Sunday, 21 June 2015


Hi  I hope you have all been well, I have and been getting  some messages about our souls and the evolvement of the human soul.. When I went on my walk last Wednesday I was thinking about things one being our souls and how in spirit our souls don't hold fear or the negative emotions that we do on earth that is because in spirit we are full immersed in our own light it is the light of LOVE as no fear exists for it is a total feeling of peace and feeling of being so loved.. It just come to me that while we are in a mediative state we are in that space of peace and love so that is why we can hear our higher self, guides, spirit a lot clearer because our human ego mind is shut down..   "God is Spirit an energy of life that is within all we see and that of which we can't see or perceive with a human 3d mind. That spirit energy is LOVE"..
This is word for word what came through on my walk on Wednesday (10 June 2015) remember our true soul self holds no fear for in spirit it comes from love and is fully in the light  when we die it is our soul from this incarnation that heads towards the light that light is the rest of our soul and spirit as it is all in the mix of who we are, our guides and oversoul and the other parts and pieces of our life and all incarnations are a part of our soul makeup and  that is our oversoul our true makeup is spirit as a whole we are not separate from god or the angels for they are a part of every living thing and a part of our own makeup..  So in spiritual truth you only need to believe in yourself for you are a piece of god the same piece that makes me "who I am"  and "you who you are" that is our souls the only thing that sets us apart is our previous incarnations and our belief system which is carried through each life so our soul choose which path to take always on each life cycle it has because our soul needs to accomplish lessons on earth and also to balance energy from other incarnations that is called karma.. So we are always the master creator of everything that does happen in our lives from who we meet who we fall in love with or how long we are to stay together for when the lessons are learnt it is time for us to walk away for our soul contract with others has been paid after the lesson and the fact we had changed because of that meeting. In life nothing is ever an accident, coincidence  or mistake as we plan the most painful experiences to bring us to our own soul growth and the evolution that is taking place for this new energy..
Our soul is the divine part of who we are, we are all a spiritual force of God so our soul is the seed of the Christ-consciousness that we are, our soul is the spirit of us our emotional body. So we are all god seeds but not fully awakened to who we are as our true soul self hides behind our shadow our human side of our fears so we are our ego's until the soul has had a wake up call to reveal the true soul that was created. So to awaken and to stand in our soul power we need to lose all fears that give ego power. God is LOVE so that is our true power that will bring peace on earth and bring us the abundance we need for all incarnations on earth have brought us to this place and the new energy, as with all incarnations of facing our fears and defeating them has made our souls evolve. Not every soul is at the same stage of awakening so only those that have those Christ Consciousness seeds will be rising at this time to help bring in this new template of the soul that is already evolved. So old souls that walk the earth are recalling all past lives and bringing in wisdom and holding that new energy which is LOVE and LIGHT that goes to the core of the "crystalline grid" and the
"magnetic grid" that helps to store the energy that will raise all consciousness to a spiritual level that goes back to our soul core of the seed of creation of which all souls were born. So we are all energy of God (spirit) but not fully awakened to our own power as a human as the energy on earth is dense which is being corrected as earth itself goes through the ascension process as the spirit of mother earth (Gaia) leaves us to take care of our own planet so the environmental light workers are taking up that challenge while every other light worker has their own challenge and mission which will be found within that  soul core as this plan was written in  our souls DNA when we were created. So it is time to awaken to your true soul self and come from love and light and look for all life answers that are held within your very soul so "Who are You?" and what is your path, follow your heart for all gets revealed  through our emotional body our soul and spirit of God our divine life force energy of all that is, because we are all connected through  spirit. Love and light xx
I have been putting these messages that come through on my Facebook page so I have been using that a bit more lately or jotting them on my phone to put up on my blog so I am still here but in other places on the net as my time is spread around and the messages can come in at any time so it is a matter for me to get my act together and put them all on the blog to help you on your journey as I go through my own,  because we are all different but our souls are the same how we connect to spirit can be individual as I asked Kyron and other spirits this myself as I listen to others and hear their journey I know my own connection to spirit seems different mainly because I keep hearing they see angels or different colours and they can even name guides and angels, but with my own spiritual journey I don't seem to get any of that so just a connection straight through to spirit as my soul has melded with all that is so individual spirits don't seem to come through unless I draw the cards or invoke the energy of a certain being I do call on Jesus at times and a lot on Archangel Michael but mostly I just use the collective term of spirit or angel as in truth they are but one part of spirit and the divine so really not separated like our soul as it is all one big connection of energy that is our makeup.. As I do go further into finding out "Who I am" I am led to various places by spirit that point me to exactly where it is I need to go for all the things resonate within my own soul as to who my true soul is.. I have been reading a bit from Tobias and Adamus  (he is Saint Germain) channelled through Geoffrey Hoppe from the Crimson Circle.. Tobias was an ascended master that had been on earth before and he returned as a walk in to a Sam in 2009 so he will turn up somewhere in the future to help guide us all with his wisdom.. I do know my soul so well so does yours and when you come into contact to things your guides lead you to, your soul knows it is your soul by the very coincidences that have happened to you on your life journey.. Your heart and emotions know the truth always so don't second guess your feelings as your soul does know the reason and the mission you came here for when you find your life purpose synchronicity will have you collide to the right people that will help you awaken to your true soul, for they may know yours as well.. My soul has actually found out a lot since I did first ask the question on that day up the cemetery about "who am I" and why was my life like it was and the fact no-body really knew the real me, not even my family that is what I have been discovering since 5th May of 2013 that day I was so heartbroken.
On a Sunday I have been doing free card readings on my Facebook page (well all my readings are free at the moment) the angels will probably let me know if that should change but I'm happy for now to do it for pleasure as it makes me happy to help others.. So pop on over and like my page and put your name down if you want a card drawn especially for you..
On the Wednesday just past this message came in for me so it went straight on my FB page because I started typing it up just before I had to clock on for work at 2pm so I did start it at home but made a quick dash to work as it was 1:44.. here is the cut and paste off my page because I need to add it to my blog as well for you can ask your angels anything and they will answer you, it may be instantly or it may take days as time is infinite if you are in spirit so they will wait for you to be able to receive the message for sometimes you may miss it, but don't worry they will make sure you get it as it will be coming up for you all the time until you act on what it was you asked, angels don't do your work for you as they are not to interfere with your freewill as that was the rule when we were created so it is not one that is broken unless your life is in danger and it is not your time to leave then they may take on human form at least for a nano second before they disappear.
This morning at work I asked the angels to send me some messages in numbers so now I keep seeing the 1 and 4 so signs the angels are around with the messages to stay positive as the angels are supporting you with love and guidance. It is not only me but all of us on Earth as we go through energy changes that will transform our life and soul as it evolves into a new template of 'being', so disruption may be felt in your life as the true soul awakens into a new way of being where our fears are being brought out into the light some may be from this life time but others will be brought up from your souls akashic record which is stored in mother earth and the crystalline grid this is why it is important to keep all your energies balanced and grounded to mother earth, so quiet your mind and enjoy nature if you can or when you feel your fears are taking over try to put that ego back in its box but don't ignore the feelings as they need to be released and sent up to the universe so you have peace. So when these emotional things come up in your life try not to despair but deal with the waves and call on your angels to surround you and comfort you with divine love as they hold no judgements over anything in your life they ask you forgive yourself for any transgression as it was done in order for lessons and the important soul growth to help you with this evolution of the soul. They need you to love yourself and know your own self worth on the planet earth as the veil is lifting and with it will be the remembrance of all your souls past incarnations these waves may come in slowly but the biggest remembrance will come from when you were created as you had a life mission that was encoded in your DNA so on awakening it will become decoded in your soul love will be the key to opening the door to the Christ consciousness that you are as your soul is the spirit of the God that is within you the Namaste of the human race. God is not separate from you god is the energy of love in you it is one part of the whole of creation in the universe. Love is the universal energy of life itself and why we were created to be a part of the light that is our soul. All the energies and guides you connect to are actually a part of your soul so they are not separate entities but a makeup of your soul how far you are tuned into that energy is up to you as that is the freewill God granted us to find that God that is you. Our soul is infinite and so full of light and the duality of who we are so a mix of light and dark energy, on the dense earth we tend to have the shadow of the dark that our ego uses in the way of fear but our true soul self our spirit is completely light so holds no fear. So on awakening and ascension our soul is fully in the light of who we are so our darkness and fears get melded into the God and spirit that we are .. xx Love and light xx

