I still have the background to finish on this bear picture..
This is another one I finished earlier in the week I started it last weekend it is
The message from Saturday afternoon - "YOUR SITUATION IS ALREADY RESOLVED"
I've called on the Archangel Michael deck and he has the message that
you can now stop worrying "The situation is already resolved" as things
have a way of working themselves out in a divine order where everyone
involved gets their lessons if you let the control and fear issues go
the solution to any of life problems will come via your thoughts which
is from a higher dimension so it will come from a divine source if you
just let go of all it is that is worrying you because fear of any sort
is an energy blocker so if you feel stuck in where you are the need for
you to let go is essential so the natural flow of energy can come to you
and your own soul will know what to do to bring you peace or the
lessons your soul needs so listening to your heart without the mind
chatter of things negative will help to bring you the ideas and messages
that come from your own higher soul and spirit for they are one in the
same energy and a part of you that helps you to create the life your own
soul needs in order to evolve to the souls main objective of life which
is the energy of love for that is truly who you are and it is what the
spirit energy of all souls is, so it is all connected and one soul reads
the energy of another and they work together in synchronicity to bring
in what any soul needs by its own creation for each soul is on its own
journey no two souls will be on the same path because your energy is
based on your truths which is found inside of you from your own path.
Each soul is here to help and guide others through the process of fear
and to get the outcome of soul evolvement.
Compassion is needed to help those souls that are still stuck in the fear based energy so for them to evolve they need to go through their own fear s and pain to evolve you as a old soul and teacher can help them do this once you can get past your own fears in life and work with the energy that flows through you with the divine soul that you are.. Let go of things you can not change so you have no control over others freewill or them from following their own path and to do this they need to stand on their own and go through the lessons of life to gain the same experiences of an older soul. Forgiveness is also essential for your own soul but that of others so you are no longer bound energetically to that or the situation you both were entangled in, forgiveness is for your own souls sake so you can move on and all thing get resolved of there own volition because the energy flow is released and all souls are then free to start the next part of their journey if they are not bound to the past. This new energy that comes into your soul is one of release so the need to let go of all lessons from the past and to stand in your full power will help all souls because you will come from a different state of consciousness once all fear is released from your soul body things will always just fall into place once the need for control is let go of , hold no expectations or assumptions as they only cause fear and disappointments because in your mind you have a pre-set outcome and the energy flow of all souls and the freewill of their choices may have a different outcome then you assumed would happen so live in the now moment without expectations of others or of events or situations you may come involved in all will work out in the end in the divine order of all souls and at the right time if you lose the worry over what others might think of you that is their own expectations and fear of who they think you should be not who you actually are. lot go and let love be your guide listen to your intuition for the answers with what ever comes up in your life xx love and light xxx
"My Prayer - I give any worries, cares and concerns to you in exchange for true peace in all ways. Thank you for resolving this (give details of the situation) in a Divinely perfect way."
Compassion is needed to help those souls that are still stuck in the fear based energy so for them to evolve they need to go through their own fear s and pain to evolve you as a old soul and teacher can help them do this once you can get past your own fears in life and work with the energy that flows through you with the divine soul that you are.. Let go of things you can not change so you have no control over others freewill or them from following their own path and to do this they need to stand on their own and go through the lessons of life to gain the same experiences of an older soul. Forgiveness is also essential for your own soul but that of others so you are no longer bound energetically to that or the situation you both were entangled in, forgiveness is for your own souls sake so you can move on and all thing get resolved of there own volition because the energy flow is released and all souls are then free to start the next part of their journey if they are not bound to the past. This new energy that comes into your soul is one of release so the need to let go of all lessons from the past and to stand in your full power will help all souls because you will come from a different state of consciousness once all fear is released from your soul body things will always just fall into place once the need for control is let go of , hold no expectations or assumptions as they only cause fear and disappointments because in your mind you have a pre-set outcome and the energy flow of all souls and the freewill of their choices may have a different outcome then you assumed would happen so live in the now moment without expectations of others or of events or situations you may come involved in all will work out in the end in the divine order of all souls and at the right time if you lose the worry over what others might think of you that is their own expectations and fear of who they think you should be not who you actually are. lot go and let love be your guide listen to your intuition for the answers with what ever comes up in your life xx love and light xxx
"My Prayer - I give any worries, cares and concerns to you in exchange for true peace in all ways. Thank you for resolving this (give details of the situation) in a Divinely perfect way."
I have just drawn the cards for today the messages are from Archangel
Jophiel with the message to get rid of the clutter in your life so a
clearing out of your soul energy from all the fears and negativity that
is preventing you from moving forward with your plans, you know what to
do by listening to your heart all will fall into place once you let go
of those fears that are controlling your thoughts and your dreams from
becoming your reality, have faith in the divine that all your plans will
come true and that what you are doing now is only a temporary measure
and there is a lesson in it for you so seek out the lesson and the fears
will be less because your soul knows why you are where you are in this
the moment of your day or your life..
