Tuesday 2 February 2016

cards for the last week in January 2016 xx

Hi all it is now early Saturday morning I have put up a few cards I've drawn this week sorry I've been a bit slack this week I started working my two jobs again on Wednesday so my days are full again school is now back in and I have got myself a new computer so I've been trying to get that up and running properly, I've only just installed my security onto it tonight and getting used to Window's 8 my old one was Window's 7. Now blogger is playing up and having trouble uploading the photo's or images so I may have to use my old computer to do that..

The angel message on Monday was  "Patience" from archangel Jophiel your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still they need nurturing and patience. So a need to keep going as you are and keep believing in the things you wish to attain on this your soul journey keep working at feeding your passions and opening your heart and letting love to be your guide so it drives you and lets you be open and loving towards others and gives you your soul power, and believing in yourself so only what you feel will guide you to the next step and you will be given the next step when it is time and when your soul is ready to receive all that is, for all that will be is divinely guided and you only have to believe and have faith that what you want will all fall in to place when the soul is ready there is still a bit more work to do and to be all that you are  so your soul can be accepting of all that is that will come on the next part of this connection. for it will take a lot of self confidence from you to stand in your soul power and not be beholden to anyone but you, you need to be able to deal with many emotions and to understand where they are coming from you need to be fully in touch with your higher soul so you can accept what it is that will come to you after the connection is made you will become a changed soul because you are creating a new soul template for others to follow so you need to be fully in touch with all sides of your dual energy system and to be able to work through all emotions on your own for it will be a battle you have with yourself when you connect to all that is and being a part of the creation of a new soul that vibrates at a higher level then where you are at in the current times.. Your dreams are manifesting at an alarming rate the more you become aware of the lesson your soul set all will become clear and all that you need will be catered for believe and have trust in the universal system that will have your dreams be a part of your reality soon enough  have patience for it to is a part of you current lesson so everything works out as it should in the right time when your soul is ready be at peace and focus on love and light always and you will always be where you are meant to be for the time being until your own soul knows when to move to the next stage.. love and light xx
 I called on the Ascended Masters deck Thursday morning and I drew "Artistic Expression" with Paul the Venetian so the message is to fulfill your passion and to release your energy you need to bring out your creativity streak for this streak helps bring you closer to our own soul by expressing it self through the arts so any sort of creativity is fine what ever your heart is drawn to it could be writing, poetry, music, singing, dancing, painting, arts and crafts what ever medium brings you joy you should do as a release mechanism for energy as well as letting your feelings out with what it is you create for others see your heart and soul in the work you put out. This is why music captures your soul and you are drawn into how the artist or songwriter felt in their soul at the time.. So if you feel a bit anxious or nervous funnel that energy into your creations it could even be woodwork or just tinkering in the garden or shed whatever brings you joy and brings out your passion do it, your work could even be good enough to sell so don't put yourself down with comparing it to other artists work because we are individual and have our own style and expression this is what makes your creations unique because it is your heart and soul you put into your work so it will reach someone with the same energy vibration as they will feel the energy you put into your work.. find your passion and it will fill your heart to have things completed that others will enjoy as well xx love and light xx
I have just drawn two cards from Archangel Michael deck and the messages are to "Keep your eyes on your targeted intention" so don't stray from the final outcome you wish to happen keep your eyes firmly focus on your dreams don't let the minor details cause you stress because everything will come together at the right time if you stay true to your self and keep that positive mindset because you will only go backwards if you stray and start to make the wrong choices in life because you know better then that you have had your other lessons don't repeat the same mistakes or the same lessons again reflect on the past are you doing the similar things you don't last time, clear your mind soul search are you making the right decisions are you following your heart and is it the road you currently want to go down at this time.. Keep your eyes on the ball seek all the information you can and weigh up the risks before making decisions right now. Clear your mind let go of ego and trust and believe in the universal system to bring you what you really want in life because it is not out of reach for you you do have the support of the angelic realm and ascended masters to take you there but it will only happen when your soul is ready to receive all that is yours for the taking don't lose hope of faith because you have so much more to give to the world you may not be able to see it just yet so hold on to those dreams and your intended outcome.. love and light xx
The two messages on the cards are these ("Keep your eyes on your targeted intentions" - Thank you Archangel Michael for helping me focus on my inner vision and intention. I ask for your guidance in releasing any fears or doubts, granting me the confidence and courage to take action toward realizing my dreams.")
The second card ("Believe and Trust" - Before going to sleep tonight, say: 'Archangel Michael, please enter my dreams and replace fear with faith and trust. Let me be filled with strength, courage and confidence.')

