Friday 9 October 2015

Time to go - Blessings in disguise and Spiritual Understanding xx

I had a very draining week last week my energy levels were so low I was needing Nanny naps (I am a Nan now so it is okay) Monday was one of those days I felt like I was run over by a bus, last week though I found myself going to bed early so I think that has now passed I am back to my normal work routine and walking again so a note for you to listen to what your body is telling you, as it is your energy centre and all universal energy gets filtered through it. Everything gets filtered through my heart so for me to see the bigger picture of life itself every emotion, both negative and positive from myself and others goes through that chamber so I can cognize and internalize all energy and react to it, I know when I have had a negative overload mostly from others for it has me go in to solitude those days when I don't feel like talking to anyone so just sit back and observe until that energy goes away then I'm back to myself (I do believe I transmute negative energy into the light for I hold no fear of my own this is why I have never acted in anger towards anyone because it is my own conscience I listen to and it is me that pays the price for my own anger, it is generally felt as guilt over not being able to help the other person so silence is my reaction to their anger plus tears, which I hide and have always done even as a child I refused to cry or show emotions in front of even my mum, I raced and cried under my bed sheets again until those negative feelings passed then I would come out of my room).

The message from yesterday (Thursday) from the angels is "Time to go" what this means to you is written on your soul so listen to your heart for in truth your soul knows what it must do for all the answers are found within so the next phase of your journey must begin when you are ready to let go of the past the new beginning can come in. So releasing all the stuff from the past events in your life is vital in order to move on to where you need to be in life the soul always knows so on self reflection with a quiet mind the soul will speak to you and the guidance will come it is then up to your freewill if you chose to follow your heart but the soul/heart speak will always lead you home.. xx love and light xx  The message written on the card is " The sun sets and rises each day, and it's the same with the avenues in your life. See the beauty with each sunset in your life, and know that the sun will also rise again tomorrow. Endings are merely the start of a new beginning, and we are with you through each phase and cycle"
The message for today (Friday) is "Blessing in Disguise" so what you may see as a problem now may actually be the path to a new opening you never seen so a blessing in disguise to put you on your souls right path so it will bring about changes that you never anticipated or seen coming for spirit does that to us when we wish for something to happen your higher soul might see a different action so will manoeuvre things to put you on the direct path of where it is your soul is supposed to be to bring you closer to the lessons in life you were supposed to be learning about for everything is a lesson and a chance to use your freewill in how you react to the situation at hand for life is never static for anyone it is constantly moving for everyone this is how synchronicity comes about for you.  Using your intuition in what ever situation in life will have you at the right place at the right time to meet the person that will help you on your journey of life. For there are no accidents or coincidences just spirit helping us all be at the right place we are meant to be at for our soul works unconsciously with spirit to bring us to the things we need, these may not always be good things in our eyes at the time but the good things come later from our own actions for our soul will fulfil the lessons it came for so in turn we will always be where we are meant to be in life but the thing is to always follow your heart for it leads you to those lessons and the people that are meant to be a part of your journey even if it is only for a fleeting second in time they turn up for they will deliver that message you needed to hear at that time. So nothing is ever wasted or out of place because we are all guided by our own soul and spirit from up above no matter in what it is we believe in down on earth for where we are is a part of the lesson of life so we are always learning or teaching each other what it is we need to know at that time of interaction for it is all going towards our own soul growth and evolution as our soul energy changes so will our circumstances in life as we have to go with the people that match our own soul vibration so we will be on the same soul evolution plan but on a different journey.. When these situations  come up in your life those one you may see as a problem instead of thinking of the situation as a problem look at it from a different perspective and look for the opportunity or the lesson it is you are getting for being in this situation whether it is a loss of job or career, you could see it as an opportunity to change direction in your life so look at furthering your education and changing careers or chasing down another job that will fulfil your passion, if it is a relationship break up look at the lessons you learnt from the love lost and move on with forgiveness and learn from any mistakes you think you might have made in order that you don't repeat the same lesson over again for when our soul doesn't learn the first time from interaction with others the same lesson will keep on appearing until we take the soul lesson away with us so our soul grows from all experiences we have. xx love and light xx 
The message written on the card says "What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heaven's protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way."
