Thursday 15 October 2015

Trust worthy Guidance, Believe and my little angel Kaitlen xx

Hi  the message for Tuesday morning is "Trustworthy Guidance" Trust that those ideas you are getting are answers to your prayers and that your higher self and spirit are helping to guide you where you need to go and it is safe to move forward and act on those ideas when you get them as you may being having doubts. That would be your ego stepping in and telling you it won't work for ego is our shadow side so it really doesn't want you to succeed and move towards your dreams. If you need finances ask for angelic help so you can fulfil your souls purpose those finances will turn up at the right time so just keep focusing your energy towards what it is you want and have faith, believe and trust in yourself and the universe for it works with you when you go with the flow, remember all things come to you in divine time so when your soul is ready for that challenge or the person to come into your life they will be there to help you grow or to help you get to where you need to go. .love and light you are never alone and so loved xx

On the card:- "You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea."
Here is my gorgeous little angel grand daughter Kaitlen she is now 8 months old and on the move and crawling and getting into all sorts of mischief I love her to bits but don't merely get enough time to see her as she grows.. I have more good news but can't share it yet... I am about to buy my train ticket to go see Brian Weiss I can't wait it is  in about 4 weeks, I hope this workshop can help me release things from my past incarnations as I know my soul is old and has lived many lives before by my sheer nature I know this as my soul is one of the evolved human where not much bothers me and I can easily let things go and not be troubled by fear so I am and always have been confident in who I am and not give to much of my self away to others with out trust in them first so I observe and read energy and always have done, I am a crystal soul as well so contented with life as it is and what comes to me has always done so by following my heart. I have had tough times, painful times and seem to get through with my choices of just letting things be without trying to control things or those around me. Everything for me has fallen into place so I hold on to my dreams and know the universe is looking after me if I do my part and take action when my soul is calling. I have needed a prod along occasionally as some times I have felt lost, or stuck where I am and so pray for the things I need and they have come to me I continue to do this as I know where my heart and soul belong so I am on my journey home and destiny awaits me and it will come because I have faith and believe that in divine time my soul will complete this journey with whom I am meant to finish it with as I head towards home. love and light xx
The card for today Wednesday is a message from St Hildegard more on her at this link...
The message for Wednesday is  "Believe" it comes to us by St. Hildegard of Bingen it is a message to believe in yourself as well as in the universal spirit of energy and our creator for that energy is within us as well as around us everywhere it is not separated. So to tune into this energy we need to look within our own soul and find the creative source that we are. The biggest block to reaching our soul energy and spirit is belief for if you don't believe in miracles you will never see them so to reach the full power of your soul and to manifest into your life the things you need belief is a major stumbling block and a wall that is between you and spirit that of your own and that of the spirit energy that surrounds the universe (God) you can all tap into it if you only believe and have faith and trust first of all in self then the bigger picture of things coming to you when the time is right. xx love and light xx
Belief is an energy so by opening up to spirit and believing you are creating a conscious energy this is for anything you believe in not just spiritual things but all thoughts that run through your mind are energy that help create your own soul energy so that means anything you are taught on earth or in spirit becomes a part of your soul makeup so you carry that with you and those beliefs  are a part of your earth lessons and journey, so they can change with your own energy for life is not static and our energy is always changing for we don't believe everything as an adult as we did as a child because our energy has changed as we have learnt lessons along the way to adulthood and through our relationship with others.. Belief also comes from your own experiences in life as well as from those things you have been taught which again can come from this life cycle or from previous incarnations you know the truth of this belief from your own internalizing and using your logic to come to a conclusion that is if you have an open mind and heart and explore all things that come up in your life, for your soul always knows its own truth that goes towards your belief system. Brainwashing comes with a different belief pattern as your mind is closed to all ideas so you will not search for other alternatives to your belief so don't like being challenged on proving those belief's are not correct this is where fear will come in when your belief system is challenged because someone else will come in with more knowledge on the subject. There are usually 2 reactions when your belief is being challenged one with an open mind they will seek more knowledge and be prepared to change beliefs, then there is the closed mind reaction they come with fear and will stand their ground in being challenged and they will not change their mind so they build a wall of energy around that belief and then not be prepared to research further but instead try and shut the other person down with negative argumentative statements and shoot the messenger of the alternate view down.
Remain sceptical of all matters in life that way you are always searching for the truth
and your soul has an automatic truth detector because it is a part of your soul makeup
you just have to be tuned into it. 
I have drawn one more card from the Mythic Oracle deck.. (it doesn't matter what deck you choose if you decide to buy some yourself as the message from spirit will still come through with your own intuition and thoughts, so even after reading my posts your own spirit guides and angels will be directing your thoughts over the situations in your life so my readings are just an insight into your soul that comes through my filters from spirit as we all connect to the same divine source also with the one inside of yourself so the parts that will resonate with you will be your message).
The card is "Hera - duty" so the message from this card is about duty and that is the duty to yourself and taking care of you first, and being proud of who you are and all you have been through to get you this far in life, for all the lessons you have so far gone through have made you who you are in the now moment, for we don't live in the past and the past does not define us as we are always learning and that comes through interaction with others but most of it comes from our own subconscious and conscious minds for we create all the things that come to us in life from both those levels. It is up to the soul to know when it has had its lesson and then to forgive and to let go in order to move on with the next part of our journey. Life is not always easy it is our thoughts and actions that determine how hard or easy our life is no matter what the situation for we can chose from love or fear energy for they are the dual energy system that guides our reactions to others but also our own actions towards our selves. If we are in fear energy we will close our hearts and only listen to the negative mind chatter that runs through us so we come from our shadow self (our ego). If we are in love energy we will come from a more positive place and listen to our heart so our own emotions will guide us and our actions, if you come from a love energy you will be honest with yourself so that will show in your actions and reactions to others, so you will come from a place of integrity and not feel guilt over any of your actions for they come with the best of intentions towards others. It is how they react to your best intentions that will challenge their beliefs so it is really your own energy and feelings you can control, not the reactions of others for they are outside forces that you can never control. Life is about controlling your own energy and creating your own karma whether good or bad it is you controlling your own soul energy you do it both on earth and when in spirit for you are totally responsible for your own actions and the energy you give out to others through your thoughts, emotions and in turn actions for they are all connected. The duty to yourself is to look after your energy first with your mind, body and soul then you have the energy to attend to others and your own responsibilities in life for if you run yourself down and lack energy you have trouble focussing on your own well being as your energy is being spent on others first leaving you lagging behind.. I know it is easier to say then to do when or if you are a giver in life, but to have a balance of energy we need to look after ourselves first and both give as well as receive, even if that receiving is giving to ourselves first by taking time out to refocus on what it is we want out of life and self reflecting on where we are on our journey as we all have to re-evaluate and keep up with our changed energy at every stage of our lives that includes relationships with others and knowing when to walk away so we can save our own souls energy and our sanity if we are being dragged into drama and fears that don't belong to us or are not a part of our own journey.. love and light xx
The card is #14 and in angel numbers it means "Lean upon the angels to help you maintain a positive outlook. This will keep your own demeanour optimistic and bright."

