Monday, 22 February 2016

Clear Your Space and Surrender to Your Intuition xx

Hi all it is Sunday night it has been a relaxing day I've just been doing housework, colouring in because I brought some new pencils yesterday so testing them out I do love how they look so I've just been playing around with the shadow and shading in an adult colouring book I may get brave and try my hand at drawing my own pictures one day..I also did some cooking today and made some banana muffins and a roast chicken for dinner..
 I still have the background to finish on this bear picture..
This is another one I finished earlier in the week I started it last weekend it is 
from the same book as the bear above..

The message from Saturday afternoon - "YOUR SITUATION IS ALREADY RESOLVED" 
I've called on the Archangel Michael deck and he has the message that you can now stop worrying "The situation is already resolved" as things have a way of working themselves out in a divine order where everyone involved gets their lessons if you let the control and fear issues go the solution to any of life problems will come via your thoughts which is from a higher dimension so it will come from a divine source if you just let go of all it is that is worrying you because fear of any sort is an energy blocker so if you feel stuck in where you are the need for you to let go is essential so the natural flow of energy can come to you and your own soul will know what to do to bring you peace or the lessons your soul needs so listening to your heart without the mind chatter of things negative will help to bring you the ideas and messages that come from your own higher soul and spirit for they are one in the same energy and a part of you that helps you to create the life your own soul needs in order to evolve to the souls main objective of life which is the energy of love for that is truly who you are and it is what the spirit energy of all souls is, so it is all connected and one soul reads the energy of another and they work together in synchronicity to bring in what any soul needs by its own creation for each soul is on its own journey no two souls will be on the same path because your energy is based on your truths which is found inside of you from your own path. Each soul is here to help and guide others through the process of fear and to get the outcome of soul evolvement.
Compassion is needed to help those souls that are still stuck in the fear based energy so for them to evolve they need to go through their own fear s and pain to evolve you as a old soul and teacher can help them do this once you can get past your own fears in life and work with the energy that flows through you with the divine soul that you are.. Let go of things you can not change so you have no control over others freewill or them from following their own path and to do this they need to stand on their own and go through the lessons of life to gain the same experiences of an older soul. Forgiveness is also essential for your own soul but that of others so you are no longer bound energetically to that or the situation you both were entangled in, forgiveness is for your own souls sake so you can move on and all thing get resolved of there own volition because the energy flow is released and all souls are then free to start the next part of their journey if they are not bound to the past. This new energy that comes into your soul is one of release so the need to let go of all lessons from the past and to stand in your full power will help all souls because you will come from a different state of consciousness once all fear is released from your soul body things will always just fall into place once the need for control is let go of , hold no expectations or assumptions as they only cause fear and disappointments because in your mind you have a pre-set outcome and the energy flow of all souls and the freewill of their choices may have a different outcome then you assumed would happen so live in the now moment without expectations of others or of events or situations you may come involved in all will work out in the end in the divine order of all souls and at the right time if you lose the worry over what others might think of you that is their own expectations and fear of who they think you should be not who you actually are. lot go and let love be your guide listen to your intuition for the answers with what ever comes up in your life xx love and light xxx
"My Prayer - I give any worries, cares and concerns to you in exchange for true peace in all ways. Thank you for resolving this (give details of the situation) in a Divinely perfect way."
I have just drawn the cards for today the messages are from Archangel Jophiel with the message to get rid of the clutter in your life so a clearing out of your soul energy from all the fears and negativity that is preventing you from moving forward with your plans, you know what to do by listening to your heart all will fall into place once you let go of those fears that are controlling your thoughts and your dreams from becoming your reality, have faith in the divine that all your plans will come true and that what you are doing now is only a temporary measure and there is a lesson in it for you so seek out the lesson and the fears will be less because your soul knows why you are where you are in this the moment of your day or your life..
Have patience and clear all the things in your life that no longer serve your higher good you know what they are from the people in your life from the past, to the emotions you still carry that hold you back , to the diet you know you should carry because your body says this is no good for me, to the clutter around you in your living space it may be blocking the positive energy from being in your space because it is unorganised so your mind may be like this too if there is a lot of negative chatter going on about where it is you are going or where you have been. None of that matters now because you need to live in the here and now the lessons from the past will always stay with you but you don't need to carry the emotional baggage around any longer for it doesn't serve your higher good your soul needs to be set free so you can stand in your true soul power and the light that is of love of all that is and all that will be once you let go of those things you are trying to control including your dreams, your life will flow once you let go of control call on the divine nature of your soul to help you see clearly what it is that is in your best interest at this time listen to your heart speak, close your mind of all fears and all that is left is the light of love that is your true soul so it will speak to you in the quiet of your mind it knows what you need to do on your journey it is then up to you to take action once you hear you guidance even if your guidance is patience while you wait for other souls to prepare for the next part of your journey they will be there at the right time when your soul is ready, have faith and trust within yourself and clear the air of doubts for all things work out in the end just how your soul planned it.. love and light xx  
You can call on the angelic realm at any time to help clear any negative energy from out of your life and that of others, you always need to ask the angels first for any assistance or guidance because of the freewill law that exists between souls and spirit it is necessary to ask because your soul chooses in each lifetime what it wants to remember and what religion if any it wants to believe in you will be born into any environment by your own choice pre birth and already have what lessons you need planed it is then up to your soul to carry out those plans by navigating and using your choices at any given moment because all choices have consequences and lessons that go with it everything has to go full circle until your soul gets the lesson, if you find yourself in similar situations and relationships where things haven't always turned out but you keep repeating the same behaviours it means you never got the lesson the first time or in other incarnations so you carry that with you untill you get the Ah moment and realise your lesson and don't repeat it again..

