Friday 7 March 2014

Earth Angels - Light workers..

I couldn't sleep so was having a look at Youtube and come across this video it sounds so much like me that this is why I started this blog.. maybe to help others that are learning about spirituality and their souls path as well..
I will share my story when I get my thoughts clear and my photo's together..
 I will explain further on what Awakening and other parts of the Youtube clip mean to me and why parts of it sound like me and my nature my next post will be on Who I am.
I will also share my Own Angel stories. I don't know if I'm a Earth Angel but I am exploring and learning all I can on the subject and helping other people by just being me and showing them how I deal with things internally and show how I see things from my perspective - as it is what I have always done as I struggle with asking for help with things so I'm very independent of thought and action and tend to do things my own way in my own time  ..

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