Sunday 7 June 2015


Hi all sorry I've had a bit of a break from blogging as I've been working hard over the last couple of weekends and tiredness has got to me and more emotional turmoil with the energy that is coming in so I have been wanting to do a post on 'Fear' for it is has a lot to attribute to our behaviour and our thoughts in the negative energy stakes..
First of all an update of my beautiful grand daughter Katie she is growing so fast and I don't get to see her as often as I like as work and other commitments of life seem to get in the way of all our lives I did see her on the weekend just gone past along with a great niece whom was born 5 weeks after Katie. My daughter said she is returning back to work next month for 2 days and Katie will be going to her other grand mother as she lives next door to them on the farm that is backed up to their property.. I was going through my knitting gear and found many unfinished projects so I've picked up the knitting needles again first thing was to knit a blanket to put in bubba's pram it is done with pom pom wool so it will be quick to finish I will take it to craft group on a Tuesday night and the other UFO's (un-finished objects)  as well to get them completed.
Katie is now 15 weeks old and looks like a little Cupie doll in this photo.

FEAR or LOVE is where our emotions are based from mine always come from a place of love though fear does creep in sometimes as it is attached to our ego and will have us put ourselves down, but also it will have us acting out in anger, frustration, jealousy, worry and other negative energies that make us work on our own soul as we will see it in others as we are a mirror of all emotions towards others unless of course we can reflect those emotions and not react to someone else's fears,  which I can do as I have never been a person to act out in anger or spite. I think I still had sibling rivalry but I don't think I was ever the instigator mostly the recipient of my sisters tauntings there was mostly the 3 of us so it was usually 2 against 1 and my elder sister chose who  the ally in which teasing she wanted to play with (god love my sisters for they are put on earth to teach us many things and how to battle and compromise is one of them) I actually have 3 sisters one came much later on my 12th birthday she was my live dolly but she fought hard with my other younger sister as myself and my elder sister had moved out of home by then at the age of 17.. I was never one to throw tantrums either as they are born out of frustration over not getting what we want or expecting things from others and when they don't deliver we get angry or frustrated.
So those feelings of anger or frustration are our own fears showing up in order for our soul to make a choice in how to deal with the situation at hand so in a way they show up in order to help our soul grow so fear is a part of our own souls duality system that God gave our soul in order to live life on earth  to help our souls evolve into a new system that this energy is bringing us. It will be to a place  where our dark side (our fears) and our light side (loving nature) are tested. The light side will win out when you always come from a place of love as "Love" is god's true nature so you are finding that piece of God within you that is your true soul. (sorry if things sound repeated as I was putting my thoughts down just now and when I done this at work) ..
At work the other day I was typing out notes on this subject in the memo section of my phone.. FEAR comes from your ego and some from your previous incarnations it is our shadow self. Our soul is made up of both light and dark energy for in a world of duality we need both to survive on earth and to help us make the freewill choices that we do. Our light side are our emotions such as love, compassion, gratitude, joy and empathy towards others and their fate so this will be all positive. Our dark energy comes from fear so our emotions will be negative  hate, jealousy, spite and the need to seek revenge or to harm others but also in the process of these emotions we harm ourselves for it is our fear showing up in reactions to how we are being treated by others and also in how we treat them in return. Your true soul self holds no fear as it is in the light and a part of our major life force (the God within us) where it is protected it is in our human mind and thoughts that will let us down because that is where our ego lives in our fears and our dark shadows of the soul, it is our job to drown out those dark shadows with our divine light that comes from love. Our fears will also keep bringing up our past actions and behaviour to tell us we don't deserve another chance in life because really our fears will keep us repeating old patterns of behaviour that we know in our hearts we can improve.  If this keeps happening to you it is because you never took away the lesson from the first time you started with the behaviour in whatever the situation was if you have a repeating pattern of behaviour that you know is not appropriate those fears will stay until the lesson is learnt, your fears stay with you and may show up as emotional pain, and cause other doubts in your mind until you deal with all fears and learn to forgive yourself and others then let them go all fears will remain deep within your soul if not released. Look deep into who you are, reflect on and why you acted that way and then after reflection you should be able to let go of all emotional attachments to the situation and learn the soul lesson you came for, then be able to move onto the next stage of your life..
