Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Retreat and Take Charge of This Situation - Ascended Master Moses xx

Hi all it is now Tuesday it was back to work  for me yesterday I have 3 weeks straight so weekend work .. I do get the afternoon off until  school goes back which gives me all afternoon to play or catch up on the many books I have in my collection I have a lot of spiritually based books but also political ones as well so a variety of reading materials what I don't have is romance novels I  did once enjoy Danielle Steele books but most the time it has been true crime books. I don't watch TV at all now, I have some DVD's but don't find time to sit there and concentrate on them either I always have to be doing something while the TV is on, most of my life I think I only turned it on for the noise and company more so than sitting there glued to the TV as soon as I got home from school I turned on the TV or music even going to sleep at nights when a teenager I had the music/radio going when I went to bed.. I also have my iPod with me when I work I do love music I have been listening to Gabrielle Aplin since buying  a couple of her albums on iTunes..  I love the tune and Lyrics in this song (What did you do to me?)  my soul has been feeling a bit restless and stuck so the lyrics resonate with me at the moment feeling like being stuck between two worlds one of divine love and one of reality of where I am now there is more to come for my soul I know there is I just don't know how to get there my trust is with the divine to bring me what it is I most dream of at this time.. I'm so in love with you and that energy seems to go out to the universe and hit a wall this is how my soul is feeling at the moment, I'm sure it will pass and just more of the soul process we go through, it feels like my soul wants to soar to the next chapter but this one is still playing out so the reality hits home my soul works so hard internally working out all feelings that of my own and others, the love it contains is always there for the one that holds its power along with mine it feels like so much energy it hurts sometimes this is when it feels like the energy hits a brick wall maybe it is the fears that is still contained within or that of others that I help transmute.
 The reading from this morning before work using my new deck Archangel Gabriel I love the strength of this Archangel he will power you up if you take his guidance and ask for help on your path, open the doors and let the angels into your life you will be empowered by the love they make you feel, and they will send you signs from many different sources the ones you know you will pick up with your own intuition.. I love the angels and spirit that are in my life they hold me when I ride the waves of emotions that comes with the soul awakening for the emotional pain sometimes hurts so much until you call in the Archangels to help you change your energy sometimes it takes a little while other times it is quick depending on your own receptive nature and the belief in angels for if you don't believe that is your energy block so you will see/feel nothing as your mind will over analyse and your ego (fears) will step in and talk you out of what it was you are feeling or  thinking for you to get in touch with the divine nature of your soul and spirit you need to transform your fears for love for that energy is what holds your power so you can connect to your higher soul and those in the higher realms of spirit how far you can open the doors is up to you and spirit for they won't do anything until you get your own lessons first so you need to trust as well as believe in your own abilities and be confident that you are connecting with that of your higher soul and spirit, you really need to be able to trust and read your own feelings for everything does come through your heart for that is where all the love is held it is your soul centre and from where the inner knowing will come from, from the lessons of past lives to the feelings you have when you meet those souls from your soul group so they could be your parents, siblings, friends and lovers past and present for all souls that have connected in other lives will know the feeling of having known each other before, but not all soul connections will be loving they may at first before those arranged lessons come in, this is where your freewill and choices take place in how you react to the situations that do come up in your life . The eyes and energy will always remain in all souls from every incarnation this is how we have that familiar feelings of having known this person before, the eyes are the windows to the soul for that is how we meet and recognise the soul and energy held within.. The universal energy system of all our souls and spirit is complicated but really simple if you were to understand and learn about it for the learning comes in from spirit and the other souls that work at revealing the truth of all souls so there are spiritual teachers and a lot of channels and light workers at this time on earth for they have come in to help souls with the evolvement process and the ascension of souls and the planet itself for it is creating a lot of chaos and dark forces to rise in the world which is what we see on the news and in media everyday.. The true soul has to arise from the depths of fear that has embodied the planet earth at this time so everything that you see happening always has a deeper soul, energy or metaphorical meaning to it though not everyone will see it like that for they still have soul work to do and to go through the soul awakening, enlightening process which the souls/teachers in the (New Age) have already been through or going through in order to teach of the process. I really don't like the term New Age as these souls boxed in this group are no different then any other human soul they only have a raised energy vibration and soul experience behind them so they can teach and guide other souls that may of lost their way in the human world for it is not always easy no matter who you are we all have feelings/emotions and struggle with the daily humdrum of being human.  
 I just drew 2 cards the first was "Retreat" so after the Christmas festivities it is time to take time out alone to re-energise your batteries for you are being very distracted with your thoughts for so much is going on inside of you at the moment you are restless and cannot settle in one particular routine this just means you need to sit quietly and contemplate where you have been and where it is you are going and start with a plan this might help you to relax and have something to work towards instead of having your focus in all direction it is a very turbulent time for all souls with the waves of energy and new portals opening for the soul to reach higher awareness and depths of understanding about who they are and their place in the world and the role they came here to play, you have been overthinking and getting yourself all stuck in the mire so not wanting to do anything. It is time to clear your mind, meditate and release all emotions again for the soul is working on clearing all fears so this is and can be a long emotional process ride through the waves like a surfer on the ocean and you will achieve all your life goals, if you are not captured by the amount of work you need to do to get you where you want to go. Start with the first step that is retreat step back and look at your self with loving eyes you are only one man you don't have to carry the weight of the world in your hands let the angels take the pressure off and let go of those thoughts, emotions that no longer serve your higher good for it is getting your soul stuck up against the wall all will work out if you just surrender your soul to it all and don't fight what it is you think you cannot do, for your soul is more powerful then you allow it to be. Go with the flow of energy and of life and things will always work out. "Allow yourself to receive" - Open your arms to receive the help and guidance given to you by God and the angels for they will carry the load and burdens for you that are holding you back and in return you will receive all the ideas, guidance, courage and strength as well as so much love that your soul could be free of worry about your next meal all you need will be provided for you with the help of the abundant flow you can manifest into your life you need never go with out and all your desires and dreams will be fulfilled. So open your arms to receive all that you deserve for all your hard work step by step you will get your guidance if you only open your heart and mind to receive all that is meant for you. Patience as it all falls  into place as all involved need to listen to all guidance so synchronicity can take effect in all the world.. Let go, trust and have faith that you are stronger and are all that you ever need in the world to succeed don't doubt your own power for bringing in what it is you need at the right time. love and light and all the strength of god to you Love Archangel Gabriel xx love and light xx

