Saturday 22 August 2015

Angelic and spirit messages xx

Part of this  post  was channelled through by me last Sunday part of my soul journey this time around has been to help with a lot of research I do into the political scene so I have been watching and helping with interest at all the corruption that has come up within the political system in Australia and a lot of the corruption has been hidden under our noses for centuries as to what the actual agenda is of the some of the Political system and parties held within that rule us so this is a system of control over other humans which is one of the systems that is starting to break down to co-inside with the new soul template of every human on earth so anything that is not of integrity or not working for humanity is coming to light that includes the media as it is a big system that controls people's perception of the real soul that we all are so a lot of system are coming up into the light to get rid of the fear based control mechanisms that control humanity so it is other systems as well religious, political, the business sector, money market etc.. anything based on lies will end up crashing out simply because human nature and the soul template is changing and things in the old energy will not be acceptable as each soul awakens to the lies but also their own spiritual nature this system has no time limit for it is up to each soul to awaken at its own pace spiritually as each soul is implanted with the Christ seed and the DNA that helps them to search for the creator inside so it may take a generation for all souls and systems to start to change the change will be gradual which is why there is a force of lightworkers and some Ascended Masters the Angelic realm are also closer to earth at this time for they have returned to assist in bringing in and being a part of the energy change as well as old souls being rebirthed are already spiritually aware and will awaken early to help with the ideas and things that will change the energy of the planet but also to invent what is needed and to fix the problems that exist within the systems they will step in and help when needed with the solutions after the systems have broken down.. so no matter what is happening in the World everything is always in divine order and no matter what is happening either in your personal life or the chaos that you might see in the news around you everything has a reason for showing up for there is always a bigger universal picture and the reasons will become obvious when you see things from a different perspective.. me personally always look for the bigger picture or the reason something may be happening actually in a facebook group I am in this question was just put up (down below) with my answer..  Some one else said their question is "WHY??" to all things in general.. that too would of been my life long quest.. now I know why because it was a part of my own soul makeup to question this thing called life for it lead me to my soul journey being "WHY AM I THIS PERSON  and WHY AM I HERE" but what triggered that was the events that happened with in my own life and my experiences with spirit itself and why I was so shy it was because within my soul makeup and DNA it was the lesson I was to learn and to find myself and the connection to spirit that we all have but I was to know this in order to help others walk through this energy for there is more to my soul that I will share one day as I still have more to learn and to seek the answers that are within me which is what you see coming out through my blogs and with the spirit messages it delivers for your soul becomes one with spirit as it melds into your divinity that is your whole soul not the small portion of the energy that comes to earth for your soul has much more energy then that and the energy that doesn't come to earth with you still guides you to the lesson you wanted to learn in any of your lifetimes..
My Answer:- That would of been my question as well "WHY" actually as a child I never asked questions about anything to anyone my sister used to do all the asking for things and being we were only 15mth apart if she asked for something I was right behind her so I got one as well.. but I don't like asking others for things so have worked out the answers within myself always as to "why things happen the way they do so I would always search for the answer to any question I had by learning and listening to my own soul and using my own logic, I even done this in my school years" maybe because I was so shy but that reason also goes to the base of my soul journey in this life time... So I don't really have any big questions of what I want to know..

This message I left on Michael Smith News  it was a bit long but one spirit did want me to share.. "TRUTH is like LOVE it just is and it is an energy that cannot be changed, altered or covered for it does reveal itself as do lies (for lies come out of FEAR)".. LOVE and FEAR are the two energies that guide humanity love is the energy of our true soul and fear is the energy that exists on the dense energy of earth so it only exists in the human vortex called life.."