Our soul usually has more then one lesson in life and a lot of karmic debt depending on your previous incarnations.. Karmic debt is a balance of your own soul energy and it comes about by the choices you have made in previous life cycles on earth (so other incarnations) this is what has us meeting our soul mates and others in our soul tribe some may only come in for a short time in order to give you that soul lesson you asked that soul in spirit to help you with also because of  karmic debt you might of owed. We always incarnate with the same soul groups so you will know them by soul recognition as your soul always knows maybe before your own human recognition of someone you have met before, some people are closer to you then others for we always attract to us those of the same soul frequency so like minded people of where our soul is at the time of each lesson,  we can change frequency and by law of attraction the same like minded people will be drawn to us like a magnet because they are on the same consciousness level as you are.. Because everything is energy our emotions, thoughts, letters, numbers, absolutely every part of creation has its own energy and light frequency (quantum physics) it is all recorded in our askashic record and in the crystalline grid and that is a part of our soul so no previous incarnation ever leaves our soul the parts of it we need for each lesson on earth will always find it's way to us for our soul is so large that not all of it would fit in our human body as the energy is so great,  that is why we have a higher self and a lower self (this is also a part of our light and dark energy) but we can merge them all into one so you are directly connected to the major source of creation this is through our own divine light energy the  one of love and compassion for all of humanity itself and for the creative source and angels which are a part of the makeup of our soul so we are never separate from spirit as they are always a part of our soul it is one big fireball (or lightball) of energy though we do only call on the parts we need including help from the Angels and Spirit as they do need to be invited into your soul make up in order to help or guide you, we do have our own angels born with us but that is also a part of the whole energy system that keeps us alive or our soul working and alive.
Our heart centre is our soul centre all divine connections come straight through the heart so our emotions, our thoughts and just a knowing is a part of the wisdom that comes from our soul and our past incarnations of lives lived on Earth so the more life's your soul has had the wiser you should be as you would of been through pain, joy and all other human existence many times over and the lessons you learnt in one life may never be repeated depending on if you learnt the first time as some souls tend to repeat the same things and are most likely born with those fears still buried in their soul that will come up at some point in order for the soul to grow and deal with all past fears.. If you can release all your fears in this life or incarnation you are in now, you may be able to break free from all karmic debt you owe including those in your soul tribe with this new energy we can clear all karmic debts owed, so you call on spirit to ask if you can now be free of all karma so any debts you still owe will be released so you get to have new beginnings with your soul energy,  you can then start living in the now and making wiser choices in how you interact with people you come across when fears are shown to be coming out you may start to make a different choice in your reactions.   If you find yourself in conflict with others it is because of those fears that haven't been released so have showed up in order for you to deal with.
Learning to forgive is a part of letting go of our fears and the emotional pain in our past caused by others will continue to cause self doubts in you because you haven't forgiven yourself for the part you played in  the situation that keeps coming up within in your mind as the old emotions of pain we still carry around we have pushed  them so far down in the recesses of our soul where we don't have to face them are the basis of our fear.  When we are in a place of darkness  those old fears will come up to cause our own doubts about who we are and our own self-worth which does affect how we interact with others as we will either come from a place of anger or a place of low self esteem where we will let others treat us as worthless for in our hearts that is how we feel, so we give others our power and energy and they will take advantage of you as they can see you are vulnerable and at a place that is not equal to who they are..
Fear will also have us not reaching our full potential of who we are I remember when I was first looking for a job after my youngest son turned school age when I knew I had to find work the first job I tried for I got a rejection and it wasn't even for skilled work  they were looking for workers to go on a factory line  in a packing shed so putting apples in boxes and grading them.. so it isn't work that needed much in the way of experience it even said it in the advertisement, I had to get up at 7 in the morning to go for an interview and the man doing the interview couldn't even be on time  so early in the morning, he was very rude as he was chomping on an apple, so it was a very casual affair and at a place that was local so every body knows every body else and half the crew that works there know me, so I had the interview and the manager said he would ring me if I got the job, because I have been a stay at home mum for most of my time, my resume was lacking and so in my mind I felt worthless anyway as I hadn't been in the work force for a long time because of life and my path of where it was I was supposed to be, that was at home with my kids to help guide them and watch them grow in safety especially after losing Phillip that was were I know I was meant to be.. He rang me a few days later to say I wasn't needed (instead they put on a some of out of town people interim Chinese) when I asked why and said was it because I have been out of the workforce he said yes, so that set my mind to a place of fear thinking no-one would want to employ me now so I hardly tried I did however go onto further learning and got  a Certificate III  in Business Administration and started an Accounting course before my current job came along so my self-worth returned along with a job and my awakening all at the same time as other things were going on at that time as well to do with who I was and why I was here on earth as I felt so worthless to be me.. Everything does happen for a reason I know now that the first job was not for me as I have heard many tales of it not being a nice place to work, I do love my job now as my bosses are both great and I get to do a lot of thinking as I work as I am mostly by myself.
So our fears will have us fail for that is what our ego wants us to do drag us down to the abyss so our fear thoughts are never from our soul or heart, our fears will have us afraid to fall in love again if we have been hurt by relationships in the past as we are still holding on to those painful emotions that will have us not wanting to be hurt again those fears will have our ego having a ball with all the negative thoughts of why we will never open our hearts again to love another this will come back to not taking away that soul lesson and growth that caused the break up the lessons could of been in trust your soul usually knows the reason why things happened as they did.  So you need to face all fears or they will continue to resurface from your soul in order for you to have that soul growth, some might try to drown these fears in alcohol or with drugs as they have not dealt with the pain and want to hide from it or not go to the same place again with other relationships, jobs or any other situations in life. Most people act their fears out towards others.