 I have just drawn a card from the Ascended Masters deck the ascended masters have been through the life journey and have come back to help mankind through these turbulent years of changing of energy and helping souls with ascension into the next realm of the human consciousness so Moses came to us today to help with bringing you courage and to take the next step and become the leader of souls out of misery with revealing the truth so your soul also has the power to heal those past hurts and pain that still linger on your soul at this time you can push past that and assume your life purpose and role of being able to lead souls through the muck and mire of the fear based corrupted systems that are now part of a bigger system and a dark force that wishes to enslave the population to become worker bees for a utopia that does not exist or never will, you are here to shine the truth and be a beacon of light to those that are losing hope in their world that surrounds them for there is chaos and fear surrounding all souls at this time your strength is needed now more then ever. Do not get caught up in your own fear based thoughts to the things you believe are not achievable for I Moses done it with the strength of god and the angels by my side you can do this as well there is nothing stopping you only your own fears that can be healed if you listen to all guidance and take action as I done all those years ago, I had doubts myself but I pushed through them with my faith and belief in God and the manifesting powers that be of God so I could free the souls from misery that was my duty and purpose of life for I was chosen by God as you are to help others out of this bog and mire that is in the fear based souls of today you are required to fulfil the role you set for yourself you will be supported by God, Ascended masters and those of the angelic realm that are with you everyday helping, loving and guiding you to free those souls of the world and to help them evolve to the next stage of the universal realm with a heightened consciousness and an awareness of the truth. This truth is held within your own heart and soul from all the lives you have lived you hold wisdom and knowledge that other souls don't it is up to you to act and to save yourself first, come from a place of love for it is waiting for you it will raise your own awareness and bring in the knowledge you need to overcome all that comes in to your own life you have the manifesting powers that I had so there is nothing you can not achieve with the help of the universal powers that are at your disposal all you need do is ask and those things will turn up in your life how you expected or even better with patience the more you trust in yourself and the powers you hold the more you can manifest into your life you need never go without for you have all you need while more manifests into your life, you are always in control of your soul and what comes to it, no-one will ever take that power from your soul for you are stronger and have the courage to lead for this was your task and duty to the kingdom and what you set out to achieve in this life time, what you are going through now is only a soul process that all enlightened souls go through you can handle this challenge take the love that is given to you by the angels that exist in your life for they came to help you to evolve and grow into your true self the mighty powerful soul that you are. you are safe and protected and loved beyond measure reach for that love don't hold back for it will always be a part of you the part you will and have always looked for. release all past lessons they are no longer needed call on the angels to help  you with this task and write down all that you feel for this is what is holding you back the suppression of emotions for you have been hurt many times on this journey it is time to let go for no more lessons of pain are needed , it is only a matter of claiming and creating what it is you want for your future it is up to no one else for your own soul knows the plan it always has so look within and all is revealed piece by piece with spiritual logic and discernment all you ever worked for will become apparent,, you are not alone and loved.. xx love and light xx

