A lot of confusion with souls with so much chaos going on around them, it is time to focus on what it is YOU want to bring and manifest into your life as the more peaceful you are as a soul the more things will be peaceful around you no matter what is going on as it is not in your control what others are doing in this world.. You are responsible fully for what you are manifesting into your life as it is a part of the whole of creation the more love and light that surrounds you the more love and light that is spread to others in the world..
I have called on Archangel Gabriel this morning for any guidance that is needed at this time "Ask for What You want" so another message like part of yesterdays and to seek within to what it is you really need right now in your life and keep your energy focused on manifesting it to you with faith, belief and hope in your heart that it will come to you in time with patience.. If you are currently feeling stuck in your position in life call on the angelic realm to help get your mind out of the fear based ego manipulation that you can not achieve what you want, need or desire for you right now as everything does come together when you know what it is in your heart you want and wish to achieve you are the creator of everything in your life by your thoughts and the law of attraction you draw that energy to you that becomes your existence, you can get yourself caught up in a negative karmic cycle just as you can get yourself caught up in a positive one it all starts with your thoughts and what it is you are wishing to achieve.. but be truthful with yourself and manifest into your life all you need from finances, a new career path or love interest as you can call any soulmate you were to meet into your life and when they are ready they will appear at the right time the soul is ready for the next step in your path.. never stop focusing your positive thoughts on what you need, and see yourself already there whether it is a book being published or being with the one you love that you have not met yet everything is possible in this life and your soul knows its own plan you as the human just has to remember it and it will be your choices that take you there, with synchronicity all falls into place.. Don't focus your thoughts and energy on what you don't want as it to will be manifested as you are in total control of your own needs so be clear in what you are manifesting as your wishes do come true.. xx love and light xx "Clear communication with yourself, with God, and with others helps you avoid misunderstandings and speeds up the process of answered prayers."
I have just drawn 3 more cards with the question of how I can guide those who come and read my blog or FB page to bring them to a place of peace..
So a message for those that have had some sort of shake up or change in their life that has brought on some sadness and you feel the need to isolate yourself from others just so you don't have to feel pain or let others know how you are really feeling as you don't want to bother others so instead you try and cope and deal with any sort of loss or change on your own and you really are feeling stuck and isolated because you can not currently find a solution as to why things had to change as they did so you feel sadness and fear there fore you are having trouble on focusing what is ahead for you so you are feeling a bit stuck and have no direction as your mind is not letting you move from where you are emotionally.. It is time to change that perception of being stuck because that is the energy you are drawing onto yourself out of fear that things will need to change within your own life as you feel like you are getting no where, this is what is blocking your souls energy and not letting the ideas or solutions come in because you just can not see the light at the end of the tunnel with your current position if you are struggling financially let the thought go that you will not have enough or not bring in more financial aid when you need it as this is what is blocking those ideas and solutions coming into you, and you cause yourself a negative karmic cycle based on fear which can't see outside of itself or an answer to your prayers.. You need to keep your focus on what you do have going good in your life and work on a positive karmic cycle and know that all your needs are being fulfilled maybe not all your wants but the basics of life and having all that you need, and knowing if you ask the divine part of your soul that your needs have changed that those dreams you have and are focusing on will then start to form with further guidance and then taking action when you know things are not working out so well at the moment.. These moments in time of your life never last as they only serve as lesson and challenges you need to overcome at the time of what choices you made that brought you to that place in your life, you have freewill and choice to change any aspect of your life at any time but the thought of change is sometimes overwhelming if you can not see how your dreams are going to be fulfilled that is where faith comes in and knowing that your current position is not permanent but just another stepping stone on your path to the better things that are coming into your life once you let go of trying to control destiny as it will be your fears that stop you from taking action or moving forward on your souls path.. Trust in yourself and your own divine plan things are not going to be as they are now if you keep moving forward and search your soul and be really clear with what it is you want and asking spirit for their assistance to help bring in what it is you need, desire and dream about.. It is within your reach so don't isolate yourself ask for what it is you need without guilt as every soul on earth is here to help each other and that comes with our lessons both negative ones and positive ones as that is our dual energy system and you can not have one without the other it is how you see your self and how you can lift yourself out of dire situations that you may of found yourself in through out your life.. Let go of what it is you no longer need emotionally that way you are inviting the new into your life but the first step is admitting to yourself that change needs to happen and then setting your goals to get yourself out of the current situation.. You can do it the soul and human spirit is so strong it just takes courage and commitment from yourself and learning to take care of your spiritual and emotional needs first and letting go of any negative aspects so the positive karma can come into your life and stay there..
