Sunday 9 August 2015

Changes, Passion and Spiritual Truth.. xx

Hi all it is now Sunday night sorry I have been neglecting my blog I have been very pre-occupied with a lot of things and life in general I never have enough hours in a day to fit in what I would love to do, sometimes that is just nothing and catching up on craft or reading as I still have many books and websites that have interesting things to read on esoteric or political things as I have a mixture of interests that keep me occupied and my mind ticking over in what it is I want to learn about, a lot of it is based on our soul as I do love to find out all I can from as many sources as I am led to from books to blogs and my own soul also gives a lot away as to the messages that come through me from spirit or just my own soul knowing as it is led to more info I do a lot of soul searching so internalizing and using my spiritual logic to find the answers to the many questions I ask myself or spirit in general as I bring or stand in this new energy of Love as that is really our true souls being of why we are here to find it and to learn a lot of lessons and do a lot of soul evolving on the way as we do wake up to our own spirituality for that is what all souls are truly seeking the inevitable link to home our kingdom from where we came from, that is in a portal and across the veil of our remembrance of the spiritual being that we are that is in a 3d corporeal body but it is our spirit that makes us alive..
Over the weekend these messages came out that I also wanted to share on my blog because  I haven't updated anything since the end of July and we are now in the month of August the time flies so fast but time is infinite along with love they are two things our soul has that will go on until infinity which means it has no end..

