Saturday 20 August 2016

Family shots, Listen to only Love xx

Hi all I have started my new post with new guidance that I will draw in a minute first  I will show you a few photo's of my grand daughters and one from my childhood my sister just sent it to me via text I would of been about 9 or 10 at the time I am the one holding the swinging monkey on the left.. Mum used to make most of our clothes growing up or we had hand me downs from cousins as there were quite a few girls in our family, I have 20 cousins out of them 8 were boys and all older then me the rest are girls  including my 3 sisters (so my nan and pop had 23 grandkids and plenty of great grands)  I had no brothers so I was very shy around males but shy around all people I'm very reserved and kept to myself I have been a great observer of the human spirit because I didn't open myself up to just anyone..  My elder sister in the photo she done most of my talking for me when I was little I never had to ask for a thing because if she wanted something and asked for it we both got whatever it was we are 15 months apart..

Some more recent photo's of my grand daughters from 10 days ago when I met them at 
work because they joined playgroup for the first time which is held at the school.

Enough family shots and childhood memories for some reason I don't remember a great deal of maybe because my soul has moved on from what happened it feels like is a lifetime ago..

I have just called on Archangel Gabriel and have drawn "Listen Only To Love" so a time to release all fears and listen to what it is your heart is telling you, let go of any doubts and negativity about any situation that is going on in your life, and listen to your emotions and let go of any negative aspects of what it is you are going through as all is in divine order you are going through your current lessons in order to help your soul grow and evolve into a stronger, freer being of light it is time for you to let go of fear and to raise your soul energy higher so you can reach the divine power of your own soul and to be at one with yourself and all of creation, as a part of your soul divine mission in this life time you are to ascend to a higher way of being. In order for you to do this you need to be at one with who you are and why you are here at this time and to work and be of service to the wider community so you can help carry and be a part of the change of consciousness by holding your soul in the higher power of love. as you manifest in what you need you need to release fear and ego when it comes to you, do not be afraid of the emotional journey as it is necessary for you to release all that is and all that was and to live you life in the now time so you can be the creator of the next part of your journey without the restrictions or the karmic energy of any of your past action you need to release that now in order for your soul to move forward with your divine mission and to bring in your manifestations and dreams you need to release all that it is that comes to your emotional body, do not be afraid of this as we your spirit and angel guides can help you shift energy and be of the light of your true soul body and that of your soul essences of pure divine love release your fears now free your soul from others ego be who you are say what you mean speak from the heart and know your own truths in order to work through them and release your soul from any pain and emotional healing you need at this time you are loved and never alone be at peace with all that is going on at this time.. love and light xx
On card "Don't allow fear to distract you from your Divine mission!"

I have drawn a card now from the Romance Angels and the message is to "Retreat" so time for a bit of time out and for a bit of soul searching to find what it is you want out of life and to set your intentions as to what sort of relationship you want going into the future, you need to start with the search for love within your self so you can draw to you the love you want out of life without the control of ego or fears your soul is love and it is your soul essence so a need to release fears, so you can be all that you are to bring in your soulmate and to lift your soul to a higher vibration in order you open your heart to all that it is and to bring in what it is you crave and desire at this time in your life.. Your soul wants to move forward so in order to do that you may need to retreat out into nature and to move away from all distractions as you go within and do some soul searching in order to release that wall and that which no longer serves your higher purpose in life and that of your divine soul plan.. You also need to release you soul from the ego and fears of others that are trying to control you and block your soul energy from moving on so old issues from the past may be resurfacing for you to deal with and to release as those lesson are over your meeting with other souls have served there purpose and left you with soul lessons, know what those lessons were for your soul in order you forgive and to let your higher soul you are ready to move on from that situation that keeps coming up that gives you pain and is controlling your thoughts as to why you can not give or receive love as your past experience of being hurt are building a wall around you heart, so you feel no self worth of the chain of events that caused any breakups.. It is time to leave old ways and habits in the past as your soul is no longer in that lesson move on and move forward with your divine life mission of love and light, live in the now time and accept what is until your heart tells you it is time to go to the next stage of your soul journey.. Retreat and be committed to the bigger soul plan you have, set your intentions and have patience as all falls into place you need to be at peace with yourself and at one with who you are..  love and light xx
On card "It's time to disconnect from the world."

A loving word from Jesus now "PRAY ALWAYS" (Luke 21:36)  a message to always ask spirit or the angelic realm for what it is your soul needs to help you on your soul journey call in anything you want to manifest into your live believe and have patience as what you are manifesting may take to to evolve as your soul needs t be in the right place at the right time to bring in the opportunities you had been hoping for or dreaming of. Trust that all your prayers are heard an it is your energy of the soul that helps you to bring in and manifest all you need in life so do not fear of ever going without as god will provide all that you need so release your fears and let things happen on a natural balance of your own soul energy so stay positive about what path you are taking and follow your heart to where it leads you in life, follow your passions and pray for what it is you need to stay on your soul mission for all will be provided to you when you need it and when your soul is in the right energy to accept all that is given to you. love and light xx
Last message is from Archangel Michael "Admit the truth to yourself, and act accordingly" a message to face your fears and face your truths and to admit to your feelings and to stop putting off what you know you must do and to act out according to what it is you are feeling, and stop hiding behind a wall and turning to other substances to try and hide what you have been putting off and admitting you have a problem because of your past lessons and facing your demons in order your soul can move on from this current situation you know what you must to in your heart. Stop suppressing what it is you know in your soul to be true and admit to what it is you are so afraid of and release your soul from your past. Learn how to forgive yourself and any other soul involved don't look at your future through the lens of the past as your soul has moved on from those lesson. Learn to love yourself as you would another open your heart you are deserving of love and to both give and receive it as you have done nothing wrong. Don't let your self doubts affect what could  be face your fears and your problems and free your soul from this torture you don't need to keep doing this and running from things that are your destiny and a part of your soul plan, keep going you have more to give don't sell your self short and be a mirror to that which you adore.. Call on Archangel Michael to help with any energy blocks and to cut any cords of attachment to the thing that you no longer need in your life as the are affecting your ability to reach your higher self and your dreams will be held back  the energy blocks of you not being at one with yourself and at peace with who you are, and the situation you are in that is of your own making you don't have to be afraid as you are loved, safe, protected and never alone in this world.. Let go, open your heart, open your mind and let things happen in a natural flow of your souls life force energy spirit will bring it all together when it is time after your soul is free from this energy block of putting off what you know is to be true.. xx love and light xx
Written on card - My Prayer: " I appreciate your support in helping me face my feelings with grace and acceptance so that I can be lovingly honest with myself and others. Thank you Archangel Micheal, for giving me courage and strength."

 I have a bit of a Rumi energy on the blog today so I will leave you with a Gift of Love let the energy fill your heart as it does mine and it raises your soul higher to where it should be when I think of you.. you are my soul essence love you always xx 

Sending you  Love and light 
let it be your soul essence
as it is mine. 
I am that I am 
A spiritual being of 
love and light

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