Friday 13 November 2015

Trust - "All is well" xx

Hi all I haven't posted anything for over a week and thought I would do a card reading now before I head off for the weekend to do a workshop with Dr Brian Weiss I catch the train at 2.30 am so in about 5 hrs so I don't think I best drift off to sleep just yet as I might not wake up in time as I have to leave my house at about one so I do think I will be buggered by Friday night as I am tired now I was up at half past 5 this morning to go into work early just in case they had no power (it didn't go off in that part of town luckily)  it was turned off all day at my second job the power company have been putting new poles up in the main street so had to do the electrical work today..
First a message from my favourite little angel cards this is the one that came out this morning..
 "You are full of love. Now share it with another!" this is the angel message for today don't forget to tell others how much you love them (or how you feel in general) for some times they may need reminding or you could show them with your actions, this is really up to you how you show others what is in your heart.. love and light xx

Yesterday I purchased a phone app of the set of Oracle cards these are pretty cool little apps as the message still comes through of what it is our soul needs to know.. I left the message on my FB page but thought I would share it on my blog as well with the other message that came through yesterday.
trust the higher wisdom of the divine soul you are but also the universal spirit that is behind every soul that walks on earth as it is the same spirit that is a guide to us all that brings us our soul lessons and our life purpose for a bigger reason as we all work for the kingdom from where we were all created. We are all at different stages of evolvement so no one is superior to the rest all souls are equal in they have freewill and choice to create the life they want from those choices, these choices are made from our conscious and subconscious mind so from our higher souls perspective so there is never a wrong choice in life just a lesson your soul learns from in order to evolve so be at peace with who you are and with all that life has brought you up to this point. Your soul is working as it should and you are perfect and lovable as you are so trust in all that is you and all that is that surrounds you as everything is as it should be. Love and light xx
"King of Spring" so a call to action to reap in your manifesting of abundance you may get a windfall it may be to do with money or what ever it is you have been wishing for so it could have something to do with more spiritual wisdom that is now coming to you in this new energy and many portals being opened.. Once you get your guidance it is always up to your freewill choices if you wish to follow through with any action for you...r soul might be raring to go only you are not sure of which direction, best point of action is to follow your heart for it will take you in the right direction of where it is your soul knows to go to follow the life purpose you came here for.. Lessons will come with all choices so don't let fear stop you from taking any opportunities that may come up.. The King also calls for leadership roles this is to take the lead of the life you are creating for yourself the King is also male energy so with this comes the courage and skills you need to help you with any changes that are coming into your life now with all the abundance spirit is now providing us with. So always stand by what you believe in and those like minded souls will offer you support when you need it as you go about change because at this time all our souls are evolving and growing with the new energy this energy is one of Love so it is a change of your consciousness as well as an emotion that brings you inner peace and contentment because it is the energy of your true soul..Spring is also the season of change and when things are fresh and start to bloom also when new baby animals are born so a season of new beginnings xx love and light xx
One more message from just now as I am about to draw a card specifically for the blog and any readers that come to visit...This is my favourite deck the Archangel Oracle deck I use this one all the time as I do love the energy of all the archangels..
Archangel Jeremiel has come in to let you know ALL IS WELL and everything is as it always should be in your life but also in all that surrounds us at this time. We sometimes have events or things happen in our lives we are unsure of why it happened this is when we need to go inside and search for the reason why this event happened for nothing happens with out a reason or a lesson to be gained for this is why our soul came here to learn.. We are consciously and subconsciously always working with our higher soul so our remaining spirit energy still remains in heaven overseeing our path as we walk the earth, so at all times it is our own energy working with itself to bring about our lessons and to either change direction our soul is going for the plans and lessons were already made before we were born into this life time, our soul group always surrounds us for it is a part of our soul energy and those souls you were meant to meet up with on earth will find their way to you with their own spirit guides and energy so synchronicity will bring you together when both souls are ready to get the lessons that were planned ahead of time.. In life there are no coincidences or accidents for everything that happens to you is for a reason and if you are manifesting things into your life the big lesson is always patience and listening to your inner soul and guidance to get you where you need to be so you can fulfil your