These cards actually go well together for one is about letting go and moving on and leaving your past behind for the blessings in disguise has arrived so the new beginnings that were mentioned in the first card about "Time to go"  and seeing things from a different perspective for you might be put on the right path by the changes that have taken place but you just can't see it yet. You should trust more in yourself and what goes on with your subconscious mind that communicates with your higher soul to bring you what you need when you need it.. It is not always about the financial or material gains in the  world but about our own well being for our soul works with our higher soul (it is our consciousness) so every thought we have is recorded in energy with spirit this is how energy works through our thoughts and emotions so if you can change them you can change your own life and in how you see things for opening up to spirit and your higher self will bring you balance in life because you know that everything has its place and all souls have lessons so they are on their own journey of discovery of their own soul that will go to the heart of what it is they believe in so you have to respect them for being here to learn, just as you are so they may not always do things you expect of them but that is because they are not you so have a different lesson than yours so you would chose to do things differently, your life is always about your soul energy and you,  so you should always be mindful of how you interact with others for that is your karmic energy and what you give will always come back to you no matter how the other person acts towards you, that is really their energy they need to deal with not yours..
One more card as I will have to head off to work it is now 1;11 these numbers are showing up in my life a lot it is a message from the angels about "Manifestation and spiritual awakening" so my portals are opening up to the divine being I am as I do call on this to happen so I am close to spirit as I can be so I have to invite the opening and do the work from my side for things to happen we work in collaboration with spirit that is the spirit of our higher soul but also the spirit of the angels and other masters that come to us with spiritual guidance on our journey, I call in help to help others as most psychics do as we are here to help others with guidance from spirit but also the soul of the person we are helping for the portals open to that soul energy. It is all about reading energy through our own logic of what it is our own soul knows so the person you are reading or helping will connect with your energy and receive their own messages from spirit so they come up with their own solutions, so it is a form of healing the energy that will guide them or help them to see the light that is within their own soul, so it is really helping them to open up to listen to their own heart and follow it, for they sometimes don't trust their own intuition which will have them lost in life and the soul needing direction or healing to bring about peace and balance for the soul...
I called on my favourite deck the Archangel oracle deck I may have to do this later as it is time for me to go to work but Archangel Raziel has come in to ask you to call on him for Spiritual understanding as he does send messages esoterically  also using geometric symbols and numbers so be on the lookout for all signs and symbols that come across your path and call on guidance as to what it means in your life and if you are to pass things onto others with what is brought to you, as our souls hold secrets from past incarnations so all the answers are written within but may show up as symbols or signs that are esoteric so study and research what they mean, the symbol of "Solomon seal" is one to look up as it is a part of the secret that hides within your akashic record as you hold the energy to reveal them within your soul body now is the time in the human consciousness to reveal what it is that is written in those texts keep meditating and focusing on the energy of your soul and all will be revealed take note of dreams and what goes on in your subconscious mind as spirit works with you in your dream state so try and remember those dreams or the meanings as they also come in esoteric terms of what it really means so decipher the codes and call on angelic help to help with the decoding of the plan for only your soul knows for it is a keeper of the light so all will be revealed at the right time don't stop from opening the portals to spirit for you have a mission to help with others soul evolvement in this time. love and light xx . On the card :- Archangel Raziel - I am bringing you esoteric information and symbols, and helping you understand spiritual truths."
Here is the Solomon seal sign it also has other names (Pentacle, Star of David) it came to me one morning whilst in the shower when meditating  which is just clearing your mind of other things and calling in the divine energy which is supposed to be picked up clearer around water so most mornings I do this when having my shower so it starts my day off..  I am yet to find the relevance of what this symbol means to me but it may lie in my soul holding the key to something I'm yet to discover as I do like solving mysteries and discovering the meaning of life and why I'm here some of which I know but a lot I still need to discover as I go. I have had some pretty vivid dreams also that have come to me one just on Tuesday morning which might of been from a past life it left me feeling so loved by the events so the relevance of that will also fall into place as my mind ticks over these events it was a scene set back in biblical times I don't really want to go into it further but it woke me up suddenly before it finished and I wished I could of went back to sleep to see what happened.. Another symbol that came to me one morning was the infinity sign so that has something to do with all our souls and the love held within for it in never ending like our souls they are eternal so we or our souls have been here since creation but not every soul has had life on earth.
 Love is infinite and eternal our soul is also for that is the state of our true soul on earth and in spirit form only on earth not everyone has found that for our fears and ego have us looking the other way..
I might go now as I'm getting tired and I want to post this tonight..
"How Great Thou Art"  - Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill
Celine Dion - Because you loved me..

Sending love and light
Love is eternal and infinite
the bond can not be broken
as it is a spiritual bond
that has been with us
through eternity since
our creation of a time
in spirit when we loved
and looked out for each other
and also on earth when
destiny would have us
find one another
because our soul planned it
even before we ever knew
each other, our souls
planned two separate
journeys until the day
our worlds were bound
to collide,  synchronicity
will bring us together
in divine time.
Love always

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