Thursday 14 January 2016

The cards and readings from this week xx

Hi all it is now Wednesday  Thursday night I have been trying all week to get my 12 Month reading done it is in the process as I have drawn the cards it is just a matter for me to stay awake long enough for this week just gone I have been feeling so drained of energy I'm not quite sure why but I have needed to have naps through the day as soon as I sit down to read a book or doing something on the computer my eyes just want to close so I take it my body is telling me something and to slow down and rest when needed but something else is going on with my soul so it could just more energy downloads or the need to detox after Christmas and to drink more water and flush out my system, the heat is pretty draining as well.
Monday card and message
The message from Monday from Archangel Ariel "Courage" be courageous as you stand up for your belief system it was hard won don't give it away by being fearful, over those that wish to control you and your way of life stand up and be counted. Stand in your soul power not by being hateful but by standing up for you and the truth, that you are not here to be changed but you are here to be you. For it is your soul that holds the true power by believing in yourself and not being changed by someone else's opinion over how you should act or behave that is not up to them but it is up to your own conscience in how you act and behave to wards others. It takes courage to do that in a world that is surrounded by the fears they wish to instil in you so everybody is the same it is easy to crumble under the pressure to just fit in with everybody else. You didn't come here to fit with everyone you came to earth to fill our own path and soul journey with what ever has happened to you, you are an individual no matters what colour, race, creed, or religious belief if any you came here to be a part of the change of energy for your souls have fought hard to be in the places of wisdom and peace that you are. It is not up to anyone to change you that is only ever your job by your experiences and choices you have made to make you stronger and to survive this turmoil that is being placed upon you now. If you feel you are lacking in courage to face another day of battle for your belief system call on the archangels to help change your energy and pull you through those stormy days when you just want to give up.. The world is still in a place of turmoil with the battle of light and dark forces going on by standing in your truth and in your true form of love and light this battle will be on so it is a mind game as much as anything and being strong against all the fear brought up to your door, you can get through this with the angelic help and that of the ascended masters as they have seen this before on all scales. They will help guide you if you open the door to spirit and have the peace in your heart you fought so hard for in other incarnations. Have courage with all that is around you and be at peace with who you are. xx love and light xx
One more little message "What you think you create." so reflect on your thoughts and change perception to change things in your life if they are not turning out how you wish, or if you feel someone has control over you, set them free.. Change only ever comes with your own thoughts and dreams and then acting on them when you get your guidance as you do on a subconscious level if you wish to follow that path your freewill gives you the choice to ignore what you know is best for your higher good that will bring those lesson to you.. you are loved and never alone. xx
Tuesday Card and message .. 
 A message from your angel Akasha this morning "You are a spiritual teacher; You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine life mission." trust in yourself and use your experiences from this life and others to help guide other souls to the truth once you get rid of all your fears and know within yourself your own mission things will become clearer. So your soul will be set free from what it is that is currently causing you doubts over why you are here, once your dreams and desires all fall into place a lot will become clearer for you will know your mission and the reason you choose life this time and such a hard journey for you had many things to complete in this one life. All is well have courage to see it all through when having doubts clear your mind and call on angelic help to help clear your soul energy when ever you are in a slump, so your mood shifts are all a part of the process of soul changes one must go through as they awaken to the divine inside for it is coming out in you as part of your mission.. Relax, release and let go of all that does not serve you at this time you are totally in control of your soul and are creating your next lifetime now so you bypass the death phase by creating what you want now with what you have been given, all lessons will become apparent if you soul search and ask question of yourself and reflect on all the lessons you have got this time, release anyone that still has power over you they will run through your mind and bring up your fears over what you done release that energy for it does not serve you any longer you need to stand totally in your own soul power for your answers to come.. Go with the flow, live in the now and the rest will come.. love, light and you are never alone xx

