Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year and Solomon's Seal reading xx

Hi all it is now New Years Day I did a 7 card layout last night to put on my blog so I've written it all on paper first so I will copy all messages and what they mean in the layout it was a good layout with many encouraging messages about being the Magician in your own life and creating what it is you dream of and desire...
The Solomon's Seal Layout

I will now put the spread up then do one card at a time and the message that comes with it.

The Magican has come out this card is from the Major Arcana which means life changes so the big events in your life that will shape your future and be a part of your conscious choices in life all tarot cards are guidelines for you from spirit but it is always your own soul choices that will determine your own life so your thoughts, actions, emotions and how you treat others will always come back to you to determine your life all choices are made on a conscious and subconscious level so your own soul working with the higher source (of your own soul energy mixed with spirit so your guides, angels etc) that will bring in those lessons and karmic debts so what ever choices in life you make you are wholly responsible for, nothing can be blamed on another person or on spirit/God or any entity in the sky because they do not interfere in your life they are only here to guide you to fulfil your soul plan..
0 - The first card that is shown is the centre card this is card (0) from the picture above in the spread it means "Overall Nature of Your Situation -  1 - The Magician - Archangel Raziel - "You can manifest the life you want. What you need will magically appear! Successful beginnings."
The card number 1 so the Magician is the first one on your journey and your soul is in a position to start over again and write the next chapter of your book of life, you can manifest and bring into your life those things you dream of and desire to keep you feeling whole and at peace the things your soul is calling for you are supported by the angels, ascended masters and spirit Archangel Raziel is behind you watching your back and bringing you the spiritual knowledge to help you manifest and bring in the abundance of gifts that you need to survive this next chapter you are creating, all the knowledge is held within you so you need to open the doors to spirit in order to use your abilities to the best of your knowledge and by law of attraction those dreams and the other people you need to fulfil those dreams will appear before you with messages and guidance to help you in life.  Your own thoughts, emotions and choices will be your tools so open your heart and mind to spirit so you can use your power to the maximum.
 1 - "Background influences creating the situation." - Nine of Raphael - "Make a wish! Dreams become reality. A joyful time of life."
It is up to you now to make your wishes, dreams and desires known to spirit so they can help you move things along in your life instead of being stuck in the world of doubts make your intentions and your wishes known so they can be granted or moved along by spirit and that of your own higher soul. Don't hold back on what it is you want for you are totally in control of this chapter in your life no-one has control over your energy or your destiny everything is now up to you. Stay positive and optimistic about where it is you intend going with your future it is now up to your for your spirit guides are taking a back step and letting you steer this ship for a while, the angels are still around loving and guiding you with ideas and bringing you the messages you need so use your intuition and inner knowing to get you to the next step in this journey always follow your heart for it is your soul and will never leave you stranded. Pessimism will keep you in a stagnant position for it comes back to you not being confident in your own abilities, strength and courage to keep on going pessimism is your ego talking trying to control you so you don't move forward with your dreams.. Call on Archangel Raphael when you have doubts or negativity enter your thoughts for he will heal your fears that are stopping you from achieving those things in your future..
 2 - "Immediate causes of your situation." - Queen of Gabriel - Passionate, Charming, Brilliant, Independent. "You can do anything right now! Go after what you want. The ability to attract helpful people."
You have all the makings of being a success and manifesting into your life what it is you need because you have the passion, drive, energy and determination to see things through for all these attributes you carry have brought you this far on your journey, so don't let your fears cause doubts in your mind about where it is you are going, if you continue as you have been on those dreams and desires your soul wants to bring into your life use your past studies and learning as  a guide to the things you can and have overcome.. Don't look back on your past as a wasted effort for you have always achieved what you set out to do for every part of your being has a determination to succeed in what it is you set your mind to. The angels, spirit are helping and guiding you to succeed in all your endeavours so when you need something ask those your spirit guides and they will help bring people into your life that will help you battle the fears but also help you with what it is that you dream of and are trying to create. Don't let your fears stop you from fulfilling your dreams for your soul is a powerful beacon to manifest into your life all you need, trust in yourself and the universe and have patience for things to work them selves out and for those things you are drawing into your life. Patience and belief are some of the lessons in life that we are all challenged with.