CHANGE was a card drawn on Saturday morning so here is the message it is on my Facebook page as well.. Change is actually upon every soul as the soul template and DNA is changing energy so when newborns come into the world they will much more spiritually aware and awaken to their true soul a lot earlier and they to will also be wiser then others that were born in the old energy system, so in a few generations we will be an evolved planet as each soul on earth now does awaken to their true self, not every soul on earth will do it this time around as we all have a soul plan and a lot of lessons to get to our own soul evolvement so some are not ready for that task just yet which is why the spiritual teachers and those classed as New Age are around to help and guide those that have an inkling some thing is changing within their own soul that they have no idea on so need guidance from the divine to know everything is okay and on divine time and in divine order all the time..
The message or word for today is "Change" expect changes in your life or if you want things to change in your life if they are not where you want to be you may need to change your whole out look or mind-set of what it is you really want out of life, you may need to change on the inside to see any changes on the outside as it is our thoughts that govern what we observe or perceive on the outside for example if you are a miserable soul all the energy and thoughts you see in your world will be based on misery as that is your own outlook on life and the energy you show the universe how you want your world to be.. If you want happiness it starts with your own thoughts and comes from inside so it is your souls energy that makes your life not anything you can not control on the outside world as it is working on itself as is every soul in the world as our own soul evolvement is changing with the new energy what will get you through the soul changes we are going through is your own consciousness and what it is about yourself you are prepared to change to go with the flow of life and the new energy that is forcing us to face some of our fears and to clean up our own act first as no-one can change someone else's outlook on life as that is a part of soul evolvement and soul growth.. so if your life is not one of your dreams you are the change that you need to see to change things in your life you start by self-reflection knowing everything that has ever happened was a part of your own life-cycle and soul growth to get you to the place you now need to be as the new energy of love is upon us and is a part of us not separate so it is the love you need to see inside yourself so it reflects in your world by how you treat others and they in turn treat you. No one is responsible for your actions but you, so the longer you procrastinate of the changes that in your heart you know you must make the longer it will take for your dreams to manifest your souls perfect place of peace, love, joy and happiness no matter what chaos is going on around you for the whole universal system is getting a shake up..In your heart you know there are some things that may need to change to bring you to a higher place vibrationally it may be your health, relationships you feel are no longer working that may need to come to a head and each soul involved realise their own fears in order to resolve things, it could even be with family members that you have drifted apart from, in your heart you do know really some things need to change so you can continue to just go with the flow that your own life brings as your soul does truly know what is good for your higher good at this time it is written in your heart so follow that guidance your higher soul is sending to bring you to the place your soul promised it would be while on earth xx love and light xx #5 is the card that in Angel numbers means "A significent change is occurring, always for the better. It's a good idea to call upon heaven for help with life changes." (DV Angels Numbers101)..xx
"You must be the change you want to see in the World" -Ghandi "Your whole world changes when you do as your soul knows there is more out there then what you can perceive in a 3d human world but you need to search from within first before those changes can occur, focus on love for your fellow man is the first step to integrity" - VMB xx love and light xx (the affirmation with the card is "I accept, and surrender to, the changes that improve my quality of life.") so surrender to your own souls will and follow your heart where ever it leads you for it will never take you to a place that will harm you only to the lessons it needs to evolve and grow.. xx
I also drew a second card on Saturday morning from Wisdom of the Golden Path deck which is a recent purchase I do love the artwork in this deck.. The card drawn was "FLAME  OF INSPIRATION" which is about reigniting your passion which is what the flames represent the things you love passionately and finding that spark within yourself that will open both your heart and mind to a bigger picture of who you truly are as a soul so it will open up your energy to accept more from your spiritual body.. This will inspire you and others with what your passion or interest will produce as others will see your light and what you are passionate about so will draw their own inspiration from you to change their own outlook..
 I've just drawn another card from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle cards and the message is "Flame of Inspiration" so this is a message that will raise your vibration and energy in life as it is about creativity and being creative and bringing out your inner child and playing with anything that brings out the child in you if you can recall what it was you loved to do as a child that was creative like painting, drawing, dancing, craft, art, cooking or writing something tha...t made you look forward to those times alone or with friends that inspired you and brought out your own passion and love of life. This is one way that raises our energy and brings to us that open heart and mind that will start to change our outlook on life if you have been a bit down with the way things are for you or even if they haven't being creative and having fun should also be a major part of your life as it will inspire you to be more of yourself so your true soul self will shine through your own creations and be an inspiration to others what ever your talent may be as you could even have hidden talents you have not unleashed yet but you do look at others work and wish you could do the same, well you probably can as it may be a hidden soul past recollection that draws you to it that you bring forth. So search your mind for ideas and inspiration where ever you can find it and go with your heart and have a go don't let your fear of failing or being no good at it as you won't know what is hidden if you don't start with the first step of trying something new out.. "Affirmation - I hold infinite creative power, I am inspired by life, I keep an open mind and heart. I am open to new ideas. I am in touch with my inner artist.." love and light xx
Funny this card should come out as I look at my craft table wanting to go create with some of the new stuff I have purchased but haven't found the time to play with yet, plus all the canvases I have laying around ready to be played with using multimedia craft stuff.. I did create a cake though as we had ripe banana's to be used so go find something that will inspire you and raise your vibration and play with that inner child that had no worries or cares as the parents made sure everything was okay in the world, you just had to concentrate your energy on play after your chores if you had any.. go have some fun the flame on the card represents passion so what ever you are passionate about do it . xx

