Saturday 9 April 2016

Inner Wisdom and listening to your heart xx

Hi all it is now Saturday I will put up a few of the readings from through the week which seems to be having faith and trusting in what it is your own soul is telling you and to trust your first instincts and the inner wisdom that lies within yourself and try to ignore what it is your ego is telling you is not possible.. Your soul does know all there is to know about your own soul journey and the lessons you came to get on earth at this time when the new energy is being downloaded into our souls energy and the blueprint and reason why we chose life at this time of transition..  The energy that is your soul will remember its origins and its true form without the denseness that is the energy of fear so you will be able to step into the divine being that you truly are if you learn to work with the energy that is changing our consciousnesses so it is a progressive thing depending on your own soul and the pace at which you wish to remember and if you want to open the door to spirit that guides you and is inside of you and always has been. Your soul gets the information it needs as it needs it so you are not in fear of the unknown because it is always you in control of what it is you came here to learn on your souls path..
Reading from Friday 8 April
 "How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone." - Coco Chanel.
You are not a title (that is your vocation) the true being you are comes out in how genuine you are and how you speak from your heart as you are not out to impress anyone, you can then take off your ego mask as you don't need to protect yourself, so it doesn't matter what others think of you because you are being true to yourself.. Facing your own truths frees up your soul to be all that you are and all that you can be not what you do or your relationships with others but the relationship you have with self, it is okay to express how you feel to others and to let go of what is trapped inside, others will respect you for it... I am that I am and that is all that I can be.. love and light xx

I have just drawn two cards first Archangel Michael with a message for a "Favorable outcome" so in this situation all will work out fair for everyone so all involved will get what they need out of the end result, so don't worry what happens as it will be the best and things will work out as they should all in divine time the pieces will fall together as each soul needs it and the lessons that come with this particular outcome. Take the lessons and move on from them don't let the natural flow of events stop you focusing on what is the priority for you at this time just follow each step as it comes to you without pre-judging or trying to control a particular outcome for that causes disappointments when there may be more to come out of the situation at hand you will know in your heart at each and every turn what it is that is best to do for you and others trust in yourself and your own instincts and always lead by the heart don't get caught up in the rigamarole of what goes on or the drama as that leaves you drained of energy so you get stuck and find it hard to move forward with you plan, learning to let go is essential as old energy and choices will hold you back from fulfilling your divine plan you know what this is look within your heart and all is revealed without the mind chatter look to your dreams and all is revealed to you. When negativity strikes let it go call on the angels to change that energy and transmute it into the love and light of you whole soul that is your true being not what has happened to you on earth as they are events that were made or created by your soul to make you stronger so you could evolve past the pain to be your true self again with no holds bar you are a strong warrior of the light and you came here to be of service one to your self and your higher soul but you know deep inside your calling keep searching and stay focused on all that is and you will feel whole and your dreams will manifest into your life as planned when the soul is ready for the challenge ahead of you, everything will fall into place. love and light xx
Archangel Gabriel was the other card and I covered that message above before I drew the card so always honor your own feelings without compromising your relationships because what will be will be if you admit to yourself first what it is you feel and express it to others, because in life you have to do what is best for you at all times so unwanted emotions of fear and negativity are left at bay and you don't get yourself caught up in a karmic cycle where you do things out of guilt or obligation because you end up resenting those you are trying to please so by denying your own emotions you pass that energy onto someone else eventually by being angered or frustrated because your own feeling and emotions have been suppressed and you are left doing things for everyone else and forgetting and not honoring your own feelings which will drain your energy so the need to take it out on others is greatly increased which leaves you feeling worse in the end and gives your soul increased emotional work to do internally that it does not need.. you also run the chance of trying to mask these emotions with unhealthy habits that will leave you drained of energy that then affects your health so mind, body and soul all get affected in this karmic cycle.. love and light xx
Have an awesome day what ever you are doing and remember you need to put self and your emotions first sometimes without guilt or shame, because to look after self means you have more energy to look after others in the long run. "The more emotional freedom you give your self, the more you have emotionally to give to others in need of your guidance and wisdom from your own experiences."

The message again today a lot of the cards I have drawn this week have to do with letting go of control and turning within and letting your own intuition and gut instincts guide you on your path so the energy at this time is to open your higher portals to your soul and just go with the flow of your own life force energy and to trust in what it is your own mind, body and soul is telling you.. So quieting your mind and letting your soul speak of where it is you are to be going on your path and to discern all the information and guidance you receive and to do what it is inside of your own heart that you know what to do. So listening to and tuning into your self and doing the internal work of your soul over your life journey so far so awakening to what your past lessons were and how you got to this place in your life and reflecting on all the relationships you have had, what you learned and then letting go so your own soul has new direction in life the one you are creating if you let go of what is holding you back, releasing all your fears and trusting in the universal life force energy that governs all souls on earth and through their freewill choices they are also choosing the life they need or want to create for their own soul life journey.. So you should be guided by your own heart and belief system that has got you this far and will get you to where your soul already knows to go on its journey home, and that of spiritual enlightenment for the soul never forgets all past incarnation lessons so you will never repeat a karmic pattern or be tied to other souls you need to let go and cut those karmic ties that still have you bound to what choices you are currently making so the need to cut past incarnation vows that have you bound to karmic patterns needs to be released into the cosmos so you are no longer bound by what was but are creating what will be and being led by your intuition so you manifest synchronicity and bring in the law of attraction so all you need is being manifested and created as your soul needs it... By letting go of control by ego you make way for the new human being way of thinking and making choices as you will be guided by the heart and not the mind of ego which has you wanting to control not only self but the actions of others. It is now time to let go and trust in the universal system that will have you at the right place at the right time to meet who it is that will not only help your soul grow but also bring in what it is you are manifesting or dreaming about, your desires will fall into place the more you trust in the intuition and guidance you are receiving from your higher soul as it is a part of you that is always connected through the energy of love that is a part of the whole of what is and what will be the soul evolution of all souls DNA so it is time for the first steps to be taken to step into your own divine being and internalizing all that comes to you through spirit into your own soul body and to internalize all emotions so your truths of soul are known by you and you can then move forward with your own soul journey plan with ease and peace of mind and heart. Go forth with all that is and be all you can be by tuning into self the god being of your own creation.. love and light xx
On the card it says - "Tune into you inner voice. Be aware of any gut feelings, flashes, knowings, or "Aha!" moments that come through to guide you."

