Friday, 1 May 2015

Death, Love, Life and Indecision xx

G'day it is now another new month the 1st of May so I thought I would catch up and fill you in on what has been going on with me.. I've been busy with work this last month and also feeling so tired at times we lost my pussy cat on Wednesday which was sad because Tiger was such a loving puss at lunch when I came home he was sitting on the rug very quietly which was unusual because he always 'meows' or sits near the door in a near chance he will get inside, when we first got him he was an indoor cat but he made a mess on the floor so he got put outside which was okay because it was around the time we brought the puppy home so to save the cat from being annoyed they needed to be separated, though Tigey was lovely to the dog it let it bite him and play games and even licked it at times he was a very patient cat. Sam loved him as well he brought him in some nights and he cuddled him up in bed, last night Sam said "Can we get another puss like Tiger" I told him yes one day because not all cats are as patient as tiger so not sure they would be the same.. Anyway I had pulled the Death card twice maybe 3 times from my new deck 'Soul Journey' not sure what it was about for it has many meanings depending on the question asked and who it was for as death is never final for all souls are eternal so really the death of anything just means an ending so you can start a new beginning, but many things ran through my mind of what it could mean for me as I have a glimpse of my future but I don't want that just know for in my minds eye I can see images of some of my fate but that rests in the hands of God for now.. Anyway when I went to work at about 2 o'clock I picked up puss and put him in a box where he sleeps sometimes up on a table and thought he would be okay I also opened him a tin of tuna and left it for him to eat but by the time I got home I just missed his last breath as he must of jumped down from the table to hide behind a couch we have out the back where he left this world so he got buried under the tree with a few other pets we have lost but I am missing him I think for I feel something is missing from my life today as he was always at the door looking for tucker no matter how much he was fed he still looked for more.. I do love cats for they are independent creatures and only need love, food and a great place to sleep for they come to you when they want affection.. dogs are different for they are loyal and want to be by your side all the time like puppy beside me now she follows me in and out of the room and waits at the door if I'm in the shower... We did have another cat but when we brought Tiger home he got his nose out of joint cat have a jealous streak so he used to hiss us all but me he eventually ran away from home we seen him down the street a few times he must of adopted another family for he looks well fed and after Tiger died the other cat turned up at the back door so he must of came to say goodbye to Tiger as well I did call to him and he said "meow" and jumped the fence but think he came back later for a feed..

RIP Tiger you were a beautiful cat hope to see you again one day
For my birthday I ordered some new decks of Oracle cards to play with or to bring you some messages from the angels and spirit above tonight I have just drawn 2 and put them on my FB page so here they are and I will do one more just for those that come to my blog seen as I have neglected you all over the last week or two I must try and get my priorities right and start blogging more for I know spirit has so much for me to pass on to you all and I have been making my affirmations to try and open my channels even more along with some more books to read on the subject I think I really do need more hours in a day or maybe just eyes to last or stay open a bit longer at nights for I get so tired lately I'm not sure why maybe this new energy has got me feeling lethargic or maybe working to hard and eating to much sugary stuff since Easter.
 I have just drawn 2 cards from a new deck and they are "You are Clairvoyant" by Belinda Grace the first card was "LOVE" this is a card to remind you of your own self worth and the person that needs love is you first once you can love yourself enough it will show and shine the light for others to see you standing in your own power and not letting anyone getting things over you for you know within yourself what you will accept in the behaviour of others. Also once you love your...self others will see the true you and not the ego self where we put on a show of how they expect us to be so your soul will show for them to love and accept you as is, or they will at least help you with soul growth if they are not in your life for long. Our souls journey is one where we are to find love within ourselves but also with others so every one that comes into your life for lessons "Love is the driving force" of why we are here to seek out those we in spirit made plans with long ago so with synchronicity they will cross your path and no matter how you are treated in spirit it came from love for they wanted to help your soul grow and evolve into the magnificent soul you are today in this the present moment.. So with LOVE as your guiding light you will speak with honesty and integrity to all that you meet for FEAR will make you act out angrily or with haste or frustration at others but also at yourself for feeling that way, it is for a reason we act out of fear for it is soul growth lesson you still need so you can always see people with love even when they treat you bad or in a negative way for it is their soul that needs growth so they can walk away from bad situations.
The second card was "NATURE JOURNEY" so when the weather is right for you to venture outdoors it is time to clear your mind and raise your energy vibrations as you connect with mother nature and the fresh air or spend some time just relaxing as you watch the ocean shores, maybe just in a park or by a river anywhere is fine as long as you are relaxed and of clear mind your energy will raise in order for you to reach any solutions to problems you may have for out in nature the Angels messages seem clearer and by the ocean or water they seem to have a better frequency to connect with you and to send love, light and blessing to make sure you are okay as your soul walks on this earth journey.. love and light xx .