It is the end of 2015 so in the next post I will do a yearly reading so one card for each month and I have been thinking of doing a Solomon Star (David Star) spread as well as I don't do the big spreads nearly enough I usually only do the one or three card spreads.
I  love you 
Sending love and light
I wish I could show you
how much I love you
that is not possible at this time
for our souls are not
ready for this challenge
until we have lessons
with our divine nature
and that of spirit we
need to know our
own souls as if they
were a part of the
whole soul that we are.
You need to get in touch
with your higher soul and
that of spirit for it is the same
soul the same consciousness that
envelopes us both at the same
time this is the soul connections of
divine love that we were
created from in the place
we call home. Home is
found in each others souls
for that is the divine soul
that is us as one connection.
love you always

Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas and Listening to your soul xx

G'day it is now Christmas day and I have spent the day with family now it is quiet time as everyone has gone their separate ways only one of my sisters joined us for lunch down my mum's place which is our tradition dad likes to keep his feet under his own table so some years my interstate sisters come up from Victoria this year they all stayed home, I think they went camping which is what they like to do with their own little families.. When I lived interstate we came home (to my hometown) for every Christmas so we are closer now as I moved back to where my roots lay in this my small country hometown. The whole town seems quiet their are no kids about on new bikes or outdoors how the years have changed when I just drove home from mum's place there was not a kid in site so they are either indoors or out camping as a lot of families do this time of year having Blowering dam so close by it is usually packed with campers. I was up to about 3am wrapping presents so it was a long day and then I woke up at 6am so the tiredness hasn't hit me as yet, give it time. Here is a card that came out on the 23rd of December about asking your inner self questions over what your purpose is in life I know this is and has been a part of my own journey inwards for a long time after having shut out all feelings after the loss of my son it wasn't until 2013 after my tears at the cemetery when I questioned myself and the purpose I was here as I knew in my heart there was always more then being here looking after my 3 boys maybe it was just my own inner knowing and questioning of life it self and why things happen the way they do, I have always felt protected and what I wished or prayed for usually turned up even though I had no idea what it was I was supposed to be doing so following my own heart and just doing what I had to most of my life in looking after my family and dealing with things as they came up without worrying about where I was going things just always seemed to turn out. I have never been a negative person maybe just an observant one of all that was going on around me and it has never affected me in the least because everything that has happened has been internalized with out placing blame on others for the position we were in, in any part of our lives.. Since 2013 I have learnt a lot about who I am and who others are that I have come into contact with over that time, you could say my heart opened again and it has been the reason for my awakening for I found my purpose and I am still learning and growing with spirit and my soul I do know there is more to come and it will come when it is the right time I'm sure you will read about it on my blog if and when any changes ever happen.. Spirit always likes us to live in the 'Now' time for in heaven time is non existent because it is always the now time because your past no longer exists, and your future you are making now with the choices you make everyday so your future is always created by you not some entity in the sky (some call God) because you are the creator of all that does happen to you from your conscious and subconscious mind which I have mentioned before. You are always working with your own soul to bring in the lessons your soul wanted or needed to complete its journey and to learn or pay back any karmic debt from previous incarnations, your soul is bigger in energy then you could ever imagine for only a small part of our soul fills this the earthbound body. Anyway onto the card always search within for your soul knows everything about why you are here and who you were going to meet that meeting takes place when your own soul is ready and not before because you may have lessons to undertake first or the other person may have lessons as well before any union takes place. So always search within follow your heart and instincts and most importantly trust in yourself.  love and light xx 

"Ask your inner self the answer to your question", so if you have any questions you want answered about your own soul you put it to yourself quiet your mind, spirit usually helps you by sending you messages so whatever the question the answer will appear it may come up with something you read online that is say on your FB wall or someone may pass the answer to you directly it will be along the line of your inquiry and it will usually make you stop in your tracks and think it will go over in your mind as you internalize and analyse and you will get that uh! ah! moment and just know with your own instincts that is what you have been seeking and there you have it your answer, you do have to discern and use spiritual logic but always trust in yourself and the message that was delivered as it will come from a higher source that will help you remember. It is like working out the mystery and solving a puzzle just like doing an investigation your soul puts together but trust in your own wisdom for the soul always remembers and knows the path and the mission you are to complete it all takes time to come together so never give up hope and be at peace with yourself as you have completed most of what you came here for you can now relax and just let things fall into place but using your inner guidance and following the steps to get you to where it is you should be.. xx love and light xx
When this message came out spirit was playing with me all day and leaving little signs and messages they are on my Facebook page when spirit/angels send messages they will come through your heart so you feel them and most of the messages where making me feel joy and playfulness as the thoughts were coming in so spirit does want you to have fun while you work on any questions you have of yourself, the more fun you are having the easier the messages will come in for your heart is wide open when you are enjoying yourself for fear has gone.

