Sunday 6 September 2015

Understanding my soul and "Who I am" - Weekend post xx

Hi all it is late Friday night and thought I haven't done a post for a while so I would see where my mind takes us as I just type the thoughts that come straight to my mind. I have still been going through soul changes for sometimes I feel elated other times empty so this is a journey of my soul awakening so from the beginning of 2012 (but it has been happening all my life only on reflection you see the links) I have learnt so much about who I am (my true soul) for I do and always have done a lot of internalizing over most things that happen in my life a lot I just let slip through especially if it is others trying to hurt me, I don't or have never got angry at others more so it goes internal so everything happens on the inside there is a reason for this so I am finding out from whence my soul came from I am a part of the Shaumbra  family  I had no idea of this until not that long ago I found out about Tobias at the Spiritual expo that was held in Tumut earlier this year when I had my Aura photo done I got talking to the lady that held that store she felt like family and loved talking with her she mentioned the crimson circle of which Kryon is a part of this group so this is why I also love listening to Kryon I know I've felt this spirit energy before.. I have been reading and I have listened to some of Tobias and it does make me emotional as it brings up my soul remembrance as well as doing my own internal work which involves questioning myself and everything that happens and why exactly I know so much about energy and observing things around me I can see how this energy is working and what it is doing to the human race, it is because my soul works on this energy and learns about it both while on earth then when I leave any human body and return to spirit I still work with others learning all I can about life, human nature but it has been through my own incarnations as well as what I do when in spirit.. Some will read this and think I'm nuts but that is okay for it is only my soul that knows its own journey which is the same for any soul on earth for they to have all the answers to everything they ever need to know about themselves for it is written within your own soul and only your soul knows the truth and when you quiet your mind and only listen to your soul will you hear it.. There are others from this same family for they to know who they are and the code and DNA of the soul blueprint is now awakening but each soul will find itself and the divinity within at its own pace, which is also why I am here to bring in and experience the new energy and help other souls through it as have other lightworkers before me when they to heard the calling of finding out "Who am I?" when you find out that "Who am I turns in to I am" for you have found your inner soul so it is just a matter of working with the energy to bring in all you need for you work with the energy it works with you, that is also calling in spirit and the angelic energy that surrounds us which also includes the energy of our Ascended Masters who have been in human form and walked the earth before many centuries ago. That is a part of the energy that is our creator as it is not separated  for it is a part of one but each soul has its own frequency and vibration which is how we navigate our life on earth and get to where it is we need to go to get the soul lessons that is called our life in human form, your soul is your spirit body without it you would not walk on the earth for that is what leaves when you die or when your human body no longer exists.. your spirit always lives on and all thoughts, feeling and everything you have ever done in any of your incarnations are stored in the crystalline grid which is deep inside the earth a grid of energy yours so when your body dies your spirit goes and visits the cave of creation where you go over your human life events and take the lesson you learnt and with karmic energy your soul has to return to balance the energy of your soul which has you as a human repaying old debts of how you treated others in any of your lives for your soul still carries those emotions and the energy within your spirit body navigates you to where you will again once meet those souls you knew before, soul groups and families are always together in spirit when we are on both sides of the veil (heaven and earth) for that is how souls know each other so you meet up again with soulmates who could be anyone that comes into your life to teach you the lessons both good and bad for the bad painful experiences are what help your soul to grow and to evolve.. Finding your own spiritual nature is more about you then others for it is a change in consciousness that will come with the new soul template so you will need to find the inner you to achieve this as it involves dropping all the belief systems that were ever taught to you by others and society itself this is also why things are breaking down as this energy is bringing up all the fears within your own soul body but also within every system that runs through  humanity this includes our environment, religious contexts, the media which help form our perception of what goes on with life and as it is surrounded in lies that behaviour will become apparent to those souls that have awakened because they come from a higher vibration then those that are prepared to lie and come from a place of no integrity for integrity comes from the place of love so it will make you to find your own truths and in doing that you are always honest with others it shows in your actions as well as your words and if the two are in harmony,  Governments and how they run things will also be changed over time as will the economies and money markets for they are a great controlling force especially as greed is used to control others because money is power if you are a scrupulous soul coming from your ego it can be used like a weapon against another soul of the same vibration that is vulnerable to bribes but accepting them means that person is also fearful and not standing up to the behaviour of the corrupted. Money + fear = power and control over others.. Money + Love = generosity so not being tempted and controlled by fear and your ego is a stand for your own integrity and so is calling out that fear and facing it with courage to take the next step and goes to your souls own self worth and respecting yourself.. **I also forgot to mention while at the Tumut Spiritual expo I also had 2 psychic mediums give me a couple of hints as to who my soul is and they fitted in with things that Tobias had said about not wanting to let me go (which is on the website of the Crimson Circle a farewell letter), plus a few other things like not having guides and that like others in the spiritual community I wondered why I wasn't seeing what others were it was because I connect directly to my higher soul so don't have a guide taking me there which is why the other psychic did contact me to tell me a message.. I did once have a dream where I believe the man in that dream was my guide and I felt so loved and didn't want him to leave my dream but that might of been his goodbye to me as I remember the feeling of love and peace and not wanting him to go I felt that love he left me with for days.. "
 Spirit will always lead you to the places you need to go to find out about your true soul if you are reading my blog it is because your own guides led you here for there might be a message in what I say for you that will trigger the inner wisdom or the searching for yourself with what I write for each soul does have a yearning to find its own spiritual body for it was already born with the knowing but with the outside lessons such as education, religions, media and other factors like your own experiences will be the veil that separates you from all your soul or spirit energy for the spirit goes through a vortex or vacuum where it separates from its true self and becomes a duality energy so male/female, negative/positive, love/fear energy so that is our basic energy makeup of our soul you get to decide which choices in life you make by which energy you use love or fear this is the human freewill and spirit can never interfere with the choices you made so you are led to that lesson in life by your mere thoughts and feelings over where you go and with whom you go with..
It is now Saturday morning I have to go out and do the weekly groceries soon so before I did that I drew a card for the message today when I get back I will do another one from the Chakra deck but this one is from the Mythic Oracle deck a recent purchase so they have a bit about the legend of the Mythical character and what it means in the guidebook but I use my intuition to bring through what spirit needs us to know I do this for all decks.. so my mind goes blank of all thoughts only the message comes through you need to push your own ego and biases aside to bring in messages from spirit it will still be the way I talk as the energy is using my intellect my knowledge of what it is my soul knows and is held within but to bring the messages for other souls my thoughts go to what it is I feel so what comes to my mind is the message, then it is your own intuition that picks up the parts that are relevant to your own soul so the message from spirit is then delivered, all humans do this without even thinking pass messages on from spirit that help us on our path, unless it is from the ego which also plays a part of helping your soul look at itself from another persons perspective.. 

