) sites they are explaining what you might be feeling as our body, mind and soul are all recalibrating to help us with the soul evolution that is now taking place.. The Mayans did predict this when they said it was going to be the end of the world some humans took it literally and were preparing for the worse but it was a shift in energy they were predicting so out with the old energy and in with the new which has been happening for a while so we are in the transition stages of the new energy shift which is forcing us to let go of the past so that could mean in this life time but also from past incarnations that we still hold fears from for we do carry some of those within our soul which will affect some of our behaviours in this life time depending on what fears or trauma you might of had in a previous incarnation if you died in tragic circumstances.. So this is a time to release the old emotions that no longer serve you which will make you emotional and teary and you might not even know why, but it is a release of negative energy that you have within your soul so write down everything you are feeling and ask your angels to take away all the emotions that no longer serve you and to replace them with love, so you are at peace with who you are and to also forgive yourselves for anything you might think you have done wrong in your life and if it affected others it is also time to forgive them so you can move ahead and into the new energy so you can discover your true self or your soul self so no ego for that will bring doubts and negative energy into your mind. This new energy is pushing us into new challenges as well so spirit may be leading us to our true path by getting rid of people or jobs that don't serve our higher good or have taken us off our path so some relationships might be feeling a bit of tension because of this energy and bringing out the true soul self which may appear to change some people. So it is most likely pushing people's ego's out if that is who they are or the energy of fear they run off will show in their demeanour. So what ever energy your soul is running off it will be amplified by the new energy so if you walk in the light (love, integrity, compassion and tolerance etc) it will show but it may also make more noticeable to you those that walk in the shadows so in the dark energy of the ego which is self-serving and centred on material superficial stuff in life. The new energy is bringing up this stuff so our souls can deal with it and not suppress all of the emotions within our soul for it wants us to release it all so we can find our true soul and the divinity within for we have more power if we are living in the power of god which is love as it is not only an emotion it is also an energy one that drives our human soul for it is why we came here and when we were in spirit all our human ego traits are dropped so everything is done out of love, or planned out of love for our souls to evolve with the lesson we came here for.
I like this quote for it reminds me of what I do
with not asking anyone for help I do battle through
my struggles whether they are emotional or physical
I battle on regardless.
I've just drawn a card for my FB page but I will relay the message as it is from Archangel Michael but it is for us all not just the Earth Angels that I originally addressed for we are all our own powerbase for survival while on earth that power lies in the knowledge of knowing your own soul
so setting limitations of how you will be treated by others will fall into your power but it also means that you have the power to also affect others with your own words and actions and how you treat people for what you give out, will be a reflection of what is returned to you.
Today's message (Wednesday) for all earth angels that read this post it is from Archangel Michael he wants you to remember who you are "You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God, You are very loved".. As you walk your journey on this earth we are to be reminded of why it is we came to do this you may need to soul search and find your true soul if you are not quite there for we are always learning while on earth, but we came here at this time to show others the power of our love and light to help them through this energy phase which has us all releasing and letting go of past pain, during these times call on me AA Michael to help you ride the waves and pass over all your emotions in doing this you will regain your power that is the power of your soul with the wisdom and the love of god you are stronger then you think - stand your ground when you are challenged over who it is you are for you have a purpose on earth for it is this time you chose to have life, you knew it might be a bit rough but it is now time to embrace all this new energy and regain the power that is you always shine your love and light for it add to the energy of the universe but don't let others tell you, you don't know what you are talking about for in your soul you know the truth. Some still might be trying to find out what that is but you are always loved and supported by us in spirit that will guide the way. place your trust and belief in your own self and the intuition of all our energy to get you through for it is now time to show those lost souls what to do, some will still live in fear and most likely call you names - let it go release it for that is only a sign of the soul that they are and their truth is not the same as yours so they can't be changed until they have their freewill choices to believe what they do, it is just a sign they are not as highly evolved as you which is also why you came here this time to help plant the seeds and when the other souls are ready they will turn to you for they will see your strength and the energy in your light, there is no time constraints when this will all happen as the energy shift effect different souls at different times depending on their own path and when or if they decided they might turn to god in the time of need. Some souls are only new to this incarnation stuff so they will not be interested in anything spiritual as their energy is more then likely focused on material and superficial stuff they won't be changed but they also play a role in the energy they give so their may be what looks like chaos around but it is not anything to concern your sensitive souls as everything is always divinely guided by us in spirit and all human souls so just be prepared for anything to happen but don't take anything to heart just concentrate on your own role and your own little world stay centred and at peace so you can help all of humanity for that is all our roles.. lots of love and light you are always loved and protected so stand in your own power and be brave call on us when ever in doubt for we are here to help your soul too to help others .. bye for now love and light let it shine xx Thank you Archangel Michael xx