The angel message for Christmas Eve is from Mother Mary she would like us to look after ourselves and to nurture our inner souls so that we can grow and become the loving spiritual beings that we are Jesus led the way and now it is time for all souls to follow his path love is the power of your soul and the true being you are meant to be. Love is the power of god within you and what the life and journey of Jesus and the disciples showed you, for when their is only love there is no fear and peace comes to our fellow man and all that you are comes to being for we are but one as a human race and soul. Always look to love when in pain for it will chase away the fear that is bringing up the feelings of hopelessness and feelings of having no power. Your power is in love and only love will heal all that is within you. You must also love yourself for with that comes self respect and integrity which has a ripple affect on all of those you come into contact with you and in society for your soul always knows the right thing to do, so you do no harm to others in this world. Love is what all mothers teach you it is unconditional and real for no harm will ever come to you in your mothers arms for she loves you with all of her soul and is a part of who you are a mothers love feels like home where you are safe, protected and nurtured you as souls hold this love inside when no fear exists this is what your soul is left with love, compassion, hope, joy and peace for all of mankind.. love and light xx 
I will put this message on FB with the card for those who wish to see there is a picture of Mother Mary and she holds baby Jesus she is surrounded by little children angels.. so with that know your own mother loves you even if you struggle sometimes and you may argue mothers are always wanting to look after you the best way they know how, not all mums have the nurturing qualities but they do love you on  a soul level they just may have soul issues and are on a path of self destruction for they as a soul may of got lost along the way, know it is not you but struggles that mums some times go through in life in trying to do everything for everyone they then neglect their own needs so they turn to other things to fill any voids they may feel in their lives but always on a soul level they do love you. love and light xx That must of been a message for someone that is having relationship troubles with their mum and at Christmas a lot of the hurt feelings/resentment can come up when all the family gets together these things happen for a deeper soul reason and it is to awaken your own soul to being who you are and accepting others even your parents for who they are so there is always a lesson in any relationship, look for the lesson and the relationship will grow because of the understanding of the situation. xx
I did get some beautiful presents and lots of chocolate just what my waistline and stomach doesn't need. I received some car seat covers with pink butterflies on them love them, and the best present is two photo albums full of photo's of my Katie growing over the last year from when she was in my daughters belly and photo's my daughter has captured most day there must be at least 300/400 pictures for me to start scrapbooking and using all these pretty papers I have collected over the years.
I also got some Archangel Gabriel oracle cards and I  have broken them in and put my energy into them and have drawn the first card and have the message for Christmas day - Archangel Gabriel was the angel that told Mary and Zechariah of the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Archangel Gabriel is the supreme messenger of God. Gabriel's name means "The Strength of God"..
The message is "LISTEN ONLY TO LOVE" When fear surrounds you and all you can see is darkness always look to love for it will clear away any fear energy that comes up from within your soul body in this time of chaos it is important to always focus on love that is the love within your own life but also the love that is given to you by the angelic presence that is in your life open the doors to love and your soul changes energy like when you are sad and you can't see what your future holds just step back and let things unfold focus your attention on pulling through any hard times with the attitude of abundance and that you have all you need and be optimistic about where it is you are going for your thoughts are your soul plan so what you think is what becomes of your life so think happy and positive things and they will turn up in your life as soon as you have doubts that is when your fears start creeping in so your soul energy then changes as you have let fear take a hold of your soul body. So when in doubt release and let go of all feeling writing things down helps to release fears so write down pro's and cons and focus our energy on the cons side for your soul has manifesting powers so there is nothing you can not achieve with the help of universal energy and the divine intervention that you call into help you bring in what it is you need for everything on earth you seek you will find for your soul has  a pre-set plan it is up to you to remember for all these answers you will find in your heart as that is where your true guidance and angelic presence lies within you for your soul power is love and when you focus on this energy all you will feel is the light for you become the light and those things you wish for are drawn to you from a higher plane it is then up to you as a human to find what it is you have been looking for and remember all the lesson in which you came here for and with all the  souls you will meet and have met to help that plan unfold have either entered your life and left you with a message or they are coming into your life now so everything is always as it should be so hold on to your dreams and make your plans for the future without worry but faith that you will soon fulfil that desire and dream hang on for you are on the right path and you need to focus on the love inside and use that as your guide and light to where it is you are going for the plan was set a very long time ago, all is well and you are right on target not long to go now and all will fall into place focus on love that is all you need to do, let go of doubts for they hold you back and it is time to move on for the portals of divine love are opening for your souls to walk in and change your consciousness so you become one part of the two wholes you are diamonds in the grid of life so you are doing what you planed to help humanity and you will come together to fulfil the whole plan in time and at the right time of energy and more portals opening all is as it should be keep on keeping on and do the best you can and ask for more of what it is you need and those needs will be met listen to your own instincts and intuition and you will always be right on track. You are loved and never alone on this journey you are loved beyond measure for the duties you are performing on the energy level and in the universal dimension from whence you came.. Release, let go of all fear and write out all your intentions and step by step those things will come to you believe, trust and love is all your soul needs to succeed  on your path.. So it is .. Love and light xx
The power of love
Have a great night I am baby sitting my sisters baby English Bulldog (Isla) she got her puppy about 4 weeks ago my own dog is not impressed as the bulldog is a bit playful and keeps barking at her she is hiding behind me and the puppy just wants to play so I might have to keep them separate over the 4 days.. I might go colour in or chill out for a bit and catch up on some sleep tonight after the long day yesterday I know it will catch up to me.
Some Music today I believe
Jason Castro - I believe