 Feed your passion and your soul will grow and open to infinite possibilities and an abundance to what is truly your souls purpose in life that is anything that makes you happy, joyful and full of love for what it is you are doing in life..
The cards that came out this morning were very powerful with a strong presence of Archangel Raziel after I was calling on Archangel Raziel or the angels to help me with all my soul remembrance after the Liongate portal of energy was opened on the 8-8-8 which is the infinity sign turned on its side 3 times so we are getting some new activation energy within our own soul, I usually do a quick mediation when I have my shower it was the one I learned at Reiki where you picture the divine love, light energy comes through your chakra systems like a flowing river of light going down your whole body until it reaches the crystalline grid then the light from that grid comes back up through your energy system back up to the other dimension so all your energy centres are ready and opened to receive all the energy from the spirit energy portals and your own heart and mind are open to receive all that is given to you which will come through your opened 6th senses.. Archangel Raziel is our esoteric Archangel that helps us with spiritual knowledge more on him here for your information also another website ..
Wow!! Archangel Raziel has a very strong presence this morning with the messages that are coming through with the cards that came out this morning one was a flipped card "Stand in Your Power" but AA Raziel has come forward because of the 8-8-8 energy portal that has just opened for us to receive more soul energy so we will start to remember the spiritual being that we are so you will be getting signs and symbols to help you cognize what in your soul you already know to be the spiritual truth of who you are and your own divinity of the spiritual being that you truly are a lot of this stuff might come in your dreams and meditations so if you can take notes and try to recall what those signs and symbols were you may not know what they mean straight away as sometime the light bulb moment comes when you receive more messages that can be from any source as everything is connected in spiritual truth so your own knowingness of the divine will have you and your spiritual logic know what path and what journey is the one your soul chose on this earth at this time for our own DNA is changing and your soul does hold that remembrance of it's true nature and the purpose for which you chose to come here at this time to bring in this new energy and to help others through it but you will also face battles of light and dark (negative or positive) duality of your own as your soul fights to release to the true light of the spiritual being that you are so when your fears come up release them into the light and ride the waves of emotions when they show up in your life as when you are going through these changes your soul is bringing up remembrances of your souls past so other incarnations karma and fears will show themselves for you to release them so in your conscious 3d mind you may not necessarily know what they are about but your subconscious soul level body knows these are fears and karma that your soul body no longer needs with the new energy that is on us as each new cosmic portal opens for us to receive those energies our souls now we need, so our human mind might need time to catch up to the energy which is why you will receive those other messages from many sources so be mindful of them and know you are always loved, protected and never alone as you go through your own journey and soul process call on any of the angels or Archangels to be of assistance to you for they are always with us in spirit form so in our soul body giving divine love and support when you need it. so it is and "Take back your soul Power" with "Spiritual Understanding" which were the 2 cards this morning so bring in to your life what it is you need or dream of as your soul holds its own manifesting powers with the intentions and affirmations you set with in your mind so your thoughts are what brings to you your soul needs so it could be anything from an abundance of spiritual needs that will help you learn of your power, financials so you can continue with your life purpose, relationships as love is always the key so an abundance of love from many sources including angelic as your heart will expand and you will feel it in your chest cavity. Standing in your power also means there is certain behaviour you will no longer accept from others as you know it is not for your higher good so don't be afraid to just walk away from those situations without retort or showing your own fears, and without judgement of others for judgements are also our fears showing up for what we see in others is a reflection of our self so that is in our own soul body we need to work on.. Showing Compassion without being selective is our soul power so no matter what anyone does to you know it is not personal but the others need your understanding for their soul is not in the same place as your own.. love always xx
My song to go with this post is Rollercoaster by Ronan Keating..
To remind you life is a rollercoaster so we will go through ups and downs and get jolted occasionally to put us on the right path to what it was our soul promised to do while on our earth journey at the base of all that goes on with our life 'LOVE" is the base of who we are and what all souls come here to find as everyone you come across in life was meant to cross your path to help your own soul grow no matter in which state they left you emotionally for all pain if that is what they left you with was to help with your own soul lesson and growth to prepare you for that true love to come into your life when your own soul was ready to receive it so don't close your heart off to ever finding the true soul connection in your life, if you haven't met them yet they will turn up for you when you least expect it and you will know within your own soul the love connection that exists so don't fight it just go with the flow of life until synchronicity brings your two souls together again, as your souls would of already planned to meet some where along both your journeys while in spirit form so just follow your heart where ever it leads you and stay at peace with who you are and know your own purpose in life is LOVE always.. xx
Sending Love and Light
The divine love I feel
is sometimes so intense
not only is it a feeling
from my soul core
but also an energy
that is my very soul.
But it  is also your
soul as we are as
one soul united in spirit
that was in the first part
of our creation as we
made our way to earth
doing our heavenly duty
to bring forth life on earth
and the energy it needed to
sustain all life and souls that
also followed through the
vortex that brought us duality
so we became separated in order
to create a mirror of who we
truly are as a soul on earth
one where fears are a part of
life and all battles to survive in
this energy is just how it is..
Where karmic energy was also
 a part of the dual system that
was life on earth where our
spiritual body had a code of
remembrance that needed to be
solved that could only be done
on a planet called Earth as it had a
denseness of energy that was a veil
that couldn't be broken as we had
to find our own way home.
Home is where our souls long
to be and when lessons are done
we shall return as one soul for
the love and connection is
eternal and infinite.
Love you always.

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