The second card I drew to see what it is that needs clearing is the fears so you can "Surrender to your Intuition" so stop having doubts and trust in your own divine nature and listen to your soul and spirit that comes through your heart and gives your body the messages you will hear your soul speak through your heart so trust your thoughts and that of spirit which is guiding you on your path..Trust in yourself and believe what it is your emotions, thoughts and body tells you about others and about what it is your own soul needs because your soul always knows the pre-set plan and lessons it came for it is up to you to listen and act on what it is you are feeling, do things on impulse occasionally by what it is you are feeling so not being so organised in life only for work hours is this necessary otherwise just do somethings because you feel the urge and don't forget to have fun doing it follow your heart you can never go wrong.. on the card - Surrender to Your Intuition" - Tune in to your inner voice. Be aware of any gut feelings, flashes, knowings or 'Aha!' moments that come through to guide you."   -  Those 'Aha' moments come as knowing so they come when you are not overthinking or analysing the information that comes into your mind from all sources because your soul and spirit are a team your answers will always come when you least expect it trust in what your thoughts say and don't second guess or worry about what others will say because you never know who the message is really for so it could resonate with those that come into contact with you so they needed to hear this message to help them on their path.. xx love always xx

 Fear energy (negative thoughts of your ego) is the darkness of your soul, the part of your duality system as a human a soul in a corporeal body. The fear energy is a part of your consciousness and as the soul that you are you come here to earth to try and conquer your fears from previous incarnation because that is a part of your soul make up of karmic energy so you come to earth to get your lessons in fear and to pay back others for any debts you may owe them from other life times. Some of the karmic debt is repaying back fear of some kind or also paying back of kindness depending on what it is your soul came into learn and to also evolve and rid our soul body of the fear energy so we can find our true spiritual divine inner core that of the creation of God which is inside of us as a "Christ consciousness seed" so when your soul is ready the time of enlightenment and awakening will occur this is all divinely timed because it was planned and a part of your DNA or soul blueprint to come into the earth atmosphere when the energy was right in order to find yourself and your connection to spirit which comes through you and is a part of your soul and that of others because we all come from the main source of energy that is the energy of our creator which is the energy of pure love the energy of God does not exist in the fear energy even though it is a part of our system and a part of our consciousness it is something we as we evolve get rid of so we can step into our divine soul body but things must take place first before you can step into that energy because you need to have love and trust in yourself and in the energy of spirit and the angels which will guide you through the process of enlightenment because it is our soul body opening and allowing the connection with spirit because of the freewill laws between the human and spirit we as the soul promised to forget all we knew prior to entering the earth atmosphere of which we created,  so we could get our earth lessons and evolve as a soul when the energy and the time was right to  search for the true meaning of life and who we are as a soul. We have throughout every century been searching for the god that had always been there this is how our religions and myths and stories came about from all those before us, but those souls before us were us so we have evolved over time and every so often the change has to come in cucles so we always know as souls why we come here though the human mindset is one of a three dimensional species once we open the door to spirit our consciousness and soul energy rises to another level because the 3d image of a humans life is very singular in platform so it is like looking at the movie screen of our life once we die and go back to our true light soul body form where only love exists and time is of no essence in our spirit form in heaven (our home) once we reach back there we can be everywhere with other souls that still walk the earth while we continue to get lessons in heaven as we watch what goes on with those on earth because we get to plan our next life in the cave of creation.. When we do come down to earth our soul does not fully come down because our energy would be to great for the human body so we have to leave the greatest part of us in heaven but we are always connected to the rest of our soul because it helps guide us and others on a subconscious and also a conscious level with our choices in life and where we and other souls that are a part of our journey are always connected through an energy field this energy is always love because this is the energy of our creator and as we are the creation along with every living cell and atom on earth and in the universe that is earth it is all connected through the spirit energy that exists when we are not in human form so we are all but one energy though our soul has its own energy code and vibration that exists from every action and life we have had, our soul energy never changes it is a part of our soul blueprint and DNA not the DNA the doctors pick up on earth it goes much deeper then that on an esoteric level our eyes are always the same in every incarnation (the windows to the soul) this is how we recognise those that are a part of our soul group so they if pre-arranged in spirit will enter our lives for those lessons and to fullfill both of the plans or any soul involved in the lessons, these lessons may not always be good and some might be painful because that is how the soul evolves through the fear and the pain it makes us stronger because we search within our soul in order to release our fears and the emotions we are feeling about any situation in life. So there are no accidents or coincidences only synchronicity as that is what brings to our soul what it needs it is a cool energy system because what we see on earth is only a part of what it is our soul can and has achieved in the many life times it has had on earth and in heaven because the part of our soul that stays behind as energy is always working on our wishes so that is our thoughts and choices that come up in life that is our freewill working in bring in what it is the soul needs. 
Because our souls are always in contact with those we chose to be a part of our life and are a part of our soul group  we are always connected to them on an esoteric level so the plan will always go as planned so some friendships/relationships where not meant to last and only last until the lesson is completed and each soul knows when it is time to walk away or slowly drift away because their heart tells them so and you no longer are needed in that souls journey.
On a soul level we are always in contact with other souls this is why we should listen to our intuition because it will have us in the right place at the right time or out of places that we wouldn't go if we listen to our conscience our body does speak to us when we know we are doing something we shouldn't we generally feel guilt when we do something the soul knows better to do because our conscience speaks to us to say we have had that lesson before but if you listen to your ego so go against the conscience voices you hear in your mind.. 
I was going to draw an Ascended Masters card but it is now after midnight and I am getting a bit weary so I might leave you with these messages and call on the Ascended Masters deck in the morning.. I will leave you with a song by Grace Knight she has much soul in her voice.. 
Sending love and light 
I hope you get up and dance
again and don't let the past rule
what could be, by giving 
love and life another 
chance and let your
soul grow through any
pain you may of been
through because your
life is always planned
so it is up to you to 
find the strength and 
courage within yourself
to give life everything
you have and when you
get knocked down
Stand up and be 
stronger from your
experiences because 
you have got your lessons
in love and a broken heart
means it is always open
to love again. So never
miss the chance to let
the love back into your
life because the next love
you find could be the greatest 
love you were always searching
for on this your soul journey.
So get up and dance 
take the chance and love
and trust your self again
so you can let love in.
Because you are loved 
 so much it hurts to 
be without you on
the lonely days of this
our soul journey.. 
Love you always 

