Friday 30 October 2015

Mother Mary, Pray and Believe xx

Good morning I have drawn two cards from the Indigo Angel deck this morning and here are the messages. xx
I hope all is well we have MOTHER MARY card this morning to remind us to love and nurture our own soul and look upon it with unconditional love as we do for others as it means you free up your soul when it is full of love for all that is created, even those that are struggling are going through lessons of their own so they should not be forgotten or cast aside because you do not always agree with them. Our life is about our own soul energy and how we treat others and we treat others with a reflection of ourselves because we are like mirrors what you see in others is what you pick up in yourself so your emotions guide your thoughts over how you act towards others this is our karmic energy and it always comes back to you. This new energy and consciousness is about being compassionate towards our fellow man and animals as well for we should nurture all that is around us for it is also energy that reflects what it is we are creating as a human on earth our thoughts and emotions are more powerful than you think and it is those that send a signal to the universe as to what it is we are creating, our thoughts create our surroundings. so to think positive for any outcomes is essential especially in you own life for you are the creator of it and what it is you want to bring to the world. Your freewill choices create your reality so nothing is separated for you are the master and controller of your life on a conscious and subconscious level for your soul and spirit bring everything you need by your thoughts, dreams, wishes and desires in life. All that you want will come to you when you learn to trust in the system that is the universal energy system that underlies all that is life on earth and in the galaxy for it is far reaching and infinite over what is and has been created. Your soul is but a small part of the whole of that energy system so what you do with your energy affects the whole of the system. To bring about peace in the world you have to start with the energy of your soul and be the guiding light to others that may wish to follow by your example of what it is you bring to the world that is the world you create around you but also for the things you cannot control for it all becomes one part of all the energy that helps us survive. To bring about change you have to start with a change in your own soul body and that is to let your fears free so your soul can embody its true nature of love and light. You will not look back as you are fully loved and supported by spirit and unseen forces that help guide you to enlightenment as this time.. It is a time to no longer fight for survival but to embrace your life as it is and show compassion for yourself first and appreciate all the struggles and pain your soul has gone through in all lifetimes to bring you to this place in the new energy that is embracing us. You have earned peace in your heart so look beyond the pain and embrace your life and what it brings you now for you are worthy of all the love that surrounds you, open your heart to receive it and let you fear be transformed by the love and light that will help erase your fears so your soul is free to move into the future with joy, happiness and all that love that surrounds you.. love and light xx

PRAY - So what it is you want in your life you manifest, first you start by asking your higher soul and guides to bring in what you need some times it comes to you in divine time so when your soul is ready for that to happen it will. So when you need what your soul requires to fulfil its purpose and lessons on earth you ask with your conscious mind but also subconsciously with those thoughts and emotions that run through your soul body, your dreams and imagination also play a part in bringing in what you need so when you pray for something try not to be specific in your request for if you are demanding in your actions and if it involves others (as it always will) their souls may also need to be in the right place at the right time for synchronicity to happen so you get that job or relationship, baby or any other request your soul needs for your messages are usually delivered via another person to you get to hear what you need for your soul to take you to your dream. Keep in mind and trust in what you want and see yourself already where you want to be so envision that place your soul wants or desires to go and it will end up there when you believe and trust in the universal system to take you there, for what is meant to be will be for your soul brings that do you from a higher source that is the soul plan and what you have created beyond what it is your human mind can comprehend. So the energy of your dreams and desires has power so does your belief for that is also energy and your power of belief is what blocks any dreams from appearing in your life as your negative thoughts will always block what it is you want to bring down to your life. So pray for the things you want and need then trust and believe it will come to you when your soul is ready for it is already written in your life book for you planned it in a higher dimension your soul does this planning with your thoughts and emotions as you live and breathe on earth for all your energy is connected still to what it is you can't see..  xx love and light xx
BELIEVE - "Believe" in yourself and magic to bring in what you need most importantly believe in you and what it is your soul can do with the right energy.. xx love and light xx
You will get what you desire in life for your soul has already written the plan a few hurdles may have to be jumped first but that is life and it was not always meant to be easy but it is what you make it or what you created it to be .. love always xx
I wouldn't change you for all the treasures in the world for
 my love is always unconditional,
I will bring out the best in you not the worst
I am that I am and you are as well  
The angel in me sees the angel in you.
Beyond the ego lives the true soul
this is what I see,  the true soul
is love and light in every way.
Always Thinking Out Loud -
Love your soul baby always
Only two weeks to go and I'll be on the train to go to The Many Lives, Many Masters workshop can't wait I am all booked in I may be a bit buggered by Friday night I have to catch the train at 2.30 am so it will be a long day in the city for me. I am still reading his book Messages from the Masters and tapping into the power of love.. This is a workshop that will help tap into past life regression techniques and your own souls past life.. Not sure how I will go I'm sure the energy at the workshop will be awesome where a lot of like minded souls come together to discover more about their own souls.. Love it xx 
I recently brought this album on iTunes I love the soothing music and thought you might enjoy it. It is great for meditation and quieting your mind so you have more clarity and guidance in your own life so your soul can be all that is and can be by having your energy balanced and grounded your soul will always be in a place of contentment even though you know you have more in this life that will come to you. Patience is a part of our lessons as well for with divine timing and prays comes learning how to just to be present in the moment without looking at your past or looking to far into your future planning for spirit throws in little surprises for you in between to bring about change, so you get your blessings in disguise to help guide you on your chosen soul path.. You also need to learn to go with the flow of life and not try to control all outcomes for to do that those plans sometimes do not work out for when others are involved they have their own freewill so you trying to control is wasted energy when we all have our soul plans.. xx

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