Sending Love and Light
Missing you all night
but in our dreams you
will find what it is you
seek and why it is
you feel the way you
do for you will
remember everything
once it runs through
your heart and you
discern all information
about the spiritual truth
of your soul. Your
reason for being will
be heard once you
quiet your mind
of all ego based
thoughts and
distractions for you
see we are but one
soul in the universe
that has a mission to
unite when the time is
right don't give up
hope for with
patience you will
find and have that
which you seek for
spirit has your back
and you are never
alone and so loved
as you go on this
your soul journey.
Let love always be
your guiding light
for it will lead you home
Love you always

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Guardian Angel and Krishna messages xx

Hi all today is Sunday sorry I have not put anything up for a while my soul had been going up and down and all over the place recently I was feeling as if I was stuck between two worlds there last week one of divine love that I felt coming from me and the world of reality with work, bills and human responsibilities one has of living on earth and not having direction or knowing how to get to where my heart and soul currently lay I can't go into it any further than that just that I know what my soul is usually up to as all feelings are internalized until I know the truth of what is going on with me or others being an empath I have had to internalize a lot in life to know what are my own feelings and that of others if it is fear it usually comes from others though sometimes I do have my own fears/doubts crop up occasionally but they don't usually hang around long as my internalizing sorts them out until I come to know what it is that goes on within me and I get my answers, I know some of my soul  plan but not the finer details or how they will work out so I put my faith in the universe as I know in my life so far it has brought me all I have needed and dreamt of and other surprises along the way, and I did get some information from another psychic soul or a couple on my travels that things will happen next year and to make room so changes must be coming at sometime next year so all will fall into place I'm sure when everything is ready, another medium/psychic told me travel was in my future so that may be true with my trips to Melbourne but I think this means something else as she also said I had to do a lot of learning/study so these are things in my future and because I live for now I never have looked to far ahead.  I have thought about doing a psychology course online but the learning is also to do with the soul and what I am drawn to as I know this is what my soul knows and has worked on in most of my incarnations one way or the other and also when I am between lives my soul does work on studying energy for it seems natural to me to be talking about this esoteric soul stuff.. I know I don't know everything as I do still have a lot of learning to do through my own journey in this life and also a lot of learning from others that channel spirit..  I do reflect a lot on my journey in this life and who I have met and come into contact with to help me awaken and bring out my spiritual side that has always been there but has laid dormant for the right time to arise within me..
 As your soul awakens and you open the door to spirit and the angels your soul will go through a process so you will be on an emotional roller coaster for some of the time and spirit will only let through a little bit at a time as you begin to trust in the process of connecting and opening the door not everything will come in at once until you also become confident in yourself and who you are and listen to your thoughts and feelings and do a lot of soul searching about who you are and what your purpose in life is..
Your soul can handle all that comes to it as long as you ride through all the emotions and write them down as a way to cope and release the things that your soul no longer needs to do this you will need to call on the angels I always call on Archangel Michael to help me change the energy when the waves of emotion hit as there are usually a lot of soul tears that come with the awakening of your spiritual body your soul will go through a battle of light and dark so a process of love and fear energy, your soul will be getting rid of all the fears from this lifetime as well as other incarnations so the tears you cry could be brought on by anything that will bring up the emotions this is nothing to worry about just always look for the love and light of your own soul to pull you through as Archangel Michael helps with your soul energy.. If you call on him you might like to say "Archangel  Michael could you please remove all this fear based negative energy from my soul body, release my soul from the things I no longer need" as you do this imagine your self being surrounded in a loving white light that runs through your body from your crown chakra down through every cell of your body and out the souls of your feet and also imagine yourself surrounded in this brilliant white light that surrounds your aura, have your eyes closed and try to have a clear mind to help clear your mind you also call on Archangel Michael if any thoughts come up push them aside as you concentrate on the white light of love the angels provide for you to fill any voids that are left after you release the fears from your soul body.. love and light xx .
On Sunday 6 Dec my Grand daughter Katie's had her Baptism it was in a quaint little Anglican Church in a little rural town that doesn't have a big population, my daughter attends this church I think they have a service once a month or fortnightly. We are not church going people but when my daughter met her husband she started going as it is a family tradition of her in laws so they are a part of the church community in this little district, my son in law and his sister provide the music for this church one plays the organ (Son in law) the other plays a violin but she also plays other wind instruments. They attend this church while the current pastor is there he is the same Pastor that attended to my son's funeral in 1998 not that I remember the sea of faces in the church that day or meeting with him at all as the funeral directors I think dealt with that at the time.. The Pastor must of remembered as she was the one that told me it is probably written in the book we received that day with the signatures of those that attended which I don't read or pull out of the cupboard some things I just leave alone it is in the box with all his things I kept..
 The little church I do love the brickwork.
 Jess, Matt and Katie
I will put some other photo's up of Katie in her christening gown it
is an in-law traditional gown all of the in-laws grand children were christened in
it so that would mean Kaitlen is the 5th one to wear the gown.
These are my 3 kids Sam (13), Jess (24) and Michael (20)