Lies I just wanted to mention people that lie and do it constantly will do it out of fear, fear of being rejected for who they are or for what they have done to cover up a behaviour they feel ashamed of as their emotions have brought up the feelings of guilt which comes from the heart to know you have done something morally wrong towards another, the narcissist will push those feelings of guilt so far down into their soul that lying comes second nature to them so guilt turns to denial and blaming of others just so they can set themselves free from having to feel guilt so they will quite often have to play the victim of everybody else which has caused their misfortune of being caught out in lies.. Fear will turn up in all sorts of situations and our choices in what we do with those fears will determine our destiny as all lies eventually catch up with us as truth like love is a part of the divine and it can never be changed as those that speak with integrity will always be speaking from their heart so their soul and it never tells a lie as it always knows what is hidden within past and present lives over what we have done so our soul always shows up with how we react and act towards others in every situation. Violence also comes from fears that have been with held within your soul from present or past incarnations if you are born with a violent disposition your soul has come to break free of those fears if it can with those freewill choices we are born with over how we treat others, violence is also brought on by low consciousness and the need to drink alcohol or take drugs to ease that pain or fear held..
I think it helps to know where all our thoughts and feelings come from whether out of LOVE so all the positive egoless stuff which is our true soul self and our power or the thoughts born out of FEAR which will be in the negative tone towards ourselves but will show up in others as we do reflect our feeling when we interact with each others.
As I act from a place of 'Love' and I have most of my life as I have never hurt another with intention even when they hurt me I tend to leave them to their own devices as I guess as an empath they are negative emotions I really don't need so do avoid interaction with such negative people and turn the other cheek and avoid them or stay reserved before letting anyone get close to me it has been for my own protection even if I didn't know it at the time why on reflection I can clearly see my own souls truth and intentions of why I am like I am and fear has never been a big player in my life but I must still hold some past life ones as to why my shyness shows up like a wall that protects me it to is a part of being empathetic by nature..
There is no fear that shows in our soul when we return to spirit for it is fully in the light of love and peace once we leave the dense Earth atmosphere.. so you can live that way now if we learn how to face and defeat fear when it shows up in life..
I have just listened to this free recording on the Crimson Circle about Energy Vampires they would be the people that zap your energy and your self worth with their behaviour as they do come from a place of fear or expectation of you being some one they want you to be, not exactly who you are. It is well worth a listen as are other free downloads on this site if you are awakening as you will know the signs..
I've just drawn a card from Archangel Michael to add to this post about fears and hopefully help you to let go of all yours..
So if you find yourself with fears of your own or in having to deal with others that are coming at you with fears of their own as they are a reflection of your own fears, you can call on Archangel Michael to help you with the situation and to help you with courage and confidence to deal with others and to let go of all your fears so you have no reactions and end up in a fight for fighting is a circle of fear in order to help each of the souls involved bring about lessons of resolve and to face your own fears and emotions in life that do help our soul growth.. When people are coming at you in a bullying way know it is not your fault but they like to bring others down in order to feel superior as they come from a place of fear so a low subconscious level of energy on their part, if you stand in your own soul power the fears you have will not show as you can walk away from them with your self-respect in tact as really they are only looking for your frightened reaction to their fears of being not accepted, so to turn the other cheek and to walk away will have them looking within to face their own fears as you will not be feeding them with your own.. You may still feel afraid inside when the bully comes but stand up and don't show it to them as you are giving them your soul power instead.. So call on Archangel Michael or any other angel or God and ask them to replace all your fears with love for it will bring about your own peace of mind and a sense of being your true soul self.. xx  Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times."
After such a long post I will leave you with music and some Love and Light to beat all fears.
Some more Nickleback - I'd come for you
Sending love and light
Lose all your fears
so you can come from a
place of love for
yourself and all that
you have been through in
your life for it has all been
for a reason as all our pain
is for our soul evolution
and the lessons we
needed to come and
complete on this our
soul life earth journey.
Love is our true soul
state our own divinity.
So it is God our source
energy that is held within,
we all have lessons and
karmic debt to pay and  
to learn on earth in order for
soul growth so we can
awaken and help with love
and service to all humanity.
Love is eternal and infinite
within our souls and will
always have us connected no
matter how far apart we are
our love and souls are one
with who we are and our
DNA and soul make up
are the same and will
never be broken for
all souls are spirit by
nature and are the same
only not all evolved
or connected to such
an extent that they have awoken
 to their true soul self
where fear has no place as
we are fully evolved into
the Love and Light energy
love you always
xxx .


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