The card was "Pan *Sexuality" so it is time to get rid of fears about who you are and return to the sexual being you are so letting your feminine energy and male energy converge to be at one with who your soul is so by that you need to return to the animal instincts that make you a man or woman that you are and to not be ashamed of what happened in the past for that no longer matters in the scheme of things for it is the 'now' you need to be concerned with it is time to get back to nature and reconnect with the things that give you the animal instincts to just survive and not be reliant to much on the material aspect of life but to get back to your spiritual nature and know that we are all connected and a part of the whole of the universal energy and that all you ever need in life is brought to you with out feeding your ego in to wanting the things you don't really need to survive for it is time to get back to just being the soul and the true spiritual being that you are.. let the energy go that holds you back and never be ashamed of where you have been or who you have been with for all those lessons are gone and those experiences made you stronger so your soul needed to go where it was supposed to even if things never turned out lessons were learned so it is time to release all hurt emotions send them to the light so your own soul can be filled with the light of love that is you.. You are love, you need to be able to both give and receive all this energy and not suppress any emotions let your soul free quiet your mind grab a pen or computer and put all your thoughts negative and positive in words also what you desire let it all come out of your system even it is a letter to yourself or your angels, it needs to come out of your soul body  to bring you that peace of mind and peace within your soul, now is the time to let go of all fears.. love and light xx
What it says about Pan "Although Pan's parentage is unclear, he is usually the son of a nymph and possibly Hermes or Apollo. He is half goat and half man. He is the wild, fertility God of the forest and represents our base animal nature as humans. Pan is the God of sexuality and the tales of his sexual exploits are many. He has a heavy scent of animal and earth and expresses the raw and wild aspect of nature. Pan is a playful God who is also known tor his masterful ability with the reeds we call "Pan pipes". (The card is number 21 which in angel numbers means "Your optimism is definitely warranted! The angels are working behind the scenes on your behalf right this very minute. You can help support the angels' work by saying positive affirmations and believing that your dream is already manifesting." this is from DV angels numbers 101.)

