Sunday 11 October 2015

Acceptance - Time out and Change xx

 The message for today (Saturday) from the Angels is "Acceptance" of everyone's choices in life without judgement as we are all divinely guided even when we are not spiritually aware as that is a part of that souls journey and the lessons it came to learn. We do not always make the same choices in life that is because each soul comes to get those lesson through its own soul plan and with the experiences that come with our free choice. You can guide and give advice to others however you can never control another souls path for subconsciously that soul knows what path it came to learn to balance its own karmic energy. You can offer compassion and understanding while looking after your own souls journey, by not accepting behaviour that compromises your own self worth and letting go of others fears and walking away when possible. You are loved by angels whatever choices you make so you are never alone and always supported. Acceptance of yourself is also in order for if you can accept your own imperfections and moods you are more likely to radiate acceptance of others for no one is perfect in the human 3d world, we are all the same as souls. Xx Love and light xx

The message written on the card "See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential.

Good morning it is now Sunday the cards I've drawn for MSN are here xx I've just drawn 2 cards this morning and the message is to have some time-out to clear your mind and catch up on sleep and to chill out a bit and to move away from the phone or computer at least for a little while and go out and enjoy nature or do something to give your mind a rest so you can re-balance your energy reserves and come from a place with more clarity of what you are going to do with your life and to move closer to your dreams, so it is a time to reflect on where you have been and where you are heading if you even know or are just going with the flow of your life that comes in cycles of knowing what you want, then all of a sudden changing those thoughts and not knowing what it is you are supposed to be doing with your life. This is where quieting your mind and the daily chatter comes in if you can quiet that up, your thoughts will come from your soul with such clarity you will find your new direction. The other card for more info was change and to not fear it for your soul does know the direction it wants to go only you have no idea how to get there, stop the worry drop the fear and let spirit work out the details with your intuition and ideas those dreams will fall into place, so don't fear what you don't know for life is not static either is your soul plan you will always end up where you are meant to be even if you don't know how to get there those things come to you when you keep your mind focused on a positive outcome and you keep your mind and energy balanced to where you are in the now moment for the future and destiny will always come to you for it is planned in your subconscious you only need listen to your heart and soul to know the direction to go to bring you home. xx love and light xx
TIME - OUT is # 37 which means "You are on the right path , and the ascended masters are encouraging you and helping you along the way."
CHANGE is #5 which means "A significant change is occurring, always for the better. It's a good idea to call upon Heaven for help with life changes."
I used the numerology deck when I do that I like to also look up the numbers in my Doreen Virtue "Angel Numbers 101 book" this is above .. These cards also have the symbol of the pentacle or it is also the Merkaba which is also attached to your Akash so this is  a symbol of awakening as well this is where all your soul secrets are kept and you need to unlock all those secrets and codes to reveal your divine being so your true soul of love and light that is within your physical body, you are more powerful then you know and that power comes from within you when you walk the path of love for you are being the true divine nature and no-one can hurt you or harm you because you know your energy is eternal and your soul is only a small part of a bigger picture this is revealed when you search within. You all have a life purpose and reason for being here to help with the soul evolvement a big part of that purpose is to have love and compassion for humanity and to help fix things that is revealed with your thoughts, emotions and actions for your purpose always comes to you for your soul plans are a part of your consciousness so your subconscious mind works towards why you came to earth then your conscious mind navigates the path while  on earth,  so every thing is always as it should be that would include the joys and the pain we suffer in life for that pain is what helps the soul energy evolve to the place it should be.  This is why life is never static as the human soul and spirit are both evolving together to bring about a different consciousness and a way of being so it all starts with your own soul and being able to balance the male and female energy that it contains to do that takes a lot of internalising of emotions and your interactions with others and those who come across your path to help with that soul growth. Life is also never static and changing because of our freewill choices they are what brings in our lessons and the change of energy within our soul. Love is always the key and the answer to everything as it helps to get rid of the darkness that sometimes clouds over us. Love is that light at the end of the tunnel so when you can only see the dark, look for the blessings in your life and the reason why you stay, the reason you stay is to beat that darkness so your soul grows and becomes the light for we have a dual energy system on earth one of dark and one of light for our souls to grow we need to see the dark times (negative fear energy) just so we can come out the other side and see the light (positive love energy) for it surrounds you when you can change your thought patterns you may never see the fear energy again if you do it is only for a fleeting moment. The new energy is Love so all souls are turning to their true divine selves once they get the awakening call that is held within your souls DNA and within your own energy blueprint of your soul. love and light xx
I've got one more card that I drew and it is from the Ascended Masters deck they are the masters that are close to earth and a part of the spirit energy that have come to help us Ascend with the planet they have all walked the earth before us to help with the journey of all souls. Today the message is from Horus and he wants to let you know you are on the right path and our thoughts are correct and to have more faith in your own intuition and your gut feelings over what you see coming up in your future for you are supported and loved always as you follow your path where ever it takes you trust in yourself and call on angelic assistance for guidance and support when you need it for the ascended masters are also there to assist you so don't be afraid to call for what ever you need without expectations as spirit will send what you need in divine time when your soul needs it, so you need to keep your thoughts positive and to always direct your energy to your dreams with faith until such time they can be delivered, you may surprise yourself and get things come to you that are better then you expected but only if you believe and trust in the creator in you will these things happen for you create in your life those things that come to you by your own thoughts and emotions your own soul is always in control no matter what the outside forces are. Your soul is millions of years old (you may not of always walked the earth for the soul also learns in spirit) because it is never ending so your life and death come in cycles over what it is your soul needs to complete it's mission in each lifetime so have faith, trust and believe in yourself ...  love and light xx
Horus is the Egyptian falcon-headed sky and sun god whose parents were Osiris and Isis. He was conceived after his mother brought his father back from the dead, with the help of the sun god, Ra. One of Horus's eyes was injured during a battle of revenge for his father's death. This is why Horus is represented with one large and clear seeing eye. You can call upon Horus for help with spiritual or physical sight, including insight into the truth about situations..
Your crown, third eye and heart chakra if open will help with a universal insight as you are opening the portals to spirit if you allow it and invite your higher soul in so anything esoteric or metaphysical is always up to you to believe for this is why God granted us free will so one day your soul would awaken to find the inner seed to your consciousness to discover who you really are a soul in a human body having lessons and experiences on earth but your soul is so much more then that and it all has to do with energy.
Music today is some soothing meditation music I have been listening to a lot of Tibetan music so singing bowls, bells and flutes but I will put some angelic tones up as they are soothing to the soul after a long week. I did go shopping this morning it is my Samuels birthday on Tuesday I think he plans to go spend it at his sisters so I will cook his birthday dinner tomorrow so  he gets 2, he will be 13 he was born early hours of the morning 8 weeks early and on the eve of the Bali bombings. I shall try and find some pictures of my precious little bundle he only weighed 1.5kg and we spend till his due date in 3 different hospital.
Open your heart and your mind for they are the two portals that connect you
to spirit but also the portals that give you life and the means to love for spirit
and your soul are love it is your consciousness and the divine holy spirit that is
your soul the energy that sustains you on earth and in heaven.
I do love this Angel music
Sending love and light
 I miss you so much
Longing to see you
again even in my
dreams to hold you
 again the longing
to feel the love and peace
of home is a part of the
journey and the opening
of the heart chakra so
you can hear your
soul calling, wanting
needing and longing
to be home once again
where our true divine soul
will once again be
one with each other.
Destiny will play its
part and in divine time
it will be as if we never parted
to go on our own journey.
Love you forever as it
is eternal and infinite so
has no start or no ending.
Love always

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