Monday, 15 February 2016

Focus on Love - Happy Valentines Day xx

Hi all it is now Saturday afternoon and my second post started for today but knowing me it won't be up until tomorrow St Valentines Day where the commercial world gets some loving as well as those on the receiving end of the special gift to remind of how much love is in your relationship.. Don't feel bad if you do not receive any gifts for love is shown in so many other ways every day of the year so don't be afraid to show or tell others that you really care for them or that you love them and your life would not be the same if there presence was not there.. If your loved one has gone home to heaven you can still send them your love as if they were there with you because they are, they remain in your heart and a part of your own soul energy for eternity because the love of our souls is infinite and eternal we carry this emotion and energy with us in both the earth and heaven realms.. It is just a matter of finding the love within yourself so you can give that love to another, because if you don't feel love inside for yourself and respect your own feelings it will show on the outside of you by displaying your ego (which is your fear energy, I will go into the ego energy later).. I want to focus on the more powerful energy for your soul which is LOVE because it is the energy of the "Christ Consciousness" within you so it has very powerful connections to your soul if you know how to use this energy and take nothing for granted because the LOVE and FEAR energy co-exist with each other in a nice balance of which your soul has to master.
 I am going to do a card layout on love and connect to spirit to help me relay a message which I am about to start now as I type this I am using to decks that focus on LOVE and what you might need to overcome to let it be your focus in life.. It won't set you back to be centered in love in fact it will bring out your true soul so you can stand in the light of your own truth and use it to beat off any negativity that comes your way whether it is fears inside of yourself or fears displayed by others that are here to help your soul find its way out of fear energy, so it can be released and you stand fully in the light of your own energy with out anyone being able to harm you emotionally, because you will understand where the other person comes from because of your own compassion to where it is in life they are on their own journey...
 I like to call our life a journey because it is a journey of our soul that is so wide and expanding it needs to come to earth to get these lessons based on fear because your true soul is centered in LOVE energy which is where it started when you were first created.. So the soul journey has been about you finding your true soul with the lessons you have gained in each life cycle or incarnation because those life lessons from each journey to earth as a human you gain wisdom and knowledge that remains as energy with you eternally so do all the souls that have been a part of your journey in each of those life times their energy remains within your soul and lessons where ever you go, if you owe karmic debt from any hurt or pain you may of caused them it will have to be repaid, or the act of forgiveness cuts those energetic ties that bind you together in each life time, once you learn the act of forgiveness it means your soul is ready to move on from that lesson and the karmic debt was paid because you have shown your love for the other person so they can let go of the power they held over you for your choices or actions which hurt them in the first place.. So all our actions and choices in life will impact on someone, somewhere if not close it still happens on an energetic (esoteric) level with your own thoughts and emotions so you just need to set the intention of forgiving others just for your own souls balance of energy and to also set the other person free from any more karmic debts they may owe you, in other life times..
 It is now Sunday I drew the cards last night so I will bring you messages of love and how to get your mind focused on the love energy which is your true soul essence from whence you were created..
 "LOVE IS ALL AROUND YOU"  the first thing to get your mind focused on love is to notice the love that surrounds you with the actions everyday of others and the beauty that is held within nature herself as you breathe in the fresh air that sustains your very being, your existence on earth is something to be beholden. When your soul body consists of both love and fear it is always your choice as to which energy you wish to focus on with each situation in life your choice is to see what you can through your own eyes and experiences so everything around you others will see things differently take for an example of a race horse if it gets injured  while it works, what people will see is how the poor animal is treated but they will most likely miss in the process of this racehorse being lovingly tended to by the jockey, trainers and all that look after its every need in life so it can perform to bring others joy in life by the actions that are taken to bring you the entertainment of being at the races, some will see the action as cruel on the horse and when injury occurs they will not see all the love that is given by those that tended to the great animal to perform the very thing it was bred for. So they miss seeing the whole picture and how love surrounded that horse even in its injury which will be tended to because all situations in life have a positive and negative energy attached to it it is up to your soul on which perception you will see,  a balanced soul will see it all both positive and negatives in a situation and they will chose which energy they wish to focus on to solve any situation that comes up before them.. 
In life we are faced daily with choices in how we act towards others and what we chse to do is totally dependant of what is inside of you because it is a reflection of how you treat others, if you only feel love inside you will see things through the eyes of an optimist because you know that things do not last forever and any situation that comes up has a solution and all will fall into place because of the divine system that is held within our own souls and that of the universal energy that will bring us all we need in life at the right time because we do have to learn lessons in life to evolve, those lessons involve the use of our dual system so our fears bring in our lessons but behind all fears there is love this is the divine love of our own souls creation so we are only remembering the true soul of which love is the essence so it is shown in other people and with all situations everyday so you will see these actions among all the chaos if you chose to make it your soul energy and only look for the love that exists in human nature because each soul on their path has to have lessons in the darkness of their soul in order to learn of the light so all is well and you as the soul will chose to look at things through your own prism of your very experiences, belief system and that which society is dictating to you that you should know, deeply rooted under all actions is the act of love even in arguments you have with others is is taking our soul to places of fear and education so you can release what it is you fear and don't know what it is that is deep seated lessons from other incarnations that are a part of your souls makeup and the reason you came to repay any past karmic debts and repay for your actions in another lifetime. so when you focus on the love that is around what you see will change because you will see dark  negative things in life because they need to co-exist with the love and light of duality but because of your own focus on love inside your self those negative things will not be come a part of you souls existence because you will see the other humans getting their fear lessons so they can be in a position of changing with in their own soul because of those fear lessons. At this time in soul evolution we are being required to push the envelope of our soul and open up to all the fears from past incarnations in order that we release the old lessons that no longer serve us into the light so we never have to go back from where it is we have already been so may be repeating soul patterns with lessons we never finished with last time because we refused to see  the love that existed with our actions towards others and their actions towards us. 
You see love all the time in nature with mothers and babies and the protection of the young by swooping magpies in the season of spring, or a mother cat dragging her kitten away from danger, the watering of crops from our farmers that lovingly tend to their crops so they can sustain and feed us and humanity with all the energy they exert, there is love in a dance routine in art from those people that create things for your enjoyment also in music much love to be shared there. So everywhere you look in the chaos there is love to be found open your eyes and your heart to it and it will be what you see in the world even among the rubble of the poor there is love to be found it is those caring for each other as they face adverse actions to their well being the love will be stronger because it is what keeps them alive with hope of things getting better because the compassion of others that want to get them out of the situation they have found themselves in, they don't give up hope because where there is LOVE there is life.. 

