Friday, 3 July 2015

Angel messages and Psychic Attacks xx

Hi all it is now lunch time (Thursday) I went for my walk this morning in the rain well it is a bit misty, wet and cold as snow is expected a bit higher up in the mountains so it won't reach us but we still get the cold weather associated with it.. I decided to call on the angels this morning and draw a card for anyone that might come to read my blog I hope it resonates with you.. I did call on Archangel Michael I've been doing that a lot over the last couple of days and he left me signs this morning while going on my walk still releasing this negative energy that has attached to my soul so tears were flowing and I asked for the pain to be taken away so the clouds opened up to let me see the sun so he let me know he was there as well as two big calling cards of blue feathers along my walk that weren't there before as I walked around about 6 times or more and didn't see them until after my pleas to take this pain away. Now I do feel much better I hope now all negativity has left my emotional body as I really  don't like to cry and feel my emotional body (my soul) weep.. All the beautiful birds were out they must love this weather I have 4 magpie friends as soon as my car pulls up they come and greet me as I give them something to eat today it was premium crackers that I got out of the cupboard I think they liked them.. I also saw 2 Kookaburra's and pretty green and red birds they might of been Rosella's (not sure) and a Galah..
Today's card along with those 2 big blue feathers I picked up which mean spiritual protection, communication and other things that are on the link above to me it signified Archangel Michael was around as I called him in to clear this energy about 3 times this morning and now the card to LET GO OF FEAR so that is any negative thoughts about your self or others as negative thoughts and other angry reactions are all fear based energy and come from your ego as your soul thoughts are based from love energy, your ego is your shadow self so it will be self doubting and stop you from achieving anything and will be a low frequency vibration so it is very heavy energy that drags your soul down and causes illness, stress, worry and anxiety as well as anger towards others.. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael please help me feel safe and deserving of your guidance. Thank you for clearing me of heavy, toxic or ego-based thoughts or feelings." This card was as much for me as anyone that is doubting I actually drew that card earlier and I put it back in the deck but then just came back and shuffled the deck again and asked for any messages for any blog reader that may come.. Maybe it is also a message because of my last post about my observations of others living sub consciously with fears for they do show in our reactions to others the fears come out so we ourselves can deal with the fear, because we are in this new energy and it is purging all fear from our spiritual body for the new evolved human template so our whole mind, body and spirit is changing form..
**A great article that just came up on my FB wall about empaths and taking on others emotions, this is not fun when it is all negative but  a good article in why there are many empaths around as they are the old souls and the new evolved  human template.. so you might make fun of us now but your soul will all feel it too maybe in your next incarnation... me personally I think I take on others fears as I can recognise them but then they become my own so a lot of internal work is done so I stay at peace with who I am especially after this last week of psychic attacks it is the energy I feel so the words don't matter much it is the energy behind those words that really effect me so you probably don't need to say anything but just have the intent energy behind so your thoughts are still energy that goes straight to my soul and it is big as is everyone else's only they shut the door to spirit as they hold fear of what it is they don't know and have a closed mind to even learning all about energy of spirit which is our soul**
I just put up a song on my Facebook page and in the process channelled a bit of a message as I climb my way out of this psychic attack that hit me Tuesday night no one is to blame as I take full responsibility for my feelings as every soul should as it aims to be a compassionate soul themselves as that is what all souls are aiming for in the end as Compassion is born through pain itself but it brings your soul to a place of unconditional love that is for all humanity so when you think with your heart you don't choose who to be compassionate for as all souls are the same as the compassionate soul has arrived at that place through its own evolvement so every pain possible from every situation in life has occurred over centuries of incarnations so this is where the understanding of human nature and the non-judgemental thoughts comes from once your soul is here you can't go back to holding fear or judgements of others so not many people may understand why you are compassionate that is because their souls are not there yet but their fears are being worked on by their souls with every situation that comes up in their life.. It is a hard thing though for those souls that have made it through every painful situation with every incarnation they have had as that pain never leaves you it is brought up through your heart when compassion kicks in for another soul.. Here is the song as I have seen better days then the last 3 and counting it felt like grief all over again I haven't slept much so I'm tired, my head and heart both ache and I haven't eaten much either and many tears so still climbing my way out of this cloud that has come over my soul..
I think I've been under some sort of psychic attack for the last 3 days so still coming out of it God they suck I wish people would keep their negative energy to themselves and not direct it at me as this is painful stuff that gets dragged up from your soul in trying to rid your emotional body of it but I was thinking this morning it must happen for a reason and that is to clear your own soul of your own fears as you expel the negative fears of others.. I'm still climbing my way out I hope to be rid of it soon so I can get back to being my peaceful self but it does take a lot of work from you and your angels that are holding your hand and protecting you in the process.. So here is a song to dedicate to anyone that has gone through or is currently going through a psychic attack as it happens to those with compassion and soul regularly as we are the ones that get fears directed at us simply for being the person that we are.. Not everybody walks in the love energy so the fear will get projected back at you with less understanding on who you are as you are most likely known as an over sensitive freak.. Compassionate souls are heart thinkers and are in the position every soul on earth is striving for though they are afraid of it unless of course they seek your loving comfort as you come without judgement as everybody else around you is judging you on your life choices so when the chips are down they will be seeking solace from someone.. Jesus was this compassionate soul that held no judgement of anyone he too came under psychic attack that is when he sought solitude and had to be on his own to reconnect with his soul, all religions aspire to be like Jesus and recite his words but not everyone listens as being in a place of duality our thoughts are either based on fear or love.. Our FEAR based thoughts come from our mind so are negative.. Our LOVE based thoughts come from our heart so straight from our soul and spirit.. We need fear in order to bring out love as you can't have one with out the other that is why we were born with duality as everything needs an opposite in order to work, it is what you do with the fear based thoughts that matter and where our freewill choices come in on which road to take, one where we show our own fears so the one that will cause conflict, or the choice of love and standing in your own soul power and walking away from conflict either way you are still left with your emotional body to deal with all fears that were brought up in any situation.. I do love what god has created in our souls in order for us to evolve but also to come to a state of peace within yourself for all emotions fear or love based are there to help with your growth.. love and light may you have better days and be grateful for all you do have in life for your soul is the master creator of all that it has brought you, no one else is ever responsible for how you feel as it is your emotional body that comes up for you to work on your own soul and a solution to peace within it.. love and light xx

Some soothing tones of the Angel Choir
Sending Love and Light
Missing you
love always

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