My big boy #2 son moved back home for a while he is a Sagittarius 
so is having trouble settling down in one place as he always likes to be
on the move and picks up a lot of part time seasonal work but nothing
permanent that will keep him settled down he has matured a bit though.
I'm not sure if he will get many employment chances around where we
live because it is only a small town.
I have just drawn a card for the message today from the Angel deck - The Guardian Angel card has come out to let you know no matter where you are or what you do your Guardian Angel has been with you through thick and thin on your life journey, you have had many angels by your side keeping you company as you go through the trials and tribulations of life on earth as it can be hard at times and we as humans can struggle with the daily things that come to us and your angel stands by hoping you will open the door and let her presence in so she can help you see the light that is at the end of the tunnel for she is standing there without judgement holding, loving and supporting you as you go through the struggles of life on earth. Your Guardian Angel hears every thought, emotion and dream you have but they can not act to help you without permission so on opening the door to spirit the angels will let you know of their presence you need an open mind and heart for the connection as all angelic presence is felt through the heart so any ideas that come to you, you need to follow with your heart because this is where all angelic messages come from that will help you out of struggles for it is with the heart our soul speaks to us and a part of soul energy is that of the angelic presence that lies within your own soul body so after getting any guidance or signs it will always be sensed and felt with your heart first but your ego will try and talk you out of it for it is your ego that has the fear energy and it is where negativity lies so in your mind you will have doubts but it is in your heart of heart the guidance you need to follow, because through your heart it is your soul plan that is revealed so our emotions are our sensitive part that allows us to follow the dreams we set for ourselves so at the right time it will always be in your heart you receive the signal that it is time for change or just time to go on another part of your journey. Belief, faith and trust are also  energies that open up the door to spirit for with out these things your ego will always step in and play with your fears and bring in negative energy that will block any dreams or signs coming to you from the angelic presence that surrounds us. xx Love and light xx
I know why the Guardian Angel card just came out because of my own thoughts and feelings above about not knowing of the direction of which way my soul is going to fulfil my dreams and needs so my own Guardian Angel is telling me that they understand and everything will fall into place and to put my dreams and wishes in their hands while they work with the other souls that are a part of my own dreams I am being supported and so are you who ever needs this message as you are going through soul changes of your own and the angels want you to know that everything is as it should be and when the time is right your souls will know and the change will happen for there are more energy portals that need to open before the mission can be put into plan so be at peace with where you are and work on your inner soul for there is more work to be done before all necessary things are put into place, use your manifesting powers to bring in what you need for it will find its way to you if you don't block the energy with negative thoughts and your ego you need to let go of your fears 'Now' as that is a part of the soul process that you need to take you where you are going everything needs to be released from this life and past incarnations for those things you no longer need as they don't serve your soul purpose so let them go, very important to do this as it holds you back from fulfilling your purpose, if you have financial troubles call on the angels of abundance to help fill your needs so you can get to where you are going.. your manifesting powers are coming into fruition so work with the energy and bring those things to you listen to all the ideas that come into your mind and act on them if you want to change things in your life it is no good complaining about the situation you are in but to listen and take action when your guidance is given. Go forth your soul power is very strong and you can achieve all it is that you put your mind to your Guardian Angels and the angelic realms are supporting you all the way you only need ask and opportunities will turn up in your life as well as the people that will help you on the way.. Let fear go and live in the moment for all your dreams will be fulfilled. Love and light xx
The Christmas present from my Boss from one of my jobs the school one
I work for a big company and the boss is very generous with his gifts
so very grateful for having a job and receiving such beautiful presents
each Christmas from my employer, who is grateful to have his staff that
do work hard for him cleaning up a lot of commercial sites ..