 "There is love everywhere all the time. Simply acknowledge this as truth"

"YOU DESERVE LOVE"  -  you are lovable!! ....
The biggest block to finding a relationship or bringing love into your life is your own self worth and putting yourself down because of past relationships that maybe didn't go so well and ended in tears.. Those tears and that relationship was help to bring in your soul lessons and maybe paying back of karmic debt so you may be blocking future romances by blocking love out from within yourself because of the fear of opening up again for more heartache because of those past experiences. Maybe you are one to keep repeating the same lessons so are having a lot of trouble opening your heart again so the first roadblock is to stop giving your past relationships the power by releasing those old emotions that are no longer serving you but are holding you back from even loving yourself enough and think you don't even deserve love because of your past actions.. So this is where you need to stop and start to love yourself again because you can't show love to others if your emotions are still bottled up inside and you are letting your ego get you down in life by allowing your past actions have the power and your negative thought patterns are making you do things to suppress those feelings that need to be released by forgiveness of all actions from the past relationships that were not meant to last but bring in your lessons for the soul involvement you were left with. To focus on love and to bring in the union of another of your soul mates or twin soul you need to cut the energetic ties from the past so you can rebirth your soul to start again with an open heart, so call on the angelic realm to cut the energetic ties that are still binding you to the past and to forgive all the souls that have hurt you so your heart can be opened again to give and receive all the love that does surround your soul at this time.. Also call on the angels to cut all fears that are holding you back from fulfilling your purpose in life which is to love yourself and then to show the rest of the world that love inside by fulfilling your passions and following your heart for it will lead you home and to those you were destined to meet. If your thoughts go to your intentions and to your dreams and desires ask the angelic realm to help your soul with the energy exchange of fear and to replace it with love and work on opening your heart chakra for all it is you receive in way of love from others and to keep a positive mindset that all dreams will fall into place when your soul is ready to receive all the lessons it came here for and to fulfill your life purpose which will show up in your life at the right time..  So open your heart to be the love you want to see by changing how you feel about yourself and bringing in your soul mate which was a part of your soul plan to connect with them at the right time when both souls were ready after all lessons were complete with other souls and the energetic soul blueprint matched with both your thoughts that will bring you together with synchronicity so you will be at the right place at the right time to connect and your souls will recognize each other by looking into each others eyes or recognizing the soul energy and having the feelings of love and not being able to get them out of your mind because you are familiar with each others soul energy because you have been together in spirit and before in other incarnations..

"LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE" - If you are longing for more love in your life, you need to be more loving.. 
So with the law of attraction and the thoughts and dreams running through you mind consciously and subconsciously you will attract into your life those with the same soul energy and probably the mindset of yourself at any particular time in your life. Because in life we go through cycles or and changes as we mature and age and have different experiences we will always draw to us the same sorts or people depending on which changes in life we are going through. Self reflect and look at the different people that have been in your life at different stages and see if you drifted apart with changes of circumstances like after finishing school when you promised your classmates you will still be in touch but over the years you would of drifted away from each other as each of these souls found themselves with new jobs, and a different atmosphere then when in school if one or a couple from school are your lifelong friend they will remain with you because they are a soulmate and had planned to be of service to you in this life to help you with any struggles or with in lessons but they sometimes may even drift apart from you when either one changes because of different life lessons and paths that are being led, each soul will know when it is time to leave the other soul because they will no longer resonate with the soul energy because of the soul evolvement and the lessons are over, so new souls will enter your life or you will be left to go solo so you can work on your own soul.. It depends on your own soul and your subconscious or conscious mind working with what it is you need and on a soul level working with other souls that will bring you what you need when you need it by law of attraction and all souls being divinely guided by the same spirit energy so you do manifest and create in your life what it is your soul needs and the unseen forces of our energetic soul beings will bring you the information or people you need to help make your dreams a reality,  because life depends on sychronicity of all souls things are never in your control to some degree because your soul first needs to put the call out to the universe (your dreams and thoughts) and your intentions  of what it is you need or are trying to create in your life and then spirit or the energy of all souls involved get together so the right information or event of meeting can take place because all humans go on their instincts and gut feelings the law of attraction will have you where you are meant to be always, if you miss your chance it goes in cycles so your chance will come around again if the first time your soul called but you gave into your fears the plan changed because you might of become impatient and didn't believe in your dreams becoming reality your soul energy changed its mind for one cycle but your heart keeps telling you another thing , your second chance and another cycle will come around again for synchronicity to happen as long as you keep the faith and stick to your souls intentions all things are manifested into your life at the right time.. love and light xx 
 It is very late now I  have finished this post it is now Monday past St Valentines Day but love is not an event for one day to show you love or care about others this is a life purpose of all souls so you should show love and compassion towards others everyday and treat everyone with kindness and to treat them how you yourself like to be treated for all actions will come back to you by the karmic energy and debts you create by your choices and actions in how you treat others.. 
I will leave you with the poetry of Rumi - A Gift of Love
 Sending you love and light 
Let love be the focus in
your life for it is forgiving
compassionate, kind
it brings peace to your 
heart and soul.
It will centre you and 
keep your soul energy
balanced because
you are being your
true self where
you don't need to fit
in because others will 
have comfort in 
being in your 
presence because 
you will feel safe 
and protected in 
just being yourself. 
You won't harm another
but understand where 
they are coming from.
Focus on Love because
it gives you the power to 
be yourself without others
harming you because you
are confident within yourself
so don't need your ego mask
to hide who you are.
Replace fear energy 
for that of love and 
you will find all the 
answers you need within
yourself as to why you are 
here and let your passions
be your purpose.
The love you see in me
is always a reflection 
of what you bring out
in me so focus on love
to bring in the soul union
that you are seeking 
because it is seeking you.
love you always 


Saturday, 13 February 2016

Family and Let your Worries Go xx

Hi all it is now Thursday evening an update on my family first my grand daughter Kaitlen turned one on Tuesday how quick did that year go she is a precious little bundle we had a photo shoot done with her on Saturday she was supposed to smash up a cake but she hardly got any on her.. Here are a few of the photo's I took I will show you the professional ones when I get a copy of them they were done by my second cousin who is going into the Photography business, she was giving lessons to my niece so we were at my sisters place and bub was the subject along with Isla the English Bull terrier..