Some music to quiet your mind and soothe the soul feel the love permeate through you as you picture the light of the angels coming down through your crown chakra right through your whole body till that light reaches the centre of the earth to where your akashic records are stored within the crystalline grid in the core of the earth where your soul was created and every thought, action and choice you have ever made in your souls incarnations once again becomes a part of your awareness and you can remember what it is you came here for, your purpose will be perfectly clear to you call on the angelic help and your guides to help you to decipher the code within your souls DNA and watch for the signs and symbols that will be send to you via your thoughts and through all your senses, using you intuition and inner knowing things will start to come clear to you and make sense as you do your soul searching and listening to your heart centre.. Focus on the love and light that is your very soul a part of the divine being that makes you a part of the I am that is encoded in the blue print of all that is and all that will be a part of your souls journey in this the new energy you are here to help anchor in to guide other souls through the ascension of all that is their soul journey you are the love and the light of human consciousness, you are the teacher of what is to be and what is to come of humanity.. go forth with courage you are safe, loved and protected and never alone as you complete your journey through this life time, all your dreams and desires are being heard and will manifest into your life when your own soul is ready to unite with the eternal love that is your soul you will once again be complete.. love and light xx 
A further message from Archangel Gabriel is to watch your dreams the answers you are seeking will come into your unconscious mind if you can't recall all of your dreams content on waking it doesn't matter as long as you get enough sleep and your mind goes into the unconscious state all you need to know from spirit will be downloaded or come to you via your dreams it will help you to remember why you came here and also awaken your inner guidance for you will sense and know what information is meant for you after you analyse and run all messages you receive through your heart centre all your souls prayers and energy will be entered into the spirit realm that will help to guide you on this soul journey.. Any ideas and thoughts that keep running through your mind are signs of your spirit guidance as you will get a nagging feeling and the thoughts will keep returning into your consciousness and others may show up with your message so take note of what questions you are asking spirit and let your own senses feel the answers that will come from the higher source so these answers could turn up via someone that crosses your path and makes a comment or in song lyrics if you ask a question and the song is related know it is from a higher source to deliver your message via music to your ears, also a topic brought up through the radio waves or on the media channels and it is something that you wish to know the answer will be found but your inner knowing will just know the answer so trust it and go forth with what it is you dream of and are manifesting. Take note of the dreams in particular and how they make you feel when you wake up as you will know when spirit has visited in those dreams we will leave you the feeling of love and protection and the sign of numbers to know we are complete with the work on your soul energy when called to transmute and use alchemy all gets done in your sleeping hours when your mind is not busy with chatter you are more likely to feel and hear spirit when in a mindless state such as sleep or meditation and those answers will help with any inquires you may have about your life and that of others on your journey as they to will visit in your dreams if you call on them to enter your energy space while you sleep all energy can be melded and joined in your natural state of being of love and light xx  
 One last word from Archangel Michael is to stop worrying about the current situation you are in as it is already resolved you can now forgive and move on, don't waste any more of your energy on things that are not in your control.. What happened was for a good reason which will become apparent if you step back and let things unfold in the natural order of things. Everything that has happened was for your souls and that of others as a learning curve in your souls evolution, it is time to let go and move on from this situation and to stop giving it your soul power and attention. Learn to let go so what happens next can come to you and the lessons your soul needs will follow with any further choices you make.. Let any further worries be carried away by the angelic presence so write them down and call on the angels to release you from this situation and the energy cords that are tying you to it that takes up to much of your energy focus.. Everything happened for a reason seek the reason and the lesson will be no surprise as it was you who created this so you can now let it go as it may not be for your higher good to keep rehashing old energy stuff it is time to move into the new energy with out the past shackles tying you down and depleting your energy, the people involved in this situation need to also learn and abide by the karmic laws that has brought this to the resolution stage, continue to go with your heart and you will be on the right track and path.. love and light xx
On card - My Prayer: "I give any worries, cares and concerns to you in exchange for true peace in all ways. Thank you for resolving this [give details of the situation] in a Divinely perfect way."
Sending love and light 
Look within all the answers
you seek can be found.
Your soul knows the way to
all it needs and it creates
all that you have and 
all that you dream of
so trust in what it is 
your soul tells you
as it knows your
divine plan and 
works with you constantly
at all levels spiritually
to help you bring all your
desires and manifestations
to you at the right time.
The divine time is when 
your soul is ready and your
higher soul and spirit
know when that is by the 
work you have been doing 
internally and through your
thoughts and dreams your
soul energy is sent to where 
you focus it. 
Love you always 
See you in our dreams

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