The other cards I pulled just for the blog readers that will come here to visit at some point a message of "INDECISION" so when making choices in your life trust on your intuition for it comes from the first gut feelings you have over what to do when faced with challenges or changes that we sometimes have to make. Our intuition comes from our soul and our emotions and feelings are the first things to react and send messages to our mind but our mind then works overtime and goes in to analysing all things and we then have our ego's tuning in on our thoughts, our ego will be negative and try and talk you down or out of the first instinct you had or that spot on intuition for our soul really does know why it came here and what it needed to learn in order to either balance karmic debt or complete another special mission as long as our soul is here it is always in the position to lead us where we need to go at any given time based on what our soul plans were when in spirit for they will always be fulfilled before it is our time to go back home from where our soul(spirit) came from and all those that were meant to cross our paths will for everything in life is divinely guided by your soul and all of spirit above so if you look at every person in the same matter you will see everything that has ever happened in your life was meant to be for you planned it just for your soul growth and to evolve and pay of debt to balance your own energy so you come from a place of love and to do that is to use your intuition in life and let your heart lead you to where it is you need to go, there are no mistakes in life or failures just a path or detour to where it is your soul is meant to be, for it is like a GPS tracking your progress and your feelings will always let you know if things are amiss or just not meant to be for you will feel unhappy or just stuck where you are for your soul knows there is more you came here to do and that a mission was set in your DNA and soul plan a very long time ago.. So your soul will continue to search until such time as you use your intuition and end up on the path you were meant to be on but all paths eventually lead to home no matter what detours you take on the way.
On the card "I use my intuition in all aspects of life".. So always follow your heart ..
"FORGIVENESS" is the second card for to forgive is to set your emotions free from past behaviour of others or even your own choices you regret for forgiveness is for your own soul and not to let others off the hook for how they acted in hurting you, for as long as you carry those emotions you are tied to that person so they are still holding power over you so it is time to let go of the past and open your heart for the future to be let in.. For old emotions you cling onto are blocking your heart and your mind from opening to its full extent so your guidance may not be coming in as clear as it should. So forgive and forget and sent love and light to that person for their soul needs work for acting the way they did towards you for they acted out of fear for one reason or another sometimes it is just to make you feel guilt for they have a hold on you through your emotions.. So cut the cords and let go walk away from a bad situation and let the other person lead their own life and to also find themselves for they don't have a right to hold stuff over you any longer for the past is gone and you have learnt your lesson so it is time to forgive yourself and open yourself up to live in the present for your future is bright with out the negativity you still hold onto.. forgive and let go of past emotions now call on Archangel Michael to release the pain or trapped emotions and replace them with love and light instead so your heart becomes open and your mind as well.. On the card "I acknowledge that harbouring resentment blocks the flow of love."  so as long as you hold on to the old emotions the new love or energy won't come in.. love and light xx

Tomorrow I'm going to a Health and Healing Expo so that should be fun it is going to be an Annual event so maybe next year I might be able to have a stall or something. In 2 weeks I hope to be doing my first Reiki workshop so I've contacted the Reiki master to see if she has room for me this month if not the next one is in June in Wagga so it is over 3 days starting on a Friday night..  So I will be a Certified Realm Reader, Certified Angel Card reader and a Reiki healer but I have also a lot of other things I wish to do as well so one step at a time.. I've been getting a lot of messages I'm on the right path and that my wishes and dreams will come to bear as they always have for my soul knows what my mission is but it is a matter of working hard on myself and helping others at the same time for once you find your soul and others there is no going back for your spiritual path is set and you can't un-know what you know is the truth for each of our souls has a truth detector for who we are and why we came here to earth and some of us came here to serve and help humanity at this time so there is no going back for your soul will keep calling you back to that path, if it doesn't reach it your soul will be always searching so you will not feel happy or contented in what you are doing so you may chop and change jobs, relationships etc. all the time until your soul find your life purpose. Though those changes are a part of your plan to help your soul growth to bring you to your purpose for your spirit guides will always be helping you find that purpose so nothing is ever an accident or coincidence either in life..
Music Rod Stewart - When I need you 
After a long post of catch up
Sending Love and Light
out to you, may your
change in life be all
that you wished for
and you find peace and
happiness within for
that is what life is about
finding you first before
you allow others into
your heart at this time.
May you find your
true path where you
went for my soul is
your soul where ever
you are we are bound
together by the ties that
bind our souls from the
start of creation our
blueprint is the same.
Love is our mission
to welcome in this new
energy.. Even when I
feel alone I know you
are there to make me
whole.. Love is
eternal and infinite.
No matter what
you do for my love is
pure and unconditional and it's
the divine I see in you.
Love you always

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