"Hera the Myth - Hera, the Queen of the Gods, is the wife of Zeus and the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She is the Goddess of marriage, childbirth, power and duty, staying at the side of Zeus despite his countless infidelities (though there are many stories of her jealousy and vindictive actions toward the many lovers' of Zeus!). It is through her anger that the core of many myths are born; she creates the challenges needed to be overcome by many Gods and heroes - challenges that when overcome end up defining their power."  More here at this link on Greek Myths.

Free your soul from past emotions for they hold power over you and stop you from gaining your next lesson, it may also take your soul power by closing off your heart from ever experiencing love again if the past and the emotional fallout has convinced you that the next person will be the same as the last these are all lessons and karmic debt that has to be paid so the right person will come  along when you need them to help your soul with growth so it is important to let things go and forgive to free up the energy in your soul so you can invite the new life in, it doesn't have to be relationship issues for it could also include change of job or career that has you stuck in the past and not being able to move forward with your life.
My song for tonight is a soft love song Because I love you - Stevie B
I do love the lyrics
Also so relaxation and meditation music you might enjoy
to soothe your soul.
Sending love and light
I am love
I am light
 I am that I am
and so is your soul
if you could only see it
and feel it as I do.
You are your own
power source and
everything that you
are I am as well
See yourself through
the eyes of love
and you will only
ever see the soul and
feel the energy of my
heart as it beats as one
with yours where ever
you are, I am by your
side in spirit as I never
have left you our
higher soul is but one
of the same frequency.
When you hurt I do to
I am your guiding light
when you see darkness.
Search inside your heart
and you will find me ..
Love always

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