I thought I would show you some more photo's I've taken of the wonders I see from nature where I live some time last month I caught these images of the sun peaking through the clouds like a spotlight on the hill and trees below it looked so magical in real life I looked out my window and seen it so grabbed my camera and went on the front verandah where I caught the images I do love living on this peaceful little hill where I do and seeing the mountain view..
This was the reading from Tues 4 Oct when I started this post ..
Look after your health needs by grounding yourself and going outdoors to bring in the energy of nature and the energy of your life force that may be a bit drained of energy at this time..
Watch your dreams and call in Archangel Michael to help replace any negative energy you may be feeling about your future and what it is you don't know yet, all is as it should be and with divine timing and synchronicity all your dreams and manifestations will fall into place have faith in the divine energy of your own soul life force to always bring in what you need to help you on your soul journey.. It was planned before you entered the earth realm you had lessons you wanted to learn and karmic energy you had to balance be at peace in knowing that the karmic energy you brought in has now cleared or will clear once you can forgive all those in the past and also forgive yourself for any choices you may of made that still has a hold on you it is time you let this energy go so you can bring forward and manifest all that you are and all that you can be going into the future as soul energy is timeless you will not leave the earth until you have achieved what it was your soul came to earth for..
Call on me to help lift your soul to a higher state of consciousness and to fill your soul with the divine love of the angelic realms of whence you came from to be a light and a beacon to those souls that need you to lead the way of truth and integrity going into the next phase of soul evolution.. Don't have self doubts or pity on yourself as your soul is on the right path no matter if some times you get lost on the way the angelics will help you find that direction and the way of it again with guidance and love, you can then make the choices from your heart or ego but know that your heart will always lead you to the way of the choices of your soul that is where it was you were supposed to go in this lifetime..
Don't give up as you have so much more to do and to look forward to as you manifest into your life what it is you need as you go. Be in no hurry as time is irrelevant in spirit and soul works in divine time when the energy of soul is ready to go ahead all opportunities will be opened to you if you go with a positive mindset and have a belief and trust in the divine process that has heard your prayers and they will be fulfilled at the right time for your soul.. Work on the challenges you are in now with love in your heart and know that they are only temporary as you take baby steps towards those dreams and your divine soul plan.. You are loved beyond measure and never alone as you go through any emotional journeys call on me to help lift your soul to a higher vibration so you can see the light and follow it home. xx love and light xx
On card:- "Before going to sleep tonight, say 'Archangel Michael, please enter my dreams and replace fear with faith and trust. Let me be filled with strength, courage and confidence."
The quote on my calendar today Friday 7 Oct says
"All great truths begin as blasphemies." - George Bernard Shaw..
So if we didn't have lies we would not go searching for the truth you
can not have one without the other.. it is the positive and negative
energy of the universe.. You as a soul have to see the darkness in order
to feel and know the light especially that of your own soul, you need
to experience pain in order to grow and evolve that is just the energy
of freewill and having the choices in
life of how you walk through your emotions.. Pain usually means you are
healing whether it is from a physical or health issue the pain usually
shows before the healing occurs it is your thoughts that will help the
healing speed up the process because if you are in low energy as a soul
you create the negative energy so it is blocking the healing from
happening in order to move fears you need to face the truth about what
is blocking your energy in order to move past them that is where out
emotions come in and help with that process in order to remove them you
have to face them head on and this is internal soul work as the truth
always comes from within your soul as it always knows what is missing or
what it is you want to manifest according to your own soul and divine
plan the purpose of why you chose life in the first place as it is
always to be of service to the bigger source the one that is so wide and
expansive your human mind would never be able to comprehend it all.The first step to healing is being truthful with self then all else falls into place as your soul is then at peace and going with your own life force energy a need to let go of ego and control of things you can not control..
This is why it is important to not suppress your true emotions but to express your needs to others because you soul does always know of your own plan, it is just a matter for you to follow your heart into making the right choices because your soul is of a higher vibration so you are in direct contact with your higher soul on a conscious level so you will always end up where it was you were supposed to go even if it is into those situations that bring up fear because as I said above you need both in order to learn and grow as a soul..
