Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Compassion who needs it xx

Hi all it is school holidays I have still been working in the mornings I have wanted to do a blog on Compassion as it is at the heart of my soul and every other spiritually based person. I had an interesting exchange on another forum based on compassion it got me thinking maybe that is why this exchange happened as everything is a lesson if you can look deeper into what happens in your life or actually if you dig deeper into your soul the lessons will come out to you. This exchange had me overly emotional again as when these attacks happen it hits me personally as others attack my very being my soul for being who I am the others may not see this as it is just opinions bantering about, I do love to hear what others have to say and the back and forth arguments as that is how you analyse and make up your own mind between what you perceive and analyse through your own mind from your own experiences, beliefs and biases.. You could say my way of thinking is independent as I usually base my thoughts on a higher realm so look for answers that may not fit the social norm not in all exchanges usually people based ones maybe because I see the soul not the ego that would be because I am an empath, compassionate and non-judgemental (this comes with being very spiritual in nature)  another thing is I don't hold anger inside me so no matter what someone says or does I don't get angry at them rather it goes internal back to me maybe this is because I have a "Crystal Soul" the easy going peacemakers of the earth that aren't here to harm others but to bring out the best in I never have been one to be angry at others it is more at me as I have never harmed anyone.
Anger comes from fear so I guess I don't hold fear, well at least not from other sources as this is what creates the world of disharmony that we are seeing at the moment..

(Copy and paste of what I wrote to explain it from that forum)
Just thinking about the differences between sympathy and compassion..
Sympathy is feeling sorry for them so having pity on them for their circumstances..
Compassion is more about understanding and being able to put yourself in that position from a deeper level then having pity on someone..
With Empathy you do put yourself in that position which brings about the compassion as you actually have the feelings of that person so you are picking up on that energy that you are seeing whether it be from film clips, photo's, the written word or spoken word in real life your mind/heart automatically goes to the body language or tone of the word whether in voice or written as you put yourself in the place of the writer/person this is done unconsciously so whatever they are feeling you will too..
Compassion doesn't automatically mean you accept the said behaviour it just means you have an understanding of the feelings they are going through so you can guide them or help them through it so the person still has personal responsibility for their actions and choices but they should also know they are never the victim of anyone for they have full control over all their feelings and how they react in life to all situations..
Compassion is always born out of your own fears you have had in your own life experiences whether they be in the present lifecycle or previous incarnations, you can't have compassion unless you've been through a lot of pain yourself this is where the understanding comes in..
So compassion is love, understanding and empathy.
Sympathy is feeling sorry and having pity..
Being angry or frustrated is just showing fear usually over things you can't change/control or things you expect or assume of others and in how you think they should behave to your standard, biases, beliefs and own fears..

First I will put up what started this exchange and it is linked here if you wish to look at it video of a woman in pain because her grandkids are stuck overseas in Syria because their parents took them over as well as they joined ISIS the father went over and joined first he used to hang out with the gangland underworld while in Australia the grandmother in the clip below helped her daughter move over there so seen them off in Malaysia all the stories are being bantered about in the media at the moment as one of the grandkids was photographed holding a mans head up for the ISIS propaganda so ISIS and the Islamic extremist have a media unit afoot to put fear into who ever watches them but also to help recruit more radicals so it serves two purposes.. The two different media perspectives on this is the grandmother whom is below helped and abetted to get the daughter and kids into Syria to join the fight but now the father is presumed dead (they still might not have confirmation) she wants to help her grandkids get out of the god forsaken place, one of the perspectives is this lady is lying and just putting on a media show for sympathy so the authorities can go in and help get the kids out so one minute she is talking to the AFP the next report she is not and on it goes... you can catch up on the saga through google if you please.