Guess who is coming to Melbourne in November here are the details  if you are drawn to go to see where you may of been in a past life and if it affects you today for we still carry fear over in our soul from lives lived in the past nothing ever leaves your soul remembrance .. I am about to buy my ticket it looks like I will be going on this adventure all by myself as no-one wants to take me so I might catch a train down into the city for I am not a city driver for it has too much energy for me to cope with it makes me feel a bit nervy but I do really want to see and be a part of this workshop it will help me find about my past lives as to confirm and learn more about who I am more for there is more to me that I am yet to discover for our souls learn at our own pace and with what it is we as the human can cope with especially with this new energy pushing up old fears so in your next incarnation you hold no fears and are not tied to others with karmic energy for it is in this life time you can let all that go for this energy does push you to do this so if you have been over emotional over little things or for things you may not even know why you feel so sad, anxious or depressed all of a sudden it is because of your old soul energy needing to be released into the light so you can be at peace and so you can also find your inner core and the lessons your soul came for this is done by internalizing everything that has happened to you over your life time and letting go of those things that no longer serve your higher good for it is those things holding your soul back from evolving into the spiritual being that is you, the soul knows why it came and the purpose but all answers are written within your soul body the only way to bring that out is to quiet your mind of daily distractions and to listen to your heart(soul) speak.. Then follow that soul speak with actions that come from a place of love..
Knowing your own soul helps to know others and to understand and know where they are coming from with their actions either towards you or towards others for it is the knowing of your own soul you can help others with kindness and love learn about you and your soul to bring about change and peace in the world as hatred will never solve anything it is love, compassion and respect that moves faster as an energy then bitterness and hatred especially in this new energy for it is instantly turned back onto you for the karmic system of energy is on the way out of the universe with it is duality so you become at one with who you are as a soul but also be in harmony with others through your own actions..
It is now Sunday so I will draw the Chakra card and leave you with that message and for one of your energy centres to work on to help bring you peace of mind, body and soul..
The Chakra Insight card reveals  the energy centre to work on it's our Solar Plexus it the energy centre that is yellow in colour and is located in our stomach area between the navel and sternum this is responsible for our vitality  so it  is our intellect, ambition, willpower, personal power, individuality, self worth, freedom of choice, inner child, the ego and personality it is a part of our souls energy centre that will help keep us balanced in our own power if it isn't blocked.
Inner Child so it is time to find the inner child within you the time of remembrance  of when you were the innocent child of wonderment about the world around you without the worries of being an adult with the daily worries of bills, income and what not if you can return to a time in your childhood now where would you be with no worries in the world it was all about playtime, joy and happiness with your family the bad times were mixed in this but they were not your concern as you were protected from this by your parents, so to find your inner child again you need to let  go of all worries and find your playful inner self and innocence once again.. Finding your inner child again will change your energy by opening you up to the joys of childhood you once had think back to what you used to do as a child and visit that place again whatever you were passionate about as a child still lies within you so might need to be rekindled... Also this card might be bringing up in you fears you had from childhood that need to be taken care of and released so you can move forward with your souls purpose of releasing all fears for that fear may of also been carried over from a previous incarnation so it is a deep seated soul fear that your soul came here to work on to help with your soul evolvement.. So reflect back to your childhood and release all fears and find the joy and happiness and innocence of being a child again so release all your worries to the angels so you can let that inner child free and laugh and have fun again for your soul is calling for it.. love and light xx
If your 'Solar Plexus' is out of balance you may be lacking in confidence, suppressing your emotions, show anger, afraid of being alone or not being able to do things alone, passive, overly sensitive to criticism or easily upset, can't make decisions, weak sense of self, fear of power, a need to dominate or control, ego-focused, stubbornness, inability to trust in the natural flow of life, disorders in the physical organs governed by the chakra such as digestive problems, needing approval and acceptance from others to feel worthy, fearful of rejection, taking on to much responsibility, a great need for material security, feeling as though you have no choice, loss of direction or lack of drive, frequent or ongoing anger and frustration, self worth is conditional on what we have or do feel overwhelmed with responsibility for everyone and everything, constantly active... This is from the guidebook that comes with these cards so if you are feeling any of the things listed your solar plexus may need clearing to do this you could do a guided meditation and focus on this area and sent divine light to your energy centre to help unblock the energy you have trapped for it effects your well being.. look on Youtube or Google for meditations or more information.. The card is #18 which in angel numbers from Doreen Virtues book means "Your thoughts are the valve that opens and shuts your financial flow. As you stay positive, all the material resources you need come to you easily. However, worry can stop this flow, so ask your angels to help you stay upbeat, especially where it concerns money."
The beautiful Celtic Women - You'll never walk alone
and Amazing Grace ..
Sending love and light
If you are searching for your
soul quiet your mind from
your ego chatter and listen
to your heart speak take
note of all emotions as
you read any metaphysical
or channellings from spirit
through other sources
for when you self-reflect
and do your soul searching all
that you know is your truth
for what you read will bring up
emotions and the code of
remembrance within your own
soul this is how you find your
soul purpose and your true
self so never stop searching within
for it is your soul that knows all
the answers of your existence.
In this life time but also
that code of remembrance of
all other lives lived.
My own soul searching
still goes on as spirit
brings me more information
to learn about myself as well
as humanity itself my soul
is always learning of what lies
inside of me internally.
love you always.

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