On Tuesday after an emotionally charged day and a lot of release tears I finished watching the movie "Son of God" which I downloaded over Easter.. sound track above "I Believe" .. Watching what Jesus went through I was calling him to give me some of that strength after questioning myself all day. Jesus was silenced because of his belief and the laws of the day say he blasphemed against God by claiming he was his son which is why he was sentenced to be crucified but he went through some torture first before he was nailed to the cross he knew it was coming for he was psychic and had the power of God within him as we all do for that was his teaching. Also his disciples eventually got killed or went into exile for spreading the word of Jesus and God. As I watched all the people being beaten I thought I was probably there at the time as well or my soul was as others might of been too, all this information lies within our akashic record of every life we have ever lived every thought and action we had which makes up who we are for all the energy of our soul would not be sustainable while we are on Earth so only the parts, bits and pieces of energy come with us as we are born for the tasks our souls sets us up for the lessons or karmic debt we owe from our past actions in each life time so we call on the personalities we need to see us through for what it is we want to learn this time. Did you know our human body would not be able to contain the whole energy of our complete soul for it would burn up that is why we tune into our higher self and other parts of the energy that is our soul to help guide us as the energy over the veil (in spirit) is all connected so your higher soul is connected to others so this helps guide our movements but our freewill choices will always guide our soul in what direction to take to learn our lessons, it is our own soul that is always in the drivers seat of our life and it is our thoughts, belief's and karmic debts that will push or pull this energy known as our soul around so from pre-determined lessons in life to either pay back that Karmic debt (which is a balance of your soul energy from previous life actions) to other lessons your soul wanted to go to, it is always our current soul energy that is in control by our very own thoughts and actions. So we are our own powerbase after all we are energy in a carbon based body. We are always connected to those in our soul groups and synchronicity will bring you together when the time is right to meet for those lesson whether it is a short lesson or a long lifetime connection your soul will always know when it is time to end the relationship or to make changes in your own life, for you will have the feeling of being stuck or just knowing there is more but not understanding what it is you need or want so your soul will go searching or spirit will intervene to help with putting you on the right path so by chance something will come up in your life that changes you or makes you find a new direction in life.
Today's Thursday guidance is "Harmony" so to be at peace with yourself you need to be at peace with others so in relationships it maybe time to make peace and to see the other persons point of view and to maybe not agree with them but to try and understand where it is they were coming from in the way they treated you and why they found it necessary. A lot of people act out of anger because of some fear they have which could stem from something that is happening in their life at the mo
ment, it could be a soul deep reason not even one they are aware of, so maybe something you said triggered that reaction which caused a chain reaction in you. Forgive them for your own peace of mind so any emotions aren't playing over in your mind causing un rest in the relationship. You don't need to keep rehashing old issues in your mind as it will cause you to react in fear yourself towards others so you won't have harmony in your life as you still carry that person and those old feelings with you. Forgive and forget for you and let the other person walk away as they no longer serve your higher good and will keep bringing disharmony and disruption to your life, if it is a relative you can still only contact them when necessary or as little as possible for they are most likely in your life to push your buttons to make you self evaluate who you are for there is a reason everyone comes into your life to help you with your soul growth so some are sent here to test us to see what choices we make in how we react to their bullying or irritable ways for everyone is ultimately a reflection of who you are in the way your emotions come out. So to stay in harmony with yourself and other forgive and release all negative emotions to do with that relationship do it for "you".. love and light xx
I like this quote for once you find your own soul, you do see everyone as a soul and no different then you, only they had their own choices in life for their journey and soul lessons are not the same as you so you will not judge them.
One last song as I've talked enough I think I have to work this weekend and the next so I'm busy, busy, busy again with daylight saving finished my body clock has not adjusted just yet for I get very tired in the afternoons or by night as I started this post yesterday, I also started one on Sunday but got so tired I will go back to it for it is in the draft stage I wanted to go into finding the God within which is actually your soul, but you do need to perceive how you look at God and yourself in a different light which I will try to explain as it goes to the heart of being the spiritual being that you are where life and death are seen as a recycle of your soul so you can learn other life lessons each time you come to earth.
Robbie Williams - Angels
Sending love and light
Remember who you are
honour the journey you
have been on for your road
has been tough, focus on the
good times and take lessons
from the rest of the pain,
for those times are over now
and can't be replayed.
Focus on being where you
want to be for the rest of the
your life stay positive
for the world is your
oyster and you are half
way there if it is only in
your mind for the time
being until the angels in
spirit can make those dreams
come true ..
love you always