*(This starts off as my thoughts but I felt a shift of energy so the message is melded with my own thoughts.)*  A great article in Quadrant about this debacle that has come forth I don't think it will do much damage it is just a matter of riding through the waves of the perceptions that the Labor party are trying to paint themselves as victims of the big bad Tony Abbott and now Dyson Heydon as they clutch at anything they can to save themselves.. Just carry on for they media along with unions the funders of the ALP and every MP that sits in a parliament chair in every state and federally have benefitted from the corrupt system which has been going on for centuries.. Their world is crashing around them so what you see is the human reaction when you are losing hope that is to hit out at every one that is not a part of that same system for the media itself puts on its own show by whom it sides with or what it is they stay silent over and for the majority of the time it has been the Royal Commission it self the only time it gets air is when the ALP/Union cause a bit of drama, notice the media come on board when Bill Shorten is involved for a majority of the pressers ignored every other day until Shorten took the stand, likewise Julia Gillard for the rest of the corruption doesn't seem to be of interest to them maybe the PSA and spreading of lies fits in with the agenda of those in the pressers gallery who are so blind by what it is they seek to control the public's perception with fear and lies, they fear the truth themselves for they think they will be out of a job here is a tip for them you keep spreading lies the universal system will take care of your fate, for all your actions, thoughts and feelings in the energy you send out and it will come back to you and your own credibility as a journalist in telling the truth.. changes are happening on a higher level the human energy system is changing along with it so you are your own creator of your destiny one based on lies and fear will come back to you so consequences are in stall at the right time that will come to you.. you will be forced to face  fears of your own "what you give you get" so your own karma is being hastened to the current life time so be careful of the energy you give out it will reflect right back at you and your true soul will be seen for what it is.. selective compassion does not work for your fears are still with you if that is the case. This energy is bringing forth the rememberance of your true soul one of love and light if you still hold fears (the human condition) you will be forced to face them head on so a lot of emotional pain will come forth with your own actions and choices from now on.. others will be a reflection of you so your energy is most important as to how you treat others "do onto one as you would have done to you" just came to mind it might of been a message from spirit a long time ago so things do always come back to human kind as souls live on and evolve and are infinite in time and love which is what Yeshua Ben Joseph showed us when his energy walked the earth he was a spiritual teacher of the human template of our true soul he left his legacy that would still be recalled upon when it was time for a new wave of energy that would come with human evolvement.
Also this message on the 18th from Archangel Michael as I usually leave a message from the cards or a quote most mornings sorry to those that it annoys (freewill is such a great thing it means you don't have to read anything you don't want to, no one in life forces you to do anything you don't want to do well not if you have control over your own soul they don't)..the messages come in anyway even if I don't draw a card for sometimes spirit knows someone needs to hear something and that will be what the thoughts are that come through me into the comments.. I do love to work with Archangel Michael he does have such powerful energy, I don't see or hear the angel energy I feel it and that is what comes through my open heart into my thoughts so to feel angelic presence you need to have your own energy centres open so your heart and mind both being open will help you connect to the angelic realm and the energy they bring for you can call on Archangel Michael to change the negative energy within your own soul but also your surroundings but you also have to believe, have faith and trust in both yourself and the angels you are asking to come help you also coming always from a place of love for if your own vibration or energy level is low you will not feel, hear or see the angelic presence for you have the veil of fear still attached to your soul so that fear energy needs to be lifted from your consciousness to open the portal that will bring in the angelic energy that is in your soul makeup..

ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION xx I called on the AA Michael cards this morning for the message and it is to call on Archangel Michael to help you with this situation what ever it is you are going through AA Michael can help you shift the energy so you are full of faith and peace at all times, for our life to flow in the natural order we need to release the energy that holds us back so that would be our ego and negative thought patterns that do not wan...t us to move forward in life for it is like a shadow that wants us to stay in the dark, Archangel Michael is often pictured with a sword in his hand and a felon under his feet that felon is your ego he has come to slay in order for your soul to be free and to give you back your soul power so no matter what situation you are in life that you need relief from Archangel Michael comes in to shift the energy within our soul so you can move forward with your soul plan.. but you must always ask for assistance so the angelic realm know what it is your soul needs so you can ask consciously but most work is done on a subconscious level so while you mind is quiet or asleep in your dreams.. keep on going your soul can always get over hurdles and challenges in life just never give up just keep going with the natural flow and always listen to your heart for it is your soul speak your emotions let you know what work your soul is working on, honour all feeling then release all negative one's so all that is left is Love for that is the new energy which we carry all the time when the ego is not trying to suppress it.. hang in there keep going your dreams will come true have faith and work on your soul and what it needs at all times.. My Prayer "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times." xx love and light xx
I have just purchased this book on Rumi I do love his poetry it comes from his heart for he was one with his own divinity so has written with the wisdom of his soul..
A couple of Youtube video's of Rumi's poetry..
Where all is music
Eternal Ecstasy
My song for tonight to go with this post is
Celine Dion - Falling into you
Sending love and light
Keep going on your journey
follow your heart and let it
lead you home to the place of
Eternal Ecstasy that await you
for two souls unite
to become the one soul that
is the one of creation the
full circle will be completed once
 the soul reaches its ascension stage
to do that we must merge as one
love is the one soul of creation
Mother Father and the
holy spirit once again become
whole and your purpose of
kingdom building is complete
the love you feel is so intense
it is a love of the divine creation
of which we were made to bring
about an energy that will
lead us back to home
love you always
forever a part of my
heart and soul for
we carry the same
Christ seed to become awakened
at the right time to help
humanity and what ever causes
we were taken to for the same
passion exists in us both
for it is our mission
a part of our DNA and soul
blueprint even though
we are on different journeys
our soul has always been one.
Waiting for the calling to
unite to bring a change in
humanity and the soul templates
of many love and light
is our true soul..
love you always

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