First I will tell you what I felt from this clip a woman in pain is my first reaction and being the empath that I am I put myself in her position of having her grandkids in harms way and she desperately wants them home, so an empath usually has those feelings and turns their mind and heart to her own kids and how it would feel if they were in this position to me the pain looks real but according to some of the media reports and links that were put up she is bunging it on and doesn't really feel sorrow she is just using the media to bring them home.  Me being the compassionate soul that I am see's the deeper soul inside so know she is going through internal pain that is deep in your soul regardless of what others think all souls feel the same human emotions so to me to have to cast on which side to have compassion is just wrong as compassion should cover all souls not be selective. It felt from the exchange above they wanted me to chose a side to be on and I'm afraid compassion when you have it for all human souls doesn't work that way to pit one person off over another for the choices in life they made, I know in my heart I could never do that because through my eyes I do see things differently to most I can tell you now it does make you feel alone. But from this exchange it told me more about the insight of  human behaviour and how fear is still a major factor and why they need to pit one human off against the other when my insight sees a different story altogether that is one of fear and how Islamic extremists are still working fear into everyone's psyche at a sub-conscious level, even in a story about a grandmother that wants to bring her grandkids out of the bloodbath it is still propaganda and the media being used to give everyone a certain perception about things but each person has their own perception but it looks like a collective based on fear still from the comments this video stirred up so Islam is winning in the fear stakes when you have to choose between the lives of kids and bringing them to a safe environment where they might have a chance of being brought out of the ISIS brainwashing if they are not surrounded by it, or they could go the other way and incite violence either way it is still a toll on the human soul so the damage has already been done to the kids through no fault of their own as it was the parents that brought this belief and ideology into their lives they really didn't have much of a say so now they are just another victim of ISIS or the extremist view of evil as are the souls that have all been taken by this belief on both sides of the equation so the ones that have been slaughtered by this regime are the true victims as the extremists had a conscious choice to join in the destruction.. There souls will go to a special place never to be released or reincarnated.. This evil is all happening for a reason as it is to bring all fear out in the open for cleansing and to bring about change in the world so any system that is based on fear is being shaken up that includes government, religion, education, businesses anything in society that is corrupt or based on fear needs to be addressed because the new energy is love based so all fears are being dispelled in all humans,  but also in every nation so a lot of chaos and fear is coming out from both what is happening around every nation from the economies collapsing and the evil being spread upon us by extremist groups like ISIS and others that are putting fear in the human race as a collective..
This is a part of why the Crystal Souls and Indigo Souls are here to both bring about both the public's attention to what is wrong the Indigo soul is the warrior that brings it all out and the Crystal soul is the peacemaker amongst all the chaos to try and bring about calm and to let others know that no matter what is going on around you with this chaos that you are the source of your own power so you don't have to buy into this fear and be a victim of that chaos that is either in your personal life or the fear being instilled on you by the threat of ISIS or any other evil group there is a bigger universal picture always as to why this stuff is happening.. Those that have been killed their souls still live on in spirit so they are helping  those on the earth to help bring about a solution this is why everybody should listen to their own intuition as that is the connection to spirit that does get us where we need to go..
As a crystal soul I hold no fear this is why I never show anger towards others, I don't like to be the centre of attention, observant of people, shy, introverted and reserved when meeting new people this is because they are also empathetic so pick up on everyone's energy so crowds can be overwhelming not in every situation, very loving, non-judgemental and will help others and  bring out the best in them because they are non-judgemental and easy going.. The new Crystal soul children are old souls that already have the spirit connection me I've had to awaken to find my soul so crystal souls are around and are of all ages Crystal Souls are soul readers so they will look through you and see the soul not the ego for they trust in their own intuition and just know when people are genuine or if they lie so they can read fear in people and will try to comfort them or reject them because they know the person has no integrity and can not be trusted it doesn't mean they will not still help them it just means they know better then to be sucked in by the manipulating ways (they may have to go through lessons themselves first it depends on what their own soul came down to do on their path as we all still have life lessons to accomplish) that is me other crystal souls should hold these characteristics as well maybe not all as each personality comes in with it's own akashic record.
I can also recognise fear in people so this is part of why I may be here to help others through it but in doing this I bring the fear out as I picked up with latest exchange it doesn't do much for my own self-worth as that fear from others is then transferred to my soul and reading those comments I touched them unconsciously which is why I felt their anger, guilt and frustration because I didn't fit in with the narrative of what they were all feeling which had me down like a lead balloon as of last night and and over emotional not so much with what was said but with the fears they all showed I wear that energy so I was in tears for a while as I worked through my own soul and mind to analyse what happened so I didn't visit the blog today I'm not sure when I'll go back as I need to release that energy and that only brought me pain so it helps me by writing this blog of what I observed,  that is fear from ISIS is still getting into people's psyche but not my own because I stand in the new love energy which is also why I'm here to help those in spirit that are coming down into this energy (so those new souls that are being born) by my observations the fear also shows in spiritual topics or what some put in a box and name New Age..