Wednesday Card and message
 From the Ascended Masters deck Ganesh came out with the answer "Yes" so trust in yourself and what it is you are feeling, seeing, or hearing within yourself so trust your own instincts and follow the guidance and that of your soul, for it does know all the answers and they are correct you feel this in your heart and it just feels right so then you can move on to your next part of the puzzle and see what it is you are to do next. Don't stress over things for what you need to know will show up on your path so you get the answers you were seeking, things will all start to make sense the further you question yourself and ask what it is I need to know about my mission or why I am on Earth at this time.. Trust in you, trust in spirit and the worlds both collide. Stay grounded and nurture your mind, body and soul and all things will come to you at the right time. Patience my friend you are only just starting to awaken all becomes clear in the end always focus on love for it is always the answer..
Remember to love always as it has all the answers for it takes your soul up to another level of energy and consciousness so you will be at peace, if you aren't it means you still have fears to rid out of your soul body, which will happen when you interact with others or with the thoughts in your own mind will bring them out if they are deep seated ones from other incarnations they will show up so you can release them as they no longer serve you or need to be a part of your path, all will make sense as your soul evolves and awakens to the true soul that you are. love and light xx
That must of been a further message everything is okay and as it should be you are never alone and loved beyond measure, keep it going work your way through all emotions ride the waves to your dreams xx love always

Thursday's card and message..

The message for today from the Ascended masters deck and Siddhartha Guatama Buddha "Meditate" so you have had to much run through your mind and you may still have a lot of questions for spirit you need answered the best way to do that is to quiet your mind of all other things and put your mind into a highly concentrated state you may not get the answer straight away but you will gain clarity of thought for the fears and worries have dissipated out of your mind in a meditative... state, so when you come out of it your mind is so much clearer and you will see the signs and sense what it is you need to know about your soul for it holds all the answers to your existence and why you chose to be on earth at this very crucial time of soul evolvement all will make sense if you quiet our mind and nurture your soul for they are one in the same all runs through your heart to your mind without fears to find your answer to what it is you need to know. Watch your dreams also a lot of messages come through in your dream as well. xx Love and light xx
This weeks messages have been all about letting go and finding your true soul and having courage to see things through as you ride through the emotional turmoil that comes when your soul awakens to who you are and why you are here.. My own soul is still on this journey so I go through it with you as well so you are never alone as we awaken to the divine soul that is within us for the seeds were planted long ago it is now up to our souls to remember who we are and the mission that we came for the first part of the mission is 'Divine Love' so you can make the connection to your higher soul that helps connect you to all that is as we merge into the true self that holds no fear and is one of the purest divine love and light that helps anchor in the new energy.. The energy of divine love is of a very high vibration which is why the soul process is very emotional and painful at times for you are shedding all the fears from not only this life time but all other incarnations this needs to be done so you are a part of creating the new soul template that others will follow so you then become the spiritual teacher of the process you went through for others will need your guidance for when the process is finished you then need to be the creator of your next life which is  now for you bypass the death stage and continue on your journey in this life time so it is like a snake shedding its skin and you have a rebirth so the need for you to release those in this life time that still hold emotional power over you has to be done so your soul is free of all karmic debt so the need to forgive not only yourself but also others that have been in your life that have now moved on they need to be set free from your soul in order to start the creation of the next chapter in your life book (akashic record) so you get to start from scratch with the full support from the angelic realms and all in spirit for it is all connected to our soul.. I  Love you always no matter what you've think you done or where ever you are my love is always unconditional  xx