I do love the bowl  I put my little angel cards and an Angel in it.
"The time is right. Have faith your desire is
about to come to fruition." believe in yourself
and don't let your doubts stop you from bringing in
your dreams the energy is right for you to manifest
anything you want to come into your life, with divine
timing and patience all will fall into place at exactly
the right time when your soul is ready.. love and light xx
I have just called on the Ascended Masters deck for another message for you that come to read my blog KRISHNA has come out to bring us the message "Find the blessing in your current situation"..
whatever situation you are in and if you are feeling stuck know it will not last forever it is up to you to open your mind and find the blessings and the lessons of why it is you are where you are at the moment for you will not be there forever so look for the light that exists and be grateful for this part of the journey you are on now, look for your lesson and things will become clearer as to why things are happening for you as they are right now.. Look for the openings and opportunities that will arise as spirit works on the finer details of your dream and manifestations in life.. For all will come to you as you imagined or even better for all of spirit knows your plan they are here to support you as you find your way home with all it is your soul needs to learn and know. Have faith in yourself for your soul is stronger than you think you have got this far time is infinite so all will fall into place.. Let go of control and go with the flow of life and it will flow with you like a river you will never go over the same flow twice, for your soul is forever moving and changing with your thoughts, dreams and emotions as you awaken and become an enlightened soul, your purpose will become clear as you open up your heart and mind to let spirit and the Ascended Masters in to guide you to ascension of the soul and the planet as there are many energetic changes going on in the universe your soul energy is a part of the universal spirit energy as we are all but one and so connected to all that is and all that is changing within your own life and your soul for it has a pre-set DNA activation that will have you flowering like the lotus once you let go and surrender to all that is your soul will know the way, release all negativity from your mind and soul now and all will start to flow like the river, your soul is ready to receive all the wisdom of the ages and the life you have lived and waited for is here in this new energy now let go and peace will come to your mind as your heart opens to receive all the love and support of the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms that are so close to earth now at this time they are here with you every step of the way providing love and support while the changes in life take place.. xx love and light xx
(sorry for the messages not being aligned on the post as I've tried many times but it won't save the corrected alignment of text for some reason).
Some music I am really loving Gabrielle Aplin music at the moment..
It must be striking a cord with what my soul is going through and my feelings.
Sending Love and Light
Some days my soul feels so
restless and full of love
I just want to go home
to where you are.
To feel you and touch
you once again.
I know that is not possible
just yet not until
the divine is ready
for us to unite and
to join as the
one soul that we
are so our mission
can be completed
but the love is still
there so is this
restless yearning
to bring you back home.
Where you are meant to be
Close to me and that
of our divine creation.
Love you always
forever in my heart and soul.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Raise Me Up and Power of Love xx

Hi all we are into the first week of December how this year has just flown by time is infinite and endless and goes by so fast last weekend we met up with family at Thurgoona for brunch at Kinross it was great to catch up and the meal was great as you can built your own breakfast starting at $2 with the basic eggs on toast you can have those eggs how you prefer them poached, scrambled or fried we all went poached I think I had mushrooms and fried onion with mine it was very filling and yummy..
Here are a couple of the little people we met up with... This is Katie my grand daughter she will have a brother or sister to play with next year in May I will be a Nan to two babies.. how exciting though I hardly get to see Kaitlen now she is growing up before our eyes she would be near 10 months old now...
 My great niece Jade she is 2 months older then Katie so will turn 1 next week.
They are both so sweet and growing like weeds..