It is now Sunday I have just drawn the card "Forgiveness".. to forgive is to set your soul free from the past and your emotions that are suppressed and trying to control you from experiences you may of had in your life that you no longer need so know what your lessons were and first of all forgive yourself for any of the choices you made as that event and lesson is now over so you don't need to carry guilt over hurting someone as you hurt yourself more by hanging on to the emotional energy that needs to be let go of as the other people involved may no longer be in your life but by not forgiving them if they also hurt you is to hold on to the emotional cords so energetic attachments that still have you tied together and those attachments are stopping you from moving forward in case you get hurt again, so in truth the other person still has a hold on you and is controlling you through your emotions so you can not let go and know of your lesson until you forgive your own actions and also the actions of others that were in the situation with you.. Everything in life is about a lesson that your soul came here to learn and by holding on to the emotional energy of the situation means you are still in fear of it happening again so it is controlling you so your soul is not free emotionally to move on or heal from the past so you are creating a karmic energy pattern around yourself that involves events from your past that you no longer need.. The other souls involved also need to be set free from further karmic energy surrounding them and you so in further incarnations all is over so you are then free to plan your next life and incarnation as a soul with out continuing the same lessons as you would have passed that karmic energy within yourself so it is about balancing your energy and forgiveness is a major step in your soul healing on an emotional level from situations and experiences in your past that no longer serve you right now.. You can also send forgiveness to those that have passed over if you never got the chance to apologize or want to clear your karmic energy in that relationship as they can still hear and feel your emotions even if they are in the spirit world as they are still connected to you through your own soul energy, so if you were treated badly by someone that has passed over if you forgive them they will be freed from further lessons with you on that front they do send you love and want you to know that all was done for a lesson that would make you stronger so it was done out of love on an esoteric level just to help you grow and evolve and to grow into the strong person that you are..
I called in Yeshua and the message is "Give, and it shall be given unto you." (Luke 6:38) so this is a message to give to other and what you give it will be returned to you in way of energy what you give you receive so if you are surrounded in the energy of fear that is what will come back to you if you treat others with that energy but it is okay as this is needed in order for you to release your fears and the fears of others are also coming out to be released but it is all in the way you react to each situation you are put in in life as you have two choices one is to act of of love and compassion so walking away from conflict and taking the high road to save peace just for your own soul, or to confront and release your fears which may cause conflict and arguments with others it is always your choice in life how you wish to react to all situations and experiences that come to you but the energy you are surrounding yourself with is what you will draw to you, including the people in your life as souls are like magnets and those in the same energy will be drawn to you as you touch something within their souls so you are creating the energy around yourself that will bring in what your soul needs at the time you go through any experiences in life. If you bring kindness and compassion into the world that is the energy that will surround you but you may not always get the same in return from all souls but when you need the kindness on one of your bad days some one will come to you with the same energy that you give to others so all good deeds are noted and it creates your karmic energy so whenever you need something in your life to turn up you can call upon spirit and your higher soul and it will turn up in your life when your soul is ready to accept that what you have called in but you also need to have an optimistic outlook and trust that what you need has been heard by spirit and any thing you are going through now is a step towards making that dream come true it is totally up to you what it is you are manifesting into your life by the energy that you create yourself.. Your life is created by the energy that you create around yourself so be it negative or positive it is what you are drawing into your life by choice so you can always shift the energy by changing your thoughts which will change your emotions and perspective of how you see your life right now in every moment and what lessons it is you are drawing to your soul as every experience you have is bring some lesson to you about your own souls energy and how you are learning to balance it by how you treat yourself and how you see yourself and how you see others so it will always come back to you.... love and light xx
How are you the energy must be a bit harsh today and all week I've been up and down with my emotions all week and feeling so alone, stuck and rejected.. I know it is the energy within the universe pushing souls right now to step inside of them selves so a lot of souls are going through and emotional rollercoaster ride in order to releases any fears so I am no exception I just have to ride it out and call in my angelic helpers to help me shift this energy not only from my own soul but also from others as my heart is breaking as I release fears of my own.. I did draw a few cards earlier that told me to "Trust" and there was "No need to worry" so I will try and take their guidance..
Sending love and light out to any souls that are hurting right now and need healing because much chaos is going on in reading the news and the natural disasters that are happening at the moment.. I start back at school tomorrow so my normal working hours begin now that the kids are returning to school after two weeks off I did only get one of those weeks and my afternoons off and it was raining most of the time so hopefully the sun will be out so I can start my walking again .. My baby turns 14 on Thursday so we are taking him 10 pin bowling on the weekend and buying him his present a new desktop it has been on our list to get for over a year and I got the money together with my tax return so we can finally get it...
I've been listening to a lot of music this weekend while tuning out and being creative. Here is one song I was listening too Michael Bolton..
Sending love and light
You don't know what it is like
to love somebody as much
as I love you ..
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