Have patience and clear all the things in your life that no longer serve your higher good you know what they are from the people in your life from the past, to the emotions you still carry that hold you back , to the diet you know you should carry because your body says this is no good for me, to the clutter around you in your living space it may be blocking the positive energy from being in your space because it is unorganised so your mind may be like this too if there is a lot of negative chatter going on about where it is you are going or where you have been. None of that matters now because you need to live in the here and now the lessons from the past will always stay with you but you don't need to carry the emotional baggage around any longer for it doesn't serve your higher good your soul needs to be set free so you can stand in your true soul power and the light that is of love of all that is and all that will be once you let go of those things you are trying to control including your dreams, your life will flow once you let go of control call on the divine nature of your soul to help you see clearly what it is that is in your best interest at this time listen to your heart speak, close your mind of all fears and all that is left is the light of love that is your true soul so it will speak to you in the quiet of your mind it knows what you need to do on your journey it is then up to you to take action once you hear you guidance even if your guidance is patience while you wait for other souls to prepare for the next part of your journey they will be there at the right time when your soul is ready, have faith and trust within yourself and clear the air of doubts for all things work out in the end just how your soul planned it.. love and light xx
Have patience and clear all the things in your life that no longer serve your higher good you know what they are from the people in your life from the past, to the emotions you still carry that hold you back , to the diet you know you should carry because your body says this is no good for me, to the clutter around you in your living space it may be blocking the positive energy from being in your space because it is unorganised so your mind may be like this too if there is a lot of negative chatter going on about where it is you are going or where you have been. None of that matters now because you need to live in the here and now the lessons from the past will always stay with you but you don't need to carry the emotional baggage around any longer for it doesn't serve your higher good your soul needs to be set free so you can stand in your true soul power and the light that is of love of all that is and all that will be once you let go of those things you are trying to control including your dreams, your life will flow once you let go of control call on the divine nature of your soul to help you see clearly what it is that is in your best interest at this time listen to your heart speak, close your mind of all fears and all that is left is the light of love that is your true soul so it will speak to you in the quiet of your mind it knows what you need to do on your journey it is then up to you to take action once you hear you guidance even if your guidance is patience while you wait for other souls to prepare for the next part of your journey they will be there at the right time when your soul is ready, have faith and trust within yourself and clear the air of doubts for all things work out in the end just how your soul planned it.. love and light xx
You can call on the angelic realm at any time to help clear any negative energy from out of your life and that of others, you always need to ask the angels first for any assistance or guidance because of the freewill law that exists between souls and spirit it is necessary to ask because your soul chooses in each lifetime what it wants to remember and what religion if any it wants to believe in you will be born into any environment by your own choice pre birth and already have what lessons you need planed it is then up to your soul to carry out those plans by navigating and using your choices at any given moment because all choices have consequences and lessons that go with it everything has to go full circle until your soul gets the lesson, if you find yourself in similar situations and relationships where things haven't always turned out but you keep repeating the same behaviours it means you never got the lesson the first time or in other incarnations so you carry that with you untill you get the Ah moment and realise your lesson and don't repeat it again..
The second card I drew to see what it is that needs clearing is the fears so you can "Surrender to your Intuition" so stop having doubts and trust in your own divine nature and listen to your soul and spirit that comes through your heart and gives your body the messages you will hear your soul speak through your heart so trust your thoughts and that of spirit which is guiding you on your path..Trust in yourself and believe what it is your emotions, thoughts and body tells you about others and about what it is your own soul needs because your soul always knows the pre-set plan and lessons it came for it is up to you to listen and act on what it is you are feeling, do things on impulse occasionally by what it is you are feeling so not being so organised in life only for work hours is this necessary otherwise just do somethings because you feel the urge and don't forget to have fun doing it follow your heart you can never go wrong.. on the card - Surrender to Your Intuition" - Tune in to your inner voice. Be aware of any gut feelings, flashes, knowings or 'Aha!' moments that come through to guide you." - Those 'Aha' moments come as knowing so they come when you are not overthinking or analysing the information that comes into your mind from all sources because your soul and spirit are a team your answers will always come when you least expect it trust in what your thoughts say and don't second guess or worry about what others will say because you never know who the message is really for so it could resonate with those that come into contact with you so they needed to hear this message to help them on their path.. xx love always xx