Isn't she just precious in her little fairy outfit. My son Michael started his new job yesterday so that was exciting news for him on the Monday to say he had got the job he went for an interview last Thursday this job is at Ladysmith at a feedlot so he is happy to be driving around the property feeding cattle so he has moved out of home again he is boarding at his sisters place because it is closer to his work so I hope all goes well until he finds a place of his own that is even closer.. I did call on Archangel Michael to ask for assistance to help him get this job he would love to get himself a new car so I hope he can stick with this job he gets a 3 month trial before they could make him a permanent..My daughter is into organising her brothers affairs and has arranged to go look at half a dozen places he might be able to move into at Wagga so he is closer to work, she has also organised his budget for him if only he would stick to the plans so we will see how he goes and if his maturity and experiences have grown. She is a great sister that has always looked after her brother and families welfare.
It is now Friday lunch time so I have just drawn the Oracle card for today from the Ascended Masters.. Lord Krishna has come to us I was only reading about him yesterday and some of his battles so he has a message for us "Find the blessings in your current situation" so when faced with adversity when you don't think your plans have any chance of coming true look at where you are and see what blessings are in front of you for to get things to change in your life they start with your thoughts and what it is that surrounds you that you should be happy about because god gives us miracles everyday that become unnoticed because we get so caught up in our daily lives and what we don't have we miss out on the things we already have and should feel blessed in the world for what it is we have already achieved with our past lessons that have brought us to our current position in life. If you find the blessings you will find the lesson so things become clearer in your mind and your problems are then solved because your worrying energy blocks what it is your soul is trying to tell you so you may not make the best choices in your life because your heart has been clouded over with the fears that run through your mind that things won't turn out how you wish them to so your thoughts and fears then take over what it is your soul is trying to tell you so you lose your souls energy balance and get to far ahead of yourself. If your dreams involve others you always have to wait for them to work on their own internal dialogue to reach the same solution and an answer from within that will solve the  current situation if you are involved in what it is that has oured so if you can step out of the drama for a while all the solutions will come in and the situation will solve itself by the actions that have been divinely guided if you are not trying to control things.. So by being in a state of mind where you find the blessing and lessons of the situation it won't seem so bad and the hurdles will be jumped over quicker because the answer will have been found by your more positive attitude to the situation the lessons and with those involved to come to their own resolve by not having others involved because the lesson was probably for them to complete in the first place so you became an innocent bystander they call on or dragged into position because they felt they needed some help to come up with a solution that had always been inside themselves in order to get the lesson they started.. . let go of worry let the situation sort itself out with out you trying to control an outcome and find a "Blessing in this situation" so you can let go of the emotional turmoil you might be feeling.. things will work themselves out no matter what your input is because everything has a way of working its own solution out so it is best for everyone and each soul involved gets their lesson from the situation.. xx love and light xx
I was trying to find what I was reading yesterday it was about Krishna and some of his battles it came up on my FB page so can't find it just now but here is another person's blog page about Krishna if you are not familiar with this Hindu Ascended Master his story reminds me of another master of Love Jesus (Yeshua) ...
 I was watching this not reading about Krishna and the lost city of Dwarka
Live day to day there is less worry in the world most of my life I have never planned or looked to much into the future and all feel into place as my dreams and wishes came true and having patience without knowing or having much direction in my life things just turned up and that was the makeup of my life, after the loss of my son it was hard to be open hearted and so I just done what had to be done for others without to much care about who I was or where it was I was going because I had absolutely no idea just that those I loved and cared for needed me to feed and nourish them with what ever I had or could give them with where I was at emotionally, looking back I know I was not fully there within myself but just took things as they come without questioning because maybe I always felt protected by the unknown and just felt blank inside for so long until probably the year 2012/13 when my hear opened again and I started awakening to all that I am and my life purpose and others who I was destined to come into contact with just appeared to help, they don't know what they done they didn't have to do anything just their presence was enough to awaken what was sleeping inside as things began to unfold they still are unfolding as I follow my dreams with paitience as I help guide them into themselves for that is a part of my life purpose to share this divine love I felt inside of me because of my open heart and loving, compassionate nature that had always been there waiting for the day to bloom, you did that for me.. love you always from here to our eternal soul.. xx
I have just drawn a second card and it is to "Surrender to Worry" which I just mentioned with the Krishna message so at this time spirit can hear all the worries all souls have with the current chaos going on around them and within their own souls as we go through energy changes where we as a soul have to release a lot of our fears so it will come out as anger, frustration and unease in a lot of souls depending on where their soul is at on its journey so it is important to stay focused what it good in your life and let go of control of the things you have no control over that being what other souls are going through and you being dragged into the situation because others need to vent out what it is they are feeling inside, so it could be directed at you or you could be called on by them to help them sort out some situation they got caught up in.. So either way it is a release of fear energy within them which may become attached to your soul by the situation so it is up to you to respect your own soul and walk away if you can without feeling guilt because the other people also need to get their lessons in life by the choices they have made which may or may not include anything you had done personally.. You may be worrying about your finances let it go, and make do with what you have if you are behind on your bills or just don't feel you have enough to make ends meet call on the Angels for a bit of extra help and abundance to come into your life and picture all the bills already paid, or what it is you wish to remove from your life by way of finances and have patience and don't ask for more then you need because it will come to you via extra work or by some other means just at the right time, money will not fall out of the sky but you will be given the opportunity to work or exert your energy or get a bonus or any other means that will help you out at the right time.. The more you worry the more you block what should or could come to you, stay positive and just do the best you can with what you have and be grateful and by doing this you invite more into your life when the time is right. This new energy will work with you if you work with it and be kind on yourself and others, have a belief that all will be okay, do the best you can with what you have, and let nature take its course so every thing falls into place so being optimistic in your outlook is a great help as you ask for your angels and spirits help to free you from all your worries and concerns because worry comes from fear energy that needs to be released from your soul body and your thoughts so everything is always in the right place for you to bring in your lessons which could in fact be linked to lesson with finances so experiences in being poor or rich help your own psyche and mindset over what choices in life you are currently taking, also money is linked to you because of the energy you use to get it, it is a part of life on earth so you have to use that money to make the right choices in life in deciding if you really need something or just want it because it is there, greed is another lesson that comes from finances and if you use your riches to help others or use it for your own ambitions while you watch others struggle and not use it to either employ others or use that money for your own power or status in the world.. 
 "Make a commitment not to lead an anxiety-driven life. When worries arise, breathe them out of your body. Focus on the power of your heart, and have faith that spirit is guiding you always."
One gets a bit anxious if they think to much of others and what they might think of them for any particular action or choice they make in life.. so it is necessary for you to let go and just be free to do what it is in your own heart that you know what to do is right regardless of what others opinions of you are. You are living your own life and don't need to live up to expectations of others or with what it is they believe you should be doing because that only leads to be disappointed and feeling guilt within your own soul when you try to meet others needs before your own first.. some times you need to step back from others and go with the flow of your own heart so the others can catch up to you if it was meant to be. Live life for you and let those things you can not control go over your head, you can still be kind and compassionate to others and what it is they have to say but you don't ever have to compromise your own integrity just to please another.

To release your worries from your soul body and to ask for spirit assistance with any worries you have write them down and call on spirit/angels to help you out with your list of troubles you no longer need and to ask for guidance or a little assistance so your burdens are less then let go and have faith that what is worrying you will be gone from your life so listen for your guidance that will come through your heart with ideas or even in your dreams the answers will come, so relax and go with the flow because at this time in the new energy we are being asked to clear all fears so this is what will bring up some of your worries, so let it go transmute that energy for a positive outlook so your solutions come in to the light. xx

