Saturday, 25 April 2015

I'm still here on ANZAC day xx

Hi all sorry I haven't blogged for a while it is now ANZAC day and I'm very tired I was up at 4am this morning as mum asked me to help the ladies of the CWA to get the breakfast for those that attended the Dawn Service we were expecting about 40/50 going on previous years but there was a big turn out and about 100 turned up we had enough food it did get rationed but there was still a lot left over so the plates could of had a bit more on them.. we served toast, snags, bacon, scrambled eggs and tomato.. so they all had plenty and enjoyed it..
I'm a bit to tired to think but here is a message I left on MSN this morning about the diggers and from the diggers that had been running through my mind about all that they and the family left on the home front must of gone through at that time for war effects the whole nation and the spirits of the ANZACS  souls still remain on the homeland where they grew up.
Wars do shape your nation and those spirits or souls that do live on that land for the energy of every soul remains on the land where it was born and souls usually return to the same place maybe different locations but still apart of the same culture for they also return with the same soul group they have been with for every life cycle everything is recorded in our book of life as the energy we give out, so all those lives lost in overseas battles their spirit still remains on their homeland and you could probably feel them all around you today if you went to any dawn services or are going later today. Our souls are eternal so there spirit is a part of the land and will always remain they all send their love to those they never got to see again for they haven't left really just changed form and they still guard and watch over us all so our freedoms stay for they fought for that. Love and light they send down to all you that remember them for they haven't forgotten you some have returned in another life so they are probably those children that you love so much for our souls do return on our choosing for more lessons or to come back to love where we left off last time I was to also mention those mates that returned home you had your buddies right by your side as they watched your struggles to cope with all the battle scars and were there to hold your hand on the long dark nights of pictures going over in your head and they look forward to meeting you again when it is time for your return home to heaven to thank you for your mateship on those hard days they all wish to say goodbye now and hope this message brings some peace and love to those who remain.... xx Well thanks diggers that comment started out as me but I think some wanted to come through my channel (heart and mind) for it is always open to give messages to those that might read this sorry don't think I'm callous or playing on this for I don't like to ignore what comes through my mind so have to write it down a lot does come through my comments here. xx
Thank you to everyone that has showed up or is a part of my life
 today I love you all so much xx  
It was my Birthday through the week so seen I have been working so hard I brought myself a few things online so I got a few new decks of cards and books so the first card I pulled this morning which I put on my Facebook page but the message is really a good one for all of us..

I do Love talking about and feeling Loved who doesn't for it is our life purpose everything is based around love whether we are on Earth or in spirit we are all searching for that special person that makes us feel whole again they are out there and your SOUL is the first one to find them but it helps to love who we are first so when you meet them you can give yourself fully to that person and they won't be looking to change you for your true soul will shine through your ego.
Good morning everyone I thought I would break in my new Romance Angels oracle deck for those who happen to read my FB page and are hoping to find a partner or someone special to love at this time of their life.. the message I got was "LOVE YOURSELF FIRST" - so you need to treat yourself with kindness and not look on your past relationships if you have had any for the start of a romance begins with you and how you treat your soul is it with love and kindness you would show ano...ther for if your soul has some fears it will show up in your other relationships for you may have some soul growth and work to do before the perfect soul-mate comes into your life for all our souls do work towards self-worth and to have unconditional love towards another so you don't come in to change some other soul to fit your perfect partner for your partner should be made to fit and compliment each other, so some romances that come into your life are just for those soul growth stints so don't look back look forward and start with love of self first for when that soul mate comes into your life you are already complete for you know your own worth and what it is you are prepared to accept for if they try to change who you are, it is a warning sign of it not lasting for they were expecting someone else or they only love the parts of you that make them feel complete so you are here to help them with soul growth as well.. So if you are complete and happy with who you are the rest will fall into place call on the romance angels to help bring your soulmate Archangel Chamuel will also help you to locate each other when the call is put out don't be too specific for your mate and meeting is already planned if it is meant to be it will be for synchronicity will have you both in the right place at the right time to meet and yours souls will know it was meant to be for your soul already has the plan for you to meet one day but it will be when you least expect it so don't despair and work on self-love first for those souls who are not looking for a partner just yet self-love is essential for we need to treat our self right for when our soul is ready that lover will come along.. If you already have a partner self-love is essential as well for it will only strengthen your bond for your soul will be content with who you are so you won't go searching for what is missing if you have found your true love for you should feel happy and content.. love and light xx
If others can't love you for just being you they don't deserve to be in your life for to
try and change someone is to not love them unconditionally or completely.
Music James Bay - Hold back the River
Love this song..
One more beautifully put together tune from Muso
a nice one to put me to sleep for my eyes are now
struggling to stay open so goodnight and sweetdreams.
 Sending Love and Light
Love yourself first
before you can love
another when you
can do that your
dreams and desires will
come true  for the
Angels and God want
you to know how
magnificent you are
for all you have been
through it was for a purpose
which you will see once you
Open your heart and mind
your own soul secrets
     will be revealed to you
I Love you always
forever in my heart for
your soul is mine as well
your half makes me whole.

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