If you are on a spiritual journey of your own remember you should never compare your journey or path to connecting to spirit as we do all have our own senses and inner wisdom and intuition to know what is right for us, others may not understand you and some times it does seem like a lonely path as finding the God within you is meant to be a journey within your soul so you will feel so alone at times and feel like others don't understand who you are for inside you have changed as you have reached your true soul that only you will know, so others may not appreciate your journey so will call you names or tell you that you speak bullshit, so just be wary those that do not understand spirit or the working of energy that surround us come from a place of ignorance to things they do not understand and you are challenging their own belief system they have been taught maybe not just in this life time but incarnations before hand so their soul is not experienced enough from the many incarnations you might of had on earth, so don't take negativity personally as we all have soul evolution to go through at our own soul pace the one we can handle.. As you open your heart and mind wider spirit will just come through you as you meld into one but you do have to let spirit know you are open and ready at any time whenever someone needs a message it will come through that is my experience so far. Sometimes you will also question yourself is this real but in your heart you know it is as we are spirit in a human form so some of us are really earth angels.. My heart feels so full of divine love at times and in early hours of the morning I can feel my heart expand so I know I am never alone and someone is sending me this divine love energy, though some days I do feel depleted in this energy as I think some times I give so much of it out and not have it returned it does have my batteries running on low, it doesn't usually last long but some days it does make me feel empty (it may be the energy vampires that accept my energy but not return it so live off it to help them) the thing is though I don't expect others to return just because I give so much of my soul to them .... so I just have to share LOVE as that is what lights us all up as it is our true soul as well as the New Energy that it is we are to live in where there is no fear left in us or around us for our souls  would of evolved.. love and light xx
11 Signs of Spiritual Awakenings that I found on Youtube..
Now some music Robbie Williams - Angels
Sending love and light
Until next time I will
try to blog more often
but if you don't see me
in a while check out my
Facebook page as it may be
active with angel messages
and card readings.
Take care of your
soul open your heart
and your mind so
you don't miss your
angel messages as
they will come in
if you use your intuition
for the veil will finally
lift and you will know
exactly from where it is your
soul originated from.
God our major life
force energy and spirit.
A spirit that is found in
every living cell and even
in the earth where we leave our
footprints and soul prints.
love you always

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