 I also felt so alone so the spiritual path is not easy as it is a lot of internal work on your soul and consciousness to stay at peace because you don't fit in with the way of thinking that society wants to box you into as an independent thinker that is probably why most my life I let others have a voice for when mine is exposed it gets shut down as it doesn't always fit in with others believe it will get easier I'm sure as other souls evolve but that won't happen until that soul is ready and their own consciousness evolves with it as that is what the new energy is about a new way of thinking as the true soul has been hidden in the density and the 3d world called earth where fear and survival have ruled since the beginning but our souls are so much more then that. Jesus did bring in the Christ consciousness in his time so the new energy is returning to that same energy that Jesus carried and still does but he is in spirit and working with us all as his works and words still give inspiration to the churches but they to have gone a bit off the true meaning of God so any fear based scripts need work or the thoughts behind them to evolve with this new energy which is why the spiritual community is on the rise as souls are truly waking up to the God that is inside of them so directly linking to our major life force energy of our creator which isn't separate from us but is our soul..
I can tell you the function of what a "Crystal Soul" such as mine is we are here to help anchor the New Energy of Love in  so I don't know if you have heard of a crystal grid but they when made up bring in energy and hold it there well the crystal souls are like that dotted around the universe the twinflame connection also helps to bring this energy of unconditional love in as well even if the twinflames haven't united physically they still hold this deeply spiritual love connection that goes back to the start of creation when the Omega and Alpha see Omega Point and an interesting blog I will go back to this is about Teilhard a  French priest and scientist that worked on the Omega Point.
A crystal soul also holds no fear or is working on that as with this new energy souls are awakening so the ones that chose to reincarnate came for a bigger purpose though we all awaken at our own pace so when our soul is ready a curiosity will rise in you to find out more about who you are and what else is out there as your soul does have a knowing so you may feel like there is something more to your life that is supposed to happen or that there is more out there and you may of had little psychic hints through out your life depending on if you blocked them out of your mind as a youngster or like me never said anything but just knew there was more also most lightworkers have gone through very painful ordeals in this time but also in other incarnations every soul is different and has come to earth for different purposes but our human emotions are all the same no matter of what choices you have ever made.. So if you have to change how you think and how you feel to fit into society I guess you will be made to feel you stand on your own that is if you want to be your true soul self.. In this life spiritually I have chosen to do all the emotional work internally as I have never asked anyone for help or a thing as I constantly am a giver to try to help their souls I don't and never have placed my emotional baggage on others not even my mum growing up this also has been a part of what my soul came to do in order for me to help others walk through their fears and I did bring them out in some. So in ending that I still think I have more releasing of energy to do as I still feel not so good maybe it is more spiritual awakening I did start reading a great book so I will finish that and others until I'm myself again not that I am never not myself but this emotional internal work is hard work so I do need to call on the angels to help me through it as you should too if you are also feeling this energy upon you.. My heart and mind will always remain open and so I will be always connected to spirit as that is who I am that is an open invitation to let the love of the divine into your soul and the angels and spirit to enter your life but you do have to also have to have faith, trust and a belief if you want to see your little miracles and messages from spirit as they do come to you all the time if you are aware and use that intuition and follow your heart in life and not pay any attention to your ego which is what most humans display in order to fit into what the society wants or needs..
This is what I'm reading at the moment Dolores Cannon is a past life regression therapist so she has brought through the past life of Suddi who was around Jesus time and so she is bringing tales of the life of the Essenes which was a spiritual community that was pretty secretive in that century so not much was known about them  here is Dolores blog. 
This is like the angel I seen in my dreams once and sometimes I call to go back home to them if only for a visit in my sleep as when I woke up I felt so loved I didn't want to leave that is how angels make you feel as they are home that is where we are our true soul selves in spirit.