I will leave you with those messages from yesterday and some pictures of my beautiful little angel Kaitlen who is now 1 and only 14 weeks to go until I am a nanna to two little cherubs we have no idea of the gender my daughter likes little surprises she was so convinced last time it was going to be a boy.. We will be happy with whatever gender it is we are not gender biased in this household all genders are here for a reason one is not better then the other besides that we as souls chose our own gender before we come through the birth canal so it is not good to be in judgement of each other depending on what choices we have made in life from even before we were born we have always had our soul plan and as the human we come here to learn and navigate that plan with our freewill with the choices we have made to do with every aspect of our lives.. No soul is any different to any other the lessons are what differ and what we have learned from our parents, each other and society as a whole..
I will be back a little bit later with another blog post with the messages for today and a post on focusing on LOVE and letting your fears go.. so you are balanced in what you do in life..
Sending love and light xx
Because I love you
Just the way you are
you don't need to change 
to make me happy. 
Just seeing you happy 
within yourself and at
peace with who you are
and with what you do.
Is the reflection of love
you see in me is that 
of your own soul.
Your true self
let it shine through
the ego as you 
let go of fears in
your soul body you
will become whole 
and complete with
all that is ready for
the uniting of our
souls to make one
soul template for the
future of humanity.
Where unconditional and
divine love is supreme as
the new energy takes affect.
In future generations we
will take comfort that we
were a part of the kingdom.
That showed divine love to
the world by what it is we feel.
That advanced the mindset of
many as we helped to remove
those with no integrity into the
light of their own truths..
love you always

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

cards for the last week in January 2016 xx

Hi all it is now early Saturday morning I have put up a few cards I've drawn this week sorry I've been a bit slack this week I started working my two jobs again on Wednesday so my days are full again school is now back in and I have got myself a new computer so I've been trying to get that up and running properly, I've only just installed my security onto it tonight and getting used to Window's 8 my old one was Window's 7. Now blogger is playing up and having trouble uploading the photo's or images so I may have to use my old computer to do that..

The angel message on Monday was  "Patience" from archangel Jophiel your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still they need nurturing and patience. So a need to keep going as you are and keep believing in the things you wish to attain on this your soul journey keep working at feeding your passions and opening your heart and letting love to be your guide so it drives you and lets you be open and loving towards others and gives you your soul power, and believing in yourself so only what you feel will guide you to the next step and you will be given the next step when it is time and when your soul is ready to receive all that is, for all that will be is divinely guided and you only have to believe and have faith that what you want will all fall in to place when the soul is ready there is still a bit more work to do and to be all that you are  so your soul can be accepting of all that is that will come on the next part of this connection. for it will take a lot of self confidence from you to stand in your soul power and not be beholden to anyone but you, you need to be able to deal with many emotions and to understand where they are coming from you need to be fully in touch with your higher soul so you can accept what it is that will come to you after the connection is made you will become a changed soul because you are creating a new soul template for others to follow so you need to be fully in touch with all sides of your dual energy system and to be able to work through all emotions on your own for it will be a battle you have with yourself when you connect to all that is and being a part of the creation of a new soul that vibrates at a higher level then where you are at in the current times.. Your dreams are manifesting at an alarming rate the more you become aware of the lesson your soul set all will become clear and all that you need will be catered for believe and have trust in the universal system that will have your dreams be a part of your reality soon enough  have patience for it to is a part of you current lesson so everything works out as it should in the right time when your soul is ready be at peace and focus on love and light always and you will always be where you are meant to be for the time being until your own soul knows when to move to the next stage.. love and light xx
 I called on the Ascended Masters deck Thursday morning and I drew "Artistic Expression" with Paul the Venetian so the message is to fulfill your passion and to release your energy you need to bring out your creativity streak for this streak helps bring you closer to our own soul by expressing it self through the arts so any sort of creativity is fine what ever your heart is drawn to it could be writing, poetry, music, singing, dancing, painting, arts and crafts what ever medium brings you joy you should do as a release mechanism for energy as well as letting your feelings out with what it is you create for others see your heart and soul in the work you put out. This is why music captures your soul and you are drawn into how the artist or songwriter felt in their soul at the time.. So if you feel a bit anxious or nervous funnel that energy into your creations it could even be woodwork or just tinkering in the garden or shed whatever brings you joy and brings out your passion do it, your work could even be good enough to sell so don't put yourself down with comparing it to other artists work because we are individual and have our own style and expression this is what makes your creations unique because it is your heart and soul you put into your work so it will reach someone with the same energy vibration as they will feel the energy you put into your work.. find your passion and it will fill your heart to have things completed that others will enjoy as well xx love and light xx
I have just drawn two cards from Archangel Michael deck and the messages are to "Keep your eyes on your targeted intention" so don't stray from the final outcome you wish to happen keep your eyes firmly focus on your dreams don't let the minor details cause you stress because everything will come together at the right time if you stay true to your self and keep that positive mindset because you will only go backwards if you stray and start to make the wrong choices in life because you know better then that you have had your other lessons don't repeat the same mistakes or the same lessons again reflect on the past are you doing the similar things you don't last time, clear your mind soul search are you making the right decisions are you following your heart and is it the road you currently want to go down at this time.. Keep your eyes on the ball seek all the information you can and weigh up the risks before making decisions right now. Clear your mind let go of ego and trust and believe in the universal system to bring you what you really want in life because it is not out of reach for you you do have the support of the angelic realm and ascended masters to take you there but it will only happen when your soul is ready to receive all that is yours for the taking don't lose hope of faith because you have so much more to give to the world you may not be able to see it just yet so hold on to those dreams and your intended outcome.. love and light xx
The two messages on the cards are these ("Keep your eyes on your targeted intentions" - Thank you Archangel Michael for helping me focus on my inner vision and intention. I ask for your guidance in releasing any fears or doubts, granting me the confidence and courage to take action toward realizing my dreams.")
The second card ("Believe and Trust" - Before going to sleep tonight, say: 'Archangel Michael, please enter my dreams and replace fear with faith and trust. Let me be filled with strength, courage and confidence.')