Fear energy (negative thoughts of your ego) is the darkness of your soul, the part of your duality system as a human a soul in a corporeal body. The fear energy is a part of your consciousness and as the soul that you are you come here to earth to try and conquer your fears from previous incarnation because that is a part of your soul make up of karmic energy so you come to earth to get your lessons in fear and to pay back others for any debts you may owe them from other life times. Some of the karmic debt is repaying back fear of some kind or also paying back of kindness depending on what it is your soul came into learn and to also evolve and rid our soul body of the fear energy so we can find our true spiritual divine inner core that of the creation of God which is inside of us as a "Christ consciousness seed" so when your soul is ready the time of enlightenment and awakening will occur this is all divinely timed because it was planned and a part of your DNA or soul blueprint to come into the earth atmosphere when the energy was right in order to find yourself and your connection to spirit which comes through you and is a part of your soul and that of others because we all come from the main source of energy that is the energy of our creator which is the energy of pure love the energy of God does not exist in the fear energy even though it is a part of our system and a part of our consciousness it is something we as we evolve get rid of so we can step into our divine soul body but things must take place first before you can step into that energy because you need to have love and trust in yourself and in the energy of spirit and the angels which will guide you through the process of enlightenment because it is our soul body opening and allowing the connection with spirit because of the freewill laws between the human and spirit we as the soul promised to forget all we knew prior to entering the earth atmosphere of which we created, so we could get our earth lessons and evolve as a soul when the energy and the time was right to search for the true meaning of life and who we are as a soul. We have throughout every century been searching for the god that had always been there this is how our religions and myths and stories came about from all those before us, but those souls before us were us so we have evolved over time and every so often the change has to come in cucles so we always know as souls why we come here though the human mindset is one of a three dimensional species once we open the door to spirit our consciousness and soul energy rises to another level because the 3d image of a humans life is very singular in platform so it is like looking at the movie screen of our life once we die and go back to our true light soul body form where only love exists and time is of no essence in our spirit form in heaven (our home) once we reach back there we can be everywhere with other souls that still walk the earth while we continue to get lessons in heaven as we watch what goes on with those on earth because we get to plan our next life in the cave of creation.. When we do come down to earth our soul does not fully come down because our energy would be to great for the human body so we have to leave the greatest part of us in heaven but we are always connected to the rest of our soul because it helps guide us and others on a subconscious and also a conscious level with our choices in life and where we and other souls that are a part of our journey are always connected through an energy field this energy is always love because this is the energy of our creator and as we are the creation along with every living cell and atom on earth and in the universe that is earth it is all connected through the spirit energy that exists when we are not in human form so we are all but one energy though our soul has its own energy code and vibration that exists from every action and life we have had, our soul energy never changes it is a part of our soul blueprint and DNA not the DNA the doctors pick up on earth it goes much deeper then that on an esoteric level our eyes are always the same in every incarnation (the windows to the soul) this is how we recognise those that are a part of our soul group so they if pre-arranged in spirit will enter our lives for those lessons and to fullfill both of the plans or any soul involved in the lessons, these lessons may not always be good and some might be painful because that is how the soul evolves through the fear and the pain it makes us stronger because we search within our soul in order to release our fears and the emotions we are feeling about any situation in life. So there are no accidents or coincidences only synchronicity as that is what brings to our soul what it needs it is a cool energy system because what we see on earth is only a part of what it is our soul can and has achieved in the many life times it has had on earth and in heaven because the part of our soul that stays behind as energy is always working on our wishes so that is our thoughts and choices that come up in life that is our freewill working in bring in what it is the soul needs.
Because our souls are always in contact with those we chose to be a part of our life and are a part of our soul group we are always connected to them on an esoteric level so the plan will always go as planned so some friendships/relationships where not meant to last and only last until the lesson is completed and each soul knows when it is time to walk away or slowly drift away because their heart tells them so and you no longer are needed in that souls journey.
On a soul level we are always in contact with other souls this is why we should listen to our intuition because it will have us in the right place at the right time or out of places that we wouldn't go if we listen to our conscience our body does speak to us when we know we are doing something we shouldn't we generally feel guilt when we do something the soul knows better to do because our conscience speaks to us to say we have had that lesson before but if you listen to your ego so go against the conscience voices you hear in your mind..
I was going to draw an Ascended Masters card but it is now after midnight and I am getting a bit weary so I might leave you with these messages and call on the Ascended Masters deck in the morning.. I will leave you with a song by Grace Knight she has much soul in her voice..
Sending love and light
I hope you get up and dance
again and don't let the past rule
what could be, by giving
love and life another
chance and let your
soul grow through any
pain you may of been
through because your
life is always planned
so it is up to you to
find the strength and
courage within yourself
to give life everything
you have and when you
get knocked down
Stand up and be
stronger from your
experiences because
you have got your lessons
in love and a broken heart
means it is always open
to love again. So never
miss the chance to let
the love back into your
life because the next love
you find could be the greatest
love you were always searching
for on this your soul journey.
So get up and dance
take the chance and love
and trust your self again
so you can let love in.
Because you are loved
so much it hurts to
be without you on
the lonely days of this
our soul journey..
Love you always