**Sorry to anyone on MSN that I might of offended or made to bring up feelings that you never intended to feel through my comments. The lesson I've learnt from this is to stop putting myself in other people's drama's especially if the topic is based on Islam and the extremists behaviour as it is my emotional body that pays the price as in this case it has brought on what I would call a psychic attack that is where negative energy is directed at me which has me feeling like crap as it has done before. I'm sorry for caring about the human aspect of every soul if the chips were down for you I would do the same and help walk you through the pain but it does come at a price on my own soul as I take on your energy in order for you to clear it I've helped to do that for some over these last couple of years as my soul has awakened to who it is and to what it has always done that is to help others as I did come here to teach others what I know about this new energy and I'm learning all the time more about it and my own soul in order to be all that I can be and to be of service to humanity that was my mission in this life cycle as I know my own soul so well and all it holds is love so it will never feel hatred towards anyone no matter how I am treated I know I've been bullied growing up and I always turned the other check for to hurt someone else is really hurting me more so I only like to see people happy and at peace with themselves and on the life path they have chosen all I ask of anybody is to always be yourself and to speak and follow your heart as it is your soul GPS that will have you on the right track in life and it will take you to where your soul choose to be every second of your life.. What do I think the outcome will be for the lady in tears above and her grandkids that will be up to their own souls and the prayers they are putting in to God so their lives are in their own hands as their souls did chose this path and where they focus the energy will be where their soul takes them into the future, so their outcome is in the hands of the universe but also the laws of the land at the moment no-one can get into the war torn land of Syria so the media reports say so fate rests in the hands of the souls themselves and the outside determining factors so it is not in their control to some degree so the outcome will be they are where they are meant to be for now time will tell if they can get out so no amount of opinions on the subject going about in the media will be the decider of any body's fate as the media is used to help others have a perception of how things are meant to be to fit into the society the human soul at the base of any story is in the end their own destiny decider as we do have pre-birth soul plans that have been made into the future but on earth we know none of that as it is written in our souls book of life which is now opening up in this new energy so you can always change course of  your souls path anytime you like it all depends on your attitude to life and the things you are willing to change internally so get in touch with your soul and where you focus your energy will be your direction in life for you are your own God and creator in that which is your reality.. ** More thoughts on what I think, that is that Karen the grandmother above has done the wrong thing by using the media (it could of been the other way around) because it has brought the wrong sort of attention to her daughter and grandkids plight she should of kept it private within the Government departments that deal with this sort of thing as she has created more drama around the situation because most media outlets are only after reporting on fear based drama's almost every story is about negativity because face it love, compassion and those topics are boring and probably a bit mushy for selling of any news.. negativity will always breed more negativity.. Reading about the daughter she did have a co-dependency problem that is she depends on others to protect her this is why she left to go to Syria as she believed in her other half (soulmate) now he has left she has turned to her mother and her mum doesn't know how to help her get out, but seen as the daughters soul chose this path she is going to have to start be independent on herself and to work her own way out of this mess she has got herself into, as the soul putting myself in her place she is petrified to be in that territory alone with the kids without the male protector as with this ideology the female is classed as a non entity so they are always kept in their place it would be like living in a domestic violence situation where your own soul has been taken over by years of being degraded so her own self-worth and that of the kids would all be very low but they are all to frightened to speak up amongst the population of like minded souls so they have no voice in that ideology for both the heart and mind gets taken over thinking about it to me it would be like living in a black hole (this is your soul) and not being able to climb out alone as you have always depended on someone else all your life.. this will be a hard lesson for all their souls but it is one they chose so have to bear the consequences of that path as we all do ... xx love and light  xx Love to you always forever in my heart xx .. **
On that note I will leave you with this song as I really want to go home..
Michael Buble - Home
Sending Love and Light
I also hear there is a full moon
so it might be playing with
your emotional body at
this time this could
be a factor of what is
going on with me that
and a psychic attack and
taking on others fear based
energy so I will be fine in
a few days when I internally
work my way out of this
negativity created in my
Love you always
my light is always
shining for others to be
guided home if they need
it as no-one should have to
feel pain alone..
Until next time
love always

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