Sounds like the message from Archangel Michael is to let go of your fears and doubts and transform that energy into faith and belief because you are loved, loving and deserve all the love in the world which will be granted to you by holding onto your dreams and keeping the faith that when it is the right time all will fall into place, your doubts and fear energy only blocks that dreams from being fulfilled because your soul believes you now have different plans so they will be fulfilled by the choices made out of fear and getting further lessons which you may of taken before so falling into the same patterns because you fear what will happen if you let go and just love and let things flow again in your life.. Fear energy is always a blocking energy of the natural flow of things that will happen in your souls life because you have already made the soul plans before you were born so they will happen because your dreams are a part of your subconscious working with your soul so it is then up to you to take the action when prompted by your guidance and your heart, fear energy blocks your soul messages coming through so you will lose faith and go with your ego and that little voice that says how will it happen and it will pull you back from letting those dreams fall into place.. love and light xx

I have just drawn two cards now Saturday morning from Messages from your angels and they are Bridgette with a caution message t not make any rash decisions without considering all the pro's and con's of the move before you make any in this situation because doing things on impulse may not work out and you may take the long way around or be taken off your path, so stand back a bit from the situation and let goof an fears by clearing your mind and asking for angels guidance before going ahead with anything just now as it may not be the right time so things may not work out if you have not considered all the consequences of all the choices available to you.
On the card "Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further".

The second card from angel Merlina was along the same line of needing more information before making any decisions and to seek expert advice so don't go signing on the dotted line without first checking with all the finer details and the legalities involved in any moves that may affect the outcome you are looking for. Do more research and make a logical decision don't just do things on a whim because you may be taken advantage of if all the lines are not crossed and that research into other avenues are also looked into after the research then make a decision because you may find there are other options that you never thought about.. After you weigh up all the options and asked for expert opinions with someone that knows what they are talking about then seek angelic guidance before you eventually follow your heart with the final decision with this situation as it may involve your future and you need to have the timing right for it to work out.. love and light xx
On the card it says " You are confused and indecisive because you do not have enough information. Do research or seek expert advice before making a decision."
Archangel Raziel is on the card he represents the keeper of secrets so there is more that must be revealed.. I just drew one more card from the angel answers deck and asked for an out come the card that came out was the same as the others your guidance is to "get more information" so don't rush into things clear your mind and seek advice as you may find a better option after you do this I think something better is waiting if you slow down and do your homework first because it may not be the right time just yet but everything will fall into place in the end at just the right time so ask others for help and advice first.. there is no hurry things will work out you are and will be supported with the final decision it will happen at the right time so don't try to control the outcome with out some advice first.. xx love and light x
On Saturday night I drew two cards and they were the same message about creativity so the three cards in the one week is a really strong message for you to start opening your heart and pouring your soul energy into creating the things that bring joy to your world and maybe others by what it is you do.. I need for you to pour your energy and emotions into your work as you sort through your feelings and do your soul searching..

Angel deck of cards for a message to pass on and the "Angel of Creativity" has come out so again a call for you to bring out your passions and open your heart to create those things you love and share your talents with the world it could be any thing from arts, crafts, writing, singing, music or dancing we all have hidden talents within our souls so don't be scared to try something new and if you have already started a project but have hit a roadblock or mental blank call on the angelic realm to help with inspiring you in your creation and you will be guided or have new ideas come to you through your dreams or with other people's work. It is through our creations and open heart we reach our full potential as a soul to reach our higher soul because our artwork is taking our soul on a journey within itself in order to create so we raise our own soul energy by reaching higher when our heart is open doing the things we love to do in making our creations..
I thought I would also call on the Ascended Masters deck and Paul The Venetian has come out so. A really strong message this week to start creating in whatever form that takes and captures your heart I get a feeling this is a message for you to start writing and to start to fulfil your life purpose by the written word call on the ascended masters and the Angelic realm to help get you started and to help you to start writing your thoughts and ideas down now ad you will be assisted with messages once you start. Don't keep putting it off you can start and do a little bit each day and it will grow as your heart opens and you start doing those things you love with the written word... love and light xx

Well a lot of the cards last week were about finding your passion and being creative because it uplifts your soul to another energy level to be doing the things you love so it could be anything from Gardening, arts, crafts, writing, music or dancing what ever it is that makes your heart sing and opens up your heart chakra because life is more enjoyable if we do the things we love among the things we have to do for a living like our jobs or just doing the things we have to, to  pay the bills.. I will try and keep more up to date I have so many draft posts started  and I also have to do the yearly layout I did start but was taking so long to get to it for many reasons I decided I will do another one starting from the month we are in..
Sending love and light
May all your dreams come true
as you fill your heart with passion.
Your heart then becomes open so
you invite more of the good stuff into
your life as you leave the chaos to
others to learn their lessons of life.
Let go of all emotions
so you can be at peace
with who you are
where you are
then be content and grateful
for all the lessons in life you
have had those lessons
did bring you to
your current position.
With patience all your
dreams and desires will be
fulfilled when your soul is
ready for the next step.
Until then baby rest up
soul search, be at peace
and what will be, will be
Trust in the universe and
your higher soul to bring in
what you need to complete the
lessons go with the flow of life
and it will protect you.
Love you always and
you are never alone.

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