Sounds like the message from Archangel Michael is to let go of your fears and doubts and transform that energy into faith and belief because you are loved, loving and deserve all the love in the world which will be granted to you by holding onto your dreams and keeping the faith that when it is the right time all will fall into place, your doubts and fear energy only blocks that dreams from being fulfilled because your soul believes you now have different plans so they will be fulfilled by the choices made out of fear and getting further lessons which you may of taken before so falling into the same patterns because you fear what will happen if you let go and just love and let things flow again in your life.. Fear energy is always a blocking energy of the natural flow of things that will happen in your souls life because you have already made the soul plans before you were born so they will happen because your dreams are a part of your subconscious working with your soul so it is then up to you to take the action when prompted by your guidance and your heart, fear energy blocks your soul messages coming through so you will lose faith and go with your ego and that little voice that says how will it happen and it will pull you back from letting those dreams fall into place.. love and light xx

I have just drawn two cards now Saturday morning from Messages from your angels and they are Bridgette with a caution message t not make any rash decisions without considering all the pro's and con's of the move before you make any in this situation because doing things on impulse may not work out and you may take the long way around or be taken off your path, so stand back a bit from the situation and let goof an fears by clearing your mind and asking for angels guidance before going ahead with anything just now as it may not be the right time so things may not work out if you have not considered all the consequences of all the choices available to you.
On the card "Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further".

The second card from angel Merlina was along the same line of needing more information before making any decisions and to seek expert advice so don't go signing on the dotted line without first checking with all the finer details and the legalities involved in any moves that may affect the outcome you are looking for. Do more research and make a logical decision don't just do things on a whim because you may be taken advantage of if all the lines are not crossed and that research into other avenues are also looked into after the research then make a decision because you may find there are other options that you never thought about.. After you weigh up all the options and asked for expert opinions with someone that knows what they are talking about then seek angelic guidance before you eventually follow your heart with the final decision with this situation as it may involve your future and you need to have the timing right for it to work out.. love and light xx
On the card it says " You are confused and indecisive because you do not have enough information. Do research or seek expert advice before making a decision."
Archangel Raziel is on the card he represents the keeper of secrets so there is more that must be revealed.. I just drew one more card from the angel answers deck and asked for an out come the card that came out was the same as the others your guidance is to "get more information" so don't rush into things clear your mind and seek advice as you may find a better option after you do this I think something better is waiting if you slow down and do your homework first because it may not be the right time just yet but everything will fall into place in the end at just the right time so ask others for help and advice first.. there is no hurry things will work out you are and will be supported with the final decision it will happen at the right time so don't try to control the outcome with out some advice first.. xx love and light x
On Saturday night I drew two cards and they were the same message about creativity so the three cards in the one week is a really strong message for you to start opening your heart and pouring your soul energy into creating the things that bring joy to your world and maybe others by what it is you do.. I need for you to pour your energy and emotions into your work as you sort through your feelings and do your soul searching..

Angel deck of cards for a message to pass on and the "Angel of Creativity" has come out so again a call for you to bring out your passions and open your heart to create those things you love and share your talents with the world it could be any thing from arts, crafts, writing, singing, music or dancing we all have hidden talents within our souls so don't be scared to try something new and if you have already started a project but have hit a roadblock or mental blank call on the angelic realm to help with inspiring you in your creation and you will be guided or have new ideas come to you through your dreams or with other people's work. It is through our creations and open heart we reach our full potential as a soul to reach our higher soul because our artwork is taking our soul on a journey within itself in order to create so we raise our own soul energy by reaching higher when our heart is open doing the things we love to do in making our creations..
I thought I would also call on the Ascended Masters deck and Paul The Venetian has come out so. A really strong message this week to start creating in whatever form that takes and captures your heart I get a feeling this is a message for you to start writing and to start to fulfil your life purpose by the written word call on the ascended masters and the Angelic realm to help get you started and to help you to start writing your thoughts and ideas down now ad you will be assisted with messages once you start. Don't keep putting it off you can start and do a little bit each day and it will grow as your heart opens and you start doing those things you love with the written word... love and light xx

Well a lot of the cards last week were about finding your passion and being creative because it uplifts your soul to another energy level to be doing the things you love so it could be anything from Gardening, arts, crafts, writing, music or dancing what ever it is that makes your heart sing and opens up your heart chakra because life is more enjoyable if we do the things we love among the things we have to do for a living like our jobs or just doing the things we have to, to  pay the bills.. I will try and keep more up to date I have so many draft posts started  and I also have to do the yearly layout I did start but was taking so long to get to it for many reasons I decided I will do another one starting from the month we are in..
Sending love and light
May all your dreams come true
as you fill your heart with passion.
Your heart then becomes open so
you invite more of the good stuff into
your life as you leave the chaos to
others to learn their lessons of life.
Let go of all emotions
so you can be at peace
with who you are
where you are
then be content and grateful
for all the lessons in life you
have had those lessons
did bring you to
your current position.
With patience all your
dreams and desires will be
fulfilled when your soul is
ready for the next step.
Until then baby rest up
soul search, be at peace
and what will be, will be
Trust in the universe and
your higher soul to bring in
what you need to complete the
lessons go with the flow of life
and it will protect you.
Love you always and
you are never alone.