3 - The enemy, obstacle or challenge you face. - Six of Ariel - "Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways. Acts of kindness. Giving or receiving with a grateful heart."
Your current challenge is your financial position now as it stands and not having enough to meet your needs while your projects are under way and not completed. You are supported and what you need will be provided as long as you have faith in your own abilities to manifest and take care of your everyday needs while you are in the process of manifestation. Be grateful for what it is you do have now and that energy will always provide more as you need it. Be at peace with all that is and cast your mind to being able to receive with love any acts of kindness shown to you by anyone that crosses your path.. Try not to see your current position as your future as there is a lesson in what you are going through now and it is not permanent it is just a stepping stone as you head to your success which will come from your own hard work and persistence in what it is you are setting out to do. The current challenge will not be a part of your future there are just things you need to learn from this, look for the lesson and you will understand the meaning of why you are going through the current process, it is a part of building up your character and self-confidence in what you do and how you make others feel. Hang in there and keep going all will become clear down the track. 
4 - The attitude you need. - 6 - The Lovers - Archangel Raphael - "Make choices from your heart. Deeply emotional commitments. The power of love."  (Major Arcana card)
The need for you to focus on the power of love for this is the energy that will help you in manifesting your dreams and desires. It will also keep you balanced and feeling more powerful within yourself. The power of love will raise your awareness and energy vibration as a soul as it open your heart and mind to the abundance you can bring in to your life and it is also a change of consciousness and awareness of being able to always follow your heart to bring in the things you need so you will always be on the right path to your dreams . To attract in the relationships you desire you have to start the love of self first and trust in your own abilities and nurture all it is you need to make you satisfied with what it is you have so if you have the attitude of being one part of the lovers and make the commitment to yourself first to nurture your soul what you want will come into you by the law of attraction. So you have to see yourself as one part of the bigger picture that you crave and want to protect the other half of your soul by providing all it is you need which is your health, wealth and vitality so be at peace with who you are and the rest will fall into place. So the attitude of love will always keep you satisfied and at peace with where you are at least until you manifest more of what you want to come in for you need the positive attitude that comes with the power of love to see you through any rough times for they never last as it all depends what it is that runs through your mind the power of love or that of your ego and the fears it will attract so one of negativity and never being able to get past your current position.. Look to love and it will always pull you through any pain in your life and through the power of love the solutions will come because you will connect to the higher source that of spirit and your own soul connection that will see you out of the tight spots and will take you to your life lesson than be able to move through them with the knowledge nothing is permanent and it is up to you to take action.
5 - Action you must take. - Five of Gabriel - A challenge you can resolve. "Withdraw from the drama of others. Have patience with yourself and those around you."
The actions you need to take is to stop getting yourself caught up in situations that always have you surrounded in chaos that of not your own making but the situations others drag you into by your kind and generous nature for they seek you out for your sage advice, that then gets you caught up in the middle of the chaos for you wish to help those that feel defenceless in any situation. You need to learn to be more assertive and know when to step out of others lives so they can take charge of their own fears. You no longer need to look out for the underdog in that manner of protection you must break away from this habit in order to save your own soul from suffering from the stress of helping others all the time. It is okay to offer advice and guidance but as soon as you feel like you are being dragged into the chaos step back also when you feel you are trying to control the outcome or situation and your own soul is being dragged into a negative position this is when you step back and let things resolve on their own, call in for angels assistance when you feel in situations that are causing you stress and they are not problems of your own making. Try and see and understand others points of view with out putting yourself in the firing line of abuse by negative forces walk away from those that put you in this position all the time for sometimes the stress is not worth it and some on your path may be drama queens/kings so it always surrounds them.  Always have patience as things resolve themselves with out you trying to control any outcomes what was meant to be "will be" without interference as all things have a natural course and a lesson that comes with it for who's soul it involves.
6 - The likely outcome. - 15 (Major Arcana) Decision - Archangel Jophiel - "Release yourself from that which holds you back! A need to detox. Unnecessary worry based on a lack of self-confidence."
You may have to make some tough decisions about your destiny and future, sometimes your fears will step in and cause a lot of doubts about who you are and what it is you are manifesting or creating within yourself and that of your life. Have more confidence in your own abilities and your manifesting powers that will be backed up with your spirit support team as they can see you struggle all the time with your current situation. They want you to let go and release all negativity and fall back on the power of love for it will bring you harmony and peace within your own heart so that you can follow your dreams and create all that you need in this the next chapter of your life. You soul is more powerful than you allow it to be, have faith in yourself and the universal energy system that will take care of your needs. So that means trusting and being patient while what you are manifesting takes form and becomes your reality, destiny and a part of the soul plan you first set out to achieve before you entered earth. Your needs will always be fulfilled stay positive and take action when your heart calls for it as your soul knows what to do and when, trust it and you and use your instincts and intuition to know when to take action or to change any part of what it is you are doing. The need to detox means releasing those things out of your life that are dragging your soul down and may have to do with getting rid of some people in your life that create drama, it could mean your health and giving up things that are not good for your body and causing you stress it could also mean to detox and release your self spiritually so getting rid of the pent up emotions from the past that you keep reliving so you keep giving the power away to those situations in your life that hurt you. To free your soul of this you need to release the fears and forgive those past situations and all involved including yourself for your lessons are finished so you no longer need to give them your power for you don't ever have to repeat those painful lessons again. love and light xx