If you have never meditated it does take practice I have not been doing it for all that long  before I done my Reiki  1st stage course I had trouble trying to get my mind in a peaceful state as I had so much running through it at any one time, it was good to finally be able to put myself in such a relaxed state I would usually fall asleep I would do the guided ones just on bedtime so that was probably why, but even now I just put on my angelic Reiki music and sit down to chill out and meditate I will fall asleep especially in the hot weather and over the last week feeling so drained like a dead battery as I think I mentioned above today and yesterday have been the only 2 days I haven't sat down to read and my eyes closed so nanny napped I think it actually is contributed to more than just my diet and the hot weather for I do believe there is universal energy activity that has been affecting our soul bodies so with it all mixed in together any wonder I've been feeling so totally off. I do feel like my old self today so what ever it was that has been affecting me has disappeared for now.. I really think I feel the effects of other souls that are connected to my own soul through energy sometimes I have to work through all that comes to my soul and work out whose energy I am dealing with for most things in my life are pretty much the same everyday and with only working half days I should of had more energy then what I did over the last week so when things are up with my soul or others I will feel it then I have to work on where the source is coming from so I can then fix it, so I feel at peace and balanced again that is how I usually am. A lot of the times I draw cards for myself and they are ones like "peace offering" and ones to do with conflict and I hadn't had any conflicts with anyone so wonder where spirit is coming from and if they are for someone else connected to me.. Spirit does like to keep us guessing sometimes and for you to work on the signs and puzzles they leave you, for when you do ask you always get the message whether it be through someone else that comes across your path, signs like feathers, coins or songs and lyrics however the message comes to you your own sixth senses will pick it up and you will know that was the answer you were looking for, for it will be felt by you and be on the subject you asked about.. The divine works within you so all your answers do come if you learn to tune in to your own subconscious mind which is what meditation and being in a relaxed state of being will do for you, it will let you connect to a higher energy vibration so you are in direct contact with your own soul, you can do it without meditating you just need to have a clear mind and not have any fear in your soul body and you will connect directly by reading and internalising your own emotions and also having knowledge of where all your thoughts are coming from if they are negative they are fear based energy thoughts that do come from your ego and it wants to bring you down so will talk you out of a lot of things including not being able to succeed in life in your current position for in your mind you will only see the worst and not know how you will climb out of where you are, so if you have that fear blockage you will not hear your guidance and think you have no direction in how you are going to get where you need to, this is when you need to get in contact with your soul for it will remember and know of your path so you can again be true to yourself and take the guided action when your heart tells you it is time to move on, your soul will just know the right time to do things in your life and those you are to come into contact with to help you will just turn up for they to are connected to spirit so then synchronicity just happens the right people at the right time will be there to lovingly guide you where you need to go along with your own intuition all will fall into place. Diving timing comes with patience for all souls need to be in a certain place at the right time to fulfil their mission and to complete the soul journey and lessons they came for. It also takes belief, faith and trust in you but also in spirit to bring all things together when the time is right for not only your dreams to come to reality but to also help you with the lesson and to bring you what your soul needs when it needs it so it all works out. You yourself have to play your part and to look after your mind, body and soul and to be able to stand in your own soul power without having to depend on others to make you feel a certain way in life for you need to be able to be  happy, balanced and content in what ever situation you are in for there is a lesson in all of your experiences and why you put yourself in that position in the first place, if you can find the lesson you will have a better understanding of why you are where you are and work your way through change to bring in your dreams... love and light xx
This just came on my FB wall great timing but also the words "Life is a Dance" the dream I had last night was in a dance hall only I wasn't dancing I was observing while I was waiting for someone to notice me and he ignored me as he danced with another, he did finally come over and read a note I had read then he said something and I ran off and went through what looked like a shopping centre. But I did wake up feeling loved this morning so not sure what the dream meant.. Just that life is a dance and when souls are ready they will connect I also had a dream with dancing in it a while ago last year sometime I still remember it the same man was dancing with other partners and I was left on my own, again I fled down stairs this was a cave like building (it felt pure and angelic) and I was all dressed in white he did come behind me and asked me if I was okay to be on my own for a while as he went back upstairs to join the party and dance with others..
I have started my 12 month reading I am determined to do it tonight now my energy has returned here it is I have the first two cards turned over the rest I thought it best to wait until I wasn't so tired when I'm tired my connection with spirit is not as clear as my eyes just wanted to close so I can't concentrate as well which is probably why I hadn't put up any posts recently but thought I will put this weeks readings all in one place in case you missed them on MSN blog or on FB as I have been putting them up on both sites lately as they connect with many souls that need the message. I made the crystal grid this morning before work this is the first time I have made a grid, I do love the raw crystals the best and the energy stored in the selenite spheres, they look like marbles the little ones do in the centre is my Rose Quartz heart crystal to bring in the love of all the Archangels as I have used the Archangel decks I have they are all created by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine featured also in the main deck they are who taught me the finer details of the Angel Tarot reading and who I got my certificate with for Angel Card reading 14 months ago in November 2014, I am so grateful I got to go to that two day course in Melbourne as it was Doreen's final teaching tour in Australia and she has also cut down a lot of her course activity she still does some in America though not as many.
Celine Dion - A New Day
Sending love and light
Be true to your soul
let everybody see the
beauty inside and be
proud of how far you
have come on your
soul journey this
life time for there is
a lot more to come.
Your dreams will be
fulfilled your heart
and soul will be
completed by filling your
heart with things you
love and with the
things that are dear to
your heart and with
what matters in your
life but also lies in the
hearts of many.
Let your integrity speak
for itself and put your
ego in its place.
Find your heart and
you will find mine for
in that void of your
soul my soul will
find a place to fill
what is missing I
am your guiding light
away from fear.
I am that I am
within you and we
are the guiding light together
that will lead us both
home to the divine within..
Your soul is my
home for you make
it complete and full
of the love I feel for you
on this mission of life
in this incarnation.
Have faith in the power
of love that will always
connect two hearts
together throughout
eternity and forever.
Love you always

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