I drew a card yesterday here is that message.. with the energy coming in at the moment we are being asked to let go of our old ways so this could just be old patterns and belief systems that you know in your heart that they no longer serve you or your higher good our souls always know on a subconscious level of what it no longer needs but our conscious and our ego do continually like to cling to these things as they give us comfort and security but there will always come a time you need to let go so you can bring in the new stuff so changes are always imminent whether they are brought on you by chance  or with fate for there are no accidents or coincidences in life as we are always working with our higher source and with spirit so we can get to the places we are supposed to be for our souls lessons or so we can meet up with the souls we said we would in spirit to bring in those lessons...
"Hello and Goodbye" so this is a message about changes in your life and saying goodbye to the old and welcoming in the new that the changes will bring you, you may not see why things are happening the way they are at the moment but down the track you will now why these changes had to happen in your life.. never look back at such changes for they are a part of your journey and change comes about because your soul has sort of gone off track or it has grown spiritually so you need to keep up with the energy of your own soul and stick to the plan you made while in spirit as to what it was you wanted to get lesson on or with the things that do turn up in your life.. nothing is ever lost or gained only learnt so look for the lessons always to know you are always right on track and listen to your heart and soul to know you are following the path you know you have to.. love and light xx
The cards I drew this morning are from the Numerology deck so at the end I have included the meanings of the numbers from Doreen Virtues "Angel numbers 101" book..
"Domestic Harmony" is the message this morning so if you are finding yourself in conflict with family, friends or colleagues it is time to step back from getting yourself involved in this drama and to self reflect and have a good look at yourself and see why these conflict are arising there is always a lesson in every conflict and a chance for you to grow from it internally for conflicts only arise when fears are being risen in yourself or within others this is so you can get those lessons and offer a peace pipe or just learn to let things go and move on as nothing in life is so important that it causes grievances with loved ones the sooner you can resolve the differences the sooner things will move along smoothly.. it could also be a lesson for you to know your soul no longer is in the same vibration as these other people you used to hang out with for as our soul awakens you will find you have less in common with those that fulfilled your needs in the past so the time will always come when you have to part ways for they no longer can provide your soul with what it needs.. "Time-out" was a second card so you may need some solitude as you work your way through the situation so self-reflection and growth will come from being alone and learning to live and love yourself for who you are as you go soul searching and to find your purpose if you are feeling alone because of conflicts in your life, everything happens for a reason so in your heart and mind you need to go searching for all the lessons that are left with your soul to deal with and to dispel all the fears so all you are left with is love and forgiveness for yourself and for those that are in conflict with you for whatever reason.. a lesson in knowing when to let go of things that are trivial and don't really matter in the scheme of life.. love and light xx .. love always xx
Number 46 in Angel Numbers means "The angels are saying to you: 'Keep your thoughts focused upon your spiritual self and your Divine Source for everything. Give any material worries to us."
Number 37 - "You are on the right path, and the ascended masters are encouraging and helping you along the way." (these meaning are from Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers 101 book)..
If you can't raise others up don't put them down as that only shows your own fears, weaknesses and insecurities..
 Here is another item I purchased in Melbourne along with other craft goods from the Kaisercraft outlet love that shop so much to look at and resist, I feed my inner child with adult colouring books I do love this one as I can use my Copic markers and then frame and put up the finished picture I haven't had a lot of time to do it though with family reunions, work and being so drained of energy this week so more energy must be coming into my soul and the negative energy of others was really getting to me yesterday so a need to hide and work my way through it all helps me to come back to a balance of soul energy Tuesday was rather strange though because when going for my walk my legs felt so weighted down it felt like when you walk in sand and have that resistance when walking I only managed two laps I think then when I come home I could of done with a Nanny nap but I had to go to work so struggled on for the rest of the day.. A lot also has been going through my mind about my own journey and life and where I am heading with out much direction in life as I follow the flow of the moment usually but my soul knows there is more and doesn't know how to get there, when or any details it just knows more of the plan it has to fulfil before going home, patience and letting things fall into place with divine intervention is always my lesson in life I think for everything has always come to me in life and made it what it is I still have the everyday struggles others have I just don't let it bother me and just live not to far ahead of myself and not hold expectations with others because I only ever expect them to be who they are and to give to me what it is they need and in turn I reciprocate or let them just continue with whatever it is they came here to do without their actions impacting on me and who I am or where it is I'm going for that always works itself out.
 I will put up the finished picture when done...

Music by Josh Groban with movie clips of Jesus and some of his words
Jesus is an Ascended Master as he lived as a human soul  to show our souls the way with his own life and journey he was the master teacher of love his spirit is still with us today helping all our souls cross over that threshold and consciousness between love and compassion so we can start to look after each other again with out the greed and showing us our own spiritual truths of the souls we are and always have the power to be.. your soul is more powerful then you think if you walk in the God energy of Love as Jesus did and he is guiding your souls now to do as all souls do awaken in this new energy.. Other Ascended masters and the angels that are very close to earth at this time as the earth and all souls ascend into another consciousness of awareness over what the human race is this is happening in every nation with what is happening in the world over, all this chaos and drama is a bridge between the old energy and the new energy so all souls are going through a process so your true intentions and fears or love energy will rise to the surface in order for you to go internal and reflect on your own belief and energy, and for your soul to get rid of all fears from this life but also from past incarnations for it was Jesus who taught us about our immortal and eternal soul by his own ascension and his returning from the dead so those closest to him could continue with the messages he brought to earth and to teach all souls of the one god that is the love energy that he carried through his life and his own spiritual growth because he was human and the son of god, his message is we are all the children of god so are no different then he was we all have the abilities to perform miracles and healings within ourselves if we could only awaken the inner seed of love that is the bridge between earth, spirit  and the Angelic realms that are here to love and support us as we go on our own soul seeking journey towards the light of home our beloved kingdom of heaven .. xx love and light xx
One more note or quote don't hold on to emotional baggage learn to let things go so you don't have chips or burdens on your shoulders and so you can move on to bigger and better things in life that will be seeking you.. the longer you hold onto emotional baggage the more it has power over you so does the person that left you with this baggage there will come a time when you just have to let go for your own soul good so you can be free again. To LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH again. xx

Gabrielle Aplin - The Power of LOVE 
Sending love and light
I'm so in love with you
make love your goal
as it is your true form
to scare away all fear
and negativity that comes
to your soul for
those feelings can dissolve
with your own soul power
the power of love and light
that is your own divinity
within your soul body.
Let it shine out
into the world so
they to can wake up
and take your lead.
Just be who you are
 for that is all you are
ever meant to be
in the world, your own
light will shine if
you come from a place
of love and integrity
for no-one in the world
matters more then who you
are then who you
believe your self to be.
I am that I am
that is all you ever need
to be for you will be loved
for being that person.
Love always for it is
unconditional and eternal
it is my soul.