This is the energy centre that opens your mind to all solutions and your own spiritual wisdom of life as we know it from past incarnations once you open this energy centre the whole universe opens up and your own souls wisdom and that of spirit comes rushing in but it will be one step at a time as it means trusting yourself and trusting the messages you are receiving are for real and from spirit.. One step at a time and your whole world opens up to infinite wisdom so you find all your solutions plus more the hand of spirit reaches down into your energy portals so you can then invite in with your intentions all the answers to the questions you have of spirit but also of yourself and what or who is your soul as its wisdom pours in and you will be led to where it is you need to go, to find out exactly who you are and your life purpose.. The soul always knows of your divine plan and where it is you need to be, it is just a matter of searching within for all the answers will resonate with you as you discern any information you may get from others as your own soul knows its own journey in life and it is your own intellectual wisdom you are tapping into to get you to where it is in life you need to go.. There are many meditations on Youtube that will help open and activate all your energy centres of the soul as they do become clogged or unclear if you have fear based energy surrounding the Chakra centres and things in your life don't seem to be working out try activating or clearing your souls energy and open the world of the universal energy system into your own mind, body and soul as it is all connected and is the life force energy of who you are in human and spiritual form.. The crown chakra helps to clear any mental issues as well so it brings healing to you if you need to clear your mind of unnecessary clutter and chatter that has you seeing only fear and not the light at the end of the tunnel so work on clearing all energy centres so you as the human can become balanced and be able to manifest in life what it is you need with will power and courage there is nothing you can not achieve.. Picture a white or any colour divine light run through your crown through your whole body and light it up and cleanse your soul of any insecurities or impurities that are no longer of any service to you or your highest good that includes any emotions that you have not let go and have come suppressed within your energetic auric field..
"To prevent burnout, slow down. Honor your need for quiet time and peaceful sleep to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.".
After all you've been through with the soul reformation and letting go of any fear based emotions it is time to surrender to sleep and rest up so you can re-energize your whole mind, body and soul call on the Angelic and Ascended Masters realms to help your soul remove any toxins that have your mind, body or soul be constantly on the move and keeping you awake at nights. You need your rest so you don't burnout or over extend your soul energy as when you are always on the go it is your mind that starts to play up as you don't know what to do with yourself if you aren't always on the go. It is time to stop this karmic energy behavior so you can become fully and whole as well as balanced again and when we ask for angelic guidance or assistance it will be in our sleeping hours that the spirit world will come and visit you and change your souls energy system if you ask them to and others can come and visit in your dreams to leave you messages of love and hope and leave you feeling so loved and cared for.. There is a time for action but also for rest as a human body can not be sustained if it is exerting energy all the time, if your body has got into some sort of routine of insomnia it is time to try some meditation routines just so your mind can stop racing and you get your sleep and rest and your crown chakra when open all information comes in with clarity, because your mind has settled into a different routine.. Call on the angelic realm once again to help you calm your mind so you have clarity and can clear you mind of unwanted thoughts and energy when you need to be balanced within yourself.. When you are balanced energetically on the inside the life just flows and you can handle any of life situations that comes up because you mind is clear and you can find your solutions more easily or just welcome change if things happen out of the blue.. You know you are safe and protected and can handle any of life challenges that come your way... More sleep equals less stress and anxiety because your mind does become clear and all divine guidance can be heard and action taken as needed without fear... love and light xx
Open your heart and release fear and you will feel how much I miss you
and want you home where you are safe, warm and protected from harm.
I have just drawn a card from the Ascended Masters and Paul the Venetian has come out "Artistic Expression" so one way to release all this pent up emotions you are going through is to go through the channels of your own creativity whether you are a writer, singer, love to play music or dance, or pick up a paint brush or do art/craft of some kind it is a way to release your fears or the love you feel by filling those passions with the creative outlet that gives you the most pleasure even if you have never tried a particular technique or tried any type of art now might be a good time to do it to help take your mind off other things as well as releasing what is inside as it comes out in your work.. I think this is a message for someone to let their creative passions out in writing even if it is only for you now you can share it later as it will bring out what it is you are feeling and you so much need the relief outlet so you can get back to being your cheerful, optimistic and happy full of jokes self .. You are not feeling in that frame of mind at the moment so it is time to get yourself out of the karmic cycle that you have got your self into and leave your past behind as it is no longer serving you and it is only taking your soul power and making you feel so down, it is time to get past this period in your life and open up to what it is your heart is telling you and to express yourself to those that matter in your life and to stop hiding behind the pain that keeps you protected behind a wall of silence that you mask to others that you are okay, because you really aren't and you do need to admit these fears to yourself so you can move past them, call on the angelic realm as you no longer need to keep struggling in life when you are able to manifest what it is you need at any given moment in time.. find your passion and it will be your soul path you have been seeking as it is seeking you, write down all you are feeling and call on the angelic realm to remove what it is that no longer serves your higher soul as it is bringing you down to a low vibration which has you feeling in a stuck position with no direction or solutions to get you out of the current situation, let go and let god bring in those answers, open your heart and clear your mind and be at peace with who you are and your journey so far as you have accomplished so much of what it is you came to do but that is now over and it is time you moved on to other things that light up your life, your soul knows what this is as it will be your first thoughts when you read this message.. Hang in there and never give up believe in yourself and move forward now .. xx love and light xx
Sending you love and light
You are in my heart
now and forever more.
Rest and relax
get up to full speed
and let your energy return,
get your pen and paper
out and express how it
is you are feeling
open your heart
and your mind and
you will be able
to hear and see me
as well through telepathic
channels that only
our soul can hear
and connect this has
to happen first before
any physical contact
your soul needs to
be at peace with itself
and to be able to process
all emotions and be able
to release any fear that
comes to you for the
Twinflame connection
is so intense all fear
needs to be released now.
In order for the next step
of our soul evolution.
I give you my strength and
courage and so much love
to see you through these
dark days as they
will not last we
still have so much to do.
I can't wait for the day
to see and hold you once again
like at the start of our creation.
When we were one with
all that is our spirit and soul.
I love you always give
me your pain and I will
take it away and never
let you fall into the abyss again.
Love and light is our soul
always and eternally.