To sum up the whole layout which was a good one with 3 major arcana cards (this means they are life changing decisions or actions that will be taken) the minor arcana which are the other cards are short term decisions or guidance so they are your choices to make and your personal attributes as a soul. So this layout is saying you are the creator of what it is you are now bringing into your life and it says of your personal attributes that have got you in your current position and what it is that is holding you back and challenging you that is your current situation and you not seeing a way out of it just yet, then it tells you how to get yourself out of the current situation by what attitude you hold so if you have to much negativity surrounding you,  you need to see things from a different perspective to see you get out of the current situation so you can manifest what it is you dream about and can bring into your life this was the lovers card and using the power of love for it changes that negative attitude to one of optimism so you will see things from a different light and be able to use your soul powers and bring in those things you need which could include the relationship and that of the lovers into your life.  Then it comes to the final outcome which will lie in the decisions you do make with what will come up in your life and what it is you want to succeed in for it will be all up to you to be the magician and creator of that next chapter of your life.. You will get supported all the way by the angels and spirit and they will send you the guidance but it is always up to your own soul for it is always in control by the choices you make in life and where your thoughts are coming from so it helps to know if those thoughts are fear based and just an illusion or thoughts from your heart which will help you see the light and have an understanding of where you are in life and the optimism to help you move forward and not be dragged back by the fears that your soul wants to hold onto..  love and light xx
A little Angel Whisper to tell you you know you can do it stay positive and have faith in your own
stamina and abilities to get you through any challenges that come to you in the year 2016 for we are to complete some goals we set ourselves and we have worked hard in 2015 especially on our energies and spiritual evolvement a lot more learning and spiritual gifts are coming in 2016 so open the doors to spirit they open their arms with love to receive your own love and light xx
 This was the card that came out this morning with love from your Guardian Angel and your Dad so the male energy that is in your life and a part of your soul makeup that is still guiding you whether he is in spirit or still walks the earth for the male energy of your dad is always with you providing strength and courage to help you through life.. xx
 The first day of 2016 and the Angel Message comes from your Guardian Angel "Triumphant" so this year will be a good one if you keep your mind focussed on success of fulfiling your dreams, you worry to much which will block your road to success. If you see yourself already where you want to be in your minds eye and your dreams you are half way to where it is your soul wants to take you for the rest will come with your thoughts so keep a positive attitude to lif...e and all those things you wish to manifest will come to you, you have the support of the angels and spirit they will guide you every step of the way if you keep your mind clear and free of doubts you can have all that you need by following your heart to those dreams. Use the power of love always as it will raise your energy vibration to a higher realm that of your own soul which will never let you down for you are now the creator of all that you desire.. The angels are so proud of you keep going you are on the right path, strive for the best for yourself with optimism and love in your heart for it opens the door to the love and support you crave and need to see you through the rough patches on your current path.. Your dad is also watching over you and sends you love and tells you to find the courage within you to overcome any obstacles that you may have on your way to success, so proud of how far you have come on this life journey he hugs you tightly and says what a good man you are.. xx love and light xx
There is nothing like the hug of a male energy in your life and that of your dad as he puts his protective arms around you it makes you feel safe and protected that was how I felt when the dad energy came in as well also later when thinking about this dad energy he was light hearted and loved to play with his kids and be the joker as well as he seemed to want you to remember the joy of life and not to forget the fun you had and to not forgot the little boy/girl inside and to have fun as well not just get caught up in the negative part of life where you can't see a way out.. Remember the innocence of when you where a child and the fun memories you had together.. He was a great energy I'm not a medium as yet so this dad energy came in with the Guardian Angel so was a part of the spirit team that looks over you..
The energy in hugs takes all your worries away for it helps release all those emotions inside and lightens your load to know that someone cares for and loves you enough to want to take all your worries away.
Song for dad - Keith Urban.
Sending love and light
Believe in yourself for you are more magnificent
then you give your soul credit for, your dad
gave you all the tools you need to be the man
he wanted you to be.
Don't let past lessons shape your future.
Your soul has grown from those lessons
you don't need to
 keep giving them your power.
The love you feel now is your power
don't let your fears  guide you
as you write your next chapter
 let your dreams be the reality
you now want to come into your life and
look within for all you ever need
is within yourself.
Once you find that love and light
 all will start to fall into place.
And you will understand your current lessons
for life is never static it is forever changing
with your own thoughts and  choices
 in how you treat life and what it brings you.
You are always loved and supported
and never alone..
I love you always and believe in you,
now you need to believe in yourself
and strive to reach those dreams for they
are going to be fulfilled
 when your own soul is ready to receive
what it waiting for you
because what you seek will
always be seeking you.
love always .

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