purpose, you will not leave earth until that purpose and those soul lessons are taken by your soul with our freewill choices we consciously chose our next lesson or bring in our souls plan as all things you do you do for your own soul growth as hard as life is some times we are always in the control seat of what it is we want or need to manifest into our lives.. You can call for angelic guidance and help anytime your soul needs help to change energy or direction so you can be at the places you are meant to be.. Sometimes we just have lessons in being by ourselves and to be content with what we have and while you manifest more into your life, you need to be grateful and content with what it is you already have that is a lesson in it self we also need to balance our soul energy by learning to give and take this can be any matter of things like our feelings so to give love you also need to open your heart to receive that energy and emotion back from those that surround you.. If you have fear or negative energy that will block any thing you are manifesting into your life as it is your thoughts and emotions that signal your higher soul and spirit who help to bring those things into your life.. Optimism, being grateful, and trusting in the universal energy system that our souls are a part of speed up the things you wish to manifest into your life so you focus your energy on the things you desire and have intentions of following through with.. If we get lost on our path it will be your inner voice that comes from your heart that will help guide you out of the bind you are in, if you internalise the lessons and what is coming for you will be revealed usually it will be after the event or situation occurs you will realise why things happened the way that they did as we do get blessings in disguise and a kick up the butt by spirit to make sure we are doing what our soul promised it would do while on earth. If things seem to moving slow for you as you know there is more to come in your life step back and reflect on how far you have come and try and direct that stuck energy into doing something you love or just getting outdoors to change your own soul energy, being creative and feeding your inner child always helps to take your mind off your impatience to the things you are manifesting in your life.. All good things are worth waiting for never lose sight of that or of who you are and how magnificent your soul is to be where it is you are on your great soul journey for you come to work for the greater kingdom it will look after you if you look after yourself and trust that all is well and will be well until your dreams are fulfilled and your heaven on earth is delivered to your door as the search is over you have all you need with that, that surrounds you .. love and light xx
What is written on the card "Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand." so listen to your inner voice and messages and use your spiritual logic and you will understand the lesson your soul is now in.. trust your soul for it will never let you down let your ego take a back seat quiet your mind and let your spirit guides and soul speak.. love always xx ..
Well it is nearly time for me to shower and get dressed to take the next part of my own journey into the past life regression workshop in the big city I will take Archangel Jeremiel's advice and know all will be well and I will be safe and secure on my own in the big city and I will not get lost and find my way home with more knowledge of my souls journey and that of others as the "Many Lives, Many Masters words are revealed to me through my own soul" .. always keep love in your heart for it changes your consciousness and your perspective on both life and death and know your soul is immortal and a part of the whole of creation and that love is the energy that is carried with your soul always and it is the energy that binds and ties two souls together for eternity and that they are not separated in spirit for they will always be one and united in the journey through life what ever path is taken it is the love that remains and the only thing that is real and everlasting in heaven and on earth as it is the force the energy that brings humanity together.. Love is the god energy that lies within your soul the divine part of you that was seeded at the start of your souls creation this is what you have spend all your life times looking for it is held within and it has always been there the veil of remembrance can be lifted and you can open that portal and lift the veil between you and spirit so your soul remembers all it ever has been so you can walk into and create your own destiny in this new energy you are the creator of all you ever need and want to bring into your life for you would of reached and joined with your higher soul so you have a direct link to heaven and that spirit that guides you and has done so since your creation... It was this time last year I was down in Melbourne getting my Angel Card Certification with Doreen Virtue on the 8/9th of November 2014.. Have a great weekend I will probably have more to share on my return so I will probably do another post next weekend..
I will leave you with a song by Abba - I had a dream
Sending love and light
May all your dreams come
true and your desires
brought to you. Trust in
your soul and spirit to
bring this to you
when the time is right
for your soul all that
you need will find its
way to you take your
lessons with grace and
know there is more to
come as destiny is
not fulfilled until your
purpose is met the thing
your soul came here
to earth for to
carry the love and the
light for